Gromet's PlazaLatex Stories

Love of Rubber

by Willy Jim

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© Copyright 2024 - Willy Jim - Used by permission

Storycodes: Solo-M; F+/m; mpov; latex; catsuit; sweat; urine; public; mast; breathplay; layers; stuck; blindfold; mask; bond; cons; XXX

Continues from

Return to Paradise Part One

I found my European trip so rewarding that I needed to return there to seek out other new business opportunities. This time I need to focus on new business clients rather than possible acquisitions. To be perfectly honest I found even more personal reasons for this trip. I found that my appetite for personal rubber debauchery has changed. For years I have been a solo player enjoying my sexual pleasure in total privacy. My experience at the rubber club in London and the brothel in Hong Kong has enlightened me to broader decadence. Rubber wise my last trip to Europe was a sourcing trip buying new items for my pleasure. This trip I intended to use my purchases extensively during my trip. I also intend to explore the rubber scene more, especially in Paris and Amsterdam. There are several fetish events that intrigue me. I also plan to explore the rubber brothel scene for my personal pleasure and as preview plans I have to possibly invest in one of my own back in the states. With all these goals in mind I packed up my extensive stash of rubber with plans to ship it in advance of my trip.

I timed my travel plans so I would arrive in Paris on Friday evening, giving me the weekend to settle in and decompress a bit before setting up the rest of my travel agenda. There were two potential clients in the Paris area that I planned to meet with. The following weekend however is all business: rubber business. There is a big rubber fetish event planned beginning Friday and lasting all weekend. The event is called the MEC Rubber Meeting Weekend. The promise is that Paris loves all things rubber, with several Rubber and Fetish Events each year, but the MEC has one of the longest-running weekends. This will be quite a stretch for me. This is primarily a gay event and I am not gay so this is clearly outside my comfort zone which is why I find it even more intriguing as I begin exploring my outside solo rubber life. 

But all this is a week away and I haven’t even boarded the plane yet. I have already shipped my heavy rubber items so all that was left to pack was my normal street clothes for the trip. Of course I retained one rubber item for me to travel in. It is my trusty rubber “hero” suit consisting of a sleeveless one piece suit with attached feet. There is no zipper or snaps on the suit so it is invisible to TSA scrutiny. I have worn this suit under my street clothes in all my travels and get great pleasure from it. I talced the suit and slipped into it enjoying the feeling as it warms me like an old friend. It has a singlet style top. This makes it a great suit for stealth rubber wear. It keeps my body from overheating too quickly. 

With bags in hand, I headed for Ohara. Singlet style top or not, I worked up quite a sweat making my way through the airport labyrinth. Fortunately I had about an hour and a half before my flight to relax and cool down. By the time I boarded the plane I had a pleasant glow in my rubber suit with just enough sweat to gently caress me and lube my movements. The flight was uneventful. I flew business class this time. The annuities are better and I can better enjoy my rubber suit in privacy. 

We landed in Paris at the CDG airport. Immigration, baggage claim and customs took forever. There were no unusual hold ups other than the sheer number of people traveling on a Friday evening. By the time I reached the cabstand I was awash in my rubber suit. All I wanted to do at this point was reach my hotel, strip out of my clothes and rape the pillows on my bed until I see stars. Paris traffic was not cooperating this evening. I booked in at the Le Général Hôtel which usually takes about a half hour. We were already forty minutes into our trip and the hotel was still ten minutes away. It was quite a warm evening and the cab was stifling. My rubber suit was quickly filling up with sweat and precum. Just as I thought it might breach when the hotel came into view. A porter met my cab and grabbed my bags. I soldered into the lobby and quickly checked in. Le Général is a modest hotel but the location is ideal for my needs. I rushed to my room hoping the sweat sloshing on the feet of my suit would not be noticed. I reached my room and immediately shed my clothes and grabbed the complimentary robe from the closet. I waited for what seemed an eternity for my bags to arrive. When they did I realized the reason for the wait. Along with them were the boxes of rubber that I shipped from home. I tipped the porter and returned to my bed randy and anxious to pleasure myself. I quickly came. My orgasm was forceful and satisfying. 

Once I recovered I began to think about all the Items packed and what good use make of them this evening. I began to open the boxes and inventory my rubber chattels. One by one I laid them out on the bed. Soon the bed was completely covered. I began to pack my items in the dresser and closet. The room began to take on the fragrance of latex. I ran out of room to store my items. Perhaps I brought too much of a good thing when it comes to rubber. Seeing all these various rubber items made me want to immediately grab a handful and satisfy my wanton desire. I picked three items. The first was my Libitex “Evolution Catsuit”. This rubber catsuit comes with an attached full face hood, glove, and “T” designed shoulder zips. This would be ideally suited as an additional layer over my sweat soaked hero suit. The second item was my De Mask twin rebreather bag outfit with upper harness and front and rear detachable breather bags. This seemed like a proper addition for the evening. It has an upper harness with front and rear detachable breather bags. The bags have a built-in pipe for breathing. This pipe is attached to a blind rubber hood. Trailing off the bottom of the front and rear bags are short tubes with valves. The last item was a Higginson syringe. This is an essential addition to this evening's adventure.

I slid into the catsuit and before I zipped the suit I snaked the tube attached to the Higginson syringe down side my Hero suit so that it reached the sweat-filled feet of the suit. Then I managed to zip the “T” zips sealing me in a second layer of rubber. I then reached for the twin bag outfit complete with blind rubber hood. Before donning the hood I made sure the rebreather/piss bags were strapped on properly. I fed the free end of the Higginson syringe into the front rebreather bag. All that was left to do was lay back on the bed to begin the business of pleasuring myself until morning. 

I slipped on the hood and was immediately greeted my the intoxication aroma of rubber. The bags slowly inflated and deflated as I breathed. I lay there for some time enjoying the moment. Finally it was time to get the show on the road. I began to pump the Higginson syringe drawing the slurry of sweat and cum up from inside my hero suit. Fifteen hours of bodily fluids and secretions slowly began to slowly fill my front breather bag and invade my olfactory senses with a pungent odor reeking of rubber and funk. This torture only increased as I continued to pump the syringe. When it seemed like I had drawn everything out of my suit, I decided to add to the concoction by pissing in my suit. The piss came slow at first, then there came a torrent. The legs of my suit ballooned and I was swamped in piss. I immediately began to slowly pump it out into my breather bag. The piss began to mix with the sweat and ripe cum adding to the foul smelling concoction. This was to be my environment until morning as my front breathing bag began to fill to capacity. Were it not for my rear breather bag I would be without any air to breathe. I continued to suffer as my front bag filled. At one point the repulsive brew actually breached my mask and I was forced to swallow some of this piss saturated consommé. This entire situation was agonizing and yet I found it intensely arousing. My need to enrapture myself reached a critical state. I came with a shocking visceral orgasm. My breather bags were fluttering wildly as I attempted to breathe. I began to suck huge amounts of piss and sweat from my front breather bag causing me to sputter and choke until I could manage to catch my breath. I became overcome by the entire experience and blacked out. I finally came too and began to recover. Breathing was labored but if I kept calm it was sufficient. Unfortunately keeping calm was more difficult than I had hoped. I came at least two more times that evening, each one raising havoc with the tsunami of piss and sweat that lay before me in my breathing bag. By morning I added to the situation by pissing again only this time I left it in my suit to further marinate my body in piss, sweat, and cum. 

Morning did come and since it was Saturday I had no reason to rush from my situation. I laid there gurgling as I breathed wondering what I would smell like once I removed all my rubber layers. I eventually got up and headed for the shower and began to remove myself from my crucible of rubber. I first removed the blackout mask then the bags which I carefully drained into the toilet. I stepped into the shower and peeled off my outer suit. What remained was my poor hero suit bulging from the knees down full of piss and sweat. I stripped out of my suit and showered nearly a half hour to remove any tell-tale signs of my debauchery. I then completely scrubbed all my rubber items and let them hang to dry.

I looked out the window and saw Paris in the daylight for the time since I arrived. The streets were busy with people and traffic. I saw a small cafe in the distance and remembered that I have not eaten since the flight. Food was going to be the first order of the business plus a strong cup of coffee would be great about this time. I still had the reminisce of the vile taste of piss in my mouth. It was time to dress for the day. I promised myself that I would never be out of rubber during this trip so I rummaged through my collection and found my second hero suit. This would do quite nicely under my street clothes and then I set out to discover Paris once again. 

I was dressed and on the street in no time. The weather was sunny and quite warm. This is unusual for mid November. Spending the day walking in rubber might prove challenging. I would not have it any other way. The cafe was about a half block from the hotel. I was called the Le Petit Centre. Situated on a corner, it was a great place to sit and enjoy a meal. A typical French breakfast consists of a croissant or bread with butter and jam and sometimes a sweet pastry. Fresh fruit juice and hot beverages, like coffee or tea. Typically larger meals are reserved for mid-day. I ordered some tartine bread and slathered it with butter and jam, a croissant, pain au chocolat and plenty of black coffee. I decided to stay and sit a while and breathe in the atmosphere. Finally the cafe began to fill up so I decided it was best to move on. 

I walked for about an hour just wandering the narrow streets in the area. I eventually walked along the Seine until I reached the Eiffel Tower. There is a nice park called the Parc du Champ de Mars near the tower. I decided to rest there for a bit. My rubber suit was heating up and the sweat inside was slowing me down. I need to pace myself if I planned to be out all day dressed as I was. My goal today was to see some typical Paris sites as well as a couple of fetish shops. After resting a bit, I headed toward the Louvre Museum. It was a brisk walk from the tower. I found that my suit had managed to suck tight to my skin making walking quite a task. As such I passed on viewing the museum and headed instead for the nearby fetish shop Métamorph’Ose / Phyléa. I was told the shop Métamorph’Ose / Phyléa is recognized as one of the best fetish shops in France. It is in front of Centre Pompidou, in the heart of Paris. I entered the shop not knowing what to expect. The main part of the shop is downstairs, in a truely old cellar of more than 200 square meters, with walls made of old stones. I found a lot of clothes for kinky people (swingers, fetishists, BDSM players, T-Girls). To my delight I found out they represent DeMask in France. As such the shop proposes a large selection of latex clothes. I had hoped to buy a rubber item, perhaps a jacket and leggings that might be more suitable for street wear. Their selection in my size was limited. I told them what I was looking for and they suggested another shop that might better cater to “my needs”. I am not sure what they meant but I was grateful they were willing to suggest another shop. I thanked them and headed out.

They recommended a shop called EIM Distribution which was about a ten minute walk from Métamorph’Ose so I set off in that direction. It was getting close to midday and it was getting quite warm. Others around me probably thought the warm sun was delightful but they were not wearing a rubber suit under their clothes. It seemed as if the sun was beaming through my outer clothes directly onto my rubber suit. I was beginning to feel a little faint. I needed to hydrate. I stopped at a place called Black and White Burger and grabbed a cold smoothie drink and two glasses of water. The shop was air conditioned so I was able to sort of regroup physically and mentally. After a half hour I began to feel better so I headed out again.

EIM Distribution turned out to be an unusual name for what turned out to be a gay sex shop. They stocked neoprene, latex & leather clothing, toys, accessories, books & DVDs. They have been around since the ’80’s. When I finally reached the shop I realized that it was unquestionably a sex shop for gay men. There was an impressive selection of men’s sex toys. Their rubber selection was reasonably well stocked. I saw some Studio Gum Items. I was very impressed with their neoprene selection. Unfortunately I did not find what I was looking for in their rubber section. I mentioned what I was looking for and they recommended a few other shops. They wrote down their recommendations. They were very helpful. I thanked them and left.

I am now back on the street and back in the heat. My rubber suit is beginning to balloon at the ankles with sweat. I needed to return to my hotel before continuing my quest. The hotel is about a twenty minute walk from EIM. The sweat is sloshing at my ankles by this time. I made it to the lobby. I quickly found the lift and returned to my room. I stripped out of my clothes. I very much wanted to ravage myself but I knew if I lay down on the bed the sweat currently captive in my hero suit would no doubt leak out through my top and ruin my bedding. So now my dilemma is remove the suit or add another more waterproof layer and continue on. I continued on. I retrieve my Evolution suit for the bathroom and slip into it over the top of my sweat soaked hero suit. Now suitably sealed in two layers of rubber I proceed to defile myself once again. The sea of human secretions in my inner suit now creates a sebaceous surface helping me quickly cum in a magnificent orgasm. I laid there for several hours luxuriating in my slurry of sexual pleasure.

When I finally rose, it was with the intent to finally find a source for the rubber items I needed to purchase. This time I would rely on Google and the phone to scour the area. I didn’t have much luck. Every time I came close to a source, I found out it was from somewhere else in Europe. Yes, I could order something online but I hoped to have something by next weekend. I was frustrated. This was Paris, the fashion capital of the world and I cannot find a source within the city to buy rubber fashion. Then I got an idea. Maybe I could order something after all. I called Métamorph’Ose / Phyléa and once we got through the language issue, I asked them if they remembered me asking about some rubber streetwear. They did. I then asked if they could expedite an order through their DeMask supplier. I found the DeMask website while we were talking and zeroed in on a couple of items that would work for me. They said they had an order scheduled for Thursday delivery and might be able to add an item to the list. l fired off a couple of choices. One was the “Classic Jacket”. Another was their “Paneled Blouse”. The last choice was a bit daring for me. It was their “Biker Jacket”. I gave them my sizes and they said they would contact me by Wednesday if one of those items was available to ship. I thanked them and returned to my bed to celebrate. 

I pleasured myself several times throughout the afternoon after which I took a short nap. When I woke, I found myself literally floating in sweat and cum. As much as I enjoyed it and wanted to remain in my fluid filled cocoon, but soon it would be evening and I was in Paris. There was so much to see. Plus I had not eaten since breakfast. I needed to escape my sodden rubber layers for now, shower and redress for the evening after all it was Saturday evening and I am in the “City Of Lights”.

After caring for my rubber suits, the next order of business was to choose what to wear for my first night in town. I decided to wear something simple. I chose my one piece neck entry rubber suit. I first polished it up with a little Livishine. Even though I planned to wear it under my clothes, perhaps I might let a little of it show just to spice things up a bit. I love to wear this suit. It fits me so well it almost feels like a part of me. I lube the inside of the suit to aid putting it on. Slipping into it is almost like making love to it. It is like penetrating a vulva as I inch my way into the suit. Once on it needs some adjustment. I then work out any of the trapped air pockets I become one with the suit. I dress in a nice pair of slacks and a white shirt. That way any part of the rubber suit that shows will be in stark contrast. I am ready for the evening. 

I thought about making reservations for dinner but chose to stroll along the streets until I found something interesting. I walked a few blocks then came upon the Maison Sauvage. It has outdoor seating without reservations. It is a lovely evening ideal for outdoor dining. I ordered some wine and Chou Fleur Crispy (crispy cauliflowers, spicy mayo) for starters and Tartare De Sauron Avocat Sésame (salmon and avocado tartar) for my main course and 

Mangue Fraiche Coco Rapée, Menthe (fresh mango grated coconut) for dessert. It was delightful. There were buskers (street performers) nearby so music was in the air. 

I sat there for about an hour thinking about what to do next. I had researched several fetish bars. Most of them were gay men’s bars in the area. I was about to set out to find one when a lovely young lady came up to my table and asked if she could join me. It was when I noticed that she was wearing what looked like a latex skirt that I said “Yes, of course.”

She sat down and immediately mentioned that she noticed what I was wearing.

“Wearing?” I said.

She asked if perhaps I was wearing a bit of latex under my shirt. It was then that I realized that my shirt was open enough to show the collar of my rubber suit.

“Very observant of you. Yes, in fact I am wearing latex. Does that bother you?”

“No, in fact I love to wear latex in case you haven’t noticed.”

“Yes, I have noticed”, I said.

She responded, “Perhaps we were meant to get together on this fateful evening.”

“Your place or mine?” I said and, before I knew it, we were heading back to my hotel.

As we strolled along, my new escort and I chatted about our mutual attraction to rubber. I told her I had quite a collection. She wanted to know more. I described the depth of my rubber amassment. She pretended to swoon and said, “Too bad you didn’t bring it to Paris.”

“Yes, too bad indeed.” I thought I would save the surprise for later. 

We walked into the lobby greeted by approving eyes as if our intentions were obvious. When we reached my room the first thing I did was to order drinks to be brought up. She asked if she could use my bathroom and disappeared for a few moments. While she was in the bathroom, I took the opportunity to pack my valuables safely away in the room safe. I laid two hundred Euros in cash on the dresser.

When she returned she was a sight to behold. She had shed her coat and skirt and was dressed only in tight fitting rubber leggings with a leather bustier. I was pleased and began to appreciate that she was all business. She comments on the rubber items she found drying in my bathroom. I told her there was more, much more. She was intrigued. I then revealed my rubber stash. She was astounded. I once again began to lay out the items on the bed. She inspected them like a drill sergeant inspecting the troops.

“Where shall we begin?” she asked.

“The choice is yours.” I think I actually heard her giggle.

She went to bed and began immersing herself in the pile of rubber obviously getting caught up in the moment. Then she laid back half covered in rubber and purred a catlike question, “Shall we begin?”

“What’s your pleasure?” I told her. ”Rubber is my pleasure, lots and lots of rubber as you can see for yourself.”

“Are you saying you like to be bound in it?”

“No more like to be layered in it.”

“How many layers have you done?”

“Anything beyond four is difficult by myself.”

“Let me help,” she purred. “Let’s start with the little number I saw in the bathroom”. She got up and retrieved my tri-zipper hooded Evolution suit from the bathroom. “We’ll just slip you into this one first.” She grabbed the lube like she had probably done many times before and lubed me in my suit. She paid extra attention to my raging hard-on which was rampant at this point. She slid the suit up and over my next entry suit, fixed the hood and zipped the three zippers, one from the hood and one from each shoulder so they met in the middle between my shoulders. She said,”Too bad we don’t have a padlock.”

“Sorry.” I said with some relief.

“Maybe I can help ,' she purred. With that she reached in her purse and produced a small heart shaped padlock and clicked the three zippers together. “Don’t worry. I will let you out…eventually.”

Next she rummaged through the pile and found my heavy inflatable suit. She asked me about it. I said, “It has two layers. It has a 1.0mm outer layer and a 0.4mm inner layer.”

“Perfect, that means we will have four layers with only three suits.”

She had me sit on the edge of the bed and seemed to chuckle out loud as she slid me into the suit. It was a lot of work on her part. I remember how cool she looked while I was already steaming up in my layers. Once on and properly zipped she immediately reached for a hood from the pile. She chose an extremely challenging one. It is a 3.0mm anatomical Studio Gum hood with a built-in gag. She slipped it on my head before I could protest.

Suddenly I was blind, could not speak and could barely hear. She fastened the hood as if she had done it many times before. Then she laid me back on the bed and began to massage me through my heavy rubber layers. She worked me over from head to toe then attacked my groin. I came quickly helplessly grunting in my heavy hood. I could faintly hear a devilish laugh. She let me lay there in total silence for what seemed to be a half hour or more. Then I heard her say “Four layers are not enough. We must see if we can do more.”

I could hardly believe it. She was attempting to add another layer. I could not imagine what she could have found that would fit over all this. Then it dawned on me. My new 3.0mm Knight’s rubber hazmat suit. I have yet to wear it. This is an enormous suit. It must weigh 30 lbs. There is no way she can get me in that suit, much less zip me up in it. Suddenly I felt more than two hands working on me. She must have let someone else in while I was resting. They struggled to get the suit up over my knees. The sheer weight of it was enough let alone the fact that I was going over four layers of heavy rubber. They finally stood me up and hefted the heavy suit up to the point I could slide my hands in the sleeves. All that was left was to pull the heavy hood over my head and zip the suit. I took both of them to work the gas tight zipper. Once complete they laid me down on the bed. I heard voices in French then some giggles. The suit was so heavy that I had trouble moving. I was helpless. The hood looked like a typical hazmat suit with a plastic covered window and a single breathing port. Even though I could breath with the hood on, eighty percent of the air I was breathing was from the inside of the suit. All I could do was lay there and wait for what would happen next.

It didn’t take long and their plans came to life. “Well now sweetie. We have you in your five layers. You should be very happy. (Giggle) Fortunately the big heavy suit has a locking zipper which should keep you satisfied for some time. Sorry sweetie it is getting late. I must go now. It has been fun (Giggle) Thank you for the Euros. Bye bye sweetie.”

“Whaa?” I screamed! “Lam-me-ut! Lam-me-ut! U-cnt-lev-me-luc-ths!” I screamed over and over. I began to struggle and lashed wildly about protesting as loudly as I could with a heavy gag in my mouth. My protest went unanswered. Silence and total blackness was all I was left with.

Now what? I have found myself in many hairy predicaments before but I alway managed to get out of them. There is no way out this time. I am locked in five heavy layers of rubber without any way out. I laid there whimpering to myself “What a fool I am.” I then began to frantically tear at the zipper tab on the heavy suit but nothing moved. I tried in vain to pull the heavy hood off. Nothing moved. I was trapped. I struggle like this to the point I was exhausted. I laid back on the bed in total defeat. My breathing was labored and the heat from my nearly quarter inch of rubber suits was roasting me alive. I passed out. 

I came to and laid there in total blackness. The reality of my situation once again became apparent. Would they find me? Who would find me? What would be left of me when they did? How would they get me out of this?  This was a nightmare. I once again began to frantically tear at the zipper tab on the heavy suit but nothing moved. All I could do was lay there and suffer. Hours went by. I would occasionally tug at the zipper pull but to no avail. Why try? After all, it was locked but was it? Feeling around the front of my suit as best as I could with the layers of rubber gloves on my hands, I discovered a small gap in the end of the gas tight zipper. Then it dawned on me. I never ordered a locking zipper for this suit. She punked me. I remembered that this suit came with an old style metal drysuit style zipper. They are notoriously hard to open especially when they are new and impossible to open by just pulling on one end. You need to have a firm hold on both the suit as well as the zipper tab to pull them apart. I stuck my finger into the small gap in the end of the zipper and pulled the zipper tab. It moved, slowly, inch by inch the suit began to open. I was saved at least to the point of removing the two heavy suits. I would still have to contend with the padlock on my inner suit. 

I struggled for some time to get out of the heavy suits because frankly, they were heavy and I was exhausted again from all the effort. I reached up and finally unfastened the heavy hood. Removing it was like removing my head from a vice. I could finally see again. The room was dark but light was beginning to seep through the curtains. It was early morning. I struggled in my rubber encasement through the entire night. I looked at the door wondering if housekeeping would eventually walk in on me. Of course not. The clever girl hung the “Do not Disturb” sign on the outside of the door. I would have suffered for days had I not worked my way out of my heavy suits.

My next task was to remove my inner suits. That would be difficult with a padlock in the middle of my back. I walked into the bathroom struggling with my inner suits full of sweat. I backed up to the mirror to face my fate. I laughed. She punked me again. No lock. I stepped into the shower and carefully removed my inner suit so as not to spill sweat all over the bathroom floor. I cleaned myself and my rubber thoroughly. I returned to my bed which was still layered in heaps of rubber. I just jumped in the middle of it face down and fell asleep.

I slept for hours. When I finally awoke I got up and repacked most of my rubber stash. I planned to go out again that evening but this time I would be wearing less rubber and more caution. Beware of rubber clad ladies. 

The first three days of the week were filled with meetings with prospective clients. My sales VP flew in for the meetings. They went well, although I was sometimes distracted by my memories of my earlier rubber encasement as well as the promise of more action in the upcoming weekend. Yes, I did wear rubber all week but I kept it to a thin pair of rubber shorts during the day and enjoyed my other rubber items at night.

On Wednesday I received a call from Métamorph’Ose / Phyléa. The jacket I ordered was in, a day early. Seems I had a choice between the biker and the classic jacket. I decided to buy both. I walk to their shop that evening and pick up the jackets. They were both quite heavy. This made me realize that I had in my possession entirely too much rubber, far more than I will use here in Paris. It was time to pack up my collection save for a few items and ship them off to my next destination where I will no doubt make better use of them. I saved my hero suits, my Evolution suit, my De Mask twin rebreather bag outfit and the Knight’s hazmat suit, plus a few accessories. The rest will be packed up tomorrow morning for shipping. 

Thursday finally came and my duties to my company have ended for this trip. I checked the itinerary for the MEC Rubber Meeting Weekend. Thursday evening was pretty much open as Friday was the main kick off with events being held in classic Paris fetish bars, clubs, and new up-and-coming venues. The main party will take place on Saturday night culminating at one of Paris’s legendary gay fetish sex clubs which had been around for many years. It is supposed to be a historical and legendary club of the French hard and fetish gay scene. This is all new to me as I begin to explore a new experience very much outside my comfort range. I decided to dress in the evening in just rubber and nothing else. I chose my sleeveless one piece suit, my new “Classic” rubber jacket over top and my rubber “Chuck Taylor” shoes. I am dressed for the part yet have no Idea what that part will be. It would turn out to be a rubber adventure the likes of which I had never experienced. 

To be continued.


Continues in

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