Gromet's PlazaLatex Stories

Leon City Stories

by TheLargeEmpty

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© Copyright 2024 - TheLargeEmpty - Used by permission

Storycodes: F/f; latex; majick; rope; tentacles; catsuit; susp; clamps; costume; cons; X

Continues from

Find the author at LeonCityStories on deviantArt

27: A Kinky Night is a Quiet Night

“Hey, sweety…”

“M…Mom?!” Caitlyn stuttered, quickly closing the gap between them with a quick step, before hugging her mother Terra. Tears streamed down her cheeks and she began to sob. Her mother gently hugged her and rocked her in her arms.

“Hey… hey. It's okay. I'm back,” Terra whispered, stroking her daughter's back and hair, ”It's all right now, honey.”

“Mom, I missed you so much and I was so worried about you,” Caitlyn howled and hugged her mother tighter, as if she was afraid she might disappear again.

“Whew, you've gotten so strong,” Terra gasped as she caught her breath and Caitlyn giggled briefly between her sobs. She sniffed the air loudly and finally released her embrace. Caitlyn looked past her mother and saw Phoebe and her girlfriend Jade, who nodded at her.

“Thank you! I owe you everything!“ Caitlyn said, going past her mom to give Jade a kiss and a hug, ‘Thank you!’

“You're welcome,” Jade murmured, ”but Phoebe actually saved us. Without her…”

Caitlyn let go of Jade and looked at Phoebe with wide eyes before she also embraced her.

“Wow, I didn't expect that!” Phoebe exclaimed, patting Caitlyn's back.

“Thank you, Ms. Wynters. You've already done so much for me and my friends. How can we ever repay you?” Caitlyn asked and took a step back.

“It would be cool if you didn't erase my memories. I have a feeling I'll need them if I want to catch Judy and Maike,” Phoebe said and handed Caitlyn a small vial of a silvery liquid. She swirled the forgetting serum around briefly as it awakened not-so-happy memories in her and gave it to her mother. Terra looked at it for a moment before putting it in her pocket.

"This serum has served us well in the past and will continue to do so if Little Miss has to show the neighbors how to water the garden with magic again. But certainly not with you, Ms. Wynters. Rilliana taught me the formula after we found out that Caitlyn had the gift. It was very useful, but I think Ms. Wynters has proven herself trustworthy and our top priority should be to hunt down Maike and Judy. But!” Terra said, raising a finger and grinning, ”Please don't tell anyone about us, or I'll have to send my guys after you.

“Hahaha, don't worry,” Phoebe said and waved it off, ‘But I really have to go now. See you. Jade, are you coming?’

“Yes, in a minute,” Jade said and kissed Caitlyn goodbye.

“Do you really have to go again,” Caitlyn whispered and Jade nodded.

“These magically gifted ones should leave you alone for now, besides, what would your friends say if I ate you up during the night?” Jade asked with a broad grin, looking over Caitlyn's shoulder at Summer and Ava, who were coming around the corner.

“You're so ridiculous, “ Caitlyn murmured, blushing, ”See you soon.”

“See you soon,” Jade repeated and followed Phoebe to her car. Caitlyn watched her for a moment longer until Terra put a hand on her shoulder.

“Come on, let's go inside, your guests are surely waiting for you,” she said gently, pushing Caitlyn into the house and closing the door. She took a contented breath and then looked at Ava and Summer, who still didn't quite know how to react.

“I see you've found your old friends again. My, how you two have grown,” Terra said, pressing Ava and Summer to her chest as if they were two stuffed dolls.

“It's nice to see you again too, Ms. Taylor,” Ava said shyly, while Summer returned the embrace warmly.

“How long has it been now? Six years?”

“Nine, Mom,” Caitlyn said, and Terra coughed uneasily.

“Oh, I'm sorry. Maike didn't give me a calendar, unfortunately,” Terra said and let go of the two women.

“Nice necklace, by the way,” Terra commented and pointed at the shiny metal ring around Ava's neck. She blushed immediately and reached for it.

“Is that just a fashion statement or is there someone there?”

“A bit of both,” Ava mumbled, embarrassed.

“I see,” Terra said, changing the subject when she realized that Ava didn't want to talk about it anymore, ”Where is Luke and my husband, anyway? He didn't get a divorce, did he?”

“Ummm,” Caitlyn said, a bit taken aback by the question, but she shook her head and said, ‘Luke is with friends… he… isn't having an easy time right now and Dad is on a business trip.’

“Again?” Terra asked, and Caitlyn nodded, ”And Luke?”

“His girlfriend broke up with him. It wasn't very nice, apparently,” Summer said, and Terra put on a compassionate expression.

“My poor boy… then we'll have to help him up again, won't we? But as long as he's still with friends…” Terra looked briefly at Ava, Summer and Caitlyn and their pajamas, ”You wanted to have a little sleepover, didn't you?”

“Well, not nece…” Caitlyn wanted to say, but Terra interrupted her.

“No, no. I would have done that too, in your place. But then I don't want to get on your nerves for long. Is Rilliana present right now?”

“Not only her,” Caitlyn said and grinned from ear to ear.

“Don't tell me the other two have finally arrived too?” Terra said, smiling contentedly, ”It's about time. A few more years and I would have thought Celine was doing it on purpose.”

“Do what on purpose?” Summer asked curiously, but Terra's mouth suddenly closed, and she looked thoughtfully at the pink-haired girl.

“They already know, Mom,” Caitlyn said, walking past her mother to stand next to Ava and Summer. Terra looked at both women for a moment, but then she nodded and scratched her forehead with a finger

“On purpose, getting stuck between times longer than me. Celine was actually a bit older than me when we met and now…” Terra said simply and ruffled Caitlyn's hair. Summer frowned as more questions popped into her head. Terra didn't explain further and started smiling again, “Anyway, now I'm going to give you a cozy slumber party, all right? That's the least I can do to visit Celine and maybe have my own sleepover with her.”

"Mom, you really don't have to…”

“No, no. Let me do this for you and then you'll be rid of me. Your room is still upstairs?”

Caitlyn nodded and her mother went upstairs.

“What's she doing?” Ava asked curiously and Caitlyn breathed a sigh of relief, a little annoyed but happy nonetheless.

“Redecorating my room. She often did that when we lived outside of town. It was always the highlight of my youth. Jade loved it too, but now… um,” Caitlyn said, but she was interrupted when sparks flew into the hallway and down the stairs.

“Really great what you did with your room, honey,” Terra said as she came out of the room and descended the stairs.

“You can do magic too?” Summer asked curiously.

“Yes, yes! Where do you think Caitlyn got her talent from?” Terra asked, hugging her daughter when she arrived downstairs.

“Thanks, mom,” Caitlyn whispered, embarrassed, and her mother gave her a kiss on the forehead.

“Don't do too much mischief and leave the house in one piece. See you tomorrow.”

“Bye!“ Caitlyn Ava and Summer said as one, and waved goodbye to Terra.

“What did your mom do?” Ava asked again, and Summer nodded eagerly.

“Did she turn it into a BDSM room?” Summer asked, catching some strange looks in return.

“Um… no. I want the hobby as far away from my mother as possible,” Caitlyn murmured, blushing deeply as she remembered a few days when she hadn't succeeded in keeping it that way, while Ava gave Summer a slap on the back of the head.

“Ow!“ Summer said, playfully sticking out her tongue.

“She just made it a bit more comfortable, come on, I'll show you,” Caitlyn said, beckoning her friends behind her. They went up the stairs and into her bedroom, where Ava and Summer's mouths dropped open. The whole floor and all the walls had been covered with soft mattresses. Even the furniture had been covered with them and stood in the corners, leaving a huge area in the middle of the room. On the floor were three sleeping bags and cozy blankets and pillows. In the middle of them were chips, chocolate and drinks.

“Your mom does realize we're all over twenty, right?” Ava remarked, but she was pushed aside by Summer as she threw herself on the pink sleeping bag and romped around on it.

“SHE'S TRANSFORMED YOUR ROOM INTO A RUBBER CELL! THIS IS EVEN BETTER!” Summer shouted, and Caitlyn opened her eyes in horror as Summer had kinkified her fondest childhood memories with one sentence.

“Don't be angry with her. After all the crap that's happened in the last few weeks, she needs a little fun, even if it is kinky,” Ava whispered, ”I came to terms with it myself when I was tied up by your girlfriend.”

“Sorry about that again,” Caitlyn said, but Ava waved it off.

“It was fun… until we were attacked,” she said, sitting down on the red sleeping bag next to Summer. Caitlyn herself lay down on the dark blue one and opened the bag of chips, which she then handed to Ava. Meanwhile, Summer opened the coke, which Caitlyn immediately took from her.

“Are you crazy? I'm not going to let a hyperactive thing like you drink a Coke!”

Summer stared at Caitlyn with her mouth open until she started laughing.

“I'm just kidding, you should see your face!” Caitlyn said while Ava choked on the chips and started coughing and laughing loudly.

“Hahaha, very funny,” Summer said sarcastically, but she also grinned as she took a drink from the coke, ‘But ladies, let's get down to business. What are we going to do at this hopefully unforgettable sleepover?’

“We could watch a movie?” Ava asked hopefully. Summer and Caitlyn turned their heads very slowly to Ava.

“I'm kidding,” Ava quickly said, seeing the glint in Summer and Caitlyn's eyes.

“Caitlyn? I think we should show Ava your bondage collection.”

“Couldn't agree more, my dear,” Caitlyn said, nodding, ”My things are in the closet, I'll grab them!”

With a leap, she jumped over the candy on Ava and both rolled through the momentum over the soft floor until Caitlyn was on top of her, pinning her to the ground. What made her suspicious, though, was that Ava grinned from ear to ear.

"What? I have you and in a moment you'll be our belated Christmas present!”

“You don't think I just lost, do you?” Ava said while Summer got the ropes out of the closet.

“Do you? How does the little cheerleader plan on holding out against the best rookie in the LCPD?” Caitlyn asked, amused.

“It's easy,” Ava said, and Summer froze in her tracks as she realized what Ava was planning, ”GREED!”

Suddenly, the collar around Ava's neck dissolved and flowed down her neck and over her arms. A moment later, latex bands appeared from her sleeve and wrapped around Caitlyn's wrists. Shocked, she looked at her hands for a moment before being pulled backwards by the bands and hanging from them in the air.

“What the…?” Caitlyn asked in surprise and tried to struggle against the ropes, but to no avail.

“You're not the only one who knows a few tricks!“ Ava declared triumphantly, shaking Caitlyn gently back and forth.

“What is that?” Caitlyn asked. ‘Can you also…’

Ava shook her head.

“This is Greed. One of Summer's experiments fell on me last year and bonded with my cheerleader uniform and everything else I was wearing that day. So now he's some kind of a mimic? A shapeshifter? Summer and I aren't quite sure yet. But a lot of what we've experienced can now be explained a bit more understandably, even though my head is still spinning from this magic thing.”

“Hoooooooo,” Caitlyn said as Summer appeared next to her, holding a stack of ropes.

“Come on, let her down, Ava, that's not fair,” Summer said with a grin, and Greed plopped Caitlyn onto the floor.

“Fair? She can do magic!”

“Not well.”

“Surely, that's why there's a magical girl outfit in the closet.”

“I promise I won't use magic today unless we do something with it.”

“All right, but… I'll only let you tie me up if I allow it,” Ava demanded, crossing her arms.

“It's okay. I want to see how good Caitlyn is,” Summer said, throwing some ropes to Caitlyn and the rest on the floor.

“I'd be happy to,” said Caitlyn, ”In pajamas?”

Summer nodded and said, ”I think latex is not quite the right theme for a pajama party.”

“But bondage?” Ava asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Sure, it's a classic at every slumber party,” Caitlyn shrugged, and Summer added, ‘How do you think Chloe and I got so good at tying each other up?’

“Aaaaaall right. I don't need to hear this right now. I need a little break and to think about whether I'm going to join in.”

“Aww Ava, but…” Caitlyn started, but Ava interrupted her.

“Cait, just give me a few minutes, okay? I just need to take care of Greed. The fight was hard for him and… he needs a little attention. After that, we'll see,” Ava explained kindly and Caitlyn nodded.

“Okay, but…” Caitlyn began pleadingly, but Summer shook her head.

“Take care of me first or I'll take the ropes in hand.”

“All right, all right,” Caitlyn laughed, beckoning Ava, who now went into the bathroom across the hall, and soon they could hear water running into the bathtub.

“Sooo, you and Chloe did a lot of sleepovers?” Caitlyn asked, stroking down Summer's body as she knelt. Summer wiggled her butt in front of Caitlyn's face, and she had to give it a clap.


“Come on, tell me. I have to think of a bondage that you can sleep with afterwards,” Caitlyn demanded, tying Summer's hips with a sling.

“Do you remember Bruce?” Summer asked, looking back, but Caitlyn shook her head while pulling a rope between her legs, but to the left and right of her crotch, ”Ah okay, then I know where to start. So, after you moved out, Chloe met this Bruce. Real asshole, by the way. Because of him, she almost lost her way.”

Caitlyn furrowed her brow as she weaved a rope harness around Summer's waist and legs.

“Bruce… Wait… That rings a bell… Not that gangster from Falenplaza?”

"Oh yes, exactly.”

“Fuck. My instructor warned me about him… he's got so much dirt on him, but he always slips through our fingers, and she really was with him?”

“Yes, that was… not a good time. She skipped school and we hardly saw each other anymore and slowly… she wasn't herself anymore, you know?”

Caitlyn nodded while she motioned for Summer to kneel on the floor and started to tie her hands to the rope harness.

“And then?”

"And then she showed up at my doorstep in the middle of the night. With tears in her eyes, but the will to change. I let her in and well… until she moved out again, we had bondage sleepovers almost every night. The house had enough room for both of us and while I was at school and college, she worked,” Summer told her, while Caitlyn tied her upper body to fix her arms as well.

“Did you take rent?”

“Yup, but just a little bit and when she wanted to move out, I gave her all the money back and doubled it so she could choose something nicer and not have to move back to Falenplaza."

Caitlyn laid Summer on her back and started to tie her legs at the ankles and knees.

“That was very noble of you,” Caitlyn said, looking at Summer for a moment, but Summer shook her head.

“The least I could have done.”

“Test your bonds,” Caitlyn urged, and Summer looked down at her body first. None of the ropes cut too deeply into her skin and Summer thought she could lie around like that for a while. Around her waist was an elaborate rope harness that served as an anchor point for her hands and at the same time pressed lightly into her crotch, but without disturbing her. Her breasts were framed by even more ropes, so that they stuck out through her pajamas. Summer doubted that she could easily escape from the ropes, but that wasn't the goal today, and she nodded contentedly.

“You've learned a lot.”

“Jade is a good teacher,” Caitlyn said with a smile, picked Summer up and put her on the pink sleeping bag, ”I'll see what Ava's doing.”

She stood up and was about to leave the room when Summer called out, “WAIT!”

Caitlyn turned around immediately, as if stung by an adder, and looked at Summer, fearing that something had happened to her.

“Can you pass the chips?” Summer asked, grinning broadly, and Caitlyn rolled her eyes and threw one of the bags of chips onto her belly.

"I meant open!”

“What did you say, Summer?” Caitlyn asked with one hand on her ear, pretending not to have heard her friend.

“HAHAHA!“ Summer laughed sarcastically as Caitlyn knocked on the bathroom.


No answer. Caitlyn frowned and knocked again. Still no answer. Worried, she pushed down the latch and saw that the door was open.

“Ava, I'm coming in!” Caitlyn called out and entered the bathroom, covering her eyes with one hand. Immediately, she was hit by a surge of hot, humid air and stepped into a huge puddle on the floor. Its source was the bathtub, and it had spread throughout the bathroom until it finally disappeared into the shower drain. It was so warm and humid that Caitlyn thought she was standing in a jungle.

“Oh, come on, Ava,” Caitlyn muttered, annoyed, and looked up. She gasped when she finally saw Ava and stumbled back. She pushed the door closed in her fright and held on to the wall while trying not to lose the strength in her legs. Ava was stuck to the wall above the bathtub. A blue, slimy mass had spread over her body. Except for her hair and the upper half of her face, she was completely covered in tentacles and mucus. Her eyes were rolled back in her head and she moaned with pleasure as one of the tentacles pushed into her mouth and another into her crotch.


Only now did Ava seem to realize that Caitlyn was also standing in the room and she blinked in confusion, quickly turning to panic and starting to struggle against the tentacles with a crimson head.

“WAIT, I'LL HELP YOU!” Caitlyn shouted when she saw that Ava was getting scared and ran towards her. She hadn't even taken two steps towards her when a tentacle detached itself from the mass and shot towards Caitlyn. It hit her bluntly in the face and threw her back against the door. The house shook loudly and Caitlyn groaned into the tentacle as she was pushed against the hanging towels. The young policewoman briefly saw stars and was about to raise her arms to tear the sticky tentacle away from her, but suddenly she was twisted around, causing the tentacle to wrap around her body. Her arms were pinned against her chest and she was hanging an arm's length above the bathtub within seconds. Ava's eyes widened as Caitlyn's spun around. She finally managed to release one of her arms from the slimy tentacles and grabbed the one in her mouth and pulled it out hastily.

“Cough… Cough… Greed, you idiot! Caitlyn is a friend! Let her go at once!” Ava commanded, and immediately Caitlyn plopped into the bathtub, causing a wave to splash onto the bathroom floor. Coughing, she jumped out of the hot water, and her pajamas were streaming with water. Ava herself was gently lowered into the water. Greed's tentacles retreated and all traces of him disappeared, reforming the collar around Ava's neck. Hastily, Ava climbed out of the tub and bent down beside Caitlyn, who was kneeling on the tiles, trying to recover from the shock.

“What the hell was that, Ava?” Caitlyn asked, patting her chest to cough up the last bit of water.

“I'm sorry, I should have locked the door,” Ava apologized, patting Caitlyn's back.

“Don't avoid my question, Ava!”

“I uuuh…fed Greed…I think,” Ava said guiltily, helping Caitlyn up and sitting her on the toilet.

“You think?” Caitlyn asked, gesturing at the bathtub to stop Ava from letting more hot water into it.

“Well… I didn't exactly get instructions for him. Long story short, during the fight against those… mages, Greed went out of his way to protect me. As thanks, I allowed him a bit more than usual,” Ava explained, blushing. Caitlyn looked at her in disbelief.

“But you like that?”

Ava blushed even more and nodded shyly. Caitlyn had never seen her like this before.

“Well… it's not like it's… far from ordinary… bondage, is it?” Ava stammered, and Caitlyn frowned.

“Ava… I'm not judging you. I just wanted to know if you're okay. But it is,” Caitlyn said, getting up shakily. She opened her arms and wanted a hug, which Ava didn't return, when she suddenly realized that she was standing completely naked in front of her friend. She hastily covered her shame and turned around, which made Caitlyn laugh.

“I'll go back first, we've kept Summer waiting long enough,” Caitlyn said and took off her own soaking wet pajamas, replacing them temporarily with a large towel, ”The pajamas I lent you got very wet too.”

“It's okay, I, um, Greed's got it,” Ava murmured, and sure enough, tentacles grew out of her collar, wrapped around her body, and finally formed a red satin pajama set.

“That's kind of cool,” Caitlyn murmured, and she saw how Ava's pajamas briefly wrapped around Ava's body more snugly, and she started grinning.

“Greed says thank you,” she explained, blushing again.

“He's talking to you?”

“Not…really…I just understand him, know what he means. Feels…” Ava murmured, looking thoughtfully around the steamy bathroom.

“Mmmmh. Well, if you need anything else, I'll go back and check on Summer.”

Caitlyn opened the bathroom door to go back to Summer, but when Ava wanted to follow her, Caitlyn held her back.

“Don't you want to clean up the flood first?” she asked with a raised eyebrow, and Ava looked guiltily over her shoulder. The huge puddle had now spread throughout the bathroom and was even threatening to come through the door into the hallway.

“Sorry,” Ava mumbled sheepishly and took a squeegee from the wall. Still blushing, she began to push the worst of the water into the shower. Meanwhile, Caitlyn went back to her padded room and exhaled deeply with her eyes closed.

“Sorry for the little break, Summer, but Greed…” Caitlyn began, but she fell silent when she saw the chaos Summer had made while she was gone. Chips were scattered everywhere, and most of the chocolate was half on the plates and half on Summer's face. The pink-haired girl was just trying to pour herself a glass of cola, which was quite an adventurous endeavor with her hands tied. She looked up in surprise when Caitlyn entered.

“Hey Cait, nice towel. Just wait a second, I'll get it,” Summer said, while she slowly tipped the bottle to hit the glass half a step down on the floor. Caitlyn took three quick steps towards Summer and snatched the bottle out of her hand before she spilled the whole contents all over the room. She flicked Summer on the forehead.


“Where do you two think you are?” Caitlyn asked, knocking Summer over, who fell backwards and hit the soft floor, which cushioned her fall and allowed her to jump again.

“You said ‘feel at home’,” Summer said cheekily, and Caitlyn narrowed her eyes into slits.

“You're lucky it's a slumber party and not a bondage party, or I'd have you hanging from the ceiling for the rest of the evening,” Caitlyn threatened, pouring Summer a glass of cola before bringing it to her lips. Summer suddenly had the feeling that Caitlyn was radiating a very dominant aura and that she should behave better. She took a few hesitant sips, glancing up at Caitlyn. When she had finished, Caitlyn wiped Summer's mouth clean with a napkin.

“Thanks,” Summer mumbled, and Caitlyn just nodded.

“Are you going to keep mocking me?” Caitlyn asked gently, while Ava entered again and watched amusedly as Summer shook her head quickly while she was in the police woman's arms, ‘Well then, hopefully we can all relax now. Ava, how does it look?’

“The bathroom is dry.”

“I meant, if you want to be tied up,” Caitlyn corrected.

“Oh, um… sure, looks cozy,” Ava said, rubbing her hands nervously. She hadn't forgotten what Jade had told her about Caitlyn's behavior when she was in the dominant role.

“Buuuuut just tie me up!”

“Sure,” Caitlyn said, dropping Summer onto the soft floor. She grabbed some ropes from the floor and went to Ava, who now took a surprised step back.

“Don't you plan on getting dressed first?"

Caitlyn looked down and now it was her turn to blush, still standing in her bedroom wearing only a towel. Immediately her dominant aura was gone and she looked embarrassed at Summer, who was grinning broadly again.

“That's… a good idea,” Caitlyn murmured, and she walked over to her closet, opened it and looked for her spare pajamas. Her hands slid over one of her latex catsuits, but she shook her head and continued her search.

“Where is…?” she asked with mounting frustration as she searched in vain for her second set of pajamas. Then she remembered that she had lent one to Ava and that it might need to dry and go to the laundry first. Exasperated, she let out a sigh.

“You forgot that you lent it to me, didn't you?” Ava asked, amused, and Caitlyn nodded.

“Then you'll have to wear latex, Caitlyn. I guess there's no way around it,” Summer said innocently, but Caitlyn waved it off. She was about to reach for a shirt and underwear when her eye fell on a black and green garment.

“Tell Ava… you and Greed… you're something like superheroes, right?” she asked, while she took the neatly folded catsuit but hid it behind her back.

“Well… sort of?“, Ava said cautiously.

“What do you think about a little game? Or a training session, rather?”

“Now? At this time of the evening?!“ Ava asked incredulously and looked at Caitlyn's alarm clock. It was just nine, ‘Oh… I thought it was later. But training? Come on, Caitlyn.’

“Believe me, it'll be fun and the winner gets the loser and Summer.”

“Wait! Don't I get a say in this?” Summer asked.

“No!“ Ava and Caitlyn said in unison.

“Wow… okay,” Summer said, acting as if she were deeply offended, but the corners of her mouth kept going up on their own, and neither of the others bought it.

“Is this going to be one of those classic slumber party thingies, too?” Ava asked, but Caitlyn waved it off and clicked her tongue.

“I just don't feel like doing something normal right now.”


“Are you in or out?” Caitlyn asked, and the friends could see that Caitlyn was itching to get started. Her competitive desire and urge to prove herself had taken over and were making her blood boil.

“All right,” Ava said slowly and deliberately, ‘What are the rules?’

“You give me an hour to prepare and then try to save Summer. I'll try to stop you.”

“Just here?” Ava asked, looking around Caitlyn's room. At first Caitlyn was a little disappointed; her room alone would be a bit too small for a training fight, but then she grinned again.

“The whole house and garden. Whoever surrenders, is knocked out, or is immobilized, has lost.”

“Immobilized?” Ava asked, frowning.

“Well, my brother built a pretty good security system. But nothing absurd,” Caitlyn said, and Summer shot her a look that said, ‘are you kidding me?’

Ava hesitated at that statement, having heard something about the system but not knowing exactly what Luke had built.

“Are you scared?”

Ava was thrown off her thoughts by this question and narrowed her eyes into slits.

“Greed and I won't hold back… you'll go down so hard,” she muttered, glancing at the clock again and then at Summer, ”I'll see you in an hour.”

She left the room while Summer stared after her, her mouth open. They heard Ava leave the house and Summer turned to Caitlyn, who at that moment dropped the towel without blushing, showing what she had hidden behind her back. It was her Halloween costume from last year. A green and black catsuit modeled after the supervillain Shego. While Caitlyn put it on, Summer wasn't sure whether to laugh or be quiet, but decided on the former.

“Hahahaha! You're not serious, Caitlyn? Where did you get that outfit? Oh! I see! Do you do this often with Jade? Is she your little Kim Possible?” Summer asked as Caitlyn zipped up the costume and took the matching boots out of the closet. She put her feet in them and zipped them up as well.

“Hahaha because she has red hair, you know…?” Summer asked, but again there was no reaction. Caitlyn straightened her suit and then finally looked down at her. Summer had to swallow, Caitlyn's gaze sent a shiver down her spine.

“You've got a pretty big mouth, Summer,” Caitlyn muttered, standing in front of her. She raised her hand and let her magic travel into it. Somehow she knew what she had to do and made a fist with it. A moment later, it began to glow with green fire. Caitlyn put on a dark grin, ominously illuminated by the fire.

"Let's see if it's still as big in 50 minutes.”

She pulled Summer onto her bound legs and led her to the center of the room, looking up. Summer followed her gaze and saw hooks in the ceiling, perfect for hanging ropes.

“Uh Cait?” Summer asked, but Caitlyn ignored her again and reached out to the ropes on the floor.

“Ropes!” she commanded, and bundles immediately flew into her hand. With one hand, she opened one of them and tied it around Summer's waist and through her crotch. She threw the other end up and, as if by magic, it flew through the hooks in the ceiling and landed back in her hand. She pulled on it until it was taut. More ropes followed, which Caitlyn tied to her friend's chest harness so that she could no longer fall.

“Will I have to stand here all the time until Ava comes?” Summer asked doubtfully.

“If you can,” Caitlyn said curtly, unbuttoning Summer's nightgown, which made her blush. Her breasts literally bounced towards Caitlyn.

“Look as much as you want, but touching costs!"

Caitlyn snorted when she couldn't keep her role any longer and turned away. She shook her head while still laughing as she went to her closet to look for the last two items of her choice.

“Come on, Summer. Do you know how hard it is to stay in character when you have a joker like that across from you?”

“Character? Cait. Your Shego isn't really good when you don't say anything or are as mean as she is.

“I see. So I should be meaner? And cheekier?” Caitlyn asked, pulling the toys out of a drawer.


“Excellent idea,” Caitlyn said, turning to her friend. In her hand she held a Magicwand vibrator and two nipple clamps connected by a chain.

“Uhhhh,” Summer said, and suddenly felt the urge to run away, which of course was impossible because of the ropes she was hanging from. Caitlyn tied a rope to the chain and caught Summer's nipple with the clamps. The pink-haired girl drew in a hissing breath as Caitlyn also guided the other end of the rope over the ceiling and pulled on it. The hissing sound coming from Summer's mouth grew louder when Caitlyn forced her to stand on tiptoe if she didn't want the clamps to pull roughly on her nipples.

“Nasty enough?” Caitlyn asked, which only prompted a nervous smile from Summer.

“You still have room for improvement,” she replied and immediately regretted her statement when Caitlyn pulled out the vibrator. She tied it to Summer's leg and pushed its head into Summer's crotch.

“I'd think twice about kneeling down. Might pull a little,” Caitlyn laughed, and Summer nodded.

“Yup, that's what I thought too,” she said nervously, her legs starting to shake as Caitlyn turned the vibrator up to the maximum setting.

“That's our Summer, so smart!” Caitlyn said, as if talking to a puppy, patting Summer on the head. She glanced at the clock and giggled.

“Ava's supposed to come in 40 minutes to try to save you. You should be able to make it, right?” Caitlyn asked, and Summer's eyes widened in horror.

“Oh fuck!” she muttered, as the vibrator brought her ever closer to orgasm with powerful pulses.


An icy wind swept through the forest on the outskirts of town, but Ava didn't feel it. She stood across the street from Caitlyn's house, arms folded, looking up at her friend's bedroom window. Greed had transformed into her dark purple superhero outfit, and her cape fluttered behind her in the wind.

“It should be soon, right, Greed? And, um… maybe we should still hold back a bit. I don't want to have to call an ambulance for her,” Ava said, and a nasty grin formed on her lips as Greed hugged her. He agreed with her, but still, they should teach the cheeky policewoman a lesson.

“Just a little,” Ava murmured and pulled out her cell phone when she received a message, and she winced with laughter. Caitlyn had sent her a picture of her in her room, standing in her Shego costume in her room. Behind her stood Summer, tied up with ropes and forced to stand while a vibrator worked her crotch. The large spot on the spot and her eyes rolled back in her head showed that she was having a lot of fun. Under the picture, Caitlyn wrote:

I have your friend. Surrender to me or she will suffer!



Ava grinned and put her cell phone away again.

“Let's go, Greed!” she cheered, pulling the mask up over her face and the hood over her head. Ava sprinted across the street toward the gate, but then changed her mind, turned sharply, and ran along the great wall. She left the dimly lit street and ran between the property line and the trees until she thought she had found a good place to get over. Ava crouched down and pushed off the ground with all her might. With Greed's power, she leaped over the wall and made wide eyes when she was much too high and now fell back to the ground.

“Not so wild, Greed,” she admonished him when she hit the ground hard, but Greed protected her from harm. She took a step forward when suddenly the sprinkler system turned on and splashed Ava with ice-cold water, which, however, had no effect on her.

“Is that all?” she asked, while Greed absorbed the water and protected Ava from the cold, ”Cute, Luke, but it won't stop me.”

She ran across the wet grass towards the house, but suddenly came to a sliding halt when Caitlyn appeared in front of her. She was leaning against the house, her mouth hidden behind her hand, while her elbow rested on her other arm. Next to her was the glass door to the living room and on the other side were innocent-looking bushes.

“These are the traps? Did the great Shego overestimate her brother?” Ava asked, spreading her arms to show that she was not impressed.

“Would be very disappointed otherwise! But that's not all!” Caitlyn said, pointing up. Ava looked up and saw a net thrower aimed at her. It shot at Ava, and she grinned as she prepared to sprint towards Caitlyn, dodging the net. Instead, she was knocked sideways as Greed took control of her body and threw her towards the sprinkler to catch the water. Ava shrieked in surprise and Caitlyn, who had struck a fighting pose a second earlier, stared in disbelief at her friend, who was now struggling above the jet of water and trying to get up. Instead, however, all that could be heard was Ava swearing and Greed slurping while the water shot with force against Ava's back and splashed in all directions


“Greed, you idiot! I just fed you and now you want more? We have a job to do here and we have to save Summer!"

Greed, however, seemed unimpressed and opened up around Ava's completely naked body and carelessly threw her in Caitlyn's direction while he continued to snack on the water. Ava slid across the wet grass and came to a stop right in front of Caitlyn's feet. She trembled all over as Greed no longer protected her from the cold and the water, and she looked up at Caitlyn fearfully. Caitlyn grinned broadly and bent down to her.

“Game Over, cupcake,” she murmured and flicked her hand across Ava's forehead.

“Ow,” Ava said as Caitlyn stood up again and stepped back to the wall. Ava was about to ask what would happen now when a net shot out of the bushes next to Caitlyn and towards her. It wrapped around her in seconds and pulled Ava between the bushes. Ava didn't even have time to scream or curse before she was hanging in the basement, kicking against the tight mesh.

“Greed! You selfish bitch! I thought we were done with this shit!” Ava shouted up, her teeth chattering, while the hidden steel door closed above her. Less than five minutes later, Caitlyn entered the basement with a neatly folded cheerleader uniform and a towel in her hands, grinning from ear to ear.

“We'll have to do this again!” Ava exclaimed immediately, covering her breasts and crotch.

“Gladly, but not today. I just want to pick up my prize,” Caitlyn replied, opening the net so Ava could get out. Greed immediately changed hands, wrapping itself around Ava's body and warming her up.

“Traitor,” she murmured as he transformed back into a pair of red satin pajamas.

“I really didn't expect this result,” Caitlyn laughed and handed Ava the towel.

“Do you think I did?” Ava asked annoyed and Greed gave her a quick hug, ”YES! I'm really mad at you, you idiot! Because of you, Summer is now trapped in Caitlyn's clutches forever!”

The policewoman chuckled and led Ava up the stairs.

“I think Summer is quite happy with it right now, but we really should go to bed now. I hope you're ready?”

“Let's get it over with,” Ava sighed, following Caitlyn up to her room. Summer was still standing on her shaky legs, hovering between heaven and hell. The vibrator demanded one orgasm after another from her, but her harness prevented her from relaxing and the nipple clamps pulled on her nipples every time she let herself go. She was so absorbed in her struggle that she didn't even notice Ava and Caitlyn entering the room. It was only when she was released from both girls and laid on the floor that Summer weakly opened her eyes and gave them a brief, exhausted nod. She didn't even have the strength to say anything.

“Wow, you really have the power to shut Summer up,” Ava murmured, shaking her head, while Caitlyn took the now-free ropes and ran them across Ava's shoulders.

“I had a feeling about that,” Caitlyn replied and began to tie the same waist harness around Ava. Within minutes, Ava was tied up just like Summer, and both were lying on Caitlyn's bed next to each other. Both now had heavy eyes as the stress of the days finally left their bodies. Caitlyn stood over them and took off Shego's catsuit. As much as she liked it, it was quite uncomfortable to sleep in, so she just took a large shirt and underwear out of the closet instead.

“So, let's store you guys,” she whispered, putting her friends' legs into their sleeping bags.

“Thanks,” Ava murmured, snuggling down into its depths, while Summer looked up at Caitlyn.

“What about you?” she asked quietly and nodded in her direction.

“What do you mean?” Caitlyn asked and picked up her sleeping bag from the ground to put it in the middle of the two of them.

“Don't you want to tie yourself up too?” Summer murmured and Ava looked at Summer, frowning, before she nodded too.

“You like it even more than I do.”

“Well,” Caitlyn started, but doubted that she could tie herself up just as well, ‘it might be a bit difficult…’

“Just use your magic!“ Summer said, her eyes lighting up, and Ava nodded again.

“It's only fair!”

Caitlyn took a deep breath and looked at the rest of the ropes scattered around the room.

“All right,” she said, “But it's at your own risk.”

“Why is that?” Ava and Summer asked in unison, while Caitlyn climbed into her own sleeping bag and raised her hand towards her room.

“Bind!” she commanded the ropes, which quivered briefly and then began to creep toward her like snakes. Caitlyn felt an enormous amount of magic being drawn from her body, leaving her exhausted. But it was worth it when she saw Ava and Summer's wide eyes, watching the spectacle in amazement, while Caitlyn hoped that the spell would work as intended. The ropes crawled up the bed, slid over Ava and slid into Caitlyn's sleeping bag, where they began to tie her up like her two friends.

“Wow, Caitlyn, this is so cool,” Summer said enviously, while Caitlyn's freedom was disappearing more and more, and at the same time more and more ropes were crawling into her sleeping bag. Caitlyn nodded her thanks, but Ava looked worried at the ropes that were now also crawling out of Caitlyn's closet to join the others.

“Um, guys? I'm no expert, but aren't there a few too many?” Ava asked, and Caitlyn and Summer looked into the room and saw it too.

“Oh fuck… not again. I'm really sorry, guys,” Caitlyn muttered, embarrassed, as the extra ropes now split and spread evenly into the three sleeping bags.

“CAITLYN!“ Ava exclaimed indignantly as the ropes tied tightly around her body and suddenly pulled her deeper into the sleeping bag. The same thing happened to the other two, and ropes were pushed into their mouths to gag them.

“I'm sorry, guys,” was the last thing Caitlyn could say before she too was gagged. Summer opened her mouth joyfully and willingly accepted the ropes. They had now slid so far into the sleeping bags that only their long hair was sticking out. Ava was at least happy that no more ropes were tied around her when she suddenly felt her sleeping bag tighten and she rolled her eyes.

Me and my big mouth. she thought, while the sleeping bags continued to shrink until they were tightly wrapped around her body. From the outside, it now only looked as if three young women were lying in much too small sleeping bags, but they were fast asleep. You couldn't see that all three of them were thickly wrapped in ropes from the neck down and that the sleeping bags, which were much too small, could never have been left without help.


Luke yawned loudly as he got out of his car and looked up at his home in displeasure. Caitlyn was apparently already awake and was in the kitchen or living room. At least he could see a glow of light there. He went to the door and opened it. Caitlyn was standing at the dining room table, setting the table with all kinds of food. Apparently she had company.

“Hey Cait, I'm back…” he said and fell silent when Caitlyn turned around and he realized that it wasn't his sister but his mother. She smiled warmly at him while Luke blinked in confusion as his brain shut down.

“Hey sweetie,” she said gently and Luke took a step back.

“Wait, wow, wow, wow, wow,” he stuttered, shaking his head, ‘MOMMM?!’

“Yes, I thought you might be a little shocked. How are you, Luke?”

“Wait,” Luke repeated as his legs went weak and he had to sit down on the stairs next to the door. Terra stayed where she was and gave her son all the time he needed, and he needed a long time before he looked up again.

“Where were you?” he asked, and his mother smiled painfully.

“That's a long story… and maybe your father should hear it, too,” she said, “I'll explain everything as best I can. I've even prepared breakfast. Would you like to get your sister and her friends, then we can explain everything. They were still asleep when I came back, but now the food is ready."

Luke took a deep breath, but nodded and got up slowly. Shaking his head, he went up the stairs to Caitlyn's room and disappeared from Terra's field of vision.

“Hooo… he took it better than I thought,” she murmured, turning back to the table. She was about to rush to the kitchen for more egg when she heard Luke's voice from above.



Continues in

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