Gromet's PlazaLatex Stories

Love of Rubber

by Willy Jim

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© Copyright 2024 - Willy Jim - Used by permission

Storycodes: Solo-M; F/m; M+/m; mpov; latex; catsuit; sweat; urine; mast; mask; breathplay; stuck; gag; M2doll; club; public; vacbed; hood; outdoors; inflate; sendep; cons; XXX

Continues from

Homestyle Part One

I returned home after what I must say was the most eventful trip of my life. I reflected back on the whole experience. It was a success in every right. I certainly expanded life beyond my rubber solo existence. While I will continue to enjoy the personal and private pleasure it gives me, being out and about among other rubberists is compelling. The same could be said for my plans upon my return. My plans to expand the European rubber dominatrix experience to the States, plus my venture into molded rubber fetish wear, should give me a lot to look forward to now that I am home.

Fortunately or unfortunately I would have no choice but to focus on things at home. Seems my wings are clipped for the moment and as such there can be no long-term trips in my near future. Shortly before I left, my company was on the verge of a major acquisition. Seems the deal was about to go through which would require much of my time for the next month. Fortunately this would not totally prevent me from other side pursuits on my own time.

I arrived in Chicago early Monday morning. I needed time to unpack and get myself in order before hitting the office. I knew that once I hit the office all hell would break loose. I chose to spend Monday unwinding and hit it hard on Tuesday. I went directly home from the airport. Waiting for me in my garage were the large boxes from the trip. I knew I had to immediately unpack and inspect every item as some were packed hastily and needed care before storing them again. So that is pretty much what I did all of Monday. I washed and dried a lot of rubber that day. In the end the only item I did not unpack was the plastic wrapped rubber suit from my gay rubber encounter in Paris. Sealed inside a carefully wrapped plastic bundle was a heavy rubber suit. Sealed inside that suit was a consommé of sweat, cum, and piss that I was forced to endure over a period of three days. By now the contents were probably nearly toxic or at least reeking of a noxious stench so vile that it would not be humanly possible to endure. Sounds like it would make for an evening of extremely exotic fun. But for now it would have to wait.

Once everything was cared for and packed away, I was ready for some well needed rest. I grabbed a couple of rubber items. The first was my new hooded gas mask. The second was my smell bag. I then headed for my rubber covered hammock. I was still in my hero rubber suit from the trip and was well “self-lubed”. I slid the gas mask over my head then attached the smell bag. I suddenly discovered that although I thought I had cleaned all my travel rubber thoroughly, I missed rinsing out the inside of my smell bag. It reeked of old stale piss. The piss was from the last time I used the smell bag which meant it was sealed up marinating in the bag for more than a week. It was intense but I was determined to get off a cum or two before catching some well needed sleep so I attached the bag and wrapped myself in the folds of the hammock and pleasured myself to the point I drifted off to sleep.

It was early morning by the time I woke from my rubber stupor. I was sweating excessively in my rubber cocoon. I hated to get up but I knew I needed to finish any last minute tasks before I headed off to what would no doubt be a baptism of fire once I reached the office. I removed the gas mask and smell bag. I initially thought about finally cleaning the inside of the small bag but decided that stale piss was disgusting, it was also intoxicating. I decided to leave it as is for now. I headed for the shower and removed my hero suit, washed it and myself and headed to dress myself for work. I seldom wear rubber at work but decided to wear a pair of rubber leggings under my suit. I felt I needed a “friendly reminder” of my rubber adventure to guide me through the tribulations of the day.

Dressed and ready, I headed out to the office. I was correct in saying it would be a baptism of fire. I was bombarded the moment I walked in. I grabbed my assistant and we both proceeded to my office. I told her that I need to arrange today’s schedule to catch up on as much as I can with as little drama as possible. She proceeded to line up several meetings to fill out the day. The first was a production team to see what was in the current pipeline. The second was with the sales team for their report on monthly sales. The final and possibly the longest meeting was with the acquisition team to review the status of our new potential acquisition. The day progressed as expected. There was a lot to review and lots of decisions to make. The last meeting ended around 6:00 PM. I thanked everyone for their input and headed back to my office. I had a few business deals of my own to attend to.

My first task was to thank everyone for the life changing time I had in Paris and Amsterdam. Next I contacted my friends in Minneapolis to update them on my other plans for rubber manufacturing and the first class rubber dominatrix studio I planned to build. I had chosen Minneapolis to headquarter both ventures and needed my friend to help spearhead the efforts. They were excited to hear of the new projects. We discussed next steps on both fronts and I closed shop and headed home.

Once home, I head for my playroom. I planned for some improvement to the room. First was to install my Twin Rebreather Vaporizer Rebreathing Rig. This inhaler system delivers controlled aroma through a vaporizer and rebreather bags. There was a tube with a one way valve, attached to a vaporizer, there is a glass jar that unscrews. Completely controllable dial on the top, I will only need a couple of drops of aroma. There was a bellow arrangement that extended and retracted with breathing. This Rig has two removable rebreather bags, both controllable, and controllable independently. This looked like a very serious breath play tool. My plan was to install it permanently above the bed in the playroom. Later I planned to add tubes, valves and other plumbing to the basic unit to control breathing even more. My prototype shop at work will have a few projects to work on.

I work for several hours on the inhaler system. Once completed I decided I needed to try it out. It was time for some serious debauchery. I rummaged through my rubber items and found a couple of items that fit the bill. First was my shoulder zip catsuit. It is quick and easy to get into. Next came my hooded gas mask. I tucked the long neck of the hood into the top of my rubber suit then zipped the suit totally sealing myself in for the duration. I then head for the bed and my Twin Rebreather Vaporizer Rebreathing Rig. I screwed in the tube with a one way valve and the attached glass jar that will contain the aroma source. The bellow arrangement immediately began to extend and retract with my breathing. This time I chose to add both t rebreather bags and they immediately began to flutter in cadence with the bellows. I realized that I forgot to put any aroma canisters so I elected to go into the bathroom and peed into the canister. This would more than suffice for now.

I returned to the bed then proceeded to reinstall the breathing tube. I reached for the eye covers and put them in place. After I hooked up the Rebreather Rig to the gas mask and discovered there was no air. I panicked then remembered there were adjustments. I turned the dials and I could breathe again, albeit restricted. I adjusted the vaporizer and I then laid back on the bed and relaxed serenaded by the clicking of the gas mask valves. I then reached for the dial on the vaporizer valve and opened it. I was immediately greeted by the intense smell of piss with the pungent smell of fresh rubber emanating from the rebreather bags. I quickly came up with an explosive orgasm. I was totally captivated by my new breath play toy.

By now it was late into the evening and it had been a long exhausting day. I had a decision to make. I can stay as I am immersed in total rubber bliss or clean up and enjoy some well needed sleep. I decided to stay rubbered. Finally the day caught up with me and I dozed off. I awoke suddenly. I could not breathe. My air was shut off and I was left struggling to breathe the stale air in the rebreather bags. My oxygen was quickly being depleted. I struggled to find what went wrong with this setup. Is this just a bad dream? By this time I was panic-struck. I desperately need to breathe. I was on the verge of passing out when the valves on my rebreather rig were restored to the point I could struggle to recover. My breathing was ragged and I started to gasp sucking in a huge volume of piss infused air into my lungs. I finally recovered and my breathing was restored. In the end, it seems that somehow while sleeping I crimped the main breathing hose shutting off any chance of fresh air entering the system. I once again had the choice to escape this hellacious device but I decided to remain sealed and submerged in this piss induced utopia until morning. I continued to pleasure myself until I fell back to sleep.

It was about 4:00 AM when I finally woke up. I struggled to remove the tubing from my rebreather rig. I was finally able to breathe fresh air after suffering through piss infused breath play. I left my gas mask and suit on for the moment. I stumbled to the light switch and headed up to my home office. I needed to send an email before it got too late to catch my contacts in China. I sat down at my computer and began typing an email to a China broker I often use in my business. China brokers are great for finding stuff. They are wired to almost any type of product manufacturing in China. I needed to find a ceramic mold maker. I had learned from the Birmingham rubber factory that the best dip molds are made from ceramics. Since I had hoped to make first class dips mod items, I needed a source for molds. Once I finished the email I returned to my playroom to get one more cum in before I had to clean up and get ready for work.

My second day at the office was even busier than the first. I had little time to ponder anything but company issues. It wasn’t until late afternoon that I was free enough for company stuff to work on my own agenda. It was about 5:00 PM when I got back to the privacy of my office. I had to make a call to California. It would be 2:00 their time. I needed to contact a friend in the movie industry to see if he could connect me with a makeup artist who specializes in body casting. The call was fruitful and he promised to have such an artist contact me within a few days. After the calI I decided to head home. These long tedious meetings were wearing on me. It is only the second day back and I am already wishing I was back in Munich at the hands of Tom and his crew.

Home again, I made myself dinner and sat in the den watching TV while I ate. I realized how much I did not miss American television while in Europe. Dinner completed, I cleaned things up in the kitchen and headed back down to my playroom. I needed a rubber fix. I rummage through my rubber stockpile. I even pull out some of my older items. Breath play comes to mind again. That always seems to work as a warmup. I decided to go for my Studio gum heavy rubber suit with an attached hood. This hood has three openings, one on each side and one in the front. Before putting on the suit I added a breathe-through mouth gag and inner rubber hood. My inner mask has nose tubes and finally I am gagged, suited and read for an evening of debauchery.. I pull out a collection of 40mm NATO gas mask hoses. I attach one each to the side ports of my mask. Next I find two 5 liter rubber rebreather bags and screw them on the open ends of the hoses. The bags sputter to life inflating the deflating in cadence with my breathing. The only fresh air now comes through my mouth-gag. That is soon to change.

I grabbed a long length of rubber tubing. I then yank on the end of my zipper pull to see if I can once again open it enough to slip the end of the tubing into the suit. It works and I feed it well into the depths of the heavy suit. I then make my way to the bed. With a very little ceremony, I attach the other end of the tube to my mouth gag. The rubber smell is obviously the strongest. Sweat and cum will come into play later. I can almost taste the heat from inside the suit in my mouth. I lay back and proceed to pleasure myself all the time watching the rebreather bags twitch and flutter as I rebreathe the same air over and over. I know I am safe for now because the big suit has a fair amount of air, be it tainted with the fragrance of rubber. My urges are taking over. I need to cum. The heavy outer suit makes it a bit difficult to feel any stimulation. I up the game and go for a vibrating wand. This should speed things. up. It does and soon I find myself ready to peek almost immediately. I cum. I am gasping for air but all I get is the stagnant oppressively dank air inside the suit. The tube is way too small to keep up with my struggle to breathe. I threaten to pull it out but before long my composure returns and my breathing stabilizes. I am not sure how much air from the suit is still useful but I decided to go for at least one more cum before removing the tube.

For now I just lay there on my bed sucking air through my gag listening to the rubber bags balloon in and out. I almost doze off but quickly snap back realizing how many other close calls I have had lately. If I fall asleep I could run out of air before I wake and end up suffocating myself. I shake it off and try to remain alert. The hollow sucking sound of the breathing tube and dull muted flapping sound of the rubber rebreather bags is mesmerizing. Their cadence is almost hypnotic. I finally succumb to it and despite my best efforts, fall asleep. I doze in a semiconscious state for a minute or an hour I am not sure. All I know is I woke suddenly gasping for air. This time it was not induced by cardinal lust. I can not breathe. I can suck air for all it’s worth but there is nothing there. All the oxygen is gone. I sit up suddenly scratching and pawing at my mask. The more I gasp the more I realize that I need real air. In desperation I tug at my breathing tube. It is stuck. I panic but finally get it to release from my gag tube. I am floundering like a fish out of water. I am not getting enough air. I frantically tug at the rebreather hoses trying to remove them. I manage to finally unscrew one of the rebreather bags and fresh air begins the whistle through the hollow hose. I begin to recover. I unscrew the hoses from the mask then flop but on the bed fighting to breathe. It takes several minutes to recover. Another close call. Too many to count. Too many to take for granted. I tell myself that I have to stop this solo breath play or next time I will not be as lucky, but for now I just lay there trying to recover.

I eventually sit up and remove the hoses and tubes. I opened the zip of my suit. My throat is parched from all that mouth breathing. I slowly get up and sluggishly head for the kitchen for a drink. By now my suit has become a burden. The mere act of walking is a struggle. As I suck my sports drink, I wonder what I would do without rubber in my life. I shuddered at the thought then stripped out of my suit, showered and readied myself for another day at the office.

The next day and all the following days of that week went by in a blur. Before I knew it it was Friday. There was a holiday on Monday so I would have a three day weekend. I decided that I would go to Minneapolis and start discussions regarding my plans for molding rubber suits as well as my plan to establish a world class rubber dominatrix studio in the city. I could have easily flown but I decided to drive. It takes six to seven hours to get from Chicago to Minneapolis. As I planned to drive both ways in total rubber so the extra time would be a pleasure.

I dressed in my neck entry rubber suit then added my street clothes on top. I thought I would drive part way Friday evening then stay in a motel for the night. I packed a lot of rubber items for the trip, then loaded the car and headed north. It was slow getting out of Chicago but once past Milwaukee, traffic was moving along. I decided to drive to a city in Wisconsin called Tomah. I would check into a motel for the night. I planned to keep the evening activities simple because Saturday would be a full day or should I say, a day full of rubber.

I woke up rested and prepared for the day. I stayed in my neck entry suit then decided to treat myself to a rubber challenge. I decided to wear my rubber doll suit from the TeeGirl shop in Amsterdam. Once dressed I was forced to spend the rest of the day dressed like a huge breasted rubber doll. Since I didn’t need to check out in person, no one at the motel would take notice of the “new guest”. I struggled into the doll suit and dressed in a pair of dangerously tight jeans and a flowing cotton blouse. The blouse barely covered my big boobs. I then put on sunglasses and a big wig then looked in the mirror. There before me was a strongly erratic yet almost cartoonish woman. I wondered if I could pull it off. My friends in Minneapolis would be ecstatic when they saw me. I grabbed my things and headed out in my new persona.

Lucky me I filled the car up with gas before checking into the motel so I should be able to make Minneapolis without any stops. I had about three hours give or take depending on traffic. It was hot in my two layers of rubber. The AC helped but barely kept me cool. This reminds me of my trip from Munich to Amsterdam only this time I am a woman with big rubber boobs. I drove about an hour and a half when I came upon road construction. Traffic was down to one lane and just creeping along. Suddenly we stopped. I mean we didn’t just slow down. We stopped. Apparently someone had car trouble up ahead and there was no way around the tie-up. We waited and we waited. I began to regret my decision to dress as a rubber doll. Fortunately no one was alongside me to see me in all my rubber glory. That suddenly was about to change; up ahead I saw a state patrol trooper going from car to car talking to drivers. Wig or no wig, dark glasses or no dark glasses, up close I am a rubber doll. There is no mistaking that fact. I watched as the trooper made it from car to car. I was sweating more and more with every car he passed getting closer and closer to me. What would I say? Would I try to speak like a woman and see if I could pull it off? Technically I am not doing anything illegal or am I? He is now two cars away from me. I am terrified. I am sweating more and more as he approaches. He is at the car in front of me and about to turn and look at me when suddenly the traffic starts to move. I hold back a bit so that I may lunge ahead as quickly as I can hoping he will not get a good look at me. I sped by him as quickly as the traffic would let me and politely gave him my best girly wave as I passed. I was relieved beyond belief. I was also a sudden mess in my rubber suits. I finally arrive in Minneapolis around 11:00 AM. I still had to find my way to my friend Dan and Dick’s house. They have a lovely Queen Anne-style house not far from the Healy Block historic district. I drove there as quickly as I could. I was desperate to get out of my suits.

Safe to say Dan and Dick were gobsmacked when they saw the busty rubber lady knock on their door. Once over the shock, they invited me to play up to the fantasy. “Come in lovely lady. My, aren’t you the ravishing sight.” I curtsied and extended my hand for a kiss. Both bowed in a chivalrous gesture and gently kissed my hand. Once all the play acting was over, I asked if I could make use of their facilities to “freshen up.” In other words I was dying to get out of the steamy suits. They obliged and showed me to a huge washroom complete with a walk-in shower. I retrieved my bags from the car and headed to the shower room to change. I was relieved to get out of my rubber layers. I showered and cleaned my suits before dressing in my street clothes. I decided not to wear rubber for the moment. I joined the boys in their den. They offered me a cold drink which I welcomed after my hot sweaty morning.

I had not seen either Dick or Dan for quite some time so I caught them up on my various adventures. After an hour or so we began to talk business. About six months ago I bought a rubber dip molding company in Birmingham, UK. Since the purchase I have made improvements to the manufacturing facilities. The basic molding business is doing great. I managed to open up more clients here in the states. My personal interest was to make quality dip molded rubber suits and masks. For this I needed Dick and Dan to front the business. We briefly discussed this when I returned from Europe on my first trip. They were very excited to be a part of it and had several ideas of their own for products. “I am planning to mold a prototype suit to see how well the process will work. I have contacted a broker in China to source a ceramic mold maker. I have also contacted a friend in the Hollywood special effects business to make the prototype body cast and yes, I plan to be the model for our first rubber suit mold.

“I will get a cast of my body and send it to China to be made into a ceramic dipping mold. The great thing about ceramic for molds is that the inside will be as shiny as the outside. If this works then we will cast other sizes for production. Besides, I always wondered what it would feel like to have a rubber suit molded to fit my body. I will update you when I have more information.

The discussion then shifted to my plans for a first class rubber dominatrix studio here in Minneapolis. I told him of my contact with Natasha while in Munich and how she is willing to partner as well as consult on the project. Dan mentioned that there were already a couple of studios in Minneapolis one of them is run by a prominent rubber diva and asked if that would be a problem. I thought for a moment and said. “Maybe it is not a problem. Maybe it is a starting point. Do you know the person running them?”

Dane said he did and I asked him if I could check out the studio while I am here.

“Maybe I can make a last minute appointment and go there as a client before venturing further.” They made a call and asked for a favor for a “friend visiting from out of town.” It took a moment then they agreed and a time was set for tomorrow afternoon.

That set we talked more about the active Minneapolis rubber community. Seems it is one one the more active in the nation even having its own annual rubber fetish ball as well as well established rubber groups. It seems the annual ball was scheduled for later in the month and if I wish, they could get me a ticket. “I’d love to attend '' In the meantime there was the men’s gay rubber club which has a monthly meet and greet. Dan chimed in to say that this month’s meet was tonight. “Are you interested?” “Sure, tell me more.” We discussed the events and they relayed their experiences. It sounded like something I was definitely interested in. They made a couple of phone calls and it looked like this evening's activities were covered. After that we ate lunch and they quizzed me for more details on my Paris, Amsterdam, Munich adventure.

Evening came and I dressed for the evening’s rubber meet. The group is called SPR. not sure what it stood for but I am sure the “R” stands for rubber. Fine by me. I chose my well-worn Evolution suit with an attached hood and gloves. That together with my rubber biker jacket and Chuck Taylor shoes should do the trick. I came down stairs and was greeted by Dan and Dick both dressed in rubber wrestling singlets. They commented on how much they liked my look. “You will fit in nicely.” with that we headed out.

The event was held at the EAGLE|MPLS, a local neighborhood gay bar for all LGBTQIA+ people, located in the East Town and US Bank Stadium area near the Mill City Museum. It was dark when we arrived. The building was dark as well. The sign on the building said “Eagle Bolt Bar”. We parked and went inside. We were greeted by others in all manner of men wearing rubber. I immediately began to cringe a bit recalling my experience in the gay rubber bar in Paris. Introductions were exchanged and we headed to the bar for a drink. There was a lot going on in the back of the bar area. Two “subjects” were trussed up and being toyed with in rubber bitch suits. They were merrily rolling around on a thick mat obviously enjoying their captivity. In the corner was a vac bed and a 3D vac cube. I found them both interesting, especially the cube.

“Ever try a vac cube?”

“No, can’t say that I have.”

“We’ll see if we can set something up before the end of the evening. I don’t know, the guy who is in there looks like he is enjoying it too much to want out.” They laughed.

Dan excused himself and went off with a small group. Dick and I found a table and sat watching the activities. It was hot in the bar area. I was steaming up a bit. Dick noticed and asked if I wanted to step out into the outer beer garden for some air. Seemed like a good idea. We sat and talked more about our mutual plans when Dan came out and asked us back inside. As we entered the room, I noticed all eyes were on me. If someone calls me “Willy” again, I’ll scream. Instead I was introduced just as a friend from out of town for a weekend of rubber fun. “He says he would like to try out the vac-cube.”

“I think we can arrange that,” came from somewhere in the crowd and I was ushered to the giant blue vac cube. Entering it was a bit of a trick. Once in I was instructed to stick my head through a small opening in one of the sides. Once in the opening snapped high around my neck. “All set?” And, before I could speak the vacuum was tuned on. The feeling was intense. It was like I was floating trapped in rubber all over my body. I did not realize how exposed I was until someone smacked me on the ass. Here I was sucked tight in this rubber cube. Even the soles of my Chuck Taylors were visible. There was a lot of laughing and chatter which eventually subsided as the group began to disperse. I found myself alone when suddenly Dick came up and asked how I was doing. “Is this anything like Paris?”

“Actually this is more enjoyable.”

“Good, We will let you be for a while.” With that he headed back to the group.

At this point a more official meeting was started. Apparently this was an annual organizational meeting with discussions on business, finances, and even officer elections with the usual back and forth discussion from the group. Occasionally someone would look in my direction. Once someone got up and turned on the vacuum again to make sure I was properly sucked tight in my rubber. The final discussion surrounded planning for upcoming events. This took the longest. After that the official meeting was over and everyone proceeded to the bar, Everyone but me. I began to wonder exactly how long they planned to keep me sealed in the rubber tomb. No one seemed to pay much attention to me or my predicament.

The evening went on and the group grew louder and louder as the drinks kicked in. Suddenly I was noticed by someone in the group. “Hey, we forgot what’s-his-name.” All eyes turned towards me. They looked at Dick and asked “You think he’s enjoying himself?”

Dick said, “He’s a rubber-colic. He likes it rough.”

My mind did not know what to do with that but it seemed like a challenge was in the air and I was going to be the subject. Suddenly a black Russian GP5 gas mask appeared and it was immediately stretched over my head. Tee hoses were screwed on and someone came forward carrying a rebreather bag and a bubble bottle, one in each hand. The crowd parted and he brought them forward like an alter boy carrying a pyx at benediction. The attachments were ceremoniously screwed on the end of the hoses one by one. The crowd cheered as the rubber rebreather bag fluttered and the bubbler bottle sprang to life. My breathing was challenged. I struggled to maintain enough air to survive. I eventually grew weary, the voices began to fade and I fainted.

I woke up from my stupor only to find that my body was still restricted in tight rubber but somehow this was different. I had a rubber tube in my mouth and I was able to move a bit. It was then that someone began to roll me around on some kind of mat. I then realized I was in one of the rubber bitch suits I had seen earlier. I was being toyed with like others before me. “Are you enjoying yourself? Is this hard enough for you?”

All I could do was grunt. I am not sure what they thought I said but suddenly my breathing tube was blocked. “You want it tougher? Here you go.”

I exploded with panic. There was no air in this suit and when I sucked in all I got was rubber. I nearly passed out again when the tube was cleared and I could just lay there once again floundering like a fish. Then I heard a voice sounding like Dick saying, “We’ll make sure the suit gets back to you.” What the hell does that mean?

Next I found that I was being carried out of the building to a waiting car. I was driven quite a distance. All I could do was lay there and sweat in my rubber layers and listen to the distant voices in the car. I was relieved when I recognized Dick and Dan’s voices knowing that I was heading home with them. All I remember after that was being carried into the house and up the stairs to a waiting bed. I was tossed on the bed and heard someone say “Sleep tight!” The joke was not lost on me. I struggled a bit but finally succumbed to the situation and fell asleep. It was a long busy day and I desperately needed sleep trussed up in rubber and all.

I woke up to someone unzipping the tight rubber bitch suit. I was finally free to stretch my stiff body after being a human pretzel for hours. “There is a shower at the end of the hall. See you downstairs for breakfast.” I slowly got out of bed and managed to regain circulation in my legs and arms. I headed for the shower. I shed my sweat-filled suit and clean it and myself. The hot shower is good for my stiff body. Once clean and dry, I headed back to my room to dress. Today is the day scheduled for my appointment with the dominatrix. Her working name was Baroness Pandora. I need to wear something appropriate so I dressed in my hero rubber suit then put on street clothes. I was ready to meet the day.

I went down to meet Dick and Dan for breakfast. Their first question was “How did you sleep?” They chuckled.

I answered “Snug as a bug.” They laughed. I thanked them for the evening and explained that I actually had a great time and was looking forward to today's appointment with Baroness Pandora. I asked if they knew more about her. They said she was prominent in the S&M life here in Minneapolis. She also runs a business selling all manner of bondage equipment and sex toys. “There might be even more opportunities than we thought.” We ate breakfast and I prepared myself for my appointment.

My appointment was at 1:00. Before heading out I checked out the Baroness’s various websites. Her studio is outside the city proper. Her menu of bondage sessions was extensive but her propensity for rubber was most interesting to me. I packed up and headed out to meet her. I arrived early. The studio was in a shopping center occupying the upper floor. I imagined it might have been a dentist's office at one point. I walked around the neighborhood to kill some time and to work up my “fantasy”. It was essential that I have some desires to fulfill otherwise why go to a dominatrix.

I decided I wanted to be a rubber doll. It was time and I headed to a door marked simply Pandora and pressed the buzzer. I gave my name and was buzzed in. I took an elevator to the second floor. When the door opened, I was greeted by what looked like a normal office except for the sensuous array of bondage art on the walls. A door opened and the Baroness came out. She was stunning. “Welcome. I usually don’t have appointments on Sunday but since you are a special guest of the “boys” I made an exception. You have my undivided attention for the entire afternoon. What is your pleasure?”

“I always wanted to be a total rubber doll.”

“Splendid. Shall we get started?”

We entered the dungeon area. It was huge, consisting of several rooms each seeming to have a different purpose all relating to S&M. We entered the last room which obviously was the “rubber room”. There were all manner of rubber items displayed. I was especially intrigued by the number of rubber hoods displayed atop foam heads on a long back lit shelf. How I would love to try them all. “You love my rubber hoods?” I nodded. “Here is a special one just for you.” She was cradling an unusually heavy flesh colored hood with the facial features of a rubber doll. “Let’s get you ready. You may undress in the changing room. Remove as much as you want.”

I entered the changing room and immediately stripped down to my rubber hero suit. I stepped back into the main room. She commented on my rubber suit. “An excellent start.” She proceeded to collect various items from around the room, the largest of which was a full rubber doll suit similar to the one I wore when I arrived yesterday. She lubed my rubber suit and began to ceremoniously slip me into the doll suit. It covered me completely from neck to toe. It had fingerless gloves attached. “Dolls don’t need to use their hands,” she said with a wink.

Once in the suit she only partially zipped the back. The suit was tight and added quite a bit of tension over top of my hero suit. She then grabbed the heavy doll hood and began to lace it tightly to my head. It seemed to be too small for me and the heavy rubber did not stretch much. That did not stop her from forcing it on my head. Once in place she laced up the back further constricting my head. There were short nose tubes, a small opening for the mouth and pinpoint holes to see through with some difficulty. She zipped the suit up covering the neck of the rubber hood. “There now we need to dress our rubber dolly. The public can’t see you in the nude, can they.” Public? What the hell did that mean?

The next item was a heavy boned rubber corset which she mercilessly stretched over my body lacing it so tight I could barely breathe. “Now you have a girly figure.” Next came rubber laced bloomer style panties, frilly topped rubber stockings which were attached to the corset and finally what one would describe as a Victorian style rubber dress complete with rubber petticoats. The final items were a flowing wig and a large Victoria style hat. Once dressed she ushered me to a mirror and despite the pinhole eye opening, all I saw was a woman elegantly dressed to the point that “she” could easily attend the Kentucky Derby in style. That except for the fact this was all made of rubber, tortuously hot and heavy rubber. “It is far too stuffy in here. We should take you out for some fresh air.”

What! it’s 80º (26ºc) out there. At least we are air conditioned here. I hesitated but she would have nothing to do with that. Before I knew it we were on the elevator heading for the street.

We exited the building only to be greeted by the early afternoon sun. The full effect did not hit me for some time as the layers of rubber temporarily shielded me from the heat. It was enough for me to even move in all these rubber layers. And move we did. The Baroness wanted to make sure we paraded every inch of the entire neighborhood. Before long the sweat in my heavy rubber hood was so bad that I could no longer see through the pin holes. Baroness must have realized the situation and commented, “Rubber girlies don’t need to see.” and from this point on I was at her mercy to guide me along. We must have walked for an hour in the hot sun. I was literally melting in my hot rubber attirement. We finally headed back to the studio. I was spent but I felt that the fun had just begun.

Once back in the studio, the Baroness removed the heavy rubber dress, and stripped me down to my doll suit, mask, corset, bloomers and stockings. “I noticed you were a bit out of shape for a rubber dolly. We need to do something about that.” I can only wonder what she meant by that. This corset was as tight as it can possibly be. There is no more room for me to shrink. She has other ideas.

She came into the room with a huge pile of black rubber. As it turns out it was an inflatable cover-all catsuit with a blowup hood. It also had reinforcement, straps & ‘D’ Rings. It was armless. Once inside I would no doubt resemble a huge rubber worm. She sat me down and began to pull the suit up over my sweat filled rubber layers. “This should help shrink you down a bit.” Shrink me down or melt me down I thought. She managed to wrestle me into the suit which was a bit baggy at first. Once zipped up she began to inflate it. I was baggy no more. She stopped inflating it to tighten the various straps. She showed no mercy.

Once satisfied she continued the inflation until the pressure was so great I could not move a muscle. She then laid me down on a padded bench and continued to add even more straps to bind me to the bench. I was blinded by the inflatable hood but felt something clamp on my head. Come to find out she clamped a set of headphones on me and started playing an endless audio loop of what sounded like heavy sex play. The effect was spellbinding as I began to drift further and further down a rubber rabbit hole.

Must have laid there for hours drifting in and out of continuously serenaded by the sound of sex. Finally I felt the outer straps being loosened. Then I was helped up to a sitting position and the suit was deflated. I was finally freed of the oppressive suit. “Time to return to the real world rubber girly.” With that she removed my bloomers, stockings, corset and finally the heavy rubber hood. “Welcome back.” “The shower is adjacent to the changing room. Take as much time as you need.”

I stripped out of my doll suit but stayed in my hero suit. I showered the outside of my hero suit but left all my human juices sealed up in my final layer. I dried off and redressed in my street clothes and returned to the office area. She noticed that I was not carrying anything and commented “I see you are still wearing your latex. Very good you kinky little devil.”

We settled the account for the the session and I asked her if she had time to discuss a business opportunity. At first she balked but curiosity got the best of her and I began to lay out my plans. “I want to establish a high end dominatrix studio dealing exclusively in rubber. I have chosen Minneapolis. I would like you to be a part of it. Your connections with the industry, the fetish community, and especially her reputation in latex fetish circles would be ideal. I told her of my connection with Natasha from Amsterdam and her role in the endeavor. She knew Natasha and was impressed. “I plan to outfit the studio with the latest in rubber fetish bondage equipment. I see you have quite a collection but as you well know there is always opportunity to grow.”

I told her of my rubber factory in Birmingham, England and my plans to make rubber clothing and accessories. Noting her small latex offerings, I went out on a limb and promised her exclusive access to my line of rubber items providing of course they meet with her approval. I explained she would be free to work with Natasha to design the very best studio money could buy. I think that when I asked her “Who owns this building? Would they be willing to sell it?” that she knew I meant business.

She said this is a lot to think about. “Do you mind if I check you out? Not disrespect but this sounds almost too good to be true.”

I told her “Absolutely! Just be discreet. Not to sound like a mob boss but have a legitimate business to run.” She laughed. I also suggested she talk to Dick and Dan as they are also a part of my plans. We agreed to talk again. We shook hands and before I left I asked, “Have you ever considered having your body cast?”

“No, why?”

“Never mind just a thought.” We said goodbye and I left.

Driving back to Dick and Dan’s all I could think of are the tons of details that need to be worked out and strings that needed to be tied before all this came to fusion. Not only that I was randy as hell. All that rubber and no orgasms is more than I /can stand. I walked into Dick and Dan’s and was greeted by a flurry of questions regarding today. I batted them off, saying I need to shower and change and would be down in a few minutes to brief them in. “Put it this way, why don’t you make reservations for a nice restaurant and we can celebrate.” They cheered and I went up to my room and attacked my bed with a mission to pleasure myself as many times as I could before rejoining the boys.

After a long pause I came down and met with the boys. We headed directly to the restaurant. After drinks arrived and we toasted my trip, I filled them in on my meeting with the Baroness. They were ecstatic. “We have tons to do. I will need you guys to be the interface with the Baroness once she officially comes on board. She wants to check me out and will be contacting you guys, so lie about me.” They laughed. “I’ll head back in the morning and keep you posted on progress on the rubber molding part of this. In the meantime put your head together and think about what else we can make out of rubber to suit our needs.”

Dinner was great and we went back to their house where I cleaned up and picked my stuff for an early departure. Besides, I need a full night's sleep before hitting the road in the morning.

Morning came and I prepared myself for the trip home. I planned to drive straight through so I dressed in street clothes and gassed up the car. My plans required that I not have to stop anywhere along the way. I returned to the house and made final preparations for the trip. I first dressed in my Evolution suit, hood and all. I then put on the silicone doll suit, the tight jeans and cotton blouse, and wig before joining the boys to say goodbye. They laughed and applauded as I sashayed down the stairs in my best girly persona.

“You look marvelous!” With that they both kissed my hands. We wished each other the best and I headed for my car. The brief walk to the car reminded me of why I don't dare stop on the way home. I was early and the weather predicted temperature in the 90’s (30’s C). I ducked into the car, buckled up and headed back to Chicago hoping for an easy drive. What happened on the trip was anything but.

To Be Continued


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