Gromet's PlazaLatex Stories

Leon City Stories

by TheLargeEmpty

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© Copyright 2025 - TheLargeEmpty - Used by permission

Storycodes: F+/f; F/f+; majick; ribbon; harness; costume; bond; straps; chair; pillory; cage; susp; museum; latex; rope; shibari; gag; mum; enclosed; cons; nc; X

Continues from

Find the author at LeonCityStories on deviantArt

29: Summer's Kinky Birthday

Ava stroked her living clothes with a soft smile and he changed into one of her sets of satin pyjamas, making her giggle.

“Greed, give me a break…tomorrow is Summer's birthday and I can't play with you all the time, I can take care of her. Can you stand a day without me?”

At first, her pyjamas didn't budge until they disintegrated and reshaped into a silver collar that clasped around Ava's neck. She carefully took it off and placed Greed on her bedside table.

“Thank you, Greed…” Ava whispered and stroked the cool metal, which vibrated briefly under her fingers.

“So still setting the alarm,” Ava mumbled to herself and was about to slip into her warm cozy bed when she realized she was still naked.

“I think you're a bad influence on me,” Ava laughed, pointing accusingly at Greed before disappearing into her closet and pulling on an old shirt and underwear. She yawned loudly and stretched when there was a knock on her bedroom door, and Ava frowned.

“Or Summer's the bad influence,” she quipped and said louder, ”Come in!”

The door opened a crack and Summer cautiously peeked into the room.

“Hey, mmh Ava… I um can't quite sleep …” Summer whispered barely audibly, which made Ava look worriedly at her best friend. The usually bright and always adventurous girl was still scarred after her recent experiences, even if she didn't want to admit it. At least not to her other friends, which worried Ava. She had thought the few days at Caitlyn's would have helped get her back on track, but apparently Summer was more hurt than they had previously thought.

“Come on in, Summer, I told you my door would always be open for you. And I'll say again, you could have slept here from the start.”

The door opened a little wider and Summer carefully set foot in Ava's room. She had a pillow and her blanket in tow, which dragged across the floor behind her.

“I… do, but I don't know… it feels weird, you know? Just settling in here when there are three guest rooms.”

“Five, to be honest,” Ava said, walking toward Summer to pull her into her room. She took off her blanket and pillow and threw it on her bed before turning back to Summer, who was holding her arm with her other one like she'd done something bad.

“I really don't want to be a burden. Your parents…”

“They're never around anyway and at least with you there's a bit of action at home. Honestly, Summer. You're very welcome,” Ava interrupted and took Summer in her arms. Summer was a little taken aback when Ava hugged her tightly, but a smile quickly appeared on her lips and she returned the hug.

“Thank you.”

“It's natural between friends, isn't it?” Ava replied, squeezing her a little tighter as she stroked her head. Summer wrinkled up her nose when she heard this and nodded in agreement.

“Thank you,” Summer repeated herself, but didn't seem to think about releasing the hug. Ava let her. She would do anything to make Summer happy again.


Both women were in Ava's bed, and while Summer had fallen asleep immediately after hugging Ava under the covers, Ava herself was still awake, checking her cell phone. The preparations for tomorrow were almost complete, and she hoped that everything would go smoothly. Luckily, Caitlyn had reappeared and now everything was going to run like clockwork again.

“Right?” whispered Ava. She put her cell phone aside. Whenever she was out with Summer, she always had a strange feeling.

“Like that time in the sewers with the snake. Mmmmmh.”

Ava closed her eyes and hugged Summer back, who immediately snuggled closer to her.

“Future Ava will take care of it,” Ava murmured sleepily and slipped into a deep sleep thanks to her friend and the two blankets.


“Soooo? Where are we going? To a surprise party? To C&T? UH! UH! UH! No! We're going to the zoo! No to these…” Summer didn't get any further as Ava closed her mouth and shook her head in confusion.

“To the zoo? Since when does Leon City have a zoo? But no,” Ava said and focused on the street again.

“Leon City has one! But too bad… I like the zoo,” Summer mumbled, rubbing her lips in a huff.

“Okaaaayyyy?” said Ava, frowning, ”No, I um… need to get some things and I want to make your day. The others have to work, unfortunately.”


”But we're actually going to C&T later. But only to pick up a package.”


Ava grinned and glanced briefly at Summer, who seemed incredibly excited and smiled properly for the first time in days, until they stopped. Ava could see Summer's features slip as she opened the door and made a move to go into a clothing store.

“Ava… shopping? You enjoy it, but…” Summer mumbled, but then bit her tongue so as not to offend Ava.

“Don't worry, it won't take that long. You want some decent clothes for your big day, don't you?” asked Ava, pointing at Summer's oversized sweater with a Pokéball on it.

“What's wrong with my sweater?” Summer asked sulkily, letting Ava pull her into the store, ‘I also don't have money for… stores like this anymore,’ she added, frowning worriedly as she saw the first price tag on one of the dresses.

“Don't worry about it,” Ava said, waving her credit card in the air for a moment. Summer was about to object when Ava clamped her mouth shut again.

“Don't worry, it won't cost you anything and if you keep objecting now, I'll shove a gag so deep into your mouth that your stomach will have a taste of it too! So go on, choose a dress while I… try this one on,” Ava said as her eyes suddenly lingered on a long dark blue dress, “And don't you dare to look any less beautiful in yours than I do!” She took the dress and disappeared into a changing room with a stern look at Summer. Once there, she hung the dress aside and peeked out from behind the curtain to watch her friend. Summer was still standing in the corridor, looking around anxiously. With her old sweater, she was already attracting a few glances from other customers and staff.

“Come on, Summer, I dare you!” Ava cheered her on quietly, and sure enough, Summer walked timidly, like a deer, to a plain white dress that didn't seem astronomically expensive. She took it and went into the changing room next to Ava, who immediately disappeared behind the curtain.

“Thanks Ava,” Summer called over and Ava chuckled.

“Oh, you're welcome,” she called back, rummaging around in her bag until she had Summer's first present in her hand. She carefully placed the white box, with the black bow, on the floor as if it were a bomb and slid it over to Summer's cubicle.

“What's this?” Summer asked in surprise, looking down at the package suspiciously.

“Your first present. It's from Phae and Ifry and they said you shouldn't wear that ugly sweater or pants when you open it. No underwear either.“ ‘My sweater is not ugly! It's a collector's item!”


“I'll just open it,” Summer said with a giggle and took off her sweater and pants. Her underwear landed on top a short time later. She picked up the present and shook it, but she couldn't hear anything inside.

“Well then,” Summer mumbled and pulled on the silky bow, which opened effortlessly. The present flipped open and Summer's happy expression changed to one of confusion when there was nothing inside.

“Uh…” Summer said, but suddenly fell silent as the white gift and silk ribbon lit up. The ribbon snaked over her fingers, up her arm and began to wrap around her torso and breasts. It formed a harness that lay smoothly against her skin and continued to grow towards her legs. Her breasts were lifted by the band and caught in an intricate weave. Her nipples peeked out from small openings and were proudly presented to the world. Her waist and hips were wrapped by the black ribbon until it went lower, decorating her crotch and thighs, sensually inviting Summer's body to be explored. Open-mouthed, Summer gazed for a moment at the silk bondage harness that had manifested itself on her body until the white wrapping flew onto her body and spread out in all directions. Within seconds, it had transformed into a tight-fitting long-sleeved dress. A long slit revealed a sizable portion of her left leg and, as a result, a horizontal black bar from the harness on her thigh, making even Summer blush. Colorless crystals were attached to the top of the slit and ran diagonally from there up her back to her neck. Summer breathed out loudly and forgot to breathe in again for a moment until she felt dizzy.

“This… this is so incredibly… sexy and… beautiful,” she whispered as she remembered to breathe.

“Really?” Ava asked curiously and, now dressed in the blue silk dress herself, slipped into Summer's cubicle, where she was immediately struck dumb when she saw her friend. Summer lifted her hand and fondled her breasts, but winced as her nipples reacted sensitively to the black ribbons under the dress.

“Wow…” Summer whispered, looking up at Ava, ”I think this is what Greed feels like to you, isn't it?”

“May… Maybe?”

“I hope I can thank them both soon, they really shouldn't have. Really an angel and a demon, the two of them,” Summer breathed barely audibly and gave Ava a hug, making her wince again as her nipples reacted to the touch.

“Oh that demoness… I'm going to have a lot of fun with that, hehe.”

“I think the bondage harness is from Phaelyn, though.”

“Oh? Well then I know who I can get revenge on soon, haha,” Summer laughed and together with Ava she left the cabin, leaving the boring dress behind. Ava paid for her dress and hooked her arm in her friend's.

“You know… you've been pretty lucky!” said Ava as they walked out into the street and back to the car.

“Mmmh? Why?” asked Summer, wincing slightly with each step as the harness played with her nipples and now her crotch.

“You look half a point better than me,” Ava explained and Summer had to laugh, which she immediately regretted when the bondage harness cheekily poked her under her dress.

“Nu huhuhu only half? Bitch, at least two,” she said and gave Ava a kiss on the cheek.

“Mmmmmmh, but only because it's your birthday!”


Dear Summerbook

It's Summer's birthday today, so I decided to make it a day to remember. She was so happy when she came out of the store wearing this beautiful dress. I have to say that it really looked great on her and made me a little jealous of her. You couldn't miss the red glow on her face, at least not to me. She likes being humiliated, even if she thinks she's dominant. I wonder how far I can test this? It certainly gave me a lot of pleasure to see her like this and I can't help but lick my lips at the thought of having her with me for the rest of her life after today. Seeing her so happy brings back memories and a tingle in my chest… I need more… MORE SUMMER! The last time wasn't enough… neither for her nor for me


“Where are we going next?” asked Summer as Ava fiddled with her cell phone.

“Mmmmmmmh,” she said playfully, smiling mysteriously as she drove off and merged into the city traffic, ”Good question, I have a feeling that's probably going to be your next surprise.”

“More surprises? Sounds like you have the whole day planned out… you and the others?” Summer asked, pointing at Ava's cell phone.

“Maybe a little? But I'm kind of… really hungry, aren't you?”

Summer's stomach grumbled loudly and answered for her. She blushed and quickly looked out the window.

“I hear you, haha. It's a good thing we know someone who knows how to cook, isn't it?” Ava said and drove into a somewhat gloomy part of Leon City. There she parked in a backyard and looked around nervously for a moment.

“Honestly, how can Ifry open her restaurant in this part of town?” she whispered and Summer listened up.

“Well, it's still on the border of Falenplaza. Chloe had to work around here in a bunny costume for a while.”

“Ajaaa,” Ava said with a pretended cluelessness that escaped Summer as they both walked back to the street and Ifry's restaurant, “That was here? I forgot all about it. Did she look sexy in it?”

“I think so? She was just talking about it. Wish I'd seen her in that costume, haha,” Summer laughed and walked past Ava, who held the door to Ifry's restaurant open for her. Summer entered and stood rooted to the spot as Chloe, and her girlfriend Vanessa, stood in front of her with silver trays in their hands, hiding their breasts, which were in colorful, shiny bunny costumes.

“Welcome, Mistress, it's a pleasure to serve you today,” Chloe and Vanessa said as if from the same mouth and bowed deeply so that their breasts almost bounced out of their bunny bodysuits.

“Uhhh, Ava?” asked Summer, whose brain seemed to be overloaded with so much sex appeal. But Ava didn't answer. Summer turned around and could only see that the brunette had just left Ifry's restaurant again and was waving at her with a grin.

“Uhhh,” Summer said again, flinching as both her hands were grabbed firmly by Vanessa and Chloe and she was led to a large chair at a table in the corner.

“We heard our mistress was very hungry and that's why she's visiting our humble restaurant,” Chloe said, pushing Summer down on the chair. Her hands were pressed onto the backrests and then bound with belts attached to them, which didn't remind Summer of the best of times.

“Guys, I can eat myself, you really don't have to…” started Summer, but she was interrupted by Vanessa, who sat down on the table. Her long legs and sexy bunny body were forcing their way into Summer's head, and it was only when Chloe placed a menu on Vanessa's lap that she came out of her trance.

“Uhhh,” she started, going over the list with her eyes, trying not to let her gaze wander to Vanessa's body as Chloe suddenly started playing with her face and especially her earlobes.

“Guys, am I on a hidden camera here? Sex Edition?” Summer asked loudly, causing Chloe to stop and Vanessa to blush.

“I said this is too much, Chloe!”

“Look at her! She knows she likes it herself! You're doing it just right, Vanessa.”

“But… it's so… so sexy and I hardly know Summer,” said Vanessa, standing up and hiding her embarrassed face from Summer, who was now looking up at the two of them, frowning.

“We want to make her happy, don't we?”

“But she's not happy at all!”

Both women looked at Summer, who started to stammer, completely taken by surprise.

“N… N… No, Vanessa, you're doing really well and I'm really happy about your present! Really sexy and ahem,” Summer said quickly, which only made Vanessa's face turn even redder.

“See? Come on, let's get on with it and feed Summer all the naughty things Ifry has to offer!” Chloe cheered the shy girl up and gave her a little kiss on the cheek. Vanessa nodded carefully and picked up the card to show it to Summer again.


Dear Summerbook

Summer has gone to the Dannato restaurant, where she is now being fed and tortured a bit by two… adorable ladies, it seems to me. Watching this, mmmmh, I almost wish I could just go in and join in… but no… all in good time. Summer will soon be mine again. This time for good.


“So, did they feed you through?” Ava asked with a grin as Summer rolled into her car. Summer just nodded and put her hand over her mouth as she burped.

“No wonder your parents sent you to an etiquette school.”

“An etiquette school for kinksters,” Summer corrected, adding, “With various questionable practices that I've… burps… exposed. Sorry.”

“It's all good, Summer. I was just teasing you. Ready for the penultimate station?” Ava asked with a laugh.


“C&T,” Ava confirmed and stepped on the gas.

“Too bad Celine didn't have time,” Summer muttered sulkily as they drove back through town from their detour in the woods, ”I thought she'd finally show me where, how and what she's working on.”

“Maybe nothing to normal mortal eyes, and I told you I just needed to pick something up there,” Ava explained, glancing at a box she'd ordered from the latex witch earlier.

“Please. Then why does Chloe get to work for her? Do you think I should ask her if I can work there too? I could use the money.”

“Sure, of course you want to work there for the money,” Ava joked, stopping in front of an old building with marble stairs leading up to glass doors.

“The uh Leon City Museum? Are you serious? We're going here, but not to the zoo?”

“Forget about your zoo! Trust me… you'll love it. They have a new exhibit,” Ava explained.

“I don't know, Ava.”

“Summer, come on. Do you know what I had to do to rent the place?”

Summer listened up.

“What do you mean, rent? You just mean you and I are going to be in there alone? Bit creepy, isn't it? I don't know if I can run away in that dress if the bone T-Rex starts chasing us,” Summer said, rubbing her chin thoughtfully as she looked down at her white dress.

“I'll let you finish that thought, but can we go in then?” asked Ava, shaking her head and taking the package from the back seat under her arm.

“You think I'm crazy saying the T-Rex might come after us? Ava… we've just been to a witch who raises spiders the size of dogs… and not the small ones."

Ava's expression froze and she gulped at the thought of the spiders.

“Can we just go in?”

“Yeah,” Summer said with a cheeky grin and wedged herself in beside Ava. Together they walked up the steps and entered the museum. There wasn't another soul to be seen, not even a guard or anyone to guide them, but Ava knew where to go and led Summer deeper into the building. They went into the north wing, where there was a medieval exhibition, and Summer was amazed when they entered a huge hall filled with all sorts of torture and bondage devices from the old days. But not only that. Inside each device was one of her friends and her colleagues from the cheerleading team, all dressed in beautiful evening gowns.

“Happy birthday, Summer!” everyone shouted as if from the same mouth, at least those who could. Summer cupped her hands over her mouth and they could hear happy sobs as she saw Caitlyn and Jade in a dark red and black dress, both with their heads and hands in pillories. Kim stood in her blue dress in a cage that was studded with spikes, preventing her from moving too much. Chloe and Vanessa, who were sitting back to back on a wooden horse and had turned dark red. Phaelyn and Ifry, who were both dangling a hand's breadth above the ground after being hung by their hands and shyly avoiding everyone's gaze. And finally, all of her two cheerleading teammates, who were struggling with various wooden bondage implements.

“Aren't you going to say something?” Ava whispered in Summer's ear, who didn't make a sound.

“Guys… you're amazing! Thank you so much!” exclaimed Summer, not knowing where she wanted to look next.

“Then unpack your guests while I get the rest,” said Ava and patted Summer on the shoulder. Summer didn't need to be told twice.

“SOOOO who wants to be let out? Let me hear your pleas!” shouted Summer and Ava had to laugh out loud when some shouts came from the cheerleaders' corner, which Summer immediately ignored and went over to Chloe and Vanessa, who were enjoying the wooden horse a little too much.


Dear Summerbook

That was a really nice surprise for Summer. I didn't think so many of our cheerleading teammates would get tied up, even Cass…mmmh never mind, I'll still let her have fun. I wish she was in that cage, just thinking about it makes me want to touch myself. Maybe I can take it home for her later? Don't be so hasty. Wait and see, then comes the pleasure… Soon you'll be mine, Summer.


Once Summer had freed all her friends, the party could finally begin. Even the C&T staff had come to congratulate Summer and presented her with present after present.

“You've really done something big for Summer,” Chloe murmured, leaning against the bar next to Ava.

“Yay. She deserves it after everything she's been through.”

“So that means I also get a party like this?” asked Chloe. Ava gave her a pained look.

“I mean …, if you want?”

“Naaaa don't bother… although maybe, if you can rent the hall at C&T?”

“Chloe, you work there, why don't you ask Celine yourself?”

“Right again,” Chloe laughed and gave Ava a peck on the shoulder.

"Want to come swimming with us tomorrow? Just us and the gang?” Ava asked casually and Chloe nodded.

“I'd love to. Seems like a year since we last swam at your place. Maybe Summer can show us this mermaid fin or I can take the C&T one for everyone?”

Ava shook her head, but then nodded.

“I guess I can't get around your kink, can I?”

“Well, you're one of us,” Chloe said, hugging Ava from the side as they watched Summer climb into the cage where Kim had just been. A tingle spread through Ava's stomach when she saw Summer laughing, and she smiled softly.

“There's more to the party, isn't there?”

Ava blinked in confusion and looked at Chloe.

“What do you mean?”

“Come on… the enormous effort you've made here. Rounding us all up and getting the normies on the team to let you tie them up… for giving Summer outright asylum from her fucked-up parents.”

“I'd do that to any of you…”

“Really? Then why not to me and Kim?” Chloe asked with a raised eyebrow.


Ava fell silent. Chloe was right. Why hadn't she offered to let them stay with her too? Especially after her entire apartment complex had burned down.

“I'm sorry, Chloe…”

“That wasn't an accusation, Ava, I would have said no anyway… I just want you to be honest with yourself… and with Summer? I really wonder what would have happened to you two if you hadn't had that fight and later Tea…” Chloe fell silent for a moment and shook her head, ”Did they talk again?”

Ava shook her head after she had digested Chloe's words. She hadn't thought of anything like that before.

Am I in love with Summer? I'm straight, aren't I? She thought about it and looked at Summer again. She felt that tingling in her stomach again, and also in her fingers, as she thought about her plan. Ava took a deep breath and then sighed as she resumed the conversation.

“Tea didn't leave a message. Nothing. I think that hurt Summer even more, even if she was the one who dumped her."

“I haven't been able to speak to Tea yet either… I think only Kim has spoken to her, but she's still acting impossible.”

“Give her time… she's been through hell,” Ava said placatingly.

“And I haven't? Or Luke? Caitlyn…” Chloe mumbled, taking in a shaky breath, ”I'm sorry. So much stress with her, at least Celine isn't getting on my nerves with work.”

“What's it like working at C&T?” Ava asked.

“Oh… it's fun. Mostly warehouse work or sending or taking orders. Social media stuff, as the old witch is still particularly clumsy with her PC. But the best thing is testing products with Phae. And living with Celine also means being safe from my ex-boss. It all has its advantages. Nothing against your noble hut, but it's safer in the forest. You can ask Jade,” Chloe said with a smile, pointing to the red-haired beauty in the corner who was talking to Caitlyn.

“I have a pool.”

Chloe clicked her tongue as Ava started giggling.

“If you'll excuse me? I need to talk to Celine for a moment about testing our mermaid fashion line,” Chloe said, walking up to the redheaded witch who was laughing at a joke with her sister Trisha.


Summer smiled contentedly and tiredly by the bar after the last guests had left the party at around three o'clock. Ava stood at the door, still chatting with Rilliana to thank her for the borrowed instruments of torture. She bowed deeply to the blonde and then walked over to Summer, who was looking at her with half-open eyes.

“Heeeeyyyyyy,” Summer said, hugging Ava tightly.

“Did you like it?”

Summer nodded seriously and pointed at all the equipment.

“Honestly? If I hadn't wanted to try half of them myself, I would have left people hanging in the gadgets the whole party.”

“You devil!”

“Hehehe yeeeeaaaaah,” Summer said, exhaling with satisfaction.

“Are you ready?”

Summer looked at Ava again and tilted her head slightly to the side.

“What do you mean?”

“For my present… to you.”

“Another one? Ava really, you've already given me enough, haven't you? I mean, I'm not complaining, but, this…” Summer said, pointing to the party area again, ”this has already made me the happiest girl in all of Leon City.”

“Then there's still room to go up, if it's only all of Leon City,” Ava said, digging out the package she'd picked up at C&T from behind the bar.

“Not even wrapped yet. Neyneyney,” Summer said.

“Open it, you turkey!”

Summer didn't need to be told twice and opened the package. Inside were ropes of various lengths and two other boxes. One was labeled with Summer's name, the other with Ava's.

“Ohoo? Is someone giving themselves a present?”

“A… a little, but… I was studying extra and wanted to show you as a gift that I'm… one of you kinksters now.”

Summer looked at her frowning.

“Ava… you walk around in a superhero costume that penetrates you regularly, it doesn't get much kinkier than that.”

Ava choked on those words and Summer had to pat her on the back.

“You are SOOOO fucking stupid, Mrs. von Nachtschwing!”

“Ohooo! So the good Miss Miller wants to put on the hard bandages!” joked Summer and they both started laughing out loud.

“Open up already,” said Ava and took out the ropes and the box with her name on it. Summer did as she was told and looked up at Ava when she found a bright blue latex outfit in the box.

“More latex?“

”More latex and the same as I have,” Ava said, opening her own box. She lifted out the latex outfit and held it up to her body. It was a cheerleading uniform modeled after Leon City's, though cut much kinkier. Summer's face contorted until she let out a loud snort, which unnerved Ava.

“Okay, okay. Sorry, but why?” Summer asked, lifting out her own uniform.

“I um wanted to,” Ava started, but Summer's laughter had unsettled her so much that she felt incredibly stupid, ”No, that was a stupid idea… I'm sorry…”

This time it was up to Summer to shut Ava's mouth.

“I bet it's a wonderful idea. Come on, spit!” Summer ordered and let go of Ava's mouth.

Ava nodded and took a deep breath.

“On… the day we fell out, you had me tied up and um…”

“And now you want revenge for that with this gift? Again?”

Ava shook her head.

“No, I don't want revenge… again, no… I want to overwrite this old bad memory with a new, nicer one. That's why we're both going to change now and then I'll show you how well I've practiced… but this time not dance steps, but my rope skills. I mean, if you don't like the idea, then…”

Summer clamped Ava's mouth shut again.

"I'd be honored to help you overwrite that old bad memory. As long as you tell me how to take off this dress and harness. It doesn't have a zipper or a lock, as far as I can tell.”


Dear Summerbook

Finally, all the guests have disappeared. And Summer changes her clothes in front of me. If only she knew I was watching her. Watching her put on this beautiful piece of latex. I think I'll let her wear it more often once we're at my place… maybe. I'm so looking forward to tying her up, torturing her, having her lie at my feet. I just have to wait for the right moment.


“A… are you ready?” Ava asked with shaky hands. She held the bundles of red ropes in her hands.

“Are you cold?” Summer asked reassuringly, placing her hand on Ava's. Ava looked up and looked at Summer for the first time since they had changed. There was a faint hint of red on her cheeks, which brought out her pink hair. The blue collar of the latex uniform was skin-tight around Summer's neck and just below it was a huge cut-out for Summer's breasts. Her belly button was not covered by the latex, but her crotch was hidden under a short skirt. Her legs were in blue latex socks that went up to her knees and her feet were in high heels that were never meant for cheerleading, as was the rest of Summer's outfit. Exactly the same as Ava was wearing, albeit much more insecure than her friend.

"Hey, it's all good, you've worn latex before. And you said you've practiced bondage. So just get started, I trust you.”

“Of course, I mean, we're only in public like this and… we could actually be naked, right? When I said I wanted the Leon City cheerleading uniforms to be latex, I didn't think Celine would… make them so…”


Ava nodded.

“We can do it at your house if you want.”

“N… NO! I… we have to do it here… or at the gym!”

“Yeah, well, maybe it's a bit late to go to uni now, isn't it? Then show me what you've learned,” Summer urged her friend, turning away from Ava and crossing her arms behind her back.

“Let's go,” Ava whispered, making a loop around Summer's forearms. She secured it with a knot, though she could untie it quickly in an emergency, and ran the ropes down her arm over her breasts and raked it in with herself before running the rope back up and knotting it on Summer's back. She did the same again under Summer's breasts and then went up to Summer's shoulders. Ava briefly considered parting Summer's breasts with the rope, but decided to frame them instead and walked past them to further immobilize her arms instead.

“How does it feel?” Ava asked anxiously, checking the rope and that she hadn't tied too tightly.

“So far, excellent,” Summer praised, nodding proudly.

“O…okay, I'll get on with it then!” stuttered Ava. She threw four of the longer ropes over a beam above them and tied two ends to Summer's back, pulling them tight. She tied the other ends and knelt down to Summer's leg, catching it in a sling. Ava bent it at the knee and tied it in three places so that Summer had to balance on one leg to keep from falling over, or rather hanging completely in the ropes. Ava took the last two ropes dangling from the beam and weaved them into the restraints around Summer's leg before pulling it up and tying it next to the other ropes. Summer's skirt slipped, revealing a pair of blue latex panties.

“Sooo,” Ava puffed and took a few steps back, ”something's still missing…”

“Oh?” asked Summer and Ava actually took two more pom-poms out of her box and pressed them into her friend's hand.

“Don't let go or you'll be in trouble,” said Ava and Summer grinned broadly.

“You'd better gag me or I'll be screaming for help!”

Ava slapped her forehead.

“Oh, a gag! Wait, I'll get one of those medieval things from Rilliana.”


“Just kidding, Celine gave me some, they're in my bag. Wait a minute,” Ava laughed and walked through a door to the dressing room and disappeared.

“She really has been studying hard,” Summer muttered, looking at her restraints as best she could. The rope was perfect and didn't hurt or press uncomfortably against her skin. And the uniforms were a nice idea. They would definitely help chase away the bad memories.

Image by Pyperhallie

“You did good, Ava,” Summer murmured, blinking in confusion as a ball gag appeared in front of her mouth. For a brief moment, Summer wondered how Ava had managed to come up behind her, but her reflex was quicker and she willingly took the gag into her mouth. Ava locked it into her neck and Summer grumbled in satisfaction until she saw Ava, who was closing the door to the dressing room and flicking through a notebook, lost in thought.

“Hey Summer, I just found this book and thought it was yours. Dear Summerbook? You named it after yourself and… wrote some disturbing messages… in it,” Ava fell silent as she looked up and her face turned white as chalk. The gag and the book fell to the floor with a clatter.

“Hello, Ava… long time no see,” said Sarah Jenkins, who was standing behind Summer. She was wearing a grey jumpsuit, like the museum guards wore, and a cap was pulled low over her face, but Ava still clearly recognized her. Suddenly Ava saw a blade flash at Summer's throat and both of their veins froze, “And of course, hello Summer… sorry I'm only here now and missed your birthday… Well, belated happy birthday.”

“Sarah… what are you doing here?” Ava asked, clenching her hands into fists as she recovered from the shock. Her eyes were fixed on Sarah, she couldn't look Summer in the eye, who was trying to hold still in a panic so that the blade wouldn't cut into her neck.

“Oh… me? I just wanted to check on our dear Summer, you know? I went to so much trouble to ruin her life and her stupid little head, and I was so disappointed that you somehow managed to heal her again. It's kind of admirable, but I thought, hey, Summer's birthday is coming up, why don't you just visit her and make sure she…”

“Shut up!” Ava screamed and reached for Greed around her neck, but her fingers groped in the void. She took a step at the same time, but stopped dead in her tracks when Sarah just smiled and lightly sliced the blade into Summer's skin, causing a droplet to roll down the blade.

“AH! We don't want to make a mess, do we?” asked Sarah, and she smiled broadly when she saw that Ava was frozen in place. But not, she thought, because Summer was now bleeding, but because Greed, Ava's only means of protecting Summer and her from Sarah, was out of reach, lying on her bedside table at home.

“I um.”

Ava swallowed and her eyes drifted to Summer, who had started crying in panic. At that moment, Ava knew what she had to do.

“Sarah… you don't want her. It's me you want!” Ava said calmly and Summer and Sarah both looked at her in confusion.

“Eh?” Sarah asked with a wry face, ”Why would I want you?”

“It was me that ruined your life. I asked Summer to watch my dance moves, even though I knew about your pranks. It was me who forced her to hack your cell phones and I reported you. And Summer herself? She was just a means to an end, to get you and your… your winged monkeys kicked off the team so I'd be sure to get a spot!” Ava said with such arrogance and confidence in her voice that even Summer bought it, even though every single word of it was a lie.

“Why do you think she's hanging there tied up and not me?” Ava said, throwing her head back and laughing out loud as she ran her hands through her hair.

“And why are you telling me this now? Why do I know you're just saying this now to save her skin?”

“Because if you let me go now and take Summer with you, there will be no place on this earth where you will be safe and I promise you that Sarah,” Ava said coldly.

Sarah stared at Ava open-mouthed and slowly lowered her blade. Only to turn it back on Summer a moment later, though.

“Take the ropes that are left and tie up your legs!” she barked at Ava, “ GO!”

“Release Summer!”

“Not until you're secured and now do it or the museum will have to give this place a good wipe!”

Ava raised her hands to placate Sarah and took the remaining ropes from the counter. She took a few steps closer to Sarah and Summer and finally sat down on the floor. She tied her legs at her ankles and below and above her knees.

“Satisfied?” asked Ava.

“Not yet,” said Sarah, tossing Ava a ball gag. Ava immediately knew what to do with it and popped it into her mouth, though she bristled when she felt bumps on it and she looked up at Sarah in confusion, who was now smiling sadistically again.

“Oh, did you notice?” Summer wore this gag last time. Those are her bite marks.”

Ava turned pale and looked up in disgust at Sarah, who was now more than enjoying her position.

“Lie down on your stomach! And don't fuck around!” Sarah ordered even before Ava had digested the truth about the gag, ”Move it!”

Ava nodded weakly as her confidence flew away, but at least this way she would be able to protect Summer. Sarah walked up to Ava and picked up the remaining ropes, which she used to bind Ava's hands tightly across her bottom and then proceeded to press their elbows together and secure them with more ropes.

“Well, do you like that? Not like that childish shit you did to Summer. There'll be a lot more of that, don't worry, hahaha!” Sarah laughed and Ava shook her head.

She must have gone crazy. Ava thought and turned her head to the side to look at Sarah.

Crazy because Summer was feeling better again?

“There, now here,” Sarah murmured, pulling Ava's legs into a strict hogtie, making Ava moan.

“You know what's great, Ava?” asked Sarah, walking around Ava to sit right in front of her, ”Now that you've been so willing to be tied up, I could just take you both. What do you think of that idea?” laughed Sarah and Summer, who until now had done nothing but watch helplessly, suddenly began to thrash about in her ropes, but to no avail. The restraints held her firmly in place. Ava's face went even paler and she shook her head pleadingly.

“Nahaha! We don't want you to feel lonely, do we? Summer was really sad last time, being locked up all alone like that. Maybe she'll be in a bit of a better mood this time,” Sarah whispered, patting Ava's head before standing up and stretching, ”I'm just going to get some stuff to carry you out of here. Might be a bit of a squeeze as I only wanted to take Summer with me, but if you hold your breath it'll be fine. See you in a bit, darlings, and don't run away!”

Fuck! Ava thought and started to struggle against her restraints, but as so often, she realized that the hogtie had completely incapacitated her. She looked up at Summer, who was also struggling against the ropes and looked to Ava for help.

If I hadn't taken Greed off! I'm so stupid! Why is she here? Why can't she leave Summer alone! It flashed through Ava's mind, but it wasn't helping her now, and she knew it. She started to crawl towards Summer. The smooth stone floor barely impeded her progress, and she managed to come to a stop next to Summer as she breathed hard through the gag. She leaned her cheek towards her friend and she immediately understood what Ava wanted her to do. Hanging only by the ropes, Summer lifted her foot and pushed the ball gag out of Ava's mouth with her high heel.

“Good, you have to undo the ropes of the hogtie! Can you do that with your foot?” asked Ava and Summer nodded hopefully, ”Let me take off your shoes and these latex socks!”

Using her teeth, Ava managed to open Summer's shoes and, with great difficulty, removed the latex from her leg.

“Now it's time!” Ava cheered her on and Summer strained to undo the knots on Ava's back as the ropes pressed deeper and deeper into her body. By the time Summer was able to untie one of the ropes, she was soaked with sweat and saliva was flowing down the edge of her ball gag.

“Perfect! My cell phone is in my bag! Hang in there, Summer!” Ava promised and after several attempts, stood up despite her still tight restraints. She hopped back to the checkroom and was about to open the door with her shoulder when the entrance doors to the hall were pushed open and Sarah entered with an open sarcophagus on a trolley.

“Sorry it took so long, but I figured since we're in a museum… but I can see you two have already had a great time,” Sarah announced, nudging the trolley in Ava's direction. She didn't have time to dodge and was knocked over by the trolley. Her body landed in the sarcophagus and the trolley thundered against the door behind which her handbag lay. Eyes spinning, Ava blinked in confusion, wondering why the world was suddenly upside down.

“Yessss, Strike!” shouted Sarah, walking calmly to the trolley. She leaned on the edge of the sarcophagus and smiled gleefully down at Ava, who groaned painfully.

“You know Ava… until you tried to escape, I really thought I was going to bite my teeth out on you, even after I gagged you, but now I know you're just as much of a weakling as Summer over there.”

“You're not going to get away with this!”

“Look at Summer,“ Sarah said, pulling Ava's head out of the sarcophagus by her hair so she could get a look at Summer,” she knows I'm going to get away with this.”

“Summer, we're going to make it out of here! The gang and Greed will…”

“You talk too much,” Sarah muttered, stuffing the gag back into Ava's mouth and letting her fall back, “Honestly, what happened to you, Ava, to make you get such a big mouth?”

Ava hit the floor of the sarcophagus heavily and it knocked the air out of her. Sarah started humming and pushed the trolley over to Summer.

“Say Summer, you know that old movie where this cheerleading group visits a pyramid and becomes the victims of a curse?” Sarah asked casually, taking a few bandages off the cart and placing them one by one on the sarcophagus, ”It was more of a trash movie, but I think you'd like it a lot, you as… well. All the cheerleaders were turned into mummies and condemned to live out their eternity in darkness.”

Summer swallowed.

“Even though I was inspired by that movie, I think eternal darkness is a bit boring, even if you deserved it, don't you?” asked Sarah, and Summer already knew from their last encounter that it was better not to ignore Sarah, and she nodded eagerly.

“So you haven't forgotten your training! I'm proud of you!” said Sarah, pinching Summer's cheek rudely and shaking her, ”I'll get you ready to leave then. You're going to love your new home!” Sarah declared cheerfully and began to wrap Ava's legs with the bandages, ”I'm definitely looking forward to coming home again, I'll tell you that …”

“Mmmmh?” Summer asked through her gag.

“Yup, the villa has been empty for a while now, after my parents …”

Sarah fell silent and Summer could briefly see the anger she feared in her eyes until she turned her attention back to Ava's legs.

“Anyway,” she continued in a more cheerful mood again, and rudely lifted Ava up so she could mummify the rest of her body, ”After that Éternité Hotel incident and the smashing of all the slave trade rings, I was able to get my hands on some wonderful gadgets and ideas. Those little things at the hospital were just a taste, dear Summer. I was so super disappointed when the villa wasn't ready when I first had you and then that I was able to improve you so quickly… I honestly thought I could have trained you well in those few days, but I think it was far too short. I won't make that mistake again and this time you even have Ava to keep us company!”

“Fuuu yuuu,” Ava cursed into her gag, which Sarah acknowledged by placing the bandages over Ava's face and wrapping her head tightly. Sarah carelessly dropped her back into the sarcophagus and then gave Summer her full attention.

“Shall we get you tidy again before I get you ready to go?” asked Sarah almost sympathetically, pointing to the latex sock and high heel next to Summer's leg. The pink-haired girl nodded shyly and Sarah put them back on her.

“Good girl,” Sarah said, scratching Summer's head. Summer hated herself for how good it felt and that she was almost grateful for the touch.

“Let's wrap you up too, then,” Sarah said, cutting Summers from the ceiling. Summer squealed in surprise as she fell to the floor, not realizing for the first few seconds that Sarah was wrapping her up, just like Ava. The bandages seemed to stick together and there was no gap as Sarah worked carefully.

“These bandages are also from the hotel… I don't know what they're made of, but they can only be cut from your bodies with scissors. Don't worry, I'll make sure I don't damage your precious latex. After all, you might still need your costumes a bit here and there,” Sarah explained, nudging Summer's nose before wrapping her face in the bandages.

“If I were you, I wouldn't be breathing so much right now. Might be tight… might be a little short on air in the sarcophagus for the ride home, too. Oh well,” Sarah said, picking Summer up off the floor before tossing her roughly next to Ava. Sarah closed the lid, preparing to leave. She rolled the car to an elevator that would take her to the underground parking garage and her van. There, Sarah loaded the sarcophagus and took a seat in the driver's seat, humming happily.

“Hah… this is going to be so much fun Summer!” she said and drove out of the parking garage, out of the city and towards her family's villa out in the country.


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