Latex Stories by Author L-Z
⇚ A-K | L | M | N | O | PQ | R | S | T | UV | W-Z
- l8texalloverHolidays at Home
- Lady KatherineTwenty Days 2
- Lady VolcanoTormenting Lucy
- LamparEntering Rubber Society Continued
- LastdirewolfThe Bondage Warehouse Heather's Wild Vacation Jessicka's New Role Rubber Bound for Fun
- Latex JessicaDie Gummihaus :: 1 - A Very Long Night 2 - A Teaspoon of Sugar 3 - A Leap of Faith White Noise
- Latex MummyMake the Bed
- Latex SuzieLatex Suzie's Fantasies 2
- latexblondieCharity Work
- LatexBondageBoyThe Revenge of the Latexdoll The Rubber Dream
- LatexCatDressing for the Party
- latexcheekssee stories below
- LatexiIn the Shadows The Joy of Windsurfing 2 Lunch with Rachel
- LatexiaDreams Can Become True
- LatexLadyLLsee stories below
- LatexLordDiane's Prison
- LatexMasterNeverending Latex Bondage
- LatexSteveLatex Lockdown
- latexsubmaleFootball Follies Locking Pussy Hood To Fill A Need The Trip 2
- Latexxsee stories below
- latex_dollyThe Latex Dolls 2: Susanne
- LayertextEternal Latex Virgin
- LckdnrbbrThe Catacombs 2 Clubhouse Rules Could You Resist? The Trash of the Magi
- LeahBMeThe Cruise Going to the Ball Jade's Secret Latexed Pony Moving Day The Salon
- leather@netins.netThe Outfit
- LeeFree Fall Oh Crap Not Now! We Will Rock You
- LiquidlatexkingBe Careful What You Wish For...
- LizA New Me 2: The Transformation Begins 3: The Transformation Continues
- Lobo De la SombraEternal Bliss The Experiment 2 3 4 Her First Rubber Adventure Magic Something New Training Suit Who Owns Who
- LockedinlatexAngela's Story
- LolitaLay & WKWrapped
- LoveNrubberLost Bet
- LPnRThe Hood
- Lucifer in LatexDressing Mistress Rubber in Waiting Time for a Change
- Ludwigsee stories below
- LukaTheBoundHeroThe Cocoon
- LurkoA Week in Rubber
- Lyutyy S.P.Diggers 1: First Impressions
- Chat Room Escapades to Die for
- Chat Room Games
- 2
- 3
- 4
- Grants Pass Walk
- Seeing Orange
- 2
- 3
- Testing My New Drysuit
- Two Rubber Slaves
- Entering Rubber Society 1: The Assignment
- 2: The Atelier Sutcliffe
- 3: The Fitting
- 4: The Streets
- 5: The Office
- 6: The Flat
- 7: The Dress
- 8: The Ride
- 9: The Evening of the First Day
- 10: A Day for Rubber
- Adam's Power Failure
- Deviant Rubber Wife
- Henry's Rubber Place
- Inheritance
- Internet Rubber
- The Iron Maiden
- Locked out in Rubber
- The Machine
- One Gum Lane A Fantasy
- Perverse Rubber Weekend
- The Pill
- Rubber Boss
- Rubber Fantasies
- The Rubber Genie
- Rubber Handyman
- The Rubber Harem
- Rubber Husband
- Rubber Madness
- Rubber Retirement
- Rubber Slave
- Rubber Spelunker
- Rubber Store
- Rubber Widow
- The Servants
- Traveling Rubberman
- A Visit to the Rubber House
- Customization Corner with Ms. Mackay
- In at the Deep End with Ms. Mackay
- Ms Mackay on a Short Leave
- 2: Grand Day Out
- Turmoil
- 2: A Steep Learning Curve
- 3: The Strangest Season
- 4: Festival
- 5: A Journey down South
- 6: Trial
- 7: The Enemy Within
- 8: Redemption
- 9: Impiety
- 10: Under the Influence
- 11: The Russian Doll
- 12: Strings
- 13: Bundle of Joy
- 14: Amends
- 15: Spinning Yarns
- 16: Wintering Out
- M88see stories below
- MadprofWell I Asked For It
- MahgirbRubber in the Night
- MaralilyMaster
- Marcelo AugustoMistress's Vacbed
- MarcusA Fare To Remember 2 The Fetish Party First Time A Mental Balancing Act 2 3 4 Mrs Andersson 2 3a 3b 4 5 Party Installation The Promises We Make The Quintessential Modern Woman Rubber Heaven
- MarkA Present for the Lady
- Mary-JoTentacles of the Beast
- Master FishThe Good Slave
- Master S. M.Living Statues
- MattLThe Slave Trail
- MauroudRubbery Sunny Friday
- MauserAlexa T. and the MaxVac Bed
- mcthor05Janet's Experience
- MefraleyThe Gift
- Michael Englandsee stories below
- Michael Knightsee stories below
- Michael ValentineSealed for Good
- MichelleThe Full Body Suit
- MiGMaya And Rose
- MikeLiving Art
- Mike ValentineMy Darlings Surprise
- Mike VickersTotal Rubber Occlusion
- Mikelsee stories below
- Miss CelineKat’s Mistake
- Miss JaneThe Seduction of Alisha
- Miss NyssaThe Herd Miss Q
- Miss StaceyThe Wrong Mail
- Miss t RubberLife's too Short!
- Mistress LatexaThe Doll
- Mistress PayneSpecial Order
- MoonGlowThe Rubber Country 2 3
- MoonwriterGwen's New Suit
- Mr Smooth2520 AD 1 2520 AD 1b
- Mr. ScadeA Song of Dominance
- MtnboundThe Cube
- MummanHalloween Hunting
- MyBootGirlFantasy made Reality
- MyuphridLiving Latex Lover
- 6 Codes
- The Angel of Death
- Asphyxiation
- 2: Worm
- Below Slave
- Bondage Bed
- The Box
- Breaking Free
- Chains & Catsuits
- Dark Turn
- 2
- End Of Daylight
- 2
- Fishy Bondage
- Four Prison Cells
- Hell in a Cell
- Humiliation Suit
- Inflatable Prison Suit
- Jailbird
- Latex Sissy, Rubber Bitch
- Latex Statue
- Long Dark Nights
- Making a Monster
- The Maze
- Pain Slut
- Pig
- 2: Bondage Animal
- Plastic Suit
- The Prey
- 2: Dehumanize
- 3: Steel Pit
- The Punishment Chair
- 2: Cat's Eyes
- 3: Isolation
- 4: Feeding
- 5: Humiliation
- 6: Heavy Bondage
- 7: Rubber Hold
- 8: Latex Prisoner
- 9: Latex Prisoner 2
- 10: The Jacket
- 11: Immobilized
- 12: Broken
- 13: Times Up
- Real Condom Suit
- Red Room
- Revenge
- Room: 1
- Rubber and Metal
- Rubber Hell
- 2
- 3
- Rubber Pervert
- Rubber Revenge
- Rubber Walk
- The Safe
- Secret Prison
- Self Bondage Embrace
- Self Destruction
- Silent Pain
- 2
- 3
- The Smell Box
- Steel Straightjacket
- The Stink Suit
- Stronghold
- Submerged
- System Shock
- Torture Pig
- The Truck
- A Twisted Mind
- Unwanted Bondage
- Unwilling Victim
- Walk
- The Wolf
- The Wrong Room
- : Project Worm
- You Signed up for This
Michael England
- Jessica Darling 1: Don't Take Candy From Strangers
- 2: You Call This 'Model Behaviour'?
- 3: Bad Cocoa!
- 4: About Last Night
- 5: Not Any Plane-Jane Fantasy
- 6: Any Landing You Can Walk Away From
- 7: Sometimes You Need a Lift
- 8: Hot and Buttered Heather
- 9: Can I Get a Little Help?
- 10: A Late Night at the Studio
- 11: Caught by Taffy!
- 12: She's Got That Glazed Look...
- 13: Death by Chocolate
- 14: I Love Little Marshmallow Chicks
- 15: Care for Some Gum?
- 16: The Caged Bird Sings
- 17: Hello Kitty!
- 18: Soft on the inside...
- 19: Moulding Jessica
- 20: Hippity Hoppity
- 21: Let's Make a Deal
- 22: Heather Goes Nuts!
- 23: Tanning Booth
- 24: Not Exactly a Cakewalk
- 25: The Dress is for Sale
- 26: The Four Horsewomen of the Pastry Chefs
Michael Knight
- Claudia’s Exquisite Death
- The Latex Dungeon
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 4a
- 5
- 5a
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- Lysandra's Secret Desire
- Rubber Kiss
- 2
Mikel (see their stories page)
- Alone
- 2: Still
- Bound in Latex
- Coming Home
- Crossword Puzzle
- Girls Night
- Jenny
- Latex and Chains
- Latex Living
- Latex Pet
- Lisa & the Armbinder
- Magic Panties
- New Latex Lover
- One Night Stay
- Out and About in Latex
- The Outfit
- 2
- Reprogrammed
- Rubber Compulsion
- Shopping Trip
- The Suit
- Suits
- Nate Walissee stories below
- NaughtyBaggedGirlClaire's Latex Journey Latex Slave
- NeoChloe Isolation Julie and Thomas's Weekend Experience Modern Punishment 2
- Neo SocratesHers Keeping Up With The Lennoxes 1 2
- NightwishRubber Gloved Gift Rubber Gloves Rubber Submission
- NimrodLatex Mummy Sack
- No OneThe Rubber Sorority The Ship
- NobodyReunited
- Nofate301Knightley Enjoyment
- NorthernWolfDressing Her Herb and Ada's Hidden Room
Nate Walis
- Deflowered
- 2
- Hope Floats Part 1: Table Service
- 2: Pool Toy
- 3: Mermaids
- A Horse Without a Rider
- Maid to Serve
- 2: Maid to Vacuum
- 3: Mermaids
- Reorientation
- Rubbermaid
- ObserverThe Institute 21-7
- OHRubberPupPup's Abduction
- OneoneGreen Pile of Goo
- Order69Leia in Carbonite
- OzFetsee stories below
- OzFet49For A
- PaganWriterKirsty, a Descent Into Slavery 1 2 3
- PegusasThe Perfect Catsuit
- Penalt143
- Pepperfly DreamsAmaluen in Latex
- PermalatexMy Liquid Latex Error
- PervmontCelia's Pet Project
- Pete LoweryAnother Planet Factotum 2 3 Hard and Fast Natalie 2
- Peter MarlettAlways on Wednesday
- PeteZaVac Bed with a Guest
- PhantomCall Center Cell Zero Cell Zero Corrupted Forest Drone First Contact Flesh, Metal, Rubber Forge Hand-Maid by Local Producers Hatsu Can't Catch A Break The Old Wood: Tendrils in the Trees An Out-Of-Body Bondage Experience Postmodern Peonage Prosletyzing the Ebon Vault Rubberclad Rebellion
- PhileasFrizo's Inventions 2 3 A Night at the Party
- Phoebe Les TechsZippers
- playtilliwinLove Doll
- PleasewrapTrapped by Eros
- PoetbdsmMa’am at the Theatre
- Poetic MotionA Surprise for Sara
- QSMudWanting To Be Bound
- QuerthePerfect World: Business Trip Chapter 1 - The Dressing Up 2 - An Unexpected Encounter 3 – The flight 4 - Tokyo 5 – Dinner out Selene
- Qwert493Abandoned Slave
- R G BargyIt Suits Mandy and it Suits Me
- R SlyA Weekend of Surprises
- R U Latex Bound (Mrs)Inescapable Embrace
- Ramen7 AM Alarm
- RawlBack Up Power Supply
- RawnGail's Night Out Janet's Latex Selfbondage 2 3 4
- RaymoreSwitchCindy's New Slave
- Rb6009Visiting my Rubber Mistresses 2: Mistress Philippa and Mistress Diana 3: Mistress Terri 4: Mistress Nancy
- Rbbralsee stories below
- rbbrnsteelslaveRubber Mummy
- rbp818see stories below
- RbrBillsee stories below
- RbrJohnRubber Training 2 3 4: My Training begins 5: My Training Continues 6: Seline's Punishment
- ReblatexBarbara the Batgirl A Cat Named Misha Elisabeth of Negipth
- RedhunterMeeting Dee
- Redneck RubberI Tricked Myself Lucky Find
- Remmy111Solo Vacuum
- RestrainedSybariteA Little Work
- RhyndelleRats
- richardthrownImpulsive Purchase
- rob rubberRubber Car Bondage
- RogerSonja
- RS SherwoodDebbie's Desire
- Rubber BalletAt Home on the Sofa Check-up The Experiment Hobson's Choice A Mouth Full Pavlov's Girl The Watcher
- Rubber ChloeThe Path to Slavery The Weekend
- Rubber DevoteeBirthday Surprise Restaurant Meeting
- Rubber DickRubber Fantasy House
- Rubber DoctorLondon Holiday 2
- Rubber Doll JessicaThe Experiment Jessica's Decision and a New Job Rubber Doll Jessica 1: The Beginning 2: Jessica's Decision and a New Job A Situation that blows... Subjective Objectiveness
- Rubber PhantomMarried Life
- rubberaspyMy Rubber Transformation 2: Oral Fixation 3: An Education 4: Exercise Training
- Rubberboy7451School of Rubber 2: Breakfast for a rubberdolly
- RubberboycdnMaterial
- RubberchicBaron's Daughter The Latex Girl in the Mirror Mechanical Master
- RubberCravingsThe Wrong Suitcase
- RubberDoll Unit 19All Rubber Domination The Scent Transformation
- RubbereClub 10
- RubberHsee stories below
- RubberisedBe Prepared Jennifer's Holiday 1: The Journey 2: The Hotel 3: Jane 4: The Club 5: Steve and Miranda 6: Maids 7: Slave Jane 8: The Factory 9: Jane's Decision 10: Reunion
- RubberJake72Party Favour
- RubberKateyRubber Katie and Latex Jenny 2: Exploration 3: Mystery Treat
- Rubberkingsee stories below
- RubbermanBDI Wish... Latex Future Perfect
- RubbermandPoison Ivy and Latex 2 3
- rubbermarkThe Birthday Party Forever Means Forever
- RubbermattLiving Art Quiet Friday Night In
- RubbernunHow They Met
- Rubberone23The Internet Rubber Lady
- RubberPeteThe Special Rubber Hood
- RubberQueanPoker Night The Shipping Crate To Satisfy A Wager
- RubbersealThe New Position
- RubberslaveLove Doll
- Rubberwolfsee stories below
- RubberwomanMetamorphism The Purification
- Rubee01Christy Jack's Rubber Rendevous John's Seduction Meeting Mommy's Surprise Regression
- An Alternative Sex in the City 1 - Carrie's Introduction
- 2 - The Club Scene
- 3 - Girls' Night Out
- 4 - Charlotte's Awakening
- 5 - Samantha's Discovery
- 6 - Home Coming
- The Auction
- Cold Turkey
- Deadlier Than The Male
- 2
- 3
- 4
- The Detectives And The Dominatrix
- 2: Assisting Police With Their Enquiries
- 3: Is This Heaven?
- 4: An Idea And A First Shared Session
- 5: And Emily Is Very Pleased Too
- 6: An Unmasking
- 7: The Full Equine Monty
- 8: A Stunning Stallion Under Complete Control
- 9: Just One More Stop
- 10: Nun But The Best
- Diane’s Tale
- Finishing School
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
- II1
- II2
- II3
- II4
- II5
- II6
- II7
- II8
- Four Play
- 2: An Evening at Home with Sophie
- 3: Decision Time
- 4: More Games With Sophie
- 5: I Take Control - Again
- 6: Sophie Relates her Adventure
- 7: Sophie is as Good as her Word, and Better
- 8: Acquisition, Transportation and Rubberisation
- 9: Let The Games Begin
- 10: And More Rubber Games
- From Top to Bottom
- 2: Getting to Know You
- 3: From A Different Perspective
- 4: A Frustrated Pet
- 5: About Time
- 6: Close and Personal
- 7: Another Encounter, with Unexpected Results
- 8: More Steps to Subjugation
- 9: I Go Clubbing and A Mistress Is Born
- 10: Clothes Maketh The Man
- 11: Transformation Completed
- 12: There's Nothing As Sweet As Candy
- 13: It Really Can't Get Any Better, Or Can It?
- 14: Role Play and Back to School
- 15: More Schoolgirl Japes
- 16: Epilogue - La Vita E Bella
- Institutionalised
- 2: Caught!
- 3: A Close Shave
- 4: Adjusting To An Institutional Life
- 5: Threesome without Tyra
- 6: My Turn
- 7: Knowing My Position
- 8: A Snug Plug
- In the Vice
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- Lucy And Lilly
- Man - Woman - Pony 1: Acquisition
- 2: Training
- 3: Meeting the Family
- More Than He Bargained For
- My Life 1: Here I Am Now
- 2: The Relationship Changes
- 3: My Duties Expand
- 4: A Day To Remember – The First Sessions
- 5: A Day to Remember – The Second Day
- 6: A Day to Remember – The Last Session
- The Piano Teacher
- Predator And Prey
- Rehabilitation
- Special Delivery 1: The Delivery
- 2: Exploring Her New Home
- 3: The Education Begins
- 4: More Challenges
- 5: Put Through Her Paces And Playing Ball
- 6: And So To Bed
- 7: Playing Doctor And Patient
- 8: Tables Turning!
- 9: Rubberman's Further Education
- A Star is Born
- 2
- Stern Manor: Number 1
- 2
- 3
- Stern Manor: Numbers 4 and 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- Sweet Dreams
- The Tale of Tim & Carol Chapter 1: From Bad to Worse and Seeking Help
- 2: Carol in Training
- 3: Monica's Website and Carol's Further Rehabilitation
- 4: It's Not Getting Any Better For Carol
- 5: Carol's Education Continues
- 6: And So To The Races
- 7: The Big Race and Carol's Meets her Driver
- The Tale of Tim & Carol Part 2 Chapter 1: Carol's Version of her Rehabilitation
- The Tale of Tim & Carol Part 2 Chapter 2: Carol Returns Home to Tim
- The Tale of Tim & Carol Part 2 Chapter 3: Meeting Monica Again
- The Tale of Tim & Carol Part 2 Chapter 4: Cheating on Tim - Twice
- The Tale of Tim & Carol Part 2 Chapter 5: Carol Receives More Advice
- The Tale of Tim & Carol Part 2 Chapter 6: I Become Monica's Dominatrix and More
- The Tale of Tim & Carol Part 2 Chapter 7: Carol Takes the Reins
- The Tale of Tim & Carol Part 2 Chapter 8: Epilogue
- Tom's Traumatizing Transformation
- 2
- A Weekend at The Club
- 2: Target Practice
- 3: Vacuum Packed
- Life of a Rubber Bondage Prisoner
- Prisoner in Rubber and Bondage
- 2: Mistress has a visitor
- 3: Mistress introduces her new Regime
- 4: The prisoners future is explained to him
- 5: New Uniforms for the prisoner
- 6: Demerits and Punishments
- 7: First taste of real Punishment
- 8: Work and Punishment
- 9: Punishment & Work
- 10: Nurse White enjoys herself
- Rubber Bondage Prisoner
- 2
- 3
- 4
- Rubber Bondage Slave
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- Agent in Charge
- The Alexi Chronicle
- Ambush at Mill Creek Park
- The Bath
- Deserved Fate
- Heavy Rubber Surrender
- Jillian's Mouse Trap 1: The Will
- 2: Paulsen House
- 2.1: The Training Continues
- 2.2: Embracing a Life Style
- 2.3: The Fly Paper
- 2.4: Finding Reason
- 2.5: Justice for All Things Rubber
- 3: Reinforced Rubber Encasement
- Latex Jo
- Letters From Kaylin Chapter 1.1: Searching
- 1.2
- 2.1: Journeys
- 2.2
- 2.3
- 3: Destinations
- 4.1: Mountain Meadows of Bondage
- 4.2: Mountain Meadows of Bondage
- 5: Conditioning and Destination
- 6: New HAZMAT Environmental Suits
- 7: Population Recover Test Area
- One More Wish
- Rbrbill Exposed
- Rbrbill’s Final Conversion Part 2
- Rbrbill's Last Solo
- The Rehab Center 1: Reception
- 2: Initial Training
- Rubber Isolation Prisoner IP-352
- The Secret
- Shirley's Conversion
- The Solution
- Trapping Rats
- Twenty-one Hours in Rubber Bliss
- View of the Mountains II
- Andy and the Priceless Object
- Bootsy
- Doctor G’s Ultimate Patient
- The Inheritance
- Interview with the Carters
- The New Spring Line
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
- 11
- 12
- The Rubber Baroness
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
- 11
- 12
- A Special Weekend It Will Be
- Unconventional
- 2
- 3
- Alice's Rubbery Afternoon
- Hot Date
- Housewives New Hobby
- The Librarian
- 2
- 3
- More Than a Feeling
- My Rubber Heart
- Poster Boy
- Re-bonding
- Someone To Love
- A Sound And Some Fury
- A Visit from a Rubber Friend 10
- A Visit to the Rubber Clinic
- What The Babysitter Found
- A Winding Path
- Among The Missing
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
- 11
- 12
- 13
- A Fitting Mount
- How Lisa Learnt to Sleep Standing Up
- Invitation to a Fetish Party
- Perfume
- The Rocky Road to Ruin
- Special D
- Working Late
- 2
- S FarrThe Back-Page Ad Xena’s Boutique 2
- S M AckermanI Made a Mistake… The Process Of Learning Thought & Time
- Sabrina RavenMaddy’s New Lifestyle Rubber Skin Glue
- Saint of FoolsThe Accident that Changed my Life
- Samantha_nwSissy Puppy
- Sara BladeSara, the Reluctant Rubberdoll
- schmidtchenDas nächste Stadium 2 3 4
- ScubadudeRubber Breathing Therapy 2 Vacuum Balloon
- SealsmoothUnder the Spell
- Sean InghamFrom the Fire into the Rubberpan
- Selfbound LatexsubMy Predicament 4
- SenecaFantasies
- SeteyanSlave Trade
- sfmaster@att.netsee stories below
- Shawna SummersFetish Factory
- ShinyDaneMaryAnn's First Rubber Experience
- ShinyhoodCaped... 2 Caught & Punished Chained DDPVC selfbondage! Into Your Birthday Suit...! PVC Rubber Bondage Dream Reality Kicks In Rubber Internet Fantasy Sleepsack fantasy
- SiobhannTardy to Class
- SionblackDenied One
- SirborCapture and Training Facility 3: Becoming Lucy 4: Shemale Training
- slave jjMistress Maya
- slavepaul8The Farm
- slaveslut Sonjaslaveslut Sonja
- SleepsackPleasure Bound Chapter 1: Anticipation
- SlikaNurses in Rubber Tina's Rubber Seduction
- SlinkyThe Wardrobe
- SmoothskiA Night Out
- SmuttmistressLatex Playtime 2 3
- SneakerslaveRubber Epiphany
- SouthernTiedThe Adventures of Vacuman & Sucgirl
- soxpupPut Away
- Spike JonesEncased for a Lifetime I Will control you Sir Vincent's Christmas Party
- Spooky BoogyThe Church of Bliss 1: Communion 2: Baptism 3: Mortification 4 5: Pilgrimage 6: Apotheosis Production Line Slick
- Stavros LambriConquering Phobos The Drip
- SteffCassandra’s Camping Trip The Club Explore Inc 2: Back Again 3: The Island? Good Girl Christmas House Sitting Roslyn the Volunteer Pet 2 Rubber Asylum Tentacle Swimsuit
- SteinarThe Summer Job
- Stephen ParslowCathy's Latex Torment
- SteveSteve's Pleasure
- StrangeBrewPersonal Assistant
- substance78Art
- SuggsThe Gloop
- SummerMei 2
- SurfinbirdsCocoon Selfbondage Latex Tight Latex
- Snowbound 1: A Brush With Death
- 2: The Bondage Imperative
- 3: A Strange Job Offer
- 4: Shared Captivity
- 5: Wage Slavery
- 6: Kate Gets Flogged
- 7: Cassandra is Whipped!
- 8: Cabin Fever
- 9: The Discipline Society
- 10: Sleeping Arrangements
- 11: Notice of Discipline
- 12: Fringe Benefits
- 13: The Return of Valerie Newman
- 14: Spring Fever
- 15: Cassandra Takes Beth
- 16: The Bonds of Money
- 17: The Bondage Evaluation
- 18: Winning The Lottery
- 19: Epilogue
- The Standard of Living
- TalonFleshtex
- Teann DaorsaAnise's Change of Lifestyle
- Tech WebbieA Whole New Pleasure
- Ted SKaren's Punishment Karen's Weekend
- TerriSent to Master
- tessaMistress Latexa's Rubberdoll 1: The Clinic 2:The Doll 3: A Doll's Life 4: The Wedding Album 5: The Honeymoon 6: The Chair
- The Devil's EngineerA Mistaken Delivery
- The DudeNalani
- The Latex GirlBound for Pleasure Internet Rubber Bondage Journeys Into Latex Late-X My First Time Tight Fashions 1: Debbie 2 3: Payback
- The Latex NunThe Adventures of The Latex Nun 2 3 4
- The Self Bound Latex SubDesires My Predicament 2 3
- The TexanLatex Reunion
- TheLargeEmptyLeon City Side Stories 1: Kinks and Roleplay 2: Summer, Tea and Ava 3: Cursed Forest Dweller 4: Caitlyn and the LCPD 5: The Red-Headed Catburglar 6: Judy's Web 7: Rilliana Alone Leon City Stories 1: Best Catburglar/Kidnapper Ever 2: Tea's New Suit(s) 3: Made to Maid 4: Best Catburglar/Kidnapper Ever II 5: Kim's Prom Dress 6: Phoebe's First Case 7: Caitlyn's Solo 8: The Magic Forest 9: Gotta Catch Them All 10: Best Catburglar/Kidnapper Ever III 11: Strawberries and Pets 12: The Bondage Hotel 13: The Bondage Hotel II 14: Ava's Hangry New Friend 15: Bondage Hotel III 16: The Hottest Tea-Party 17: Best Catburglar/Kidnapper Ever IV 18: The Voice of the Void 19: Servant of the Void 20: The Horror in the Sewers 21: Summer's Kidnapping Disaster 22: The Bondage School 1 23: Summer at Bondage School II 24: Brimstone, Iron and Perverts 25: The Return of the Queen 26: The Wynters and Partner 27: A Kinky Night is a Quiet Night Miss Inform 2
- themadworldgirl@gmail.comHis Rubberdoll
- thepinkbishopProfessor Kink's Escape Room Challenge
- TheThinManA Piece of Modern Art
- ThndrsharkCasino The Real Thing Violet
- Three RocksTasha and Mr. Thingy
- tied2thebedAn Easter Wish
- tied_inhogtie_inlatexRubber Slave
- TigerstretchBuilding Reality 2: Addiction 3: Love Critter Squad 1 2 Fox & Spice 1: The Sacred Fox 2: Trish, The Waitress 3-1: Rental 3-2: Rental Mermaid The Sun I Can't See 1: Sunrise 2: Noon 3: Sunset 4: Night (1) 4: Night (2)
- TightlatextightsBallerina Boy Dressing for a Latex Party
- TightoneThe Surprise of a Lifetime
- TomCryosuspension
- Tom HIt's Going to be a Long Evening You Never Know What goes on Next Door 2 3
- Tonya SoutherCenterpiece Testing Assistant
- TouchstoneThe Rubber Genie
- Trech RwberMy Long Rubber Weekend 1: My Rubber Adventure begins 2: My Second Rubber Day 3: And on the Third Day… Sounds Through a Thin Wall 2 Contact The Wager
- trembleevermoreKaren's Compartmentalization
- Trppdnrbbr77Cat Burglar It All Started With The Package My Last Pit Stop 2: Or was it? 3: For sure this time
- Tr_VellerThe Factory The Secretary
- Tsukuyomi ShirabeCyan's Birthday
- twp00uuMade a Latex Maid
- Ty DuppCall Girl 2
- Tyd UpUndercover
- UkasphyxiaA Quiet Night in with the TV
- UkesemeKitty
- Ultraprenesee stories below
- Uluv2btiedReporter Targets the Wrong Gang
- Unknownsee stories below
- The Academy Museum
- The Epidemic
- Figure Training
- The Teleslave
- Wheel of Fortune
- 2
- 3+4
- 5+6
- 7+8
- Wheel Slave
- An Autumn Night
- Basement
- Didi's Story
- Dream Latex Catsuit
- Et Tu, Jennifer?
- Fantasy or Reality?
- Invisible Rubber
- Jody Rubber Tease
- Liz & Phil
- A Lone Girl's Latex Enclosure
- Modelling Assignment
- New Arrival
- Roxanne
- Shopping
- A Short Test
- Temptation
- The Treatment
- White Rubber & Gas
- VAPleasure Cooker
- VacDreamerThe Ultimate Selfbondage Vacuum Bed
- vacman4Vacuum Bed Trick
- VendatrixThe Ultimate Lovedoll
- VidkingBallet Boot Whores
- virtualstoriesJune's Experiment
- VolatileDesireSara's Mannequin Suit 1: A Clever Bet 2: The Nosy Neighbor 3: The Costume Shop 4: Kitties Redux 5: In a Barrel 6: Sara's Diet 7: Product Testing 8: I Hate Pink
- WarringerA Day at the Job
- WearsherbootsOh, My Aching Back
- Wicked ClownMy Session at Castle Diabolica
- WildsOfMirrorsTraded Teams 1: Blown Away
- WilliamElla's Vacation - Chapter 1 2 3
- William A. Lemieuxsee stories below
- Willy JimLove of Rubber: Chicago Style Love of Rubber: Europe Love of Rubber: Homestyle Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Love of Rubber: Hong Kong Love of Rubber: Las Vegas In Summer Love of Rubber: Los Angeles Trip Love of Rubber: New Life Part 1 Love of Rubber: New York Adventure Love of Rubber: Return to Paradise Part One Love of Rubber: Return to Paradise Part Two Love of Rubber: Return to Paradise Part Three Love of Rubber: Return to Paradise Part Four Love of Rubber: Return to Paradise Part Five
- Worzelsee stories below
- WrigglerRubberworld
William A. Lemieux
- Adventures in Rubber 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- The Revenant of Hargreaves Manor 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- The ShapeShifter
- Amy's Old Latex Dolly
- The Cage
- Charlotte's Latex Bitches
- The Fall of Mistress Diana
- 2: Arwen's Turn
- 3: Mistress Francesca
- 4: Getting back to Business
- Jessica's Fondest Wish
- The Lady Bella
- The Lair of Artemis
- Loss of Control
- 2
- A New Kind of Love
- The Retirement
- Something with my Life
- Sour Grapes
- Tease & Denial
- The Things We Need
- Too Late
- An Unfortunate Nights Work
- You Got What You Wished For
- XeregonVacuum Therapy
- XplaspeteThe Specimen The Surprise Taken In
- ZeferageCatsuit's Seduction
- Zephrum CockrunJungian Slip Xia in Heaven Xia's Pony
- ZMA Christmas Gift
- ZTVFemdomtalesLatex Cubed
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