First Climax and Beyond
Chapter One
As the door closed, Amanda realized her change to a rubber object. She let out a blood-curdling scream that remained stillborn behind the gag.
Sim Lee settled into a chair and pulled “Cell 2 Camera Feed” up on the screen. Still in her red wetsuit, she watched the black rubberized object displayed on the screen. The programming soon started. First, the ceiling chains wound back into the ceiling. The rubber object rose from the floor to be suspended about three feet above the floor. The slack in the chains attached to the object’s ankles diminished. Since the chains were anchored about five feet apart to the floor, the rubber object’s legs spread under the tension. The object shook its body and chains rattled but its movement was quite minimal as the taught chains held it securely.
The rubber object, formerly Amanda, felt the chains lifting and pulling legs apart. It struggled futilely against the restraint before slumping in despair. Slumping was not quite the right word since it could not slump in the tight chains. Rubber Object hung still and could only wait for the next torture. Its arousal was as high as its fear. Surprisingly, fear fed arousal. It was incredible, a fear of the unknown and a fear of expectation.
The wait was short before the next programmed action began. Object’s colon suddenly filled with warm fluid. The rubber object knew the butt plug had plumbing to relieve waste, it never occurred to it that the same plumbing could be used to introduce enemas. Its insides cramped from the liquid. Object squirmed again in the bonds. The fluid drained then cold fluid flowed inside. This time, the phallus inside its vagina erupted in slow pulses. The dildo pulsed and vibrated. Its girth pulsed in waves from the base to the tip, growing thicker and shrinking. The phallus length increased and pulled back like a piston penetrating the deep recesses inside Object. Each pumping pulse raked across the magic “G” spot with little vibrating fingers along its ribbed circumference. An irresistibly erotic shudder spread from the sensitive sex center through Object’s body with every pulse.
The increasing arousal undeniable, it squirmed and pulled against the bonds. Its breathing increased as did heart rate. The fluid inside flowed out again. It moaned and wanted to achieve an end when hot water flooded into the body, the pulsing stopped; it gasped in frustration.
Sim Lee clapped with a laugh, “Not yet, Sweetie, the program will prime you for the main event. Your ecstasy will be unforgettable.”
The pulses started again. Object felt tingling on its mons and breasts. The tingling became pulses. Little electric jolts caused it to spasm. Muscles contracted and relaxed. The shocks mimicked slaps. Each jolt brought a short “Ummmpphh” from its gag.
The phallus increased the pace inside. Object shook tensely from the assaulting device. It was so close to satisfaction, every muscle in its body contracted in anticipation. Object froze on the edge of explosive release. Pressing rubber and the erotic teasing drained its mind of any thoughts but achieving carnal nirvana. Object saw the edge of the passionate abyss in its mind. Object climbed the seductive mountain of lust. It fell before the cliff, looked deeply into the deep canyon and…COLD water rushed inside the body, the pulsing dildo stopped. Object was on the verge of ecstatic release and extreme frustration replaced desire. Object’s head thrust forward in exasperation and another silent scream pierced its mind. Its body rattled the chains.
Sim Lee chuckled again and made a few adjustments to the program. The auto program allowed two frustrations before sexual explosive release, but Object had taken longer to succumb to the rat trapping task. This first time, the program would frustrate Object four times before the final cycle, while adding a few new surprise refinements this suit provided to Object’s sexual entrapment.
Object wept in despair. Tears ran freely down its cheeks, hidden by the hated hood and mask that most conveyed its plight. ‘I am Amanda,’ it thought. ‘I am not a rubber object. I am not a rubber sex doll. I am a person. I must maintain this truth or I lose. I am not a rubber sex object. I am…’
The pulsing began again. The pervasive attack on her body and the resulting arousal interrupted any thoughts of being Amanda. Rubber Object replaced Amanda. The electric fire started again. Now a new sensation, the rubber rings at the base of its breasts expanded and pushed them deeper into the cups. Vacuum tubes attached to the nipple caps sucked object’s nipples into their narrow openings. Little prickly needles around the base of the caps pushed into the fleshy skin at the base of the aroused nipples. The needles were a nuisance, a presence, but not particularly painful if the nipples remained in the caps. Object wiggled its torso in an effort to gain information about this new sensation. A sharp pain as the nipples shifted in the caps revealed how permanently trapped they were. Rubber Object whimpered as it discovered this new restriction.
The pleasuring at its crotch and the electric shocks to its nipples increased. Fear was replaced with carnal desire. The pulsing and pumping dildo increased its attack on Object. Despite the discomfort and pain, a hidden masochism within the Object was revealed. It welcomed the growing pleasure/pain stimulation assaulting the body. It couldn’t help but being slowly and irresistibly aroused by the piston stroking dildo, the throbbing of the insidious vibrators and the constant stimulation of its breasts. With inevitable surrender to lust, it began to ride the demonic attacks on mind and body, rising quickly to orgasmic release. It was again climbing Canal Mountain. Rubber Object could not imagine a better name. The abyss was again within reach. The stimulating devices plateaued at a pace assuring deep arousal but no final passionate and climatic blast. It struggled at the bonds, trying to shift the attacking devices in a futile effort to find the final explosion.
Then just as its vaginal muscles began to quiver in final anticipation, everything stopped!
For long moments Rubber Object was hanging on the very edge of an incipient explosion of female pleasure, gasping with exertion and frustration. Nothing happened. Object could not get that final kick to reach climax!
A loud, ‘Arrrrrgggggg’ behind the gag, became a low grunt emanating from the Rubber Object. It slumped in the bonds, exhausted in failure. Object’s nipples complained about the movement in the needly caps, again reminding it that the imprisoning suit was the whole world now.
Chapter Two
Sim Lee cackled as she watched the feed. She even felt dampness at her own crotch, something she had not felt in some time. This caused her to open the beavertail jacket and slip a vibrating egg inside the trousers, placing it against her ancient clitoris. She closed the jacket up and watched. Her own arousal was obvious and was quite a welcome event. She pressed her glove to the spot and maneuvered the egg to a more strategic location. Keeping her hand pressed lightly to her spot, she watched the feed with new interest.
Rubber Object hung in darkness for several minutes. It had no idea of time. Eventually the slow pulsing sequence began again. It quickly responded to the low-level shocks and stimulation. Inside the Suit's gleaming exterior, Object’s already sensitized flesh responded rapidly to the renewed stimuli and it was taken again to the pre-orgasmic plateau, suffering the intense combination of pain and pleasure even more thoroughly than the last time.
Sim Lee rubbed frantically at her crotch. She imagined being Rubber Object, trapped in the torture/pleasure she now watched so intensely. Sim Lee adjusted the programming again. She decided watching the arousal/frustration foreplay was too good to end after only three denial cycles. She set the denial sequence to continue for one hour and hit ‘enter’. Sim Lee settled into her own rubber bliss and held any final release until the Object came.
Rubber Object was beyond frustration! The trouble was it was locked in a rubber suit that knew nothing about frustration. Time after time the various inputs shut down, just as Object was about to detonate, leaving it cursing and screaming into the gag, trembling and then whimpering in desolation. It saw no future beyond the erotic torture now being applied. The Rubber Object lost track of how many times the frustrating sequence happened. It just knew that nothing would change the sexual punishment without some unknown outside intervention.
Sim Lee checked the timer. She knew Rubber Object was about to experience the most explosive orgasm of its life. Sim Lee pressed the egg deeper inside her sex and rubbed her breasts in anticipation. Sim Lee wondered what one of her sons would think if he stumbled on her rubbery bliss. She knew that she still had a lithe body, and the suit still fit after sixty years, albeit a little snug. The screen began to show action of a more carnal nature than just a mere vibrating egg.
The arouse/deny cycle began for a hundredth time or was it the five-hundredth? By now Rubber Object was crazed with a desperate need to achieve release. It did not care and was almost numb to the first low pulses and shocks emanating from the dildo and nipple caps. The electrical stimulation spread beyond the breasts and sex. Its body still responded with sexual fervor and desire as the torture increased in intensity. Object could not help but wiggle and twist within the limit of the bondage as the attacks from the suit increased in crescendo. It bit the gag and grunted loud enough for the muffled sounds to escape into the cell.
“That’s it, Object,” Sim Lee whispered. “The realization that ‘this is it’ will hit your frazzled mind soon.”
Rubber Object was climbing Mount Carnal again. In its mind, the mountain was a volcano about to erupt. The many tease and denial cycles were pre-eruption earthquakes. The reality was not too removed from the image Object created.
With a burst of a massive and chaotic cacophony of unendurable sensations, Object was willingly forced over the edge to a titanic orgasm.
Magma exploded from Mount Carnal and flooded through every nerve of its body. Object, not only reached the edge of the abyss, it jumped headlong into the hot fire! Rubber Object was impervious to damage from the fire. The fire burned its mental core. The white-hot heat purged its mind of any thoughts save absolute and complete rubber ecstasy. The massive orgasm ebbed and flowed and rose and fell in waves of unmitigated passion. Nothing but rubber lust filled its last thoughts before passing out in an overwhelming tsunami of exploding fireworks mixed with the white-hot lances of searing, agonizing shocks.
Sim Lee shook in her own satisfying orgasm. It was her first in years. She knew that this Rubber Object was special, deserving of proper care and rewards.
The Object hung limply unconscious while the torments tapered off. It slowly regained awareness and its twitching, gasping, and sobbing relief at the orgasmic release and the accompanying lull in the torture brought a euphoric high to its being.
Soon Rubber Object hopelessly struggled in the bonds to free itself. The awareness that it was still suspended in darkness and suspended from chains in heavy rubber bondage drove home the unmistakable realization that it hadn't been a bad dream! It really was a prisoner; gagged, blinded, silenced utterly, and helplessly bound, with no way
to escape, by a sweet old Korean woman who could easily be its grandmother!
The next few weeks the Rubber Object learned more about the routine of the cell. Feeding was twice a day. This was some sort of liquid that fed through the gag directly into its stomach. The system provided no taste to the stuff as it passed the tongue into the esophagus through a rubber tube. It decided not knowing the “flavor” of the gruel, it had to be gruel, was a good thing. The mixture was specially formulated to provide minimal protein and no nutrients that might stimulate nail growth. After some weeks, fingernails and toenails virtually stopped growing. Rubber Object had little need for annoying fingernails or toenails in its rubbery prison. On another note, it began to savor the rubbery taste from the gag. It hoped that taste never faded since it was one of the few sensory inputs received in the bondage. It was hydrated with water or sports drink eight times every day. Rubber Object did not know the cycle and had no idea of the hydration, only its stomach filling as if being fed at regular intervals.
It peed as needed. The small pee cup against its body directed the urine through the tube that went out of the suit. The pee just splashed on the bare concrete floor and was washed down a drain daily.
An orgasm cycle occurred three times each day. They always included a good flush to keep her inside clear and add to the eroticism of the cum. Unlike the first time, the teasing/denial was random. Sometimes there was no denial, sometimes denial happened three times, a few times more. Denial never exceeded five times as best it could tell, though after two frustrating climbs up the “mountain” it did not keep track.
There was a weekly “cleaning” cycle. Nothing was removed. A jet of cleaning fluid was fed through another tube within the corrugated tube attached to the rear. This tube sent the wash directly into the suit. The suit filled with the stuff for several minutes before being sucked out. A rinse cycle of some sort came next. The cycle seemed to take care of everything except the face. The skin always tingled after a cleaning. The gel that aided putting the suit on that first fateful day included a dilapidation formula and most of its hair washed out of the suit on the first cleaning. Once a month, the cleaning included the dilapidation chemicals and eventually its hair follicles ceased producing new hairs. Being sealed inside the suit, the object had no need for hair. Object did not know what the encasement was doing to its body, but was pretty sure the results were not the best.
Rubber Object learned her prison keeper occasionally watched the victims. It learned this one day when after a particularly strong orgasm, the communications link crackled on, “Very nice. I enjoyed that so much I give you a present – classical music for three hours.”
Object enjoyed the soaring tones of Bach, Beethoven and Wagner. It did not think much of Wagner, too harsh. It thought that Sim Lee should allow requests in the future, just a small gallows humor joke to itself.
Time passed, not measured in hours and days but in feeding cycles, cleaning cycles and orgasms. Soon everything blurred and Rubber Object lost track, as if it was ever keeping track.
Most of the time was boring, sleep came fitfully between feeding or orgasm cycles. At first Object did not sleep but soon it could not help but sleep to fill the boring time between the activities of its day. It began to want more cycles to break the monotony of being a sealed-in-rubber object.
One memorable incident broke the boredom of the unvarying routine. The orgasm cycle started with the regularity Rubber Object had come to expect and enjoy, but after the cycle drove it up the mountain and it leaped into the abyss, the cycle continued driving it to a second, then a third and fourth orgasm!
The exhausting continuous arousal and explosive releases drained it to the point the quivering orgasms were almost unwanted, just almost. It writhed in the allowed limits of the bonds, pulled at the mitts in futile attempts to free its hands, yet there was no stopping its hot building arousal as its animal desire slowly surrendered to the inevitable demand of another release. Object scoured the distant corners of its memory. It remembered the first day when Amanda became Rubber Object Number Two and the multiple climaxes she had seen when looking into the cell containing the first rubber object. So, another girl is being seduced and trapped, thought Rubber Object, remembering the third empty cell. The new candidate for rubber objectification must be difficult. Object was a bit angry at itself. Its seduction into rubber only took witnessing three climaxes from the original rubber object. That made it smile under its mask. No matter how many cums it took to fall into the trap, the final result would be the same for the new Rubber Object – total rubber enclosure and objectification.
Soon life, limited as it was for Rubber Object, returned to the regular routine it came to expect. It accepted that it was forever more a Rubber Object with no expectation of any other life. The resignation to this future brought a certain peace in the mind. The last vestiges of hope for rescue and a return to something normal, if that was even possible now, in the world long gone evaporated. If it were released, it decided being a rubber mistress or some dominant’s rubber toy was all it could do.
Rubber Object wondered what bondage situation Rubber Object Number Three was subjected to. It knew one fact, for certain, Number Three was permanently encased in rubber just as Number one and itself were encased in rubber. The Rubber Objects were three blind rats trapped forever in rubber. It smiled to itself with that thought. Comforted by the ever-present hug in rubber, it drifted off to sleep.