Gromet's PlazaLatex Stories

Love of Rubber

by Willy Jim

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© Copyright 2024 - Willy Jim - Used by permission

Storycodes: Solo-M; F/m; F+M+/m; mpov; latex; mask; catsuit; heavy; layers; sweat; urine; breathplay; buttplug; corset; mast; club; chair; straps; enclose; transport; cons; reluct; XXX

Continues from

Return to Paradise Part Five

I ended my trip to Munich. I left behind some fond memories. My experiences there will stay with me forever. My goal for this trip was to be able to break out of my solo rubber life, spread my rubber wings and experience rubber as others do. Thanks to the trip to Munich I was able to do so and enjoy the experience. In a way I also have to thank the gay rubber boys in Paris as well as my rubber lady of the evening for kick starting my new rubber journey. I am now heading back to Amsterdam for the final leg of my trip. It seems fitting that I am traveling openly trussed up in rubber. Tomorrow I will have a chance to explore an entire new side of rubber as a full fledged rubber doll.

I have my Evolution suit plus a real face silicone mask to cover the rubber hood of a pair of driving gloves to cover my hands. “My hope was that I would be safe from scrutiny.” Yes, I thought, but will I be safe from all the tortuous heat and sweat during the long trip. To make things interesting I am also gagged at least for the moment leaving me literally speechless.

Once on the road, I programmed my GPS which reaffirmed that I had nine hours of travel ahead of me. I drove about an hour out of Munich and decided to stop at a gas station. I then headed into the privacy of a bathroom to strip down and remove this awful gag. With my shirt and mask off, I reached back to unzip the hood. It was then that I realized what Tye was doing behind my back. She zipped the zippers together and tied them with a zip tie. I was stuck once again against my will left to suffer gagged, hood and masked for the duration on the trip. I assumed Sig was aware of this plan. I only hoped she would help me escape this insufferable situation when we met in Amsterdam. Until then I was once again the student of one of Tom’s diabolical rubber plans.

I returned to the car determined to soldier on despite my dilemma. Turned out I was right about the insatiable heat that the mask and hood would bring. I turned up the AC but it barely made a difference. All sorts of things crossed my mind. What if I am stopped? What if I have to identify myself? I am gagged and can not even explain myself. I can't possibly eat or drink for the entire trip. What if Sig does not meet me? How can I check into my hotel and, how on earth can I remove the blasted zip tie in the middle of my back? I had hours and four to ponder these thoughts but unfortunately failed to sufficiently answer any of these questions.

I thought back to some of my other adventures.. This was similar to the time I was stuck in a silicon skin suit while in the summer heat of Los Vegas. I was gagged that time too except that I was also wearing an excessively large butt plug. At least I don’t have that to deal with. What I do have is a long drive without any chance of improving my situation. I stopped for gas along the way. I would have killed for a cool drink and something to eat but gagged as I was I was stuck wishing for something that was not to be.

I arrived in Amsterdam at 7:30 PM. I googled the address of Tee-Gurls and headed for the store hoping that Sig would be there waiting for me. I became even more concerned since I was unable to use my phone to confirm my arrival time. I parked the car then walked to the store. It was hard to find and unfortunately I was unable to ask directions. I finally found it in a narrow back alley location. When I arrived I noticed that they were closed. My heart sank. Was this the plan all along? I knocked on the door not expecting any response. I nearly walked away when a friendly (be it a masked doll) face appeared at the door. “Come in. We have been waiting for you.” There before me was Sig and three obviously trans girls. Sig made introductions and noted that I was “too shy” to speak. Sig then explained what they had in mind for me. I was to get a total makeover. “We need to start from square one.” We went into the back room and there hanging before me was a full silicone rubber door suit complete with enormous padded breasts, attached hands and feet. The suit also had an attached mask. Hanging next to the suit was a black high necked flared Latex hobble dress. This outfit was a floor-length hobble dress with quick snap buttons at the front. This design gave the option to close the dress up to your neck or leave your chest bare. It had long sleeves that were a little loose but tight around the wrists. It is also tight around the waist and hips to emphasize my so to become bottle-like figure.

It was not hard of my to see what they had planned for me. Their “total makeover” was to make me into a rubber doll. “You will be the hit of the show. Let's get started.” They immediately began to strip off my clothes and mask until they got down to my rubber suit. “My my what have we got here girls? Seem he is already wearing rubber. Seems like that’s a good place to start.”

What? No! My plan was to get out of the suit, not add to it! I protested but my gag speak failed to deter them. Without hesitation they began to lube my rubber suit. I was then given a stool to sit down and they began to dress me in the rubber doll suit. They stretched the suit over my body until they finally had me completely covered. I protested as I was still gagged. “True rubber gilts do not speak.” They stepped back to admire their work. They spoke to each other in Norwegian then began to shake their heads. Something wasn’t right. One of the girls went back in the shop and retrieved a nasty looking heavy rubber corset and proceeded to wrap it around my waist. They had me stand up and began lacing up the back. It took all four of them to finally get the laces as tight as they wanted. I felt like I was being cut in half. I could barely draw a breath. They quickly fetched the dress. They lube my doll suit then proceeded to sheath me in the tight rubber dress. It took several minutes for them to get the dress on over all my rubber layers. They once again stood back and assess their work. They were satisfied this time as they all nodded to each other. “Well it look like you are ready for tomorrow evening. You look smashing. All we need are shoes”

What? What do you mean, ‘ready’, I thought. This can not be true. I can not possible last in all of this rubber until tomorrow night. No! I protested again but to no avail. They next fitted me with impossibly high heeled shoes. Sig looks at and said “Let’s get you checked into your hotel.” Sig then took me by the arm and escorted me out of the shop “Where is your car?” I pointed and led her to the car. I struggled to walk in these heels plus all these rubber layers seemed to be working against each other making walking difficult. We reached the car. Sig said “I’ll drive.”

We pulled up to the hotel. Sig handled everything including checking me in. We must have looked a sight all dressed up in tight rubber reminiscent of Jessica Rabbit in a black dress and Sig looking like a rubber doll hooker. We headed up to my room. “Don’t worry. I will help you out of your things.” This was a relief. These were the words I wanted to hear especially after being gagged in my rubber suit for more than twelve hours plus the unbearable rubber doll suit, dress, and restrictive corset. We waited until all of my luggage was delivered to the room then Sig began undressing me. It took a half hour to get me down to my rubber Evolution suit. She clipped the zip tie on the back of my rubber suit then said “The rest is up to you doll. I will take the doll suits, hoes, corset, and dress with me. Please meet me at the shop at 6:00 tomorrow and we will do it for real.” She kissed me on the cheek and left my room.

I greatly appreciated Tom and the girl’s hospitality while I was in Munich. I marveled at how few times I pleasured myself during all that time but no doubt great pleasure came from the whole experience. But I was alone again for the first time in nearly a week left to my own devices. Perhaps it is time to catch up on my cums. I chose to stay in my sweat drenched suit gag and all. It was time for some serious debauchery. I unpacked my rubber items and found a couple of items that fit the bill. First was my hooded gas mask, Next was my Twin Rebreather Vaporizer Rebreathing Rig. This inhaler system delivers controlled aroma through a vaporizer and rebreather bags. There was a tube with a one way valve, attached to a vaporizer, these have a glass jar that unscrews. Completely controllable dial on the top, you will only need a couple of drops of aroma. There was a bellow arrangement that extended and retracted with breathing. This Rig has two removable rebreather bags, both controllable, and controllable independently. This combination was sure to get me off several times. I forgot to buy any aroma canisters so I elected to go into the bathroom and peed into the canister. This would more than suffice for now.

I laid out all of my choices on the bed then proceeded to put them on, beginning with the gas mask. I noted that Tom left the eye covers in place. I then hooked up the Rebreather Rig to the gas mask. At first there was no air. I panicked then remembered there were adjustments. I turned the dials and I could breathe again, albeit restricted. I adjusted the vaporizer and I then laid back on the bed and relaxed serenaded by the clicking of the gas mask valves. I then reached for the dial on the vaporizer valve and opened it. I was immediately greeted by the most intense smell of piss I have ever experienced combined with the pungent smell of fresh rubber emanating from the rebreather bags. I quickly came, with an explosive orgasm. I was totally captivated by my new breath play toy.

By now it was late into the evening and it had been a long exhausting day. I had a decision to make. I can stay as I am immersed in total rubber bliss or clean up and enjoy some well needed sleep. I decided to stay rubbered and gagged for the moment. Finally the day caught up with me and I dozed off. I awoke suddenly. I could not breathe. My air was shut off and I was left struggling to breathe the stale air in the rebreather bags. My oxygen was quickly being depleted. I struggled to move but could not. It seems my arms were tied to the sides of the bed. How could that possibly be? Is this just a bad dream? By this time I was panic-struck. I desperately need to breathe. I was on the verge of passing out when the valves on my rebreather rig were being slowly opened to the point I could struggle to breathe.

By now I realized that someone else must be in the room but who? No one else had a key, Unless…of course it must be Sig. She checked me into the hotel.. She must have gotten two room keys. It was then the mystery was solved and the plan reviewed. “Hi Willy it is Sig. Tom sends his regards. I returned to give you one last rubber thrill at Tom’s request. You are tied to the bed in your lovely rubber which by now is no doubt filled with sweat and cum, helplessly gagged and with your gas mask attached to this fascinating machine. Don’t worry. You will be released in time to prepare you for your coming out party. Until then enjoy” I panicked and screamed but gagged as I was, all you could hear was a meow. I tugged at my bindings but was unable to move even slightly. She can’t leave me like this. I can barely breathe and what little air I get is infiltrated by piss. I can not possibly make it through the night twined to this bed bound in this sweat soaked suit, gagged, masked and suffering to breathe. “Goodbye Willy. Sleep tight.” With that there was silence. I was to suffer perilously on the brink of asphyxia for the next six hours.

I suffered an agonizing night between the heat of my suit and mask, the torturous pain of the gag, the insufferable smell of stale piss, and the distressing lack of air to breathe. All I could do was lay there hoping to capture snippets of sleep repeatedly waking to the wretchedness of my situation. Finally, out of sheer exhaustion, I fell asleep. I have no idea how long I was out but when I woke up my restraints were gone and I was finally able to escape the brutality of my rubber bondage. I quickly removed my gas mask to finally get the breath I needed. I next need to remove the suit so I could finally extricate the oppressive gag. I slipped into the shower and cleaned up myself and my suit.

It was early morning. I knew today would be a long day ending with a rubber doll party that could easily go late into the evening. I needed more sleep. I went back to bed and slept for several hours. I might have slept all day but a phone call woke me up. “Sig here. I see you got out of your rubber trappings OK. You were sleeping so soundly when I came back to release you. Remember we need to meet at Tee-Gurl’s at 6:00 PM. I laid out something for you to wear this evening. See you then.” I looked around the room for the item Sig refers to. There draped over my night stand was my neck entry rubber suit. Apparently this was to be my “foundation” garment for the evening. I then called the desk and asked for a walkup call at 4:00 PM. That would give me enough time to grab a quick meal and still make it to Tee-Girls by 6:00.

I quickly fell asleep and slept soundly until my wake up call. I felt much better sleeping the extra hours. I was hungry. Seems I had not eaten since yesterday morning. I order room service and proceed to dress in my neck entry rubber suit and street clothes. This suit certainly has gotten worn on this trip. I will have to consider getting a replacement soon. Room service came and I quickly ate my meal. It was delicious but I had little time to thoroughly enjoy it. The anticipation of the evening’s events preoccupied my mind.

It was close to 5:00 PM when I hailed a cab to take me to Tee-Gurls. Even though I was early, the girls I met last evening were more than ready for me. Sig was not there but that did not stop the preparations. First came the silicon rubber skin suit. They had to completely lube my body to get it on. The suit was heavy and I would not doubt regret wearing two layers of rubber. Next came the insufferable corset. It again took all three of them to lace me in. I believe it was even tighter this time if that is possible. They waited on the dress and shoes, focusing more on my wig. “Everything must be perfect for your coming out, including your hair”. Their work paid off. When I looked in a mirror, what I saw looking back at me was nothing less than a fabulously desirable looking woman sitting there naked all except for a black rubber corset. Gone was the Chicago business executive well hidden under sexy layers of rubber. All that was left was the dress and shoes. At least that is what I understood.

Sig finally showed up. She too was stunning. She wore black high necked flared floor length latex hobble dress. This outfit was an identical copy of the one I was to wear. “Splendid!” was her reaction when she saw me. “You will be the bell of the ball this evening. Girls, let’s finish “her” up.” I was once again lube up and the dress was slithered up over my body. Next came the shoes which were strapped onto my ankles. Because of my large breasts, unfortunately I could not see the shoes but I am sure they suited the look. They stood me up and had me walk. I was very unsteady in the shoes.

“No doubt ‘she’ will catch on quickly.”

“We have one more item for you. Actually it is for both of us. We will be dressed alike and we will be going as “sisters.”

The girls went in the back of the store and retrieved two incredibly heavy looking rubber cloaks. They slipped them over our shoulders. The cloaks must have weighed at least twenty pounds (9.7kg). I struggled a bit under the unexpected weight. “I think we are ready. Shall we go?” The girls each gave me a kiss on the cheek and we headed for the door. The last thing I heard from the girls before we departed was “I doubt he is really for all that will happen to him this evening,” followed by giggles. Once again I felt a chill as I heard this last comment. Sig, sensing my reluctance, said, “Come on it will be fine.” This coming from a woman who tied me up and watched me suffer in a rubber purgatory.

We hailed a cab and were soon entering the KINKY FETISH SM & TGIRL PARTY. Once inside I could not help but be impressed by all of the extravagant decorations. This was obviously much more than a simple get together. Several ladies came up and greeted us. Some were dressed in simple drag and others were like us dressed like full rubber dolls. They obviously knew Sig but were curious about me. Sig introduced me as her “Sister Willow”. “Hello Willow. Welcome. We understand that this is to be your coming out evening. We will make sure this is a momentous evening for you.” She said momentous. I had hoped for pleasant or delightful or pleasing. “Momentous’ somehow seems ominous at this point.

Sig and I were suddenly surrounded by well wishers all caressing and fondling me at will. I had the feeling that others around me knew something more about me than just being Sig’s “Sister”. We were interrupted by an announcement that the event had officially begun. The MC was a voluptuous girl in her finest drag queen attire. She had a booming voice and after welcoming everyone she outlined the proceedings for the evening. The first will be a fashion show featuring the latest in drag fashion. Following this would be a full fledged drag show with music and comedy acts. The final part of the evening will be an S&M demonstration. “Beware, This will be volunteers from the audience.”

The fashion show was impressive. I admit I am not into the whole drag scene but the costumes and the performances were stellar. Every model was greeted with cheers and hoots from the crowd. The show lasted about thirty minutes with a finale consisting of all the models performing at once. It was quite a spectacle. There was an intermission after the fashion show which lasted another half hour. We were reminded that there was a buffet as well as playrooms available to all guests. The mention of “play rooms” adds a bit of titillation to the proceedings. Sig and I sampled the buffet. I found that my mask made eating difficult for anything more than finger food. I found sipping cold drinks through a straw was the best.

The lights dimmed as a sign that the next part of the show was to begin. This was a real treat. You don’t have to be into the drag scene to appreciate comedy and music. I found some of it so funny that I had tears running down inside my rubber mask from laughter. The performances were outstanding. All in all it lasted forty-five minutes. There was another intermission following the show. I began to notice some of the guests drifting off to what must have been the playroom area. I also noticed that the buzz around me seemed to increase as the S&M part show came closer.

The MC came out again but this time she was wearing a full leather dominatrix outfit complete with cat mask and whip. The tone of the evening suddenly changed. Ominous music began to play. The curtain opened and to a group of no less than six girls all dressed in leather costumes. They all looked like they meant business. Suddenly the gimps appeared. For each of the six girls there was a man dressed in full leather gimp suits. They then proceeded to act out dominant and submissive scenarios with whips and ropes, and paddles. This was obviously choreographed even down to the use of strap-on simulating sex play. It was entertaining but not what I expected.

It was then that I saw Sig nod to a group of girls. They approached me and quickly ushered me backstage. They removed my cloak and proceeded to remove my dress. I protested but to no avail. These “girls” were much stronger than they looked. I felt naked without my rubber dress even though I was layered in rubber.. They then handcuffed my arms behind my back. I now found myself in layers of rubber and handcuffed not knowing what was coming next. What was obvious is that I was once again going to be part of the show.

The mock S&M display just completed on stage. The crowd cheered and applauded. It seems I was next. The MC set up the scene. “You are about to meet Willow. Dear sweet Willow. Tonight is her coming out party. We want to make it a special night for her. Please join me in a round of applause for tonight's special guest, Willow.” I entered the stage accompanied by all six gimps from the previous sketch only this time I was to be the sub. The crowd went wild. I was ceremoniously paraded around the stage. I must have been quite a sight, “naked” down to my silicone rubber doll suit dressed only in a painfully tight tight rubber corset flaunting my huge breasts. What came next was a surprise only to myself as no doubt everyone here knew in advance exactly what was going to happen and who it would happen to.

It was at this point that the MC cracked her whip. This was the cue for equipment to be brought out. There before me was a giant box. The box was designed to look like a giant Barbie display box. It appeared to me that their intention was to put me on display as a giant Barbie. Suddenly a hairdressing chair was brought on stage and I was forced to sit and be strapped into the chair. Seems they had some alterations in mind for my already excessive costume. A rubber body corset was dragged out on stage. It looked to be 2.0m thick and extremely restrictive with boning and heavy lacing visible on the outer surface.

I was quickly forced into the body corset. The corset dress fit me from chin to ankle leaving only my arms free. The MC toyed with the crowd, “Willow seems a bit overweight to me. Let’s see if we can shrink her down a bit.” The crowd cheered again. They began the tedious process of lacing the body corset. Suddenly I could not move a muscle. I was nothing more than a rubber fly caught in a rubber trap. The lacing continued until I could barely breathe. The MC playfully patted my backside for the entertainment of the audience. “Willow’s figure is taking shape.

I helplessly stood there in the body corset to the point that the crowd was wanting more. Out came an extremely heavy rubber mask hood. This prompted oohs and awes from the audience. My wig was removed and the hood was stretched over my head. I too was heavy rubber and also had laces in back. This hood has no holes for eyes or mouth. I only had tiny nose holes to connect me with the outside world. They laced the hood to the point I thought it would crush my head. I barely felt something being added to the hood I assume it was another wig. I was then strapped to a dolly. “Guests, I present to you the sweet Willow who will now be wheeled out among you for your collective enjoyment.” The crowd cheered and I was wheeled off stage to what I assume was was the main floor area.

Once I was properly displayed to the guests, I was wheeled to the waiting display case. I was quickly placed inside and strapped in place by some heavy straps. I heard the box being closed, sealing me in a giant display box for what I assumed would be the remainder of the evening.

Suddenly music began signaling this was the dance potion of the evening. I was once again the center of attention. I was also once again trussed up wearing several layers of rubber beginning with my neck entry suit, a full silicone rubber suit and mask, and finally a heavy rubber body corset and second blind rubber hood. I was receiving lots of attention. Hands were constantly tapped on the outside of the box. And then there was the taunting. “Hello sweet Willow. Are you enjoying yourself?” “Willow you sweet thing. I think I will take you home as you are and leave you this way forever.”

I even enjoyed myself with the exception of the torrid heat of my rubber layers and the crushing effect of this for ride corset and mask. The heat of the sealed box only made things worse. I hoped that eventually I would be let out of this hellish bondage body corset and mask, the rubber body suit, skin suit and corset and returned to my former rubber self. That is unless the one guest gets her way and takes me home forever.

Like all good things this evening came to an end. I was ready to shed my extra layers, return to my hotel and ravage myself excessively for the two more days I have left of my trip. Finally the music stopped and all of the voices around me dissipated into silence. All heard where dishes and silverware were being collected and what sounded like general cleanup. I stood there for what seemed like an eternity wondering when I would be freed but there was nothing, no sound, no movement and worst of all no one coming to my aid. Finally I felt the box move but that was it. In fact the box kept moving. Where am I going? Suddenly I was being wheeled over a rough surface. I am outside! Then I was lifted and laid on my back box and all. I was being loaded into something. I heard the door close and we began to move but to where? The box was being tossed about as if we were darting around in traffic. Finally they stopped. Doors were open and my box slid out. With the wheels once again under me I was rolling again. I sensed we were on an elevator then down some hallway and into a room. Almost at once I heard a familiar voice. “Hi Willow!.. Sig here again. You are now back safe and sound in your room. Tom and I discovered a way to get into and out of the hotel unnoticed through the garage. That’s how we wheeled you out in the wheelchair. I have some help to get you out of the box and back on your comfy bed. Oh, regarding your rubber situation, I am sorry to say I am leaving for Munich in an hour via the late train so I do not have time to help you out of all your layers. Just sit tight and someone will come along eventually. Au revoir sweetie. It has been fun.” I began to scream and protest but soon realized that I was screaming at an empty room.

Once again I was stranded and deserted in a godforsaken rubber sepulcher destined to lay here in the insufferable heat once again struggling to breathe not knowing when or who will release me. My God! Did I mention to Sig that I had two more days in Amsterdam? You don’t think I will have to wait that long suffering the way I am now? I would not put it past my Munich “hosts” after the trials they put me through. Such is my fate.

Hours went by and no one came to release me from this oppressively constrictive corset dress. Between the weight of the rubber, the severe boning and the tight lacing, I was not able to move anything but my arms. Timing wise I figure it must be the middle of the night. It was doubtful that anyone would rescue me before morning so I just lay there suffering the ungodly pressure of the dress. I was hot in all my rubber layers. I began to realize that I had never experienced such heavy compression, literally mashing my entire body in layers of heavy rubber.

As time went on I realized that I was totally alone and had to do something to relieve my oppressive situation. I figured I would try to remove the heavy mask crushing my head. I managed to reach up and find the end of the laces. They were tied tight but left in a simple bow. With some effort I was able to untie the bow and slowly begin to loosen the laces. I was finally able to release the insufferable pressure on my head. It was a godsend. I removed the heavy mask and could finally see again even though the room was pitch black. The effort was exhausting. Now for the suit. Is there any way I can release the laces in the corset dress enough to wiggle out. I had to try. I reached up and was relieved to find that the laces ended at the back of my neck and not my feet. I managed to untie the laces and slowly strip the laces out one by one. It was an agonizingly slow process.

I worked the laces down to the point I could no longer reach with my arms. Unfortunately I did not manage to relieve much of the pressure. I tried to sit up hoping that somehow I could loosen the laces enough by twisting and turning my body. It seemed hopeless at first then I slowly began to feel some relief. The laces were loosening. I began to move more freely and finally loosened the laces enough to work my arm out of the top of the dress. I fought against the heavy boning but finally my arms were free of the dress. I could reach the laces enough to continue to strip them from the dress. The process took hours and hours but I was finally able to squirm enough to free my legs of the dress. Freedom was finally mine. I was exhausted. I realized that it took me the entire night to liberate myself from my rubber coffer. All I could do was lay there panting for all the effort. I fell asleep, all my energy drained from my body.

I woke up hours later still in several layers of total rubber. I managed to struggle my way out of the inner corset and doll suit leaving just my neck entry suit. I laid back on the bed relieved that I was free from most of my rubber incarceration. I fell asleep once again. It was midafternoon when I finally woke up for the final time. I surveyed my surroundings, noticing my bed was full of the rubber carnage. I was greeted by a deflated rubber doll’s body, corset, corset dress, and wig. I managed to wearily get up and make my way to the bathroom and shed my rubber suit in the shower. Naked, I assess my skin and become aware of the torture I put it though in the past weeks. I realized I needed to give my skin a well earned break for a couple of days. I showered dressed in street clothes and for the first time in ages did not wear any rubber underneath. I left the room in shambles but I desperately needed some food and drink to replenish my energy. I found a nice cafe nearby and greedily ate and drank until I was satisfied.

Returning to my room, I was faced with the daunting task of cleaning and packing all my rubber for the trip home. I realized that I had gained a few items and needed to return some of them to their rightful owners. My only contact was the Tee-Gurl shop. I called them but there was no answer. In fact I tried several times right up to the point where I needed to pack for my return. I had no choice but to box up all the items and ship them home and find a way to return them later.

I obtained a large shipping box and packed all of my growing rubber collection. I am not sure how much it weighed but it was a ton to lift. I addressed it to my business address with notice to deliver directly to my office. Not sure how I would explain some of the items inside to my co-workers. Once I finished the customs paperwork, I called for a parcel pickup. All that was left to do was enjoy my last evening in Amsterdam and fly back to the states.

I reflected back on my trip. It was a success in every right. I certainly expanded life beyond my rubber solo existence. While I will continue to enjoy the personal and private pleasure it gives me, being out and about among other rubberists is compelling. The same could be said for my plans to expand the European rubber dominatrix experience to the states. This plus my venture into molded rubber fetish wear should give a lot to look forward to once home. I can hardly wait to get back and begin the work. All this rubber planning makes me want to pleasure myself for the entire evening. Tomorrow will be a rubber travel day.


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