Gromet's PlazaLatex Stories

Love of Rubber

by Willy Jim

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© Copyright 2024 - Willy Jim - Used by permission

Storycodes: M+/m; Solo-M; latex; heavy; catsuit; cd; sweat; urine; breathplay; stink; public; drug; kidnap; bond; rope; chair; mask; mast; cons; nc; XXX

Continues from

Homestyle Part Two

Morning came and I prepared myself for the trip home. I just completed a successful trip to Minneapolis. My plans to create a world class rubber dominatrix studio here was well under way. I was happy with the results and decided to treat myself to a special ride back to Chicago. I planned to drive straight through so I dressed in street clothes and gassed up the car. My plans required me not having to stop anywhere along the way. I returned to the house and made final preparations for the trip. I first dressed in my Evolution suit hood, gloves and all. I then put on the silicone doll suit, the tight jeans and cotton blouse, and wig before joining the boys to say goodbye. They laughed and applauded as I sashayed down the stairs in my best girly persona. “You look marvelous!” With that they kissed both my hands. We wished each other the best and I headed for my car. The brief walk to the car reminded me of why I don’t dare stop on the way home. I was early and the weather predicted temperatures in the 90’s (30’s C). I ducked into the car, buckled up and headed back to Chicago hoping for an easy drive. 

I hopped on I94 heading south. I knew I would run into some construction along the way but figured I could handle that as I did on my way up. Everything seemed to be going well. It was hot outside but the air conditioning in the car seemed to be keeping up, however the morning sun was beaming through on my side of the car making my double covered rubber head sweat profusely. Even the sun visor did little to ward off the glare of the morning sun. I welcomed an occasional cloud which temporarily shielded me from the obsessive heat.

Traffic slowed a bit through the first construction zone but kept moving and we were on our way again. I passed Tomah, the city I stayed in on the way up. The weather was starting to change. I started to see clouds which was welcome cover from the sun however the further south I drove the darker the clouds got. Finally I began to see thunder clouds in the distance and before I knew it it started to rain. At first it was just a light shower but then the sky opened up and a torrent of rain started coming down. It was raining so hard that the windshield wipers could not handle the water. I had to slow down to almost a crawl in order to see the road. In Times like this you hope everyone else does the same or accidents happen. Finally it got so bad that I pulled over under an overpass waiting for the rain to lighten up. I must have been there for ten or so minutes watching cars attempt to drive by knowing they can not see the road. Finally the rain let up and I was about to head out when three state trooper cars sped by with their lights and sirens. I waited until they passed then started driving again. I did not get far. Ahead of me was one of the squads crossways of the road blocking it and waving for cars to get off on an exit. I did so. The exit led to a small county road and a choice to turn either left or right. Not knowing where it would take me I chose to go over the overpass allowing me to see the carnage of cars mangled together just south of the bridge. I was lucky not to be a part of that. 

My next move was to find out where I was and how I could get back to I94. I saw a sign that read Mill Bluff State Park and pulled over to get the GPS on my phone. I was confident that I would be able to reconnoiter my way back to civilization. My confidence bubble burst when I found out my phone was dead. I forgot to plug it in. I rummaged around to find a cord but soon realized everything was in my luggage in the trunk. Since it was still raining I decided to drive a bit until the rain stopped and I could find a quiet spot to get out of my car. Seeing a big busted rubber lady on the roadside might not go well here in the middle of Wisconsin farm country. 

I drove several miles and even though the rains stopped I did not see any place to stop. This really is farm country. The land is all open fields of corn and beans. There is no place to hide. As I drove I could not miss the water in the fields. The recent rain had actually managed to flood some areas. I drove on. Unfortunately I did not realize I was driving north instead of south going further and further away from the expressway. I finally came to a sign that said Butler Cranberry Company. I guess there is more here than corn and beans. I began to see large areas of water alongside the road. The water was getting closer and closer to the road until it filled the ditches and finally filled the road. I stopped at the water’s edge wondering how deep it was and if I could drive through it. It was then I saw a car coming toward me in the distance. I decided to wait to see if they could make it through the water. They seemed to inch closer to me when suddenly the hood of the car disappeared and the car was submerged up to the windshield. The occupants managed to get out but found themselves waist deep in water. I thought about helping them out but they decided to walk back the way they came. I had no choice but to turn around and head back where I came. As luck would have it started to rain again just as heavy as before. My mind started to put things together and I remember seeing ads for cranberries being harvested in waist deep water and realize that I was in what people down south call “low country’. I need to get out of here as this area might just be prone to flooding.

The rain again came in torrents causing me to stop occasionally to get my bearings. All I could see through my windshield was water. The sky and the road all looked the same. In a slight moment of clarity I saw that the road ahead of me was flooded. The rain let up enough for me to see there was a small road to my right. I backed up and headed down this road hoping I could escape this flooded area. Luck wasn’t with me. The road turned from black top to gravel and from gravel to mud. Before long I found myself stuck in the mud in the middle of nowhere. Now what! I have no hope of getting out, I don’t know where I am, the phone is dead, not to mention I am wearing two layers of rubber looking like a bad copy of Jessica Rabbit in drag. After a brief bout of panic I collected my thoughts and decided to get out and rummage through my luggage and get a phone cable. At least I can find where I am and maybe contact someone to help. 

My first step outside the car led me to fall on my ass as I slipped on the mud. I made it back to the trunk. It was still raining but unfortunately the rain did little to cool things off. I began to sweat heavily while struggling to find the cord. Suddenly I saw it and managed to return to the car. I was a mess. My butt and right leg were covered in mud and even though I was just standing outside in the rain I swear I was wetter inside my suits. I plugged in my phone and impatiently waited for it to come back to life. When it did I found out just how bad my luck was. There were no bars. I can’t believe there is anywhere on this earth where there are no bars, especially in the middle of Wisconsin. Damned those cranberries! The phone did tell me some good news. It was only 1:00PM and with luck the rain would stop and someone might find me. I sure as hell did not want to be out here after dark. But, how they would find me was my next concern. I need to somehow get out of this rubber doll suit and get into something normal. I began to undress, taking off the wig, muddy slacks and cotton top when I looked in the mirror. This is even worse. I am now a nude rubber doll with big boobs and all. Then fate took a really bad turn.

I looked through the steamy rear window only to see a car approaching. I grabbed my wig and blouse and quickly put them on. Then a figure appeared in my window. Lucky for me the windows were steamed up. I opened the window a few inches so whoever approached the car would only see a little of my face. “I see you’re stuck. I’d pull you out but I am afraid we would both be stuck. Best thing is to get a tow truck in here to winch you out. I can call one when I get home if you like.”

“Thank you, I would like it very much.”

He pointed out it may take some time for someone to get out here. “There is a kind old guy who lives about a quarter mile back. I’m sure he would let you sit a spell ‘till the truck gets here.” I thanked him and told him I would check out this guy's house as soon as the rain let up. “Great, then I will tell the tow truck driver to meet you there. Oh one more thing, the old guy is blind so don’t let that put you off.” With that he headed back to his car. Maybe my luck was changing. Maybe I can pass off this rubber doll suit as real since this guy is blind. At least I can bring my bags along and finally change into something acceptable before the tow truck arrives. 

The rain finally quit and I struggled back into my tight jeans, grabbed my keys and my luggage and headed out to the house down the road. At first it was tough walking in the mud but once I was back on the gravel road I was OK. OK that is except the heat. I was hot despite all the rain except now it was beastly humid. I walked the quarter mile with my inner rubber suit sticking to my skin making it more difficult the more I walked. I finally reached the house and walked to the door. I knocked and before long an old man appeared. “Hello, you must be the guy stuck in the mud. Jake stopped and told me you would be along, Come in.” Once in he introduced himself as Floyd and reached out to shake my hand. I thought here goes nothing, as I stuck out my rubber coated hand. I looked for some response but he didn’t seem to waver a bit. 

“How about something cool to drink? It may be some time before a truck comes so make yourself at home.” With that he headed off to the kitchen I assumed to get the drinks. I heard him on the phone saying “Yes, he’s here.” I assumed he was talking to the tow truck driver.

He returned with two glasses of ice tea and offered me one of the glasses. We sat in his parlor and talked about the hellacious rain. The ice tea was a welcome treat as this whole ordeal had me on the verge of dehydration. I literally gulped it down. After a few minutes it hit me. The drugs. I was losing consciousness. Everything went black.

When I woke up I found myself looking at two old men. One was Floyd and the other looked like a guy who just found a bag of candy. I swear he was drooling. I tried to move but found that I was tied to a chair. Worse yet, I was naked meaning I was still in my doll suit but shedding my clothes and wig.

“Well, exactly what have we here Tom?”

“I’m not sure Vern. I have never seen anything like this in my life. I think it is wearing rubber. At least that is what it felt like when I shook its hand.”

“Rubber ain’t all it’s wearing.” Vern said. “Did you check out all the stuff it has in its luggage? Hell, I ain't never seen stuff like that. What do you have to say for yourself, rubber dolly?”

I was speechless. How on earth am I going to explain all this to a couple of old guys in the middle of Wisconsin farm country. My silence didn’t seem to matter. “The tow truck driver called. He is on his way. You take its credit card and meet him at the car. Have him tow it to the house. Once here, park it in the barn. I’ll try to figure out what we will do to dolly here.” With that Vern headed out to meet the driver. 

“Rubber suit huh? Hell it’s got to be hot as hell in there. Best we leave you in all that rubber. Seems you like it hot an’ sweaty.” I was relieved to hear that. Visions of the movie Deliverance came to mind. The longer I am sealed in these suits, the less of a chance I will be violated. 

Eventually Vern returned. “The car in the barn?”

“Yes, I closed the doors. No one will know the car is here.”

Those words hit me like a ton of bricks. No one knows where I am. Hell, I don’t even know where I am myself. What are these two old guys planning to do with me?

“Let’s check out this other stuff in his luggage.”

“Good idea. I’ll get on the computer and see if we can make some sense out of all this stuff.” 

“Good idea Vern. I’ll check out dolly.” With that Floyd came over and started to fondle me. He reached for my groin. “We got a “he” dolly here.” Floyd said with a certain amount of glee.

“All the better,” said Vern. 

I sat there for hours while the boy trolled over images on the computer. Since Floyd was blind Vern would describe what he saw on the screen in great detail. They would chuckle and laugh in between. I heard a lot of “Oh my God.” and “Can you believe it?” and “I never.”

They finally finished and Vern came uptown one and said “ You have quite a collection of kinky things in your bags. Now that we know what they are used for, we will have to try them out…on you.” With that they both laughed, their laughter training off as they left the room leaving me sitting strapped to a chair in rubber suits full of a day's worth of sweat.

The boys return to the parlor. “Well Dolly let’s get started. We looked over your rubber stuff and have figured out how some of it is supposed to work. Let’s try it out. shall we?” I heard the familiar rustle of rubber behind me figuring they brought out part of my collection. My mind was frantically trying to remember what I brought so as to prepare myself for what happens next. They chose the gas mask first and slipped it over my double hooded head. Naturally it was tighter than normal. The lens covers were still in place where I left them blinding me from knowing what comes next. “See Tom, he is blind like you. Let’s untie him and see how he does making his way around. Should be a laugh.”

I am untied from my chair but my hands are still tied behind my back. “Come on, Get up. There are chores to be done.” Chores?! With that I was ushered through the house and out the back door. “Don’t worry, the neighbors can’t see you Dolly.” I am led through the wet grass to what smells like a musty building. My guess is I am in the barn. “OK Dolly, we need the barn cleaned. I’ll untie your hands but the mask stays in place.”

“What? I can’t see. How can I clean a barn?”

“He does it all the time.” Vern then hands me what I believe to be a pitchfork. Floyd joins us and asks Vern how I am doing. “I don’t know but I'll bet he is sweating a lot in that rubber suit. Must be like pure hell in that getup.”

Vern was right. I was as hot as I have ever been in rubber and I had barely started. I scraped around the floor blindly pushing what I thought was hay or straw. Who knows if I was doing any good. I am sure that was the whole idea. I was here solely for their entertainment.

“You missed a spot, Dolly,” Then laughter.

I hear Vern get up and walk over to me. “I found this rubber thingamajig here. Seems this should get hooked up to that gas mask.” Damn, he found the rebreather neck bag. Vern proceeded to attach it to my mask and the bag began to flutter wildly as I attempted to breathe. “We gotta get one of these, Tom. It’ll keep out the dust.” They laughed. 

I must have blindly pushed the pitchfork around the barn floor for a couple of hours. There was one point where I thought they left and I was alone. I slid up the mask just in time to see Floyd and Vern walking to the barn. I pulled the mask down again and pretended to push the pitchfork around the barn floor.

“I’m disappointed, Dolly. The barn is still dirty. We will have to find something else for you to do.” With that they ushered me back to the house. Instead of a chair, I was led to a bed and told to lay down. Straps were quickly added to hold me firmly to the bed. I was still wearing the gas mask and rebreather bag. “We found something in your stuff that seems interesting. They say this here is a piss inhaler. Damn that sure sounds horrible. I sure as hell would not want to smell piss all the time.”

Floyd chimed in, “That is unless you are a rubber Dolly. They must love the smell of piss. What say we try it out.”

“Why not. I know just the right thing for Dolly here.” With that I heard Vern get up and leave the room. A few minutes later he comes back. Seems he is carrying something. “Dolly, let’s get you strapped in this contraption. We have something very special for you.” I hear them rummaging around and they finally get the inhaler hooked up. “Here’s your special treat Dolly. You like to smell piss? How about a month old pig piss mixed with a bit of pig crap. that ought to satisfy a sniffing Dolly. 

Vern opened the valve on the vial of pig piss and my body revolted like someone hit me with a Taser. My body convulsed and shook so bad the entire bed was jumping up and down. It actually hurts to breathe. I fought the stench by trying not to breath in the rancid smell reeking with a strong odor of ammonia. I tried not to breathe but eventually I had no choice. I bucked and screamed but that just made me need more of this terrible smell. “I think Dolly likes it.” said Vern.

“Wow!” said Tom. “My nose hairs burn just walking by the pig pen.”

“No no Tom. She is screaming for joy.” And they both laughed. “Let’s let Dolly enjoy her time in the piss breather. We can try some of her other tricks tomorrow.”

Tomorrow? You can’t possibly leave me like this until tomorrow! I screamed again.

“See? She is screaming for joy.” With that they left the room and closed the door.

My breathing never recovered to normal. Each breath was agony. One good thing happened. All my jumping around loosened one of my hands. I reached up and turned off the valve to the inhaler. I continued to moan and occasionally scream as if still inhaling the vile piss. I worked my other hand loose and untied my legs. I got up and ripped off the gas mask to finally breathe fresh air. I looked out of the window and saw that I was on the barn side of the house. If there was only a way to sneak out of the house and get to my car. Yes, but what about the keys? I thought I'd risk it that they are in the car. I would have to wait until dark when these two old ghouls are sleeping. Then hit me. They would eventually check on me which means until they nod off I must stay as I was, laying there breathing that foul swine piss.

I reluctantly strapped the gas mask back on my face. Maybe they won’t notice if the valve is turned off. At least I could be spared the worst of it. I would need to strap myself down leaving one hand loose enough to get out when the time comes. I looked around the room for something sharp in case they checked my bonds. I found an old knife and tucked it up under the mattress springs where I could get it if I needed it. I laid down and strapped myself to the bed just in time as I heard footsteps.

“Come on Tom. Let’s check on Dolly.” Vern’s voice was slurred leading me to believe they were drinking. No doubt celebrating their new conquest. I began to moan and scream again. “HI Dolly. Having Fun? Of course you are.”

“Wait, what's this? Dolly’s straps are loose. I’ll fix that and the valve is not open all the way. I’ll fix that too.” With that I was once again strapped tight to the bed choking on the insufferable pig piss. My moans and screams were real again. “Well Tommy old boy, it looks like Dolly is fixed for the night. What say we get some rest. I am dying to try out some of Dolly’s other stuff in the morning. with that they left. 

I reached for the knife thanking myself for stashing it where I could reach it. I cut one hand loose and removed my other straps. It was starting to get dark which could work in my favor. I removed the inhaler, rebreather bag and the gas mask. I found my luggage and quickly packed everything away. Now to get to the car. If I am successful at getting out of the house and into the barn the hope is I could have time to change out of these miserable rubber suits. But first I need to get out. There were three windows in my room. I tried two but they were painted shut. The third one opened and I pushed my luggage through the window then followed it. Once again I am out of the house in my naked rubber doll suit. I carefully walked to the barn. There was my car. It was great to see it again. I didn’t even mind the dried mud on the front.

I quietly opened the passenger door and there they were, my keys were in the ignition. I grabbed the keys and opened the trunk. I threw in my bags, opening hoping to find something to change into. Then I heard voices, screaming voices, angry screaming voices. Vern and Floyd found out I was gone. All I could do was slam the trunk, push open the doors and hope I could get in the car and start it before the boys caught me. I darted for the driver’s door. My giant boobs were bouncing up and down like beach balls. I jumped in the seat and hit the locks just as Vern started banging on the windows. I started the car, slammed it into reverse and punched it. I didn’t care what was behind me. I just punched it. Once out of the barn I spun it around and tore off out of the driveway and onto the gravel road. Vern was running after me but by now I was long gone. Naked rubber dolly has left the building.

I drove like my life depended on it. It was dark and I was lost but at least I am alive and heading away from that house of grumpy old freaks. I came back to the highway and turned right hoping to retrace my steps back to the interstate. Fortunately the flooding on the road subsided. I hoped the accident on I94 would be cleared by now as I was tired of the country backroads, farm county, cranberries, and muddy roads. I need to get home.

I eventually made my way back to the interstate. I thought about stopping to finally change out of my rubber suits but for some reason making it home was more important. It took about three more hours to get to my house. I punched the garage door opener and drove in out of sight. I was safe and sound in my home. I struggled to get out of the car realizing for the first time how much sweat and fluids were trapped in my suits. I sloshed my way into the house heading for the shower but for some kinky reason I felt I needed a cum. No, in fact I believe I earned a cum. I headed for my den where I proceeded to add copious amounts of jizz to the already flooded rubber suits.

To be Continued.


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