Gromet's PlazaLatex Stories

Love of Rubber

by Willy Jim

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© Copyright 2024 - Willy Jim - Used by permission

Storycodes: F+/m; Sbm; mpov; latex; heavy; layers; hood; catsuit; gag; stink; sendep; sleepsack; urine; sweat; cast; mum; wrap; catheter; transported; mast; drysuit; cons; XXX

Continues from

New Life Part 5

I recovered from my spectacle and was eventually wheeled out of the party and out into the streets where to my surprise I was abandoned. Without a word I was left somewhere on a street in Berlin, in the dark, in a heavy rubber suit, wearing a silicon doggy drone hood. My only satisfaction was that the night was cool. I must have been there for what felt like hours when suddenly I was being wheeled off. I tried to grunt something through my gag but there was no response. Who has me? I was wheeled for blocks without any sense as to who or what is behind all this much less what will happen to me next. Eventually I was wheeled into a building and taken somewhere on an elevator then eventually to some room where I was left helplessly sitting in a wheelchair for hours. The only sound I heard the entire time was the sound of a door closing behind me.

I am once again left alone to try to endure and try to contemplate my fate. I have no idea where I am, who brought me here nor what will happen to me next. What I do know is that I am helplessly strapped to a wheelchair, forcibly sealed and locked in a heavy rubber suit filled with eight day old sweat, cum, and piss left to marinate in noxious sweat of vile human secretions. The stench in this suit is putrid to the level I feel like retching.. I am wearing a blind hood with a massive mouth gag, while also wearing some sort of heavy rubber dog hood making breathing a challenge. To top it off I have worn most of this for the last two days suffering and adding even more and more vile excretions to the already bloated suit.

I sat there for hours. Seems that waiting long periods of time in isolation has become my penance for my wanton lust for rubber. Finally I begin to hear voices.. There are two voices, a woman and a man, both speaking German. I do not recognize either one. They finally enter the room and begin to speak to me.

“Will, First of all I apologize for all the mystery. My name is Fredrik and my wife’s name is Bärbel. We are the ones who found you abandoned on the street. We brought you here to our hotel. I know you can not see us but be assured we mean you no harm.” Then Fredrik began to tell the story as to how he found me. “You see Will, Bärbel and I are what you call rubberists. We follow the rubber scene all over Europe. Tonight Bärbel and I split up. She went with friends to a private party and I went to the Pig Party. That is where I saw you with the Paris rubber bunch. Although we never met, I have to admit we are both big fans of your Poor Willy videos. I have to say it is a great pleasure to meet you. Sorry, I drifted off. Back to the story. After the evening wound down I saw the Parisians wheel you off and thought they had other plans for you. Little did I imagine that they would abandon you on a street corner. It was then that I decided to bring you here. Bärbel just returned a few moments ago so we could come and explain ourselves.”

I was both grateful and relieved to find out that these two rescued me and I did my best to respond through my gag.

“Both of us are also clients of Natasha. and understand she was with you today. We contacted her studio and left a message. It is very early morning so I doubt she will be able to respond until much later. So here is our situation. We have to check out this morning and return home. We can not leave you here unattended so we have no choice but to take you with us. We live a short distance from here. We will inform Natasha of your whereabouts so she can arrange to collect you later.”

Bärbel spoke up and said, “In the meantime you will be our guest. We will be leaving soon. Fredrik. is there any way we can get Will out of this horrible suit?”

“I am sorry to say we cannot. I have no way to remove the locks. I am afraid poor Will here must endure all of this a little longer at least until we get to our home.”

“My heavens, it must be terribly uncomfortable in that suit. Are you OK in there?”

“He can not answer you, He is heavily gagged under all that but that’s not all.” Fredrik switched to German and apparently explained my situation in all of its gory details.

Bärbel screamed, “Oh God no, that is terrible! How can anyone stand it? You poor, poor thing.”

“Come, we must pack and get Will to our home where we can help him.”

Time passed quickly and before I knew it I was sitting in the back seat of a car heading off to the home of complete strangers and hopeful to eventual freedom from this horrid suit.

It seemed like an hour or so when we stopped and I was helped out of the car. This was the first time I have walked since early yesterday. My legs were stiff but Bärbel and Fredrik managed to help me. “We will take you to our playroom. Hopefully we can get you out of this suit and clean you up.” We seemed to be walking outside for some distance. We finally entered a building. I was glad to get out of the sun. They sat me down on a hard bench.

Fredrik said, “Let me get some tools and we will see if we can break these locks.” They spoke to each other in German and Fredrik left the room. When he returned they spoke in German again. Bärbel seemed angry. She began to scream at Fredrik then she stormed out of the room. “Will, I am afraid I have bad news for you. I am not sure how to say this but I will not be able to help you out of your suit, at least not right now. You see Natasha called and said you must stay in this suit until she arrives. She said it has something to do with Poor Willy or some such thing. I am so sorry. We will make you as comfortable as possible considering the circumstances. With that Fredrik helped me to some sort of bed where I could lay down.

Several hours went by and once again I found myself isolated and cut off from the outside world. I finally heard voices. It was the entire crew. Sandy, Cam, Sherry, Bobby and Natasha joined Bärbel and Fredrik in what sounded like a lively conversation.

Sandy spoke to me. “Hi Will. The whole group is here. We have a few things to do then we will get you out of that and clean you up. Girls, let’s get him ready.” With that they stood me up and walked me out of the building and back to the car. I began to worry as to what was going to happen next. Are they taking me somewhere? I want out of this suit! Sandy, sensing my reluctance, explained that she needed some additional footage for the latest Poor Willy video namely footage of me exiting the car at the hands of Bärbel and Fredrik. They shot the scene and continued shooting as we once again walked back to their playroom.

Finally I am going to get out of this horrid suit. “Will, we have one more part to shoot. Don’t panic as I promise this will be quick. They once again laid me down on a bed but this time there was something under me. It was a heavy rubber sleep sack. Seems Bobby was keeping a secret from me. Unknown to me he molded a 2.0m rubber sleep sack using my exact measurements. I was about to be forced to wear it in addition to my heavy rubber suit. with cameras rolling, I was forced into the bag. But that was not the end of it. Another heavy rubber sarcophagus was wheeled in and I was forced into it with the lid latched and locked. Then I heard Sandy say, “Since you tried to escape again, your punishment will continue. We will ship you home sealed in all your rubber layers. Then, if we choose, we may let you out.” I was devastated. I screamed and wept as I was wheeled out and put in the back of a van. The last thing I heard was the doors closing and me being driven off.

The trip was short. Less than two minutes later I was being unloaded from the van and wheeled back into the playroom. The lid was removed, I was wheeled out of the rubber casket and back on a bed where I was removed from the heavy sleep sack. “I began to worry. “Don’t be concerned Will. This last bit was just for the camera. Girls, let’s get Will out of this wretched suit.”

They took me out of the playroom and outside onto the veranda behind the house. They sat me down on a stool and began to undress me. They began by unzipping the airtight zipper. The stench from the inside of the suit was disgusting. The smell hit me. It was shattering. I wondered how others could stand it. They removed my hood and gag and for the first time in days, I could see.

At first the light was blinding but once my eyes adjusted, I discovered why no one other than myself was affected by the noxious smell of the suit. Everyone was wearing a gas mask. I also discovered that I was surrounded by quite an entourage, Sherry, Bobby, Sandy, Candy, Natasha, and for the first time I got to meet Bärbel and Fredrik. Everyone was still in their shiny black rubber. We were quite a sight.

They stripped me down to my neck entry suit. Next I was sprayed with warm water and gently washed with some sort of astringent. Next they began to extricate me from my neck entry suit. I appreciated how gentle they were as my skin was extremely sensitive. They continued to wash me. The soapy warm water was a welcome pleasure after days forced to marinate in that vile excreta I was forced to subject to. They continued to gently wash me for several minutes before toweling me off. Bärbel furnished me with a robe. I managed to speak for the first time in days. My voice was reduced to a croak. All I could say was “Thank you.”

Everyone dried off their suits from the overspray and we walked back into the house.

It immediately became apparent that Bärbel and Fredrik were extremely rich. Their house was huge. We entered a massive dining room where food and drinks were prepared. I was famished. Realizing this Fredrik sat me at the head of the table and as others were seated motioned for us to eat. “Will, you must be starving. Please eat and drink.” Then everyone suddenly burst into conversation. Everyone but myself. I was unusually quiet.. Seems my extended bondage experience had left me a bit rattled. I just sat and listened to Sandy and Natasha recall the events of the weekend. I was not surprised to learn that cameras followed my every exploit, capturing every tortuous moment. I managed to ask “How did I get here?“

Sandy was a bit embarrassed and told the story: when I left the Pig Party, I was supposed to be picked up and brought to our hotel. Seems that my Paris rubber “friends” pushed me to the wrong meeting point. The camera crew lost sight of me and I was left abandoned on a street corner. Fredrik continued with his story as to how he rescued me and wheel to his room and eventually brought me here. “I thanked Fredrik and Bärbel for saving me.” I knew that Sandy and I would have much to talk about later in private.

The food was delicious and greatly appreciated. After eating Fredrik extended an invitation for all of us to stay the week as his guest. Bärbel agreed and insisted. Sandy told of our flight plans to return to the States. Fredrik dismissed that saying “I will arrange for you to travel back in my private plane at your convenience.” It was settled. We were to be their guests.

After lunch, everyone was shown to one of the many bedrooms in the house. The girls and Bobby wanted to change out of their rubber so Bärbel arranged for everyone to have robes at their disposal. Bobby was given some clothes to wear so he could go back to the hotel and return our belongings. Once everyone had a chance to clean up, we joined ranks and reared to the veranda to enjoy the afternoon sun where the conversations continued. Everyone was curious about Poor Willy and how I managed my ordeal. I was somewhat reserved in my answers. I did reveal that I felt my skin was somewhat distressed from being exposed to the sewage-filled suit for over three days. Sandy was a bit taken back by my frankness until she realized that my skin and not my feelings were hurt. It was Bärbel who realized that perhaps this was serious and that I needed tending to and the discussion turned to seeking solutions to my problem. Fredrik immediately got up and called his physician and asked that he come out and give me an examination. Regretfully my personal dilemma seemed to put a damper on the otherwise spirited conversation. Not wanting to impede on everyone's joy, I elected to retire to my room until the physician arrived.

Fredrik’s physician gave me a thorough examination and determined that my skin needed treatment. He prescribed an ointment and instructed that I need to be wrapped in ample amounts of ointment and with moist heat applied for at least three days. After that I should see improvement. He left without questioning the source of my dilemma. Fredrik immediately sent someone to a local Dirk Rossmann GmbH to retrieve the prescription. The group then huddled to determine the best way to see the doctor’s recommendation. Now, in a normal group of people a simple gauze wrap might be sufficient but in a group of kinky dominatrixes, other solutions immediately come to mind. After a discussion, they all seemed to agree on a plan of attack and began preparations. Seems their discussions centered around two solutions. I would either be body cast or mummy wrapped. They chose the latter. It came as no surprise that Fredrick and Bärbel were prepared for either. The ointment arrived and preparations were made for my complete mummification. I admit that I was not mentally prepared to be once again totally encased and left in a suspended state of quiescence for another extended period of time. I had no choice. My skin would not otherwise survive.

The first hardship I was subjected to was my catheterization. Natasha used her expertise to catheterize me. Once properly plumbed I was swathed in an ample amount of the special ointment. I admit the application was extremely soothing. Next came the wrapping. First a pillow or padding was put between my legs and ankles. Next they began to wrap me with 100 feet of plastic food wrap over my whole body (except my head). That took about 30 minutes to get me cocooned. That was followed by several layers of pallet wrap. My torso was wrapped diagonally with my head being last. I was not sure why my head needed covering but I think the group was getting carried away. Nose and mouth tube were inserted and my head was wrapped in thin food wrap. Next came the tape. I am not sure what they used. I assume it was duct tape. I was totally wrapped from head to toe.

What came after that was a complete surprise. They changed their mind and decided to cast me after all. Nothing was mentioned to me about the casting. They said they did not want to needlessly distress me until they were finished and the fiberglass cast material was dry. “Well Will, it looks like we have you adequately sealed per the doctor’s orders.” I merely grunted at this hypocrisy. “We will check on you from time to time. I regret that we do not have our cameras here. This would make for a great video.” With that I was once again abandoned to the silence and isolation and left to the lonesomeness that such confinement creates. I am not sure if I can make it though this time.

I am absolutely sure the doctor did not have this in mind when he prescribed his treatment. This is what is known as total sensory deprivation. I know from experience that short-term sessions of sensory deprivation can be very relaxing and conducive to meditation; however, extended or forced sensory deprivation can result in a whole host of mental issues including extreme anxiety, hallucinations, bizarre thoughts, and depression. These issues may come up at any time and at any duration while being sealed off for stimulus.

While I had absolutely no concept of time, in the end, I lasted two days before all hell broke loose. I began uncontrollably screaming and convulsing. I was no longer in control of my mind or body. I was delirious. Apparently It was in the middle of the night when I freaked out. Everyone came and frantically tried to break me free from my cast. It took almost an hour to get me out of my mummified state. By then I had passed out.

When I woke I was in a bed under blankets shivering uncontrollably. Everyone was in the room anxiously waiting to see how I was responding. When they saw I was awake, they bombarded me with questions about my condition. I could not respond. All I could do was lay there and blankly stare at the group. The discussion turned to concern over me and whether or not I had some sort of psychotic break. They decided that someone would stay with me at all times hoping that I would somehow snap out of my mania.

Early morning came and Candy, who was assigned to tend for me, woke up and found my bed empty. She freaked and woke everyone else up. They ran around the house looking for me. Finally they found me sitting on a bench on the veranda watching the sun rise. They all flocked around me and pummeled me with questions. I just looked at them and simply asked, “What day is it?” They all breathed a sigh of relief. Everyone including Bobby hugged me and told me how they were sorry to put me through all this agony.

The rest of the week went along nicely. Bärbel and Fredrik were gracious hosts. Everyone seemed to be having a good time. As for myself, I was somewhat reserved. The whole ordeal of last week’s rubber bondage and my mummification took its toll on me. Something was different about me. I knew it and so did everyone in my group. They were constantly asking me “You OK?” My only response was,”Yes, I think so.“

Our trip here was coming to an end as we packed up and said our goodbyes to Bärbel and Fredrik. They had a driver take us to the airport where we boarded Fredrik’s private plane and headed back to the States. My skin was still recovering so for the first time since I can remember I was not wearing any rubber. I missed it and wondered what it is going to be like when I can wear it again. Will I /enjoy it as I normally would or reject it harboring unpleasant memories? I pondered that thought all the way back to Minneapolis.

When we arrived we all said goodbye and departed our separate ways. I went home and spent the evening in thought. I decided I needed time to myself away from everyone and everything. I called a friend who has a cabin on one of the thousand lakes here in Minnesota. I asked if I could stay there for a week to decompress. He said absolutely and arranged for me to pick up the keys. I packed for the trip taking a wealth of rubber along. This would be my first regression into rubber for me. I was both anxious and excited.

I finally reached my friend’s cabin up north. It began with a six-hour car ride. Normally I would travel in rubber but I chose to wait until I arrived to get into any rubber. It is fall and there is a lot to see with the leaves changing color. It was cold outside, and I knew it would be cozy warm in my steamy latex rubber suit. The trip would definitely go faster that way but I held off and drove in my vanilla clothes

Once at the cabin, I hopped out of the car and grabbed my gear. I planned this well needed special week for myself. I brought along a lot of special gear for the occasion. The first thing that hit me was the cold. This made me hurry even faster to get in the cabin and warm up.

The cabin was freezing cold inside. So much for warming up. The first order of business was to start a fire in the fireplace. After setting my gear aside I gathered some wood from the porch and immediately set to work. My goal was to get the cabin toasty warm for the things I had planned for later.

A quick trip back to the car for the groceries, and I was set for the week. I put the supplies away and started making some coffee. It was a long trip and I was pretty tired. I decided to hold off on any serious activities until morning. There is nothing like a wood fire to warm things up. The cabin was nice and toasty and I began to enjoy the warm fire. I was reminded what a latex rubber suit would feel like next to a wood fire. I could hardly wait until morning to once again wear rubber. I realized my reason for wearing them: my pleasure; and I planned to pleasure myself several times before retiring for tomorrow evening.

I woke up the next morning to a chill in the cabin. Even though I was swaddled, tasty and warm in heavy blankets, the cabin was noticeably cool. The fire had long gone out. Once out of bed they immediately began to chill. I dressed in a heavy robe and quickly began to rekindle the fireplace. I would need it warm in the cabin for the day’s events. I started the fire and made some breakfast for myself. I finished my second cup of coffee just as the cabin began to warm up. Now was the time to begin preparation for the day. Still in my robe, I laid out my gear. I inventoried the various items to ensure I had what I needed. To begin, there was my neck entry rubber suit followed by an old Hydroglove rubber dive suit. There was a heavy airtight gimp suit, my heavy Knight’s boiler suit, a full rubber suit with an attached hood, three additional hoods, two pairs of rubber gloves and a gas mask with hose and both rebreather and smell bag. Finally, I brought a heavy two piece rubber wetsuit in case I wanted to go walking in the woods. I nearly came in anticipation of what was ahead. The plan was to go for at least 24 hours totally enclosed in heavy rubber.

My first suit is my neck entry suit. I had no idea how I would respond to total enclosure again. Would I enjoy it as much as I did in the past or would the trauma of last week’s experience dampen my enthusiasm? I thought I would start slow with my 0.025 neck entry suit. I noted that the neck of the suit was smaller than my thigh, and pulled at it, surprising myself with the amount of stretch the rubber would give. I stepped my legs into the suit, rolling the latex up my knees. I pulled at the latex and felt the legs narrow out, squeezing my legs in its delightful embrace. I pulled the cold material till the feet settled into the attached rubber toe socks with a pop..

I stood up, guiding the tight latex up my legs. I exhaled slowly, feeling the novel sensation of the latex squeezing a layer of lube around me. It had been a few days since I felt the embrace of rubber. I pulled at the material and felt it glide against my skin. I brought the suit

up around my hips. I pulled the suit up around my midsection, till the neck of the suit rested just under my breasts. Now comes the hard part. I slid my arms in through the tight neck hole. I wiggled my arms into the suit, guiding my hands out into the waiting rubber gloves. I raised my arms and felt the neck begin to slide over my shoulders. (POP!) The neck slid into place and I was once again sealed in the luscious rubber suit.I raised my arms once again and wriggled my body, adjusting the suit and ensuring that any trapped air made its way out. The feeling of wearing this thin rubber suit is like wearing a good pair of gloves. You hardly feel them. It is as if they become a part of you.

I spent most of the day luxuriating in this suit. I grabbed my robe and sat in a lounge chair near the fire. I began to gently sweat in my suit adding to the feeling of oneness with the suit. I fell asleep dozing for several hours. When I woke up, I realized my suit was sodden with sweat. I was aroused and began pleasuring myself. It had been days since my last cum. I began slowly but before long I thought I would explode in orgasm right then and there. I tried like everything to hold back so I could extend the pleasure.

I screamed out, for I was close to cuming as well, My muscles tightened . I could not take it anymore a strong wave of electricity shot through her body as an incredibly intense orgasm came over me. My body shuddered like mad under the unrelenting film of my rubber suit
I made the strangest sounds of gurgling and screams as I shot my entire load in my rubber suit. My body is sexually overloaded as I fall back in my chair savoring the afterglow of my well earned orgasm. I sat there for hours enjoying the feeling of this rubber suit, basked in my own sweat as it gently massaged my body with my every movement. I finally got up and

stoked the fire and decided to make some lunch. I would need all the strength I have for what would come next.

After I finished eating lunch and cleaning up, I decided that I would take it to the next phase. First, came a silicon rubber mouth and tongue gag followed by a heavy rubber hood. This hood covered my neck and shoulders meaning it could not be removed once the next suit is put on. Next came my first rubber suit. This one was my old favorite Hydroglove tight-fitting two piece drysuit. The bottoms had attached feet and the top fit tightly around the neck and wrists. The two pieces were exceptionally long in the waist area, so they could be rolled together to form an airtight seal. The whole dressing process took about a half hour. By then both the cabin and I were steamy hot. I was exhausted and immediately sought the first comfortable chair to collapse in. I found my way back to the old recliner, tipped it back and began to relish my situation. I have been layered in total rubber on many occasions. Each time I find myself totally absorbed by the rubber, sealed away from the outside world with the knowledge that nothing can get in or out of my rubber layers for hours to come. The question is how will I react over time. For the moment it was bliss, pure bliss.

The plan was for me to spend the first 24 hours completely sealed up in rubber suits. At the moment I found myself in what I would describe as almost a semi-conscious state luxuriating and almost floating in my rubber cocoon. Sweat begins immediately to form a natural lube adding to the sensation of total closure. The whole situation is almost womb-like in nature. This zoning phase can last as little as a few minutes or for many hours.

I snapped out of my rubber stupor and was amazed at how long I was out. By now I was completely drenched in sweat. Every inch of my body was steamy with sweat, yet there was no evidence of it on the outside of my suits. Totally sealed for the duration. At this point I begin to feel certain urges crop up again. The need for pleasure becomes evident. However, pleasure does not come quickly when one is wearing layers of rubber. Layers tend to have a numbing effect on various critical parts of the body. This is where those ever loving my thin rubber suit came into play. Filled with a morning’s worth of cum, pre-cum, sweat, and lube, they prove its worth. Pleasure comes quickly and intensively. I once again find myself in total bliss.

I dozed in a state of euphoria. However, I find that after pleasure comes a sense of woah. The realization that I am trapped in layers of hot sweaty rubber suddenly becomes alarming leading to a desire to escape, to peel off all my layers and return things to normal. This is the fear I was worried about. Fortunately this feeling is temporary and typically passes quickly. This is where my seduction to bondage kicks in. Bondage by definition is a state of being bound usually by compulsion. Sealed in two layers of rubber meets that definition.


The day carries on. I perform relatively normal functions at least as well as I can considering I am gagged and wearing layers of rubber over my entire body. I grope my way to the kitchen. I prepared something for myself. The mouth gag has a tube so eating is possible so long as it is liquid. Hydration is critical considering how much I sweat in my suits. Sports drinks are my drink of choice. They do a better job maintaining my metabolic balance. It is too easy to get a chill in a sweat filled suit and I know I have more sweating to do. Even now as I stand all the sweat goes straight to my feet or down my sleeves. I expect there will be a substantial amount of sweat by the end of this ordeal. After replenishing my juices, I gaze out the window to watch the rain storm. By this point the rain has totally obscured the window to the point that I can see nothing wind but rain.

On to the next phase. By now my urges return and so does my need for more adventure. I grope my way to my stash and retrieve some of my other items including a rubber hooded gas mask. I return to my recliner with a hooded gas mask in hand. Once in place then stretch the hood over my head. I am now completely and totally sealed in rubber minus my sight and my ability to speak or hear. Attached to the mask is a hose. I am immediately treated to the cadence of the valves clicking in the gas mask. That sound will change in a moment. Next comes one of my favorite kinky treats. I reach for my shoulder smell bag and hook it up to my gas mask hose. I wanted to truly treat myself so I filled the bag with new rubber balloons. The smell of fresh new latex was intoxicating. I sat back again and enjoyed the moment.

It was early evening when I came around. I was tired from the day’s events and decided to stoke up the fire and head to bed dressed as I was, including the gas mask and smell bag. The sleeping area is a loft above the living room which made it quite toasty. At this point I did not need any blankets but I was sure I would by morning. I gazed up at the skylight above my bed amazed by the number of stars I could see in the dark sky. I soon fell into a blissful sleep.

Morning comes. I was surprised by how soundly I slept, never waking up once.. I am now virtually floating in my suits. By now my inner suit is to the point of bursting. I still have not reached my goal for 24 hours. I found it exciting to realize what I accomplished and the level of pleasure I attained. I was glad to find out that my concerns to this point about reintroducing myself to rubber were unwarranted. With my goal near. I decided to have a go at pleasuring myself. I reached for the one last item in my kit, the rebreather bag. Still in my gas mask I attached the bag to the end of the tube. I know from experience that I can go a maximum of four minutes with this sized bag. That’s my goal, cum in four minutes. I only lasted three before an intense orgasm lit up the stars in my eyes again.

Once I recovered I got up, tended the fire, and made some coffee. I was parched, hungry, and by now my liquid filled suits seemed to weigh a ton. I had to pee, and so I added more to the mix. I removed my hooded gas mask and began to make breakfast. I made coffee and I drank my coffee through my gag tube. I knew that at some point I would need to remove the gag so I could eat something more substantial. But for now I was enjoying my total rubber covering. I reached my goal and spent 24 hours sealed in layers of rubber. It was time to shed my rubber cocoon. In the past I might have been inclined to keep wearing the sweat filled suit and add other layers to it. This time I felt I needed to take care of my skin and take a break. To keep things reasonably clean as possible I headed for the shower to disrobe. With the shower running full blast, it took at least fifteen minutes to clean up.

After an hour or so I stepped into the shower and removed my Hydroglove drysuit, the hood, the gag and finally my neck entry rubber suit.

It was late afternoon when I recovered from my rubber interlude. I looked out the window only to see that it was raining heavily. I always said that I wanted to walk in the rain wearing rubber. I rummaged through my rubber stash and found a hooded rubber suit. Not sure how cold it was outside, I decided to layer up with my heavy smooth skin wetsuit over top. I slipped into the hooded suit. It had openings for my eyes, mouth, and nose. I zipped up the suit then struggled to get into the wetsuit. I found that I need some talc to help the smooth inner skin of the wetsuit slide over the rubber. I was sweating profusely by the time I walked out of the cabin. Fortunately the air was cooler and the rain began to immediately engulf me.

I began to walk down the road enjoying the sounds of the rain beginning to drum off my wetsuit. I walked for about fifteen minutes before I found a trail. It was a well worn footpath. I decided to see where it leads. I lost track of the time. I began to realize how hungry I was since I haven’t eaten since yesterday. I began to walk back. By now the rain had stopped and the sky cleared. The sun came out. Whereas my wetsuit protected me from the cold rain, it provided little relief from the hot sun. In fact it was like an oven in this suit. I overestimated how far we had walked. It took nearly an hour before I finally saw the cabin. Once inside I realized that the cabin was no sanctuary for the heat I was feeling in this suit. In fact it was hotter in the cabin than outside. I quickly grabbed a towel to dry off the suit but by now most of the rain had evaporated. I unzipped the wetsuit only to find out that it was stuck. The smooth skin of the wetsuit was clinging to the inner rubber suit. I was stuck that way until I could think of a solution.

Hours passed and fortunately I was finally able to eat something. All throughout the evening I repeatedly tried to remove the wetsuit. The heat in the suit began to dissipate as I began to realize the fire was going out. Maybe that is a solution. I will let the cabin cool off in the evening and perhaps I will have better luck removing the suit in the morning. Either way I certainly will not need anymore insulation from the cold. This smooth skin wetsuit is doing the job.

Morning came and the fire had long gone out. The cabin was frigid. By now my wetsuit had cooled off although I was still saturated with sweat in my inner suit. I sat up in bed and tried once again to remove my wetsuit. I found that I could now peel it off a little at a time. Eventually I managed to remove the suit completely. This left me in the sweat filled inner suit sitting in the loft of a bone chilling cabin. I grabbed all the blankets off the bed and scurried out of the loft and immediately began to start a fire. It would be some time before the cabin was comfortably warm again. I almost wished I was still in my wetsuit. All I could do was bundle up in the blankets and wait for the fire to warm the cabin.

Finally things started to heat up. I was still in my hooded rubber suit and still chilled. I grabbed a sweatshirt and pants and put them on over my suit to help warm me up. Once dressed I began to make some hot coffee and eventually a hot meal. I thought about stripping out of the suit and showering but neither the cabin nor I was warm enough. I stayed dressed in sweats and my rubber suit until noon when I started to feel comfortable again. In fact I was comfortable enough to pleasure myself twice throughout the morning.

I am once again faced with a choice. Remove my sweat filled rubber suit or stay in it and continue my play. I decided to go for the latter. My skin seems to be handling all the sweat so I decided to go for it. I removed my sweats and began to slip into my heavy rubber gimp suit over top of my hooded suit. This gimp suit has a built-in gag and airtight zipper in front. It also has attached gloves and feet as well as plastic lenses over my eyes and nose tubes. Once in the suit I am totally sealed from the outside. I then added my hooded gas mask and hose. Once suited up /i sat in the lounge chair enjoying the feeling of the double layers of rubber waiting to go on to the next phase of rubber play.

I began by unzipping a small section of my airtight zipper and sticking the open end of the hose in the suit. The smell is intense. It is intoxicating. My visceral instincts spring to action. The air trapped in the suit is limited and I have little time before I begin straining to breathe. I have committed myself to cum before I can take a fresh breath. My breathing becomes distressed but I am resigned to cum. Dangerous as it is to practice breath play alone, the exhilaration spurs me on. I finally cum just as my struggle to breath becomes acute. It is an explosive orgasm. I again see stars, this time from the extreme breath play and the intense pleasure of cumming. I retrieve the end of my gas mask hose from my suit, rezip the suit and begin to enjoy the afterglow of my self-indulgences. Once recovered I repeat this ritual several more times throughout the day.

I decided to nap a bit before continuing with my debauchery. By now I am awash in heat and sweat. I swaddle myself in the blankets and quickly fall asleep. I finally woke up some hours later. I look out again and the storm has regained its furry. I know I need to hydrate again before I attempt to continue with my plans. I also realize that I have to pee. Because I am sealed in layers of rubber, I have no choice but to add to the concoction of fluids, a substantial amount of liquid built up in my rubber cocoon. I resist the urge as long as I can, but I inevitably lose the battle and let loose with a torrent of piss. My suit is suddenly awash with sweat and piss.

I reach for something to drink. By now I can hear the sloshing of the liquids that now reside in my suits. I chuckle at the thought of all that liquid inside my suit, yet I am bone dry outside. I drank a container of sport drink in hope of regaining some of my lost fluids. Refreshed by both sleep and sustenance, I return to my trusty lounge chair in front of the fire. I repeated my breath play challenge several times throughout the afternoon. By now some of the human bile in my inner suit has leaked into the outer one. The inside of the suit now smells of piss, sweat and cum adding to the debauchery. I must have cum at least three times during the afternoon taking a little longer each time making the breathing challenge more difficult each time.

By now it is getting late, and I am exhausted from my exploits. I need to get some serious sleep. I know from experience that sleeping may be difficult at best dressed as I am. I am still wearing my gas mask as I prepare for bed. I have a CPAP machine so for this evening I will hook up my gas mask to the machine. I stoked up the fire. Now I am ready for bed. Swaddled again in heavy blankets I eventually drift off to sleep serenaded by the cadence of the gas mask and sloshing of my fluid filled suits. I quickly fell into a sound sleep.

I spent nearly 48 hours sealed in layers of rubber of one form or the other. This is no time to shed my cocoon and return from my bliss to the real world. I have three more days here in the cabin plus I am sure I will need some time to recover. For now I am enjoying myself again, comfortable in the knowledge that despite the drama of last week’s rubber exploits, I am still ready and willing to seal myself in rubber and enjoy every minute.

To be continued


Continues in

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