Gromet's PlazaLatex Stories

Leon City Stories

by HickennoTheo

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© Copyright 2024 - HickennoTheo - Used by permission

Storycodes: F/f+; latex; vacbed; trick; revenge; bond; rope; machine; tape; gag; majick; cuffs; dungeon; cons; reluct; XX

Co-authored by TheLargeEmpty

Continues from

19.5: Phaelyn's Harem

It's been a good week now since winter appeared in Leon City and the cursed forest. There are only a few days left before December gives way to the New Year. The cold is everywhere, and snow covers the ground and the tops of the trees to give them a magnificently pure color. Inside these woods, the house of the atypical couple Phaelyn and Ifry is almost plunged into darkness. An absolutely Machiavellian plan is afoot within these walls. Phaelyn's cheerful but mournful hum echoes through the cabin as she ties the knot on the last gift she has just wrapped. The packages stand innocently on the living room table, lined up in front of the angel, and she looks at them with a grim smile.

"Soon we'll all be having fun together hehe! Oh?" Phae straightens up as she hears the door to her house open. She hears Ifry step inside and make a quavering, plaintive sound to show how cold it is outside. It must have been even colder when the demoness was flying home. "Here we go… My revenge is on…" the half-blonde announced, murmuring in an amused voice. She takes out her phone and types something on it before putting the object back in her pocket. With a wave of her hand, Phae lets all the presents fly out of a window in the house, except for one, which she stares at with an even darker smile than before.

The first thing Ifry notices while entering the house is that it's almost pitch-black. Which is very strange, because she senses the presence of her girlfriend inside the wooden cabin. The angel loves to turn on the lights when she's at home, so why didn't she do it today? The demoness closes the front door and lets out a long sigh. Her teeth chatter together and her sigh is shaky from the cold.

"Phae? Why is it so dark in here?" So calls Ifry into the large wooden hut, removing her boots as well as her coat. The demoness dashes down the corridor to the living room to light the fireplace. With a wave of her hand, she lights a large, hot, bluish fire. She then brings her hands to the heat source and sighs with relief. But a cold sweat breaks out on the horned woman's back when she notices, thanks to her link with Phae, that the latter is standing behind her. The angel made no sound as she approached her girlfriend. Ifry knows of only one moment when the half-blonde does this kind of thing. That's when Phaelyn and her friend Celine try to set traps for the demoness. The latter doesn't dare move for fear of what might happen if she turns around. Yet she doesn't feel the red-haired woman's magic around her. Am I imagining things? Wonders the horned woman, preparing to speak. "Um… Do I need to worry about how I'm going to end up restricted in a few seconds?" Ifry asks as she begins to raise her hands in the air to show her defeat.

"Heh? Not at all! I just wanted to give you the present I prepared for you!" Phae explains in an innocent voice, wanting to reassure her beloved. The demoness clearly hears the angel's noises on the ground, showing that she is hopping on the spot. The horned woman's fears disappear as she understands that her sweetheart is either nervous or impatient. And the fact that Celine isn't there confirms that the half-blonde isn't setting any traps. Ifry turns and her gaze goes to the cubic-meter gift wrapped in red and gold paper with a large bow. The demoness offers Phaelyn a sweet smile before kissing her forehead.

"Oh honey… You shouldn't have! You've already given me a great present at Christmas."

"Nuh uh! This present is really necessary!" Retorts the angel, hopping from one foot to the other. "Come on! Open it!"

"Okay okay." Accepts the horned woman, laughing softly. The latter approaches the imposing gift and pulls on the pretty bow surrounding the object. The ribbon knot unties easily and the box opens, revealing a deep black but shiny cube. Ifry's cheeks flush bright red as she easily recognizes the material from which the object is made. It resembles the vacbed she and Phae borrowed from Celine some time ago, when they first met. The angel and the demoness both seem intent on forgetting that they had promised to return the vacbed to the sorceress.

"W-Wow… I've never seen that before…" murmured the horned woman as she leaned over to take a closer look at the object. "What's this object called?" she asks, bringing her finger close to the latex. A big smile then appears on Phae's face as she comes to stand behind her girlfriend.

"I'd say… Your new prison?" the angel offers, her voice filling with a mischievous tone. At the same moment, Ifry's index finger makes contact with one of the cube's walls. She feels her finger penetrate the dark matter and sink inside. Her eyes widen as she understands the half-blonde's plan. Before the demoness can even attempt to flee, the angel places her hands on the horned woman's buttocks and pushes her forward with a light, innocent laugh.

"P-Phae wai-" Ifry, unfortunately for her, doesn't have time to finish her sentence. Her hand, which was already in contact with the latex, continues its advance into the cube with effortless movement. Her other hand and then her face do the same. Then her neck, shoulders and, before long, her whole body is inside the cube. Ifry quickly regains control of her fall, but it's too late. She's already in her new prison. Phae's playful laughter can barely be heard inside the latex cube, but the transparency of the walls allows the demoness to see the angel's expression perfectly. "Phae! Get me out of here now!" the horned woman orders in a voice full of embarrassment. From the half-blonde's point of view, it sounds more like a plea than an order. The demoness tries to get out of the cube by touching the latex walls, but they seem to be impassable from the inside.

"Nope! Sorry, but I can't do that!" Phaelyn apologizes without really seeming to be sorry. "I have to go and continue my revenge so I have to make sure you don't run away!"

"Your revenge?" Ifry asks in a questioning voice, not understanding what the angel wants to refer to.

"If you want to keep breathing, you'd better put this in your mouth!" Phae advises, pointing to a small plastic tube on one of the cube's walls. The half-blonde then snaps her fingers twice. The first snap makes her own clothes disappear and the second makes her white superb catsuit appear on her skin. Phae then looks at her new clothing with a big smile before winking at her darling. Ifry can only watch this while blushing, knowing she's powerless. "See you later, my love!" She adds, stepping away to put on a long black coat and boots.

"What? But you can't leave me like this!" Screams the demoness with cheeks reddened by embarrassment and excitement. The angel hops out of the house and, just as the front door closes, the horned woman notices something strange. The walls of the cube seem to be approaching her. Ifry immediately understands that air is magically leaving the cube and that her body will soon be completely constricted. Her cheeks turn a deep red and she even feels the floor of the cube begin to lift her body slightly. "Oh shit. You could at least have given me a vibrator to pass the time, Phae!" Screams the demoness again so that her beloved's developed hearing can hear her outside the house. The horned woman grimaces with excitement as she brings her mouth close to the little plastic tube. "Well… I have no choice but to wait for her…" she sighs as she closes her eyes, wrapping her lips around the tube to accept her fate as a prisoner. The walls begin to caress her head, the sides of her arms and her buttocks, driving the demoness's desire even higher. With each passing second, she feels herself being lifted until she barely touches the ground. The latex finally engulfs her body in a deliciously sensual pose, accentuating every last curve. On her knees and with her hands on the floor, the only evidence that Ifry is conscious are her muffled moans, which are unlikely to stop. At least I won't be cold. She says to herself, feeling the warmth of the fireplace beside her, before sighing with relief that Phae has gone. For she has just realized that her demon tail is perfectly exposed to whoever wishes to touch it.

The calm of the big house comes to a halt as the whistling of the teapot begins to echo through the many rooms. Rilliana enters the kitchen and turns off the water, which begins to hiss even more. A slight hum emerges from the elf's mouth, smiling broadly as she pulls three cups from a cupboard. Making tea for her friend Celine and her darling Trisha is one of the habits she's enjoyed most since the latter returned from their involuntary trip. The blonde fills the cups with hot water before dipping a small bag into each one. The herbs in the sachets come from one of her former trips to another part of the world, many years ago now. Rilliana waits a minute before removing the sachets and placing the cups on a tray. The elf makes her way to the salon carrying the tray in one hand, remembering that this is how her friend Ifry brings drinks to her customers when she's working.

The blonde enters the living room and smiles to see her two friends sitting on the sofa. Celine seems to have her eyes lost in the book she's reading, while Trisha scrutinizes a map of the region with a pensive air. Rilliana loses her smile a little as she sees how the shifter is struggling to find clues to their friend Terra's whereabouts, without success so far. The map is scribbled with lots of little crosses, all of which represent a trail that has led nowhere. The elf grabs a cup of tea from her tray and places it on the table, right next to the map Trisha is consulting. Trisha then looks up at Rilliana, offering her a smile to erase her worry. The elf recovers her sympathetic smile too, before the shifter nods in amusement. Both women know exactly what's on each other's minds at the moment. It's been Rilliana's favorite phrase for several years now. There's nothing that time can't find. It's a phrase that has made the elf feel better during a lot of sleepless nights, before Trisha's return, when the darkness has given her emotions that were strong for her. And it also seems to help Trisha cope with the fact that she still has no trace of Terra. The blonde grabs a second cup and hands it to Celine with a friendly smile. The sorceress looks up from her book and smiles curiously, wondering what today's tea will taste like. The red-haired woman sets her book down beside her before taking the cup in her hands.

"Thank you, my dear." Celine says before sipping slowly so as not to burn her tongue. "As always, your tea is delicious!" She adds, raising her eyes to the heavens in happiness. Rilliana smiles a little wider at her friend's compliment and turns her head to hear Trisha, who is taking a break, making a lot of noise as she drinks her tea.

"Personally I prefer Ifry's." Announces the shifter, taking another noisy sip, with a teasing smile towards her sweetheart.

"Well, you'll go to her house next time you want to drink tea!" Replies the elf, sticking her tongue out at the cat-eared woman. The latter starts laughing softly behind her cup while her sister continues to drink peacefully, enjoying every drop of her tea. Suddenly, all three women look up as they hear a knock on the door. Rilliana smiles playfully as she makes her way to the front door. "Well… Speak of the devil," she murmurs as she places the last cup of tea on the small table, eager to see if it's Phae or Ifry. She opens the door and is surprised to see that there's no one on the other side. She frowns and then, out of the corner of her eye, sees an object at her feet. A pink gift the size of a football lies on the doormat. Bending down to retrieve it, the elf notices a small piece of paper stuck to the gift, on which is written something in felt-tip pen. "For my dearest and closest friends… From Phaelyn…" Whispers the blonde as she reads the paper before her face fills with joy. "Awww, my sweet Phae… Thank you so much!" She yells, taking the gift before standing up, hoping the angel has heard her thanks. Rilliana re-enters the house and closes the door behind, quickly returning to the living room.

"Who was it?" Celine asked, lifting her head before seeing the gift in the elf's arms.

"Phaelyn! But she wasn't there when I opened the door." the blonde explains, placing the package on the small table opposite the sofa. The sorceress immediately begins to smile a little more as she hears the angel's first name.

"Aw shame. Maybe she had other gifts to give. She didn't get to give her presents at Christmas," reminds the red-haired woman, smiling as she inspects the gift with her eyes.

"Or maybe she was too shy to give them to us in person." Trisha shrugs before shaking her head. "She's really too cute and innocent for this world," she adds with a frank smile, turning her interest away from her map to look at the gift too. Rilliana understands that her two friends want to see what's behind it by seeing their two smiles, almost identical to each other. The elf pulls on the bow of the gift and it opens to reveal a pink ball. The three women frown at the object.

"Hm… What's that..?" Trisha asks with a sigh, bringing her face close to the ball. Rilliana instinctively turns her gaze to Celine, who seems best placed to recognize the object. The latter stares at the ball with squinted eyes, seemingly in deep thought.

"It's strange… It looks a lot like one of my old inventions…" the sorceress mutters, bringing her hand to her chin. The shifter then begins to read something that seems to be written on the object.

"Product of C&T…" Announces the cat-eared woman with a voice becoming a little more strained as Celine begins to widen her eyes. At this point, Trisha turns her head towards her sister, looking at her with worried eyes. "Please don't tell me it's what I think it is…" she adds as the red-haired woman hurriedly stands up. The shifter then tries to jump over the table to get away faster, thanks to her agility, but it's too late. Celine only has time to protect the book she was reading with her magic. In the blink of an eye, the ball explodes, spreading a pink, sticky substance across the living room. All three women are instantly thrown against a wall of the room, except Trisha, who is thrown to the ceiling and held in a pink, rubbery embrace. The floor, ceiling and all the walls of the living room are invaded by this sticky mass, and the three women look at each other with eyes filled with embarrassment. They're all completely covered from head to toe in the pink substance, except for their eyes and noses.

"Mmh… MMMMMMMMPH!" Rilliana tries to use her strength to extricate herself from her pink prison, but it seems impossible. Every forward movement rebounds against the rubbery mass to return to its point of origin. Celine watches the elf struggle uselessly and doesn't even try to move. As for Trisha, hanging from the ceiling, she just bounces up and down, which makes her beloved smile immensely. Then silence descends as the front door opens. The three women hold their breath, wondering who it could be. A tuft of black and blond hair appears in the doorway and Phaelyn peers intently into the living room. Her eyes glide over the three women, one after the other. Confident that her three friends have been captured, the angel starts to smile and hop on the spot.

"Yay! It worked!" Announces the half-blonde, floating in the air because of her joy. Seeing Trisha, the angel uses her magic to get the shifter bouncing up and down again.

"MMFAEEEEE!" Trisha screams despite the fact that her mouth is totally blocked by the pink mass. The shifter doesn't seem to like how it feels to bounce again and again. Phae then starts laughing innocently at her friend's reaction.

"Hehe! Okay, don't go anywhere! I've still got a lot of work to do, so I'll bring Ifry and the others over later!" She explains, giving her friends a wink before running off again. "My plan is working perfectly! MUHAHAHAHA!" Phae's innocently devilish laughter slowly disappears as she runs off and the front door closes, restoring the house to its usual calm. Only Rilliana's playful laugh can be heard, the latter highly amused to have seen Phae laughing the way she did. Celine, for her part, shakes her head before looking at her sister with a judgmental smile. Too cute and innocent for this world? Is that what you said, Trisha? Thinks the sorceress with a mocking glance at Trisha that makes her laugh guiltily.

Chloe is breathing hard and fast, even if her moans disappeared a few minutes ago, since she was transported to seventh heaven. Her room is quiet now, compared to what's been going on here for several hours. With Kim away at her boyfriend Luke's, Chloe enjoyed it as much as she could.

"Was it good?" Vanessa asks, placing two fingers under the blonde's chin to lift her face. The latter starts to blush as she looks away, being very embarrassed to have to answer the question. Her whole body is held horizontally in the air by the ropes hanging from the ceiling. Her arms are tied behind her back and her legs too, but separately. Chloe could spread or tighten her legs as she wished, but this did nothing to change the pleasure she felt.

"Y-Yes… That was fantastic…" Chloe replied in a voice sounding like she was in the middle of a wonderful dream, having recovered her usual breathing. The blonde doesn't notice it because of the dim light in the room, but the redhead's cheeks are just as red as hers. Vanessa is still not used to being in control during their bondage sessions, even if they are now quite frequent. It's now been six months since Vanessa rescued Chloe from the fire that reduced the building in which she lived with Kim to ashes. At first, the redhead didn't want to tell the blonde that it was she who had saved her. She didn't want any thanks for something so normal. Any human would have done that in the demoness's place, wouldn't they?

"Good. I-I'm glad to hear it. Do you want to stop here?" Vanessa asks again, stroking one of Chloe's cheeks with her thumb. The latter is even more embarrassed by the feel of her friend's gloved hand, reminding her despite the darkness that Vanessa is dressed in her latex catsuit.

"Y-Yes please… Kim'll be home in an hour and we still need to shower…" Explains the blonde as she slowly fidgets in her rope prison, knowing she'll soon be released.

"No problem. Just tell me the safeword and I'll set you free." Announces the demoness with a small smile in her voice, stroking her friend's hair.

"Red…" says Chloe in a soothing voice, enjoying the gentle touch of Vanessa's hand. The latter began to smile benevolently, standing up on the bed to untie the ropes from the ceiling. The two women had chosen these safewords in reference to the traffic lights. Green to continue, yellow to slow down and red to stop. Before their first session together, Vanessa never thought she'd feel so much emotion in her at the mere mention of the word green. Even if her moments of joy and fun sometimes represent a bit of torture for her. Being very shy, she's never found the courage to tell Chloe that she'd rather be a submissive, or even that she'd like to be able to cum too. But that's okay, the redhead always finds a way to please herself afterwards. There's no need to bother Chloe with something as useless as me. Vanessa often says to herself in this kind of situation. Chloe feels her body slowly descend towards her bed, being put down by the redhead in a very delicate way.

"Here we go… Successful landing for the little princess…" Vanessa murmurs as she sits down on the bed, beginning to untie one of the many knots holding Chloe in her rope prison.

"You don't have to call me like that anymore. We're not in session anymore, are we?" Replies the blonde with a smile in her voice, happy to have been called like this again.

"Oh. Yes, that's right." the demoness also replies in a slightly frustrated voice, really enjoying calling her friend like that. Chloe and Vanessa then let the rubbing of the strings speak, each silently enjoying the other's presence. After a few minutes, the blonde finds herself free at last, and she looks at the rope marks on her body with fascination. "Is everything okay with you? Can I go to the shower?" Vanessa asks as she stands up, looking at her friend with cornered eyes, being embarrassed to see her friend's naked body now that it's all over.

"Yes! You can go!" Chloe agrees with a smile before sitting cross-legged on the bed. The demoness enters the bathroom with her spare clothes in hand and Chloe listens as the door closes with a friendly chuckle. Chloe then remembers something her friend had forgotten. Her bath towel.

Vanessa breathes a long sigh of relief as she enters the room, knowing she'll be able to take a nice shower and finally relax, literally and figuratively. The demoness looks down at her shiny, immaculate catsuit, despite the hectic afternoon she's just had with Chloe. Her hands slide slowly over the black material, over her hips, her belly, the bottom of her breasts. A wave of anticipation washes over Vanessa as she imagines she'll finally be able to relax in the shower. She then brings her hands to the neck entrance of the catsuit and pulls on it to extricate her body from its second skin. Her neck, shoulders, chest, belly and lower back feel softly cool as they once again come into contact with the surrounding air. Phew… It was a beautiful day… Vanessa says to herself, taking a long breath before smiling fondly at what she's seen today. She begins to continue removing her catsuit before her thoughts return to reality when she hears the bathroom door open.

"I think you forgot-" Chloe's voice stops mid-throat as her eyes begin to scan the interior of the room. The first thing the blonde sees as she enters are the huge scars Vanessa has on her lower back. Three absolutely terrifying scars that make Chloe's blood run cold. The redhead hasn't had time to turn around to hide them, and as she realizes this she begins to create a long, icy silence in the room. Chloe's gaze remains fixed on the exact spot where she saw her friend's scars, seemingly at a loss for words. Vanessa is also caught completely off guard. She can't think of a single plausible lie to tell in those brief seconds that seem like an eternity to both women. The blonde then opens her mouth slightly, beginning to say the first words that come to mind. "I-It's… It's my fault…" she says in a monotone voice, dropping the bath towel she was holding to the floor. Vanessa then opens her eyes a little wider, not understanding what she's getting at.


"You did this to yourself when you saved me from the fire…" Adds Chloe in a slightly shakier voice, seemingly unable to react to the demoness's words. "You suffered because of me…" At this point, the redhead understands what her friend means and instinctively shakes her head, not wanting to see Chloe in this state.

"Chloe… Chloe, no it wasn't the fire…" Vanessa retorts in a weak voice, not knowing how to calm the blonde's anguish, which seems to be starting to sob.

"I'm a monster… If I hadn't made that stupid choice then…" Chloe's voice is absolutely heartbreaking, and the redhead can't help but react to hearing it. The demoness takes her friend in her arms and hugs her to comfort her. Chloe is in total panic… How can I calm her down? Vanessa asks herself through clenched teeth, searching for the best way to stop this.

"Chloe… Chloe, listen to me! You didn't do anything! I promise!" the demoness announces, placing her hands on her friend's shoulders to look into her eyes. But the latter still seems to stare into space, continuing to cry.

"It's all my fault…" she repeats tirelessly, like a broken record. What could she do? What phrase could bring her back to her senses? Vanessa keeps questioning herself, trying to find a way to calm her friend down. Until a gleam appears in the redhead's eyes, and she decides not to hesitate any longer.

"I'm a demoness!" Vanessa announces in a confident voice, trying to provoke a reaction in Chloe. The latter then falls silent before her eyes really delve into those of her friend. The tears continue to flow, but she seems to have lost her panic.

"A demoness…?" the blonde asks slowly, slowly coming to her senses.

"Yes… I'm a demoness… You know, like Ifry?" Explains the redhead in a sympathetic voice, smiling amiably at her friend. "It wasn't the fire that gave me these scars. I'm immune to heat and fire…" Chloe stares at Vanessa with eyes filled with amazement for long seconds. The demoness doesn't know how to react, having absolutely no idea herself how the blonde will react. This is the first time she's admitted to a human that she's a demon, and she has no idea what kind of reaction this might provoke in her friend. The first thought that comes to mind is to step back to give Chloe room to breathe, but the latter doesn't let her, throwing herself into her arms to embrace her. Vanessa hadn't expected this at all, and didn't know how to interpret her friend's gesture.

"You must have suffered so much… I wish I could have been there to help you, whatever happened to you…" the blonde says simply, hugging the redhead tightly. The latter then opened her eyes a little wider before placing her hands on Chloe's back to comfort her, as the blonde had just done with her last sentence. An emotional smile appears on Vanessa's face.

"That was a long time ago… I'm not in pain anymore now…" the demoness explains as she strokes her friend's back, choosing to lie so that the latter will calm down as much as possible. It's true that her horns had been cut off in an absolutely horrible way, and she often feels pain because of it. Chloe will never know about this. Vanessa told herself, vowing never to tell the blonde so as not to sadden her.

"Excuse me for getting so carried away… But when I saw your scars…" Chloe pauses in her sentence, unable to stop herself from shaking her head with a grimace. "Even the fake pain I imagine can't be even a hundredth of what you felt…" she added with a sniff, her tears slowly subsiding thanks to the caresses of the redhead's hands.

"Can I confess you something else?" Vanessa asks in a soft voice, desperate to lighten the mood in the room. That's when all the blonde's sadness is instantly transformed into curiosity. What does she want to tell me that's so important right now? Chloe wonders inwardly, her cheeks starting to redden. She keeps her face hidden as she remains in the demoness's arms.

"W-What else do you want to confess to me other than the fact that you're a demoness?" asks the blonde in a slightly sarcastic voice, trying to hide her embarrassment as best she can.

"Well…" Vanessa starts scratching the back of her head with a slightly nervous laugh. "I have to admit, I prefer to be a submissive than a dominant… But I never dared tell you because you didn't seem to enjoy playing the dominant…" she explains in an embarrassed voice, making the blonde full of incomprehension at the same time.

"Huh? But what makes you think I don't like being a dominant?" Chloe asks in a questioning voice, raising an eyebrow curiously.

"Um… Maybe because almost all your kinks are on the submissive side?" Replies the demoness with an obvious little smile, stepping back to look her friend in the eye with a teasing glance.

"What? That's not even true!" Retorts the blonde in a confident voice, crossing her arms. But the redhead doesn't seem to agree at all and starts shaking her head with a big smile.

"Alright… You leave me no choice…" she announces in a falsely saddened voice.


"Damsel in distress, rope-bunny…" says Vanessa as she begins to list Chloe's kinks, raising a finger at each new thing. The blonde then starts blushing hugely before lowering her eyes.


"Latex, mermaid, maids, edging…"


"Being completely defenseless, being in perilous situations, breathplay, any shiny clothing or-M-Mmmmh??" Vanessa was cut off when she felt Chloe's hands over her mouth, preventing her from speaking.

"A-All right! I get why you thought I was a complete submissive!" the blonde finally admits with a voice full of embarrassment, looking into her friend's eyes and wincing in embarrassment. Chloe notices Vanessa start to smile behind her hands and the blonde withdraws them, hoping her friend will shut up. "Have you finished?" She asks, gradually losing her embarrassment.

"Being exposed in public too!" Vanessa adds before grinning broadly. The redhead starts laughing softly as she sees how quickly the situation has returned to normal. And that's very good news, because seeing Chloe in such a state of panic had made the demoness very unwell. The redhead's provocation gives Chloe the urge to retaliate. She in turn begins to smile, but with a more evocative air.

"Oh so you want to make fun of me eh..? But be careful…" the blonde approaches and brings her hand to the redhead's chin to grasp it. She lifts her chin slightly and Vanessa immediately loses her smile, caught then in a wave of intense desire. "I could add loving to torture a demoness to my list of kinks…" Chloe adds, bringing her face close to the demoness's, who begins to tremble slightly. The latter remains blocked by the excitement growing inside her as the blonde begins to think about something. She pokes her head out of the bathroom to look at the clock in the living room. "Damn, Kim's going to be here soon! Can we take our shower together to go faster?" Chloe asks with a friendly smile as Vanessa goes wide-eyed.

"H-HUH?!" the blonde is surprised by the demoness's answer, not expecting this. Chloe then starts looking at her friend with slightly sad eyes.

"If you don't want to then it's okay, you know…" Assures the blonde in a weak voice, starting to pick up the towel from the floor and place it on a piece of furniture. "I'll take my shower afterwards," she adds as she starts to leave the room. Vanessa's emotions swirl inside her and her heart makes a choice without even thinking.

"Y-You can shower with me…" the redhead announces in a slightly embarrassed voice, looking at the floor. Chloe stops and turns back to her friend with slightly more playful eyes.

"You really don't mind?" asks the blonde in a sympathetic voice as Vanessa begins to look away.

"Y-Yes, I'm sure… It's just…" the demoness begins to think before shaking her head, her cheeks turning quite red. "N-No it's nothing…" Chloe frowns as she stares at Vanessa's flushed cheeks. A slight laugh leaves her mouth as she closes the bathroom door behind her.

"What? Were you planning on doing yourself good in the shower to blush so much?" the blonde asks with a soft laugh, wanting to tease her friend into losing her apparent embarrassment. But her sentence seems to have the exact opposite effect. The redhead starts to blush even more, before she doesn't know what to say. Chloe's eyes then open wide and her own cheeks turn red too. "O-Oh." That's all the blonde can reply at the moment, also looking away to hide her embarrassment. After several seconds of reflection, Chloe closes her eyes so that she's less embarrassed when she utters her next sentence. "If… If you want I can help you…"

"W-What?" Vanessa replied, looking up at her friend, caught between two huge waves, one of embarrassment and one of excitement. "I-I… No no I definitely don't want you to force yourself to do it…"

"Vanessa… I'm not forcing myself at all. I'd even be happy to help you, you know?" Said the blonde with a smile, stepping back to fetch something from outside the bathroom. "Get undressed! I'll show you that I know how to be super dominant too!" She adds with an evil little laugh that makes the demoness blush.

"O-Okay…" Vanessa sighs, not realizing that her friend can't hear her. Her embarrassment grows even greater when she looks down and notices that she's been half-naked since Chloe entered the room earlier. The demoness presses her lips together unconsciously because of her emotions and decides to remove her catsuit from her lower body. The latex glides easily over her skin again and she finds herself undressed effortlessly. The redhead keeps her catsuit in her hands and strokes it gently with her thumbs. She begins to smile slightly as she thinks back over the last few years. Meeting Ifry and Chloe three years ago was the best thing to happen to Vanessa since she arrived on Earth, with the moment Ifry saved her from the traffickers of course.

"Your smile is even cuter when it has a touch of nostalgia in it." Chloe announces in a friendly voice, having returned to the bathroom. She looks at her friend as she leans against the doorframe, with long black ropes in one of her hands.

"What makes you say it's nostalgia?" the demoness asks with a teasing smile, laying her catsuit on a piece of furniture to hide her chest as well as her crotch.

"Kim has the same smile when she thinks back to the good times we had in our old apartment." Explains the blonde as she approaches the redhead, stroking the ropes she's holding with her second hand. "Unfortunately, nothing's like it used to be now," she adds, taking Vanessa's hands so she can no longer hide.

"B-But… You'll still be able to make good memories in this house too, won't you?" Retorts the demoness, trying not to succumb to her excitement as Chloe begins to circle around her, thinking.

"I already have a lot of good memories here," replies the blonde as she puts Vanessa's arms in the air to start tying her up with the ropes. "Today will be a very good memory when I look back on it later," she adds, raising her eyes to the redhead's face, which begins to blush.

"W-Well… I'm glad you enjoyed the day with me… I really enjoyed it too!" Vanessa replies, looking at her friend with a joyful smile. Chloe starts to smile slightly too. She then passes a rope around the demoness's bust and rolls her eyebrows, rubbing the redhead's skin gently with one of her hands on purpose.

"Ready?" Chloe asks in a whisper, seeking only to provoke as much emotion as possible in Vanessa's head.

"Y-Yes… I'm ready…" replies the demoness in an eager voice, trembling slightly. The blonde then smiles a satisfied smile before raising an eyebrow.

"Oh?" Chloe brings her face even closer to Vanessa's, standing on her tiptoes to try and get to her height. The redhead doesn't understand this sudden action and unconsciously pulls her head back slightly. The blonde seems to stare into the demoness's eyes, swaying over each one in turn. "I never noticed you had a black dot in each of your eyes." Chloe announces with an amused smile. Vanessa has a black dot in each of the green irises of her eyes. "Is that a demon thing? It doesn't look to me like Ifry has that kind of thing though," she adds with a voice full of fascination, finally stepping back and allowing Vanessa to finally be able to focus on something other than the blonde's lips.

"Um… No… No it's not a demon thing. I'm just… Born with it." Explains the demoness, shrugging her shoulders with a small, sympathetic smile.

"Anyway, just know that it really accentuates the beauty of your eyes." Chloe replies, continuing her work with the ropes.

"Oh… T-Thank you very much Chloe…"

"You're welcome! Give me your hands, please." asks the blonde without even waiting for her friend's response and grabbing her wrists delicately. Vanessa lets herself do so calmly and without really reacting with her usual embarrassment. She just seems very happy and attentive about discovering a new side of Chloe. The latter places Vanessa's arms between her breasts, which means her hands are in front of the lower part of her face. The blonde ties everything in this position with a dexterity that impresses the redhead. "Have you ever been tied up before? I don't think we've ever talked about it." Chloe asks to pass the time, keeping her gaze focused on what she's doing.

"Um… Only a few times with Ifry," replies Vanessa in an honest voice, herself focused on what her friend is doing.

"I see. And do you prefer it when your bonds are tight, or the other way around?"

"I'd say… Pretty tight."

"Good. You're going to love what I do then." Chloe announces with a smile in her voice, having almost finished her masterpiece. "Since this is your first time, I've tied you up so that you can hide your face if you wish. But don't expect it to be usual, because I looooove to see the faces filled with desire and embarrassment of my prey." Explains the blonde, only raising her eyes to Vanessa's without even being slowed down in what she's doing. Such assurance makes the demoness full of conflicting emotions. The idea that her friend can see her emotional face without being able to hide it makes her die of excitement and embarrassment at the same time. The redhead begins to hide her face as best she can behind her hands, which makes Chloe laugh softly. The latter spends a few more minutes fine-tuning her friend's rope prison, restricting her entire torso without touching the rest of her body. The blonde takes a step back and bites her lip as she sees how the black highlights all the colors that make up Vanessa's body. "Well? Is it tight enough?" Chloe asks with a friendly smile as she removes Vanessa's glasses and places them on a cabinet, before opening the shower door for the redhead to enter.

"Yes, I like it… Although you could have done it a little tighter…" the demoness admits frankly, her little smile hidden behind her immense embarrassment. The ropes caressing her body are both soft and firm, making the slightest movement provoke the most caresses possible on her body.

"I'm sorry. But I couldn't get it any tighter than that." Chloe apologizes as she helps the demoness into the shower.

"Why couldn't you do it more?" Vanessa asks in a curious voice, not understanding what's stopping Chloe from doing so.

"You'll figure it out soon enough, don't worry." Simply replies the blonde with an evocative smile, closing the shower door before turning on the water supply. Chloe takes a few seconds to adjust the heat of the water before reaching for the showerhead to aim it at her friend. The demoness laughs as she lets herself be hit, knowing full well that she can't defend herself. The blonde seems to be mainly wetting her upper body, although this detail doesn't give the redhead pause. She just wonders why Chloe takes so long to spray her. But Vanessa suddenly understands why the blonde was doing this and blushes as she feels the ropes tighten against her body. The redhead's cheeks turn a deep red and she bites her lip unconsciously, forcing herself not to moan in front of her friend. "Is it tight enough now…?" Chloe asks in an evocative voice, getting behind the redhead's back. The latter can only nod, trembling like a leaf under the powerful, growing caresses of the ropes. The blonde runs one of her hands over the demoness's body, caressing one of her hips sensuously.

"C-Chloe… I-I can't wait anymore… Please…" Vanessa begs in a tortured voice, no longer even able to hide her excitement. The blonde loses herself for a second, looking again at her friend's scars before tiptoeing up to whisper in her ear.

"Very well… I'll torture my little demon next time then… Spread your legs a little, please." Chloe asks, breathing deliberately in Vanessa's ear. The latter does as the blonde asks while closing her eyes to feel less discomfort. "Say hello to Miss Showerhead…" Chloe announces while placing the object between the demoness's legs with the water going directly onto her crotch. A powerful spasm of pleasure then invades the redhead, who begins to tilt her head back.

"A-Ah shit!" Vanessa lashes out without meaning to, not expecting so many good sensations all at once. She knows she won't last long. "G-Green…" she announces in a sighing voice, giving Chloe the indication to continue. A benevolent smile spreads across the blonde's face, finding exactly the right angle to make the demoness's pleasure even greater.

Kim ducks under the tree branch that leads her to the clearing of Celine's buildings with a cute smile on her lips. Seeing her boyfriend Luke again has given her extra joy. The calm of the forest makes it easy for her to recall those moments she spent with him. The little blonde isn't sure whether she prefers the quiet of the cursed forest to the lively sounds of Leon City. Both have their advantages and disadvantages for her, but she's not complaining. The various adventures that have befallen her since a few months have taught her that she's just a burden to everyone, unable to protect herself. But now, everything is different. She finally has the power to protect everyone. No one can ever hurt her or her friends again. A malevolent smile spreads across the little blonde's face as she thinks back to what happened this morning, before Luke arrived. A group of men had tried to bother Kim and drag her into an alley. She remembers the terrified faces those men had when they realized they didn't stand a chance. It was the same face I had when I was weak… They'll never touch another person now. She said to herself as she reached the front door of her house. The little blonde shakes her head to get these thoughts out of her head and raises an eyebrow as she notices something at the foot of the door. She tilts her head when she sees that it's two presents. Late Christmas presents? Kim wonders, bending down to read who it's from. A more friendly smile than the previous one appears on her lips and she takes the presents in her arms before entering the house. The first thing she notices as she enters is that there's a second pair of shoes next to Chloe's. It doesn't take long for the little blonde to figure out who's home. Vanessa has been visiting her friend quite often since the fire. Kim doesn't want to rethink the incident because of the frustration it causes her. Had she obtained her new power earlier, she could have stopped the people who did this. She lets out a light sigh before slamming the door with some force to make sure Chloe and Vanessa hear her. Her ears immediately pick up two panicked little voices coming from the shower and the little blonde begins to smile playfully. She sits down on the sofa in the living room before placing the two presents on the small table in front of her. After a few minutes, she hears the shower door unlock before her sister and friend emerge. Chloe's face is perfectly normal, but Kim knows at once by looking at Vanessa's face full of embarrassment that the two women weren't just taking a shower.

"Hey Kim! How did it go with Luke?" Chloe asks in a sympathetic voice as she goes to throw away her dirty clothes, ropes and the redhead's catsuit in her room. Her little sister notices out of the corner of her eye and shakes her head in amusement.

"It went well. It was good to see him again." the little blonde replies, turning her head to wave hello to the demoness. The latter imitates the gesture, but still with a face full of embarrassment. Vanessa then sees Kim let out a little laugh, the cause of which she doesn't understand. Following the little sister's gaze, the redhead notices that she has noticed the marks left by the ropes on her wrist during the shower. An even brighter red appears on the redhead's cheeks as she tries to flee into Chloe's room before Chloe takes her hand and leads her back into the living room.

"This is great. I wasn't sure how to help cheer you up since Christmas so I was glad you could go see your boyfriend." Chloe explains, sitting down on the sofa while forcing Vanessa to do the same. The demoness then hides her face behind the blonde to prevent Kim from seeing her embarrassment even more closely.

"Don't worry. Phaelyn and the rest of you have already helped me get better on Christmas Eve!" Retorts the little sister with a happy voice while resting her head on her big sister's shoulder, who begins to smile.

"I'm happy to hear this. Can you explain what this is?" Chloe asks again, pointing to the two gifts in front of her.

"They're just from Phae! They were on the doorstep when I got home." Kim explains before rolling her eyebrows. "She probably knocked on the door, but you must have been too busy getting close in the shower," she adds in a teasing voice, removing her head from Chloe's shoulder, who begins to look away.

"Well… We just wanted to shower at the same time so we'd be sure to be ready when you got home…" replies the blonde with a nervous laugh, scratching the back of her head with her hand. Her little sister then raises an eyebrow as she looks at Vanessa, who is hiding her wrists without thinking about the fact that she also has rope marks around her neck.

"Mhmmh. I have a feeling your shower lasted longer than you intended." Whispers the little blonde in an unconvinced voice before turning her attention back to the gifts. "We'll have to go and visit Phae to thank her for her presents!"

"Good idea!" Chloe replies, bending down to pick up her gift and place it on her lap. She then turns her head towards Vanessa, who has a pensive look on her face. The blonde tilts her head before placing her hand on her friend's shoulder. "Is everything all right?"

"Um… Yeah yeah…" the demoness replies briefly in a small voice. This answer doesn't suit Chloe at all, and she frowns before moving her face towards her friend's, to show that she's not satisfied. "C-Chloe-"

"Did you already forget who is the dominant now?" asks the blonde in a serious voice, sliding her hand down the redhead's arm, to her wrist to caress her rope marks. At Chloe's last sentence, Vanessa blushes before looking away.

"I-It's because you mentioned Phaelyn…" Answers the demoness honestly, and she begins to wince.

"Phae?" the blonde simply declares, tilting her head in search of what the angel could have done to make Vanessa so pensive. "Why does Phae make you so nerv-Oh." Chloe suddenly understands the redhead's concern and begins to look at her with a sympathetic look. "Is it because she's an angel?" She asks, stroking Vanessa's hand reassuringly. The latter then starts nodding silently and the blonde raises her eyebrows unconsciously. Phaelyn had explained to Chloe when they first met that angels and demons had been at war since the dawn of time. "Vanessa… You mustn't be afraid of Phae! She's simply harmless!" Announced the blonde in a confident voice, smiling to try to reassure her friend.

"Heh?" the two women then turn their gazes to Kim, who also looks at them with incomprehension. "Why would anyone be afraid of Phaelyn?" asks the little blonde in a questioning voice, unable even to imagine for a second that the angel might be capable of harming anyone. Chloe then realizes that her little sister can't understand, since she doesn't know what the redhead has told her. The blonde turns her head towards her friend and looks at her with questioning eyes, wanting to know if she has the right to discuss this with Kim. Vanessa hesitates for a few seconds before nodding shyly. Chloe begins to smile sympathetically and puts her hand on the demoness's, to try to calm her down.

"Well… We've got something to confess…" Declares the blonde, turning back to her little sister. "Vanessa is a demoness," she announced in one breath, as if the sentence consisted of a single word. The little blonde's eyes open a little wider and she looks at the redhead with a fascinated expression.

"Oh. Just like Ifry?" Kim asks in a curious voice.

"Indeed." Chloe replies with a friendly smile, looking for a way to continue the discussion. "To explain everything… Angels and demons have been at war for a very long time in their respective worlds. So that's why Vanessa's afraid of Phae."

"Oh…" the little sister replies simply, looking at the demoness sadly. "I understand better…" she adds in a sympathetic voice.

"Actually… I want to try and make friends with Phaelyn…" Vanessa admits in a small voice, finally daring to start talking again. Her eyes drop to the floor when she notices that her voice draws the gaze of the two sisters. "But… When I see her, I get the impression she's very distant… Like she doesn't want to talk to me…" she explains in a frustrated, sad voice, squeezing her friend's hand. Both sisters look at the redhead with the same saddened, compassionate gaze. Chloe starts to open her mouth but doesn't have time to speak as someone knocks on the door of the house, cutting short the discussion. The blonde caresses Vanessa's hand before getting up to open the door. On the other side is Phaelyn, who seems to have a rather embarrassed and sad expression on her face. She looks up at Chloe and gives her a small smile while scratching one of her fingers.

"Hey… Can… Can I come in?" asks the angel in a whisper.

"Hey Phae. Sure, come on in." the older sister accepts with a friendly smile, stepping aside to let the half-blonde in. The latter moves forward to enter the living room and her first reflex is to meet Vanessa's gaze, which begins to stare at her with a tense air. Phae takes another step closer and begins to stare at the floor, silently tapping the palms of her hands together unconsciously.

"I… I couldn't help overhearing your discussion…" the angel admits in an embarrassed voice as the demoness frowns in stress. The redhead can't recognize the emotion on the half-blonde's face at all, and it's making her very anxious. "If I've been distant with you, it's… It's because I thought you hated me…" Phaelyn explains, closing her eyes. Vanessa's eyes then start to look at the angel in surprise, not expecting to hear this at all.

"Oh no… I'm sorry Phaelyn… I didn't want you to think I hated you! Do you-" the demoness stopped talking when she saw the half-blonde shake her head before stretching out her arms towards her.

"I… I only know one good way to start a friendship with someone…" Phae shyly declares, reopening her eyes to look at the redhead in an embarrassed way, her cheeks very red. Vanessa's face also turns quite red as she understands what the angel wants. She gets up from the sofa and hesitates for a few seconds before approaching. The half-blonde is very impressed by the size of the demoness, having never been so close to her. Barely a second after the redhead raises her arms to imitate Phaelyn, the latter comes to nestle in Vanessa's embrace. The two women slowly relax, each sensing the other's calm and friendly intent. Kim and Chloe witness this with big, playful smiles, while the angel breathes a sigh of relief as she strokes her face up the demoness's chest. "I'll have to come up with a nice nickname for you if you wish to become my friend…" Announces the half-blonde in a slightly calmer voice.

"A nickname?" Vanessa asks in a curious voice, still stroking Phae's back with her hands.

"All Phae's friends have nicknames. It's her way of showing affection!" Chloe explains in a happy voice, shrugging as she reaches up to stroke the angel's hair. The latter begins to smile, being on the verge of purring with happiness.

"Oh, I see." the demoness replies simply, before blushing slightly. "A very long time ago… Someone I loved very much was calling me Nessa…" she adds wistfully.

"Nessa… Nessa…" Phae repeats several times to test the redhead's nickname before smiling. "I like it a lot!" She announces, lifting her head to look at her new friend. Vanessa looks up at the angel with a friendly smile she's never shown her before and pulls up her glasses, which had slipped down the tip of her nose.

"I'm glad you like it!" Announced the demoness with a toothy grin, letting go of the half-blonde to give her some air while Chloe began crossing her arms with a fake sad look on her face.

"I see you came up with a nickname for Vanessa before you came up with one for me… I guess I'm still not your friend." Declares the blonde in a falsely disappointed voice, turning her face away from Phae to pretend to sulk.

"H-HEH?! B-But of course you're my friend!" Retorts the angel in a panicked voice as she approaches Chloe to face her face. "It's just that it's super hard to find a nickname for you!" She adds, continuing to circle the blonde, who deliberately looks away from her. The two friends continue to circle under the amused eyes of Kim and Vanessa, the latter very happy to have finally settled the problem she had with Phae. But the demoness's cheeks turn very red again when she notices that the angel is dressed in her white catsuit under her long coat.

"Don't panic like that, I was only joking Phae!" Chloe announces as she starts to laugh, winking at the half-blonde who begins to frown.

"Is it true?" Phaelyn asks in a questioning voice.

"Of course it is! It was just a joke!"

"Oh. Yes, of course," replies the angel in a monotone voice, her cheeks a little red from not noticing the joke. "I-I knew it!" She adds before in a falsely assured tone, going to sit on the sofa to change the subject. Her eyes deviate to Kim and she begins to smile in a friendly manner before resting her arm against the little sister's. "Hi, Kimmy!"

"Hi, Phae!" Replies the little blonde with the same smile, being happy to see the half-blonde again. "I didn't get a chance to tell you before, but thanks for what you did for me at Christmas," she adds in a sincere tone, smiling as she lowers her eyes to the ground. Phae then unconsciously raises her eyebrows.

"Oh. But you don't need to thank me! I was happy to cheer you up!" Retorts the angel with a proud smile, hugging Kim.

"OH!" Chloe exclaims suddenly, having just remembered something. The other three women jump when they hear her. "I absolutely have to show you this, Vanessa!" She announces as she pulls her phone out of her pants pocket, approaching the demoness. "On Christmas Eve, Kim wasn't feeling too well so we decided to cheer her up!" the big sister explains, avoiding saying the reason for Kim's sadness, not wanting to make her sad again. Chloe then starts tapping on her phone to search for a video. "Watch this!" the blonde shows the redhead a video of Phaelyn, hanging from the huge Christmas tree in the living room of Celine's house. The angel is bound by several colorful garlands and her arms are locked between her chest. Her legs are bound together and the half-blonde seems to be struggling gently in her bonds. "Incredible, isn't it? I even put this video as wallpaper on my phone!" She adds with a look filled with fascination, watching the video over and over again. Vanessa watches the video with a small smile, amused to see Phae tied up like that. She turns her eyes quickly to the angel, who starts to blush when she sees that she's looking at her.

"Indeed, it was really a great way to cheer Kim up!" Replies the demoness with a light laugh, finding the embarrassed look on the half-blonde's face really cute.

"A-Anyway…" Phaelyn suddenly announces to change the subject before her embarrassment kills her. "Wouldn't you rather open your presents?" She asks, looking at Kim and Chloe with curious eyes. The two sisters look at each other with mischievous smiles before nodding at the same time. The older sister moves quickly and with a childish smile to the sofa to sit next to the angel. The latter smiles as she sees Kim and Chloe sitting to her left and right, and winces as she realizes that Vanessa has no present. "Um… Sorry Nessa, I don't have a present for you…" Apologizes the half-blonde with a saddened voice before clenching her fists in front of her chest. "But I'll find you a present, I promise!" She adds with a confident face, making the demoness smile happily.

"Okay! I'll have to find you a present too, then!" Announces the redhead in turn, laughing softly as she sees the two sisters open their gifts with the same envy on their faces. With the same gesture, Kim and Chloe untie the bows of their respective presents, and the boxes open with ease. Inside each box are two metallic-gray balls the size of tennis balls. The big sister then looks at the contents of her gift, raising an eyebrow, while the little sister looks at hers, tilting her head to the side.

"Um… Phae… What's this?" Chloe asks in a puzzled tone, putting a hand into the box to grab one of the metal balls.

"Well… I'd say it's my plan that continues to be perfect." Answers the angel in a straightforward voice, smiling with a devilish air that only Vanessa can see. At that very moment, a red circle lights up on each of the metal balls.

"TARGETS DETECTED. CAPTURE PHASE INITIATED." A robotic voice emerges from the mechanical objects, which begin to float in the air, all coming out of the two boxes and Chloe's hand. Chloe's eyes widen as she hears what the robotic voice has just said. She gets up from the sofa, as does her little sister, but each has a very specific will. Kim tries to run away, only to be caught, while her sister looks at the metal balls with a longing smile. Unfortunately for the little blonde, she doesn't have time to escape as one of the balls begins to spin around her legs, binding them with tape. The little sister almost falls forward, but Phae prevents her from falling by using her magic. The two women look at each other and the angel offers a wink to Kim, who starts to blush.

"P-Phae! Why?!" the little sister asks in a surprised voice, seeing another metal ball wrapping tape around her left arm.

"I'm sorry, but I lied! To explain everything, I asked Santa to have a harem full of all my friends for Christmas! But I didn't get that gift so I decided to create my harem myself!" Explains the half-blonde in a voice full of joy, looking at Chloe at the same time, who totally accepts her fate. The big sister already has her legs completely covered in tape and has already placed her arms under her breasts to be in a perfect tape cocoon.

"B-But why didn't you just ask?" Kim asks in a questioning voice, seeing the metal balls place her arms along her body.

"Because it's more fun that way! Right, Chloe?"

"Hmhmm!" the big sister replies, saying yes with her head, having her mouth covered in duct tape. Her whole body is trapped, from her mouth to her feet. Chloe looks at the two metal balls with a friendly smile as one approaches her face.

"TARGET CAPTURED." announces the robotic voice as the floating object gives a little boop to the blonde's forehead, causing her to topple backwards. The latter then falls onto Phae's lap, who begins to give her a hug. Chloe smiles under her gag and rubs her cheek against the angel's to thank her for her gift. Vanessa watches with eyes full of desire but also a little jealousy. She'd love Chloe to sit on her lap like that.

"I wouldn't let myself be captured as easily as Chloe!" Kim declares with a defiant smile, hopping up and down in an attempt to escape from the living room.

"ESCAPE ATTEMPT DETECTED. PUNISHMENT PHASE INITIATED." Announces the robotic voice, this time with a little devilish air. The metal balls that took care of Chloe now approach Kim, determined to stop her escape. The flying objects begin to capture the little sister even faster than before, and she can no longer move.

"H-Hey! That's cheati-mmMMMPH!" Kim finds herself gagged by the tape of the metal balls and can no longer utter a single word. Her last glance turns to Phae, who waves her hand teasingly while sticking out her tongue, knowing what's coming. The little blonde can only close her eyes before the tape blinds her, depriving her of her sight. The robots quickly finish locking Kim in her prison, until only her nose remains visible.

"TARGET CAPTURED." Three of the four balls then return to the boxes to rest from their hard work, while the last one leads the little sister to the sofa, thanks to a tape leash attached to her neck. Kim can simply let herself fall onto the sofa without being able to do anything. Her belly and head fall onto the soft part of the sofa, while her knees drop to the carpeted floor. The little blonde's cheeks blush enormously as she realizes that her friends as well as her big sister must see the embarrassing position she's in. "BAD GIRL PROTOCOL INITIATION." then announces the last metal ball that still hasn't gone into the box.

"Mmh??" Kim tries to figure out what this means and lifts her head helplessly. A mechanical arm emerges from inside the robot, with a fly swatter at the end. The ball then approaches the little sister's buttocks and begins to slap her bottom, causing her to groan in surprise. "M-MMH?! MMMHPH! MMMMMHMMMH!" Chloe watches this with wide eyes, being full of jealousy. She immediately turns her gaze to the angel and stares at her with pleading eyes.

"Hehe! Sorry Chloe but I couldn't spank you myself!" Explains the half-blonde as she sets the big sister down next to her on the sofa. She pulls her phone out of her pocket and smiles childishly as she sees that she has a message. "I've got to pick up Summer and the others!" She adds, standing up before looking at Vanessa and her eyes becoming a little more embarrassed. "Um… Could you take Chloe and Kimmy to Celine's house? She's already waiting there with Trish and Rilli so it would be easier to take them there," she asks in a shy voice, not daring to look at the demoness.

"No problem! I'll take care of it!" Accepts the redhead with a benevolent smile as Phae begins to gently scratch one of her fingers.

"Thanks… Oh and Nessa… If you wish then I'd be very happy to welcome you to my harem…" the angel offers in a very embarrassed voice, no longer daring to lift her eyes from the ground. Vanessa's eyes then open a little wider and she begins to smile in a slightly more emotional way.

"It would be a great pleasure, Phae." the demoness announces, placing her hand on the half-blonde's shoulder, and she begins to smile happily.

"Oh, great! See you later then!" Phae declares, raising her fists in the air, not even realizing that she's starting to float with happiness. "See you later, Chloe and Kimmy!" She adds with a smile before stepping out of the house.

"Mmmph mmmh fmhh!" Chloe replies, smiling hugely from beneath her duct-tape gag, while Kim is still whimpering from the metal robot's slaps. Vanessa smiles, thinking back to the smile Phaelyn had, and approaches Chloe with amused eyes.

"If you like, I'll give you a few spankings on the way to Celine's house." Announces the demoness in an evocative voice, which makes the older sister blush enormously. The latter then starts nodding energetically, beginning to rub her head against the redhead's leg to show her affection.

"Ahhhh… You really do have the fingers of a fairy, my little Summer!" Tea announces in a sigh, smiling contentedly as she closes her eyes. The brunette lets herself go completely, almost lying back on the sofa. Summer's expert hands are a delight to Tea, who needed this massage after a grueling day.

"I'm glad you like it, Mistress." Responds the pink-haired woman in a concentrated voice, pressing the underside of the brunette's feet in a perfect way. For about two months now, a little after the incident at Leon City's theater, the dynamic of Summer and Tea's relationship has changed radically. After several huge oversights by Summer in connection with her girlfriend, such as forgetting her birthday, the latter has decided to be much more dominant with the pink-haired woman. When the brunette isn't at home, Summer is forced to wear special items on her person. For example, contact lenses that can block the view of telephone or TV screens, or hearing aids that block out all existing sounds apart from Tea's voice. Tea accepts that her darling doesn't wear these things when they're both at home, as long as the pink-haired woman doesn't get into mischief. Summer listens to the brunette's soothing voice silently, even though a part of her had no idea that working in a theater could be so exhausting.

"Well… I think you can stop there. Very good work, Summer," says Tea with a slight, gratifying smile, keeping one of her feet in front of her girlfriend's face. The latter then sees the brunette's smile become slightly more sadistic and she understands what she wants. The pink-haired woman's cheeks blush slightly and she kisses Tea's foot, who begins to smile in a more normal way. "Good girl," she adds as she rests her foot on the floor, patting beside her to allow Summer to sit on the sofa.

"Thank you Mistress." Summer replies in a relieved voice. The latter stands up with a slight grimace, her knees aching a little from being on the floor. The pink-haired woman sits down next to her girlfriend and Tea's look is absorbed by the television. Summer watches the brunette silently with a small smile. Before Tea's takeover, the pink-haired woman would never have imagined that she'd enjoy being stripped of her dominant title so much. But it's allowed her to discover a side of Tea she'd never imagined she'd ever see. It's almost as if her confidence and strength have appeared overnight. Summer snaps out of her thoughts when she feels Tea's head rest on her shoulder. The pink-haired woman begins to smile a little more before placing her hand on the brunette's. The latter doesn't seem to agree and withdraws her hand to place it on Summer's herself. Wow, she really wants to show her dominance by all means. Summer thinks to herself, laughing a little. The two women enjoy the moment without saying a word for a few minutes, simply happy to be together.

"Do you know when Ava will arrive?" Tea asks in a questioning but disinterested voice, remaining focused on her TV series.

"She shouldn't be long now." Summer explains after looking at the clock in the living room. Barely a few seconds later, both women are brought out of their viewing when they hear someone knocking on the door. The pink-haired woman begins to smile benevolently. "It must be her!"

"Or Caitlyn." Tea replies. "Go open the door." Orders Tea while watching her TV again while grabbing her phone.

"Yes Mistress." Summer says as she heads for the door.

Caitlyn patiently taps her fingers on the steering wheel of her car, watching the traffic light as she waits for it to turn green. The policewoman rubs her eyes before glancing lightly at her passenger seat, checking to see if her phone lights up or not. Her face becomes a little more saddened as she sees that she's still not receiving any messages. The dark-haired woman has been almost inseparable from her phone for the past two months or so. Between Jade leaving to continue her research and Cass regularly sending her information on groups of thugs she's spotted, Cait can't take her eyes off her phone. She was already extremely sad when Jade told her she wouldn't be able to come home for Christmas as planned. She did spend it with her father and brother Luke, but it didn't have the same flavor because she missed her. Still, she hopes her favorite little redhead will come back to her soon. The off-duty policewoman looks up to watch the snow fall on the hood of her car before it melts from the heat of her engine. She then notices that the traffic light has just turned green and presses down on her pedal to move forward. But at the same time, the dark-haired woman notices something big and fast coming towards her. Her sharp reflexes instantly order her to brake, which she does. Her tires screech horribly on the snow-covered tarmac, and the car slides about half a meter. Cait can only hope that the other car, coming in her direction, doesn't crash into her. The vehicle passes right in front of the policewoman at breakneck speed, leaving her alone with her heartbeat, which hasn't even had time to accelerate since everything happened so fast.

"S-Son of a…" Cait didn't finish her insult, just letting the low sound of the car drive away quickly before another car passed in front of her too. This time, the dark-haired woman recognizes the high-pitched sound of the city police car siren. A smile spreads across the policewoman's face as she watches the second car chase after the first. "YES! DON'T LET HIM GET AWAY, GUYS!" Cait then shouts, raising an arm in the air, before realizing that she must be impeding traffic. She orders her car to move forward again and continues silently. Her thoughts obviously remain focused on what has just happened, and the policewoman lets out a long sigh. Two months of escalating crimes… What could be the cause? The dark-haired woman wonders inwardly, before pulling into a parking lot with her car. Caitlyn easily pulls into one of the parking spaces and cuts the engine. Her hands slide along the steering wheel before falling onto her legs.

The policewoman looks at the house in front of her, which belongs to her friends Summer and Tea, with a small smile. The roof of the house is unusually white from the snow, and Caitlyn's smile gets a little bigger when she sees the bright, colorful decorations, surrounding the house like a giant Christmas present. Looks like Summer hasn't had time to take down the outside decorations yet. Then the sound of a vibration instantly jolts Cait out of her reflections. Her eyes suddenly light up and she immediately turns her gaze to her passenger seat, looking for her phone. But unfortunately, it no longer seems to be there. The dark-haired woman lets out a long, frustrated sigh after concentrating a little more on the sound and vibration. Her phone must have fallen off the seat and slid underneath when she slammed on the brakes. The policewoman raises her eyes to the sky before bending over in an attempt to catch her lost object, almost lying on the two front seats of her vehicle. She contorts her arm with difficulty under the passenger seat. "Come on…" Caitlyn grunts as she feels her fingertip touch her phone, unable to bring it to her. The latter tries to get her arm even further under the seat but she realizes it's not possible, as the object stops vibrating. "Haaa please!" the policewoman then asks blankly, resting her forehead against the leather of her seat in a very frustrated manner. The woman then closes her eyes to think for a few seconds, very upset at having possibly missed a call from Jade. Caitlyn takes a deep breath to calm herself, having perhaps found a way to grab this damn phone. The dark-haired woman concentrates as best she can, trying to activate the magic within her. Come on, just like I practiced. The policewoman says to herself as she feels her hand warming up from the inside. With her fingertip, she feels her phone begin to tremble before suddenly moving closer to her hand. Caitlyn finally grabs it and pulls it out from under the seat with a winning smile. "Yeah! Thanks for the training hehe!" She announces playfully, looking at her phone with a big smile. The policewoman is finally able to sit back in her seat. At the same time, she presses a button on her phone to see who has just called her. Her big smile disappears as she sees the inscription *potential fraud* appear. A deep urge to put her phone back under her seat crosses Cait's mind, but she ends up just tapping her forehead gently with it. She then rests the back of her head against the headrest of her seat and lets out a huge sigh. "Please… Come back soon…" Whispers the dark-haired woman, looking up at the ceiling of her car as she thinks. But then the policewoman is snapped out of her depression, flinching as she hears someone tapping on her car window. Ava smiles in amusement as she sees her friend Caitlyn startled inside her car. The cheerleader chuckles slightly at the embarrassed look on the policewoman's face and steps back to let the latter open her door.

"I've never seen you look so depressed. Is everything alright?" asks the brunette in a friendly voice, still with a little teasing smile on the edge of her lips. The latter is wearing very colorful make-up, with a little reindeer next to one of her eyes. Caitlyn smiles as she sees that, even days after Christmas, Ava is still celebrating the holiday.

"Yes… Yes, I'm fine. It's just… That we're very swamped at work so I'm pretty tired." Explains the dark-haired woman as she closes her car door and locks it. Lying to her friend doesn't make her happy, but it's easier than telling her that she's found her old girlfriend whom she'd forgotten because of some stupid magic. "Did you come to see Summer and Tea?" Caitlyn asks while taking Ava in her arms to greet her.

"Yes! I've come to spend a few days with them," replies the cheerleader before smiling sympathetically and shrugging. "Summer finds I'm rather tired at the moment with…" the brunette pauses for a second before speaking again. "W-With our training. You know, the competitions will be coming up soon so everything's very intensive lately." the policewoman nods sympathetically before patting Ava's shoulder with her hand.

"I'd have brought you along in my car if I'd known you were coming. I guess even our true passions can wear us down eventually huh?" Caitlyn announced in a kindly voice, before starting toward Summer and Tea's house. The cheerleader begins to follow her with a small smile. It's been about two months since she last saw the dark-haired woman, since the incident at the theater. The brunette has thought about that day often enough, and has often told herself that it was a miracle there were only minor injuries. It could have been a real drama if Phaelyn hadn't saved Tea and Kim, as Caitlyn told her. Ava had wanted to thank the half-blonde when she learned of this, but the latter had already left town, returning to her home in the cursed forest. The cheerleader still doesn't understand how anyone can live in this forest. So many legends are told about this place. Well after all, they're just legends I guess. The brunette thought inwardly before putting her finger on the policewoman's arm to get her attention.

"By the way. Why is it that you visit Summer and Tea?" Ava asks as she arrives at her friends' front door.

"I drop by every day after work to check on them. I figure it's a way to reassure Tea. She must be already thinking a lot about what happened two months ago, so… I thought maybe it would cheer her up, you know?" Caitlyn says, knocking on the door before leaning her shoulder against the outside wall of the house with a slight, saddened smile.

"Oh yes, I see. It's super nice of you to help her out like that," replies the cheerleader with a friendly smile.

"It's only natural. It's my job as a knight!" Adds the policewoman with a proud smile, turning her head towards the door when she hears it open. The two women see Summer open the door for them and smile in a very cheerful way.

"Wow! I wasn't expecting a sexy policewoman and a gorgeous cheerleader to come at my house at the same time!" Announces the pink-haired woman with a playful laugh, taking Ava and Caitlyn in her arms one after the other. The policewoman flashes a very pleasant smile, while the cheerleader looks up with a small grin. "Was it a smooth ride?" Summer asks, inviting her friends in, which they do.

"Well… Some asshole almost crashed into my car… But a police car was on his tail, so he'll soon be behind bars!" Replies the dark-haired woman as she enters the living room, seeing Tea sitting on the sofa, her eyes locked on the TV.

"These damn crimes just keep getting more numerous eh?" Summer asks in a slightly frustrated voice, turning to Caitlyn who nods with a slightly resigned air. "What about you, Ava?"

"The ride went fine. The school's not too far away so I didn't have much chance of getting hassled." Ava also replies, turning to Tea to greet her with a wave of her hand. "Hi, Tea! How are you?"

"…I'm fine." the artist mumbles without taking her eyes off the TV. A sad look appears on the cheerleader's face as she turns to Caitlyn. The latter looks at her with a half smile. Ava remembers what the policewoman told her about Tea. Escaping death can't be easy, it would be stupid to blame her. The cheerleader says to herself, then begins to wince slightly. Summer notices this easily and immediately understands why she's making that face. Ava's suit is asking for food. The two friends have learned a lot about this thing in the last two months, and the cheerleader has practiced a lot to be able to keep the suit on her without it bothering her. She is now almost able to keep it on her for a whole day without the suit changing shape. Considering that at first she couldn't keep it on for more than ten minutes without having to drink two liters of water, that's quite an improvement. But now Summer can see that Ava will soon reach her limit.

"You can go take a shower if you need to, Ava. I know high school days are really tiring, so…" Summer declares in a slightly sympathetic voice, perfectly hiding her true intentions.

"Oh uh… Yes. That's a good idea. I'll be off right away! Thanks Sumsum!" Replies the cheerleader as she heads off to the bathroom with her bag of spare clothes. Caitlyn looks at Ava and then Summer with a gentle smile, shoving her hands in her pockets.

"I'm really glad you made up." Declares the policewoman in a kind voice, giving the pink-haired woman a friendly smile.

"Yes. I'm very very glad too." Summer replies gratefully, lost in thought as she watches Ava close the bathroom door. Cait then watches this with an even bigger smile. The pink-haired woman turns her gaze to the policewoman and a mocking smile appears on her face as she notices something. "I see you really can't part with your phone! Your job's going to get you eventually!" Summer laughs before sticking her tongue out of her mouth to tease her friend.

"Yeah haha. Work can't even let me sleep!" Explains Cait with a slightly pensive laugh, starting to get used to lying to her friends. It's then that the two women suddenly turn their gazes to one of the pieces of furniture in the living room. It's Summer's phone, it's just rung.

"Speaking of phones." Summer then says in a sarcastic voice, approaching the piece of furniture.

Ava enters the bathroom quickly and closes the door behind her. She quickly throws her backpack on the floor before turning on the shower's water supply and undressing. The cheerleader feels her clothes stick slightly to her skin as she removes them. This is a sign that her suit is starting to get very thirsty, but it's not the sign that worries her most. The brunette lets out a slight groan as she removes her pants, pulling a small tentacle from her crotch at the same time. Ava watches the latter jiggle with a small smile full of frustration.

"Y-You really are unstoppable, you greedy asshole!" Says the cheerleader before throwing all her clothes into the shower, under the abundantly running water. On contact with the liquid, the clothes begin to move, coming together and resuming their natural appearance. The suit then begins to tremble, showing just how much it needed to feed. Ava has never known whether these tremors are excitement or joy, although she doesn't really care. The brunette then leans her shoulder against a wall while waiting for her suit to be fed enough. The latter already keeps her perfectly clean just by wearing it, but the cheerleader wants to shower every time she uses it. Even though she's supposed to be perfectly clean, Ava still feels dirty just by touching the thing. This monster is very useful, but it's far too disgusting for me not to shower! Ava has told her friend Summer several times in the past. The brunette then snaps out of her thoughts when she hears the suit move away from the water and towards her, like a child wanting its mother. Ava turns off the water before leaning forward. "Have you finished eating?" asks the cheerleader in a disinterested voice as she grabs the suit, before reaching for her backpack. Ava opens her bag and retrieves her change of clothes before putting her suit inside. The latter then begins to fold perfectly, which makes the brunette smile slightly. "Good night, greedy buddy," she says before closing the bag and returning to the shower. Ava places her change of clothes beside the shower and steps inside. She turns the water supply back on and screams as she feels the icy water make contact with her back. "F-Fuck!" She screams before shifting out of the way of the water.

"Is everything all right?" Summer's voice suddenly asks through the bathroom door, having surely heard Ava's scream.

"Y-Yes, everything's fine! It's just the water was very cold." Explains the cheerleader in a voice frustrated with herself but a little embarrassed too.

"Ahhh I see haha. Hurry up and take your shower! I've got a message from Phaelyn and we're going to be receiving presents from her very shortly!" Summer announces in a cheerful voice, banging on the door without realizing it. Ava's eyes then begin to open a little wider when she hears Phaelyn's name.

"Presents? What kind of presents?"

"So? What did Phaelyn get us?" Ava asks in a slightly impatient voice, coming out of the bathroom all clean and dressed in a simple, fairly long T-shirt with tight pants. The cheerleader sees Summer waiting standing next to the sofa, while Tea and Caitlyn wait seated, each with a gift placed in front of her. The brunette also notices a third gift waiting next to the other two.

"I don't know!" Summer announces in an excited voice, looking at her friend whose hair is still slightly damp. Ava seems to be in a hurry to get to know her present too! The pink-haired woman says to herself before inviting her friend to sit on the sofa too. "Phaelyn said in the message she sent me that you absolutely must open it at the same time." Summer explains with a gentle smile as Ava sits down on the sofa.

"By the way… How did Phaelyn get your phone number?" asks the cheerleader in a questioning voice, raising an eyebrow before looking at the pink-haired woman.

"Well… Very good question… I have no idea, but I'll ask her later!"

"Later?" Ava repeats with wary eyes as Summer begins to think quickly.

"Yes, I meant when I see her again someday soon!" Summer replies in a cheerful voice but also sounding nervous. The brunette's eyes analyze Summer's face intensely but she eventually lets it pass. Ava must surely be imagining things.

"I thought Phaelyn was afraid of the city? How did she get the presents here?" Caitlyn then asks in a truly impatient voice, devouring her gift with her eyes as Tea crosses her arms beside her.

"We can have anything delivered anywhere now so I guess she didn't even have to move from home." Tea simply replies with a shrug, looking at her gift in a disinterested way while she keeps an eye on her TV series.

"Yeah true." Summer adds before looking at Caitlyn and seeing her envy. The pink-haired woman then leans toward Ava. "I had a hard time holding Cait back, she really didn't feel like waiting for you to open her present!" Summer explains with a smile, putting a hand to the side of her cheek as if to prevent Caitlyn from hearing her. But the policewoman had obviously heard everything perfectly and looked at her pink-haired friend with a look filled with gentle annoyance.

"Ohhh c'mon! I really don't see why we absolutely have to wait to open our presents together! I even find it suspicious personally!" Caitlyn announces suspiciously, bringing her face close to the gift. By pure chance, Ava turns her gaze to Summer just as she begins to speak and could have sworn she saw nervousness in her friend's eyes again.

"Phaelyn? Suspicious? Don't say that, Cait! This girl is a fucking angel! She even saved Tea from the crevasse when she didn't know her at all!" Summer rants in a confident voice, defending Phaelyn with a little innocent air.

"Well, that's not entirely untrue…" replies the policewoman in a benevolent voice, already forgetting what happened at the Halloween event with Phaelyn who was absolutely wanting to trick them.

"It wasn't Phaelyn who saved me that night…" Tea suddenly mumbles in a somber way, as if negatively affected by what Summer has just said. The other three women then turn to Tea and look at her with the same questioning look.

"Did you say something Tea?" Summer asks in a curious voice, smiling lovingly at her girlfriend. The latter waits a second before answering, then raises her head with a small smile.

"I didn't say anything important, don't worry." Tea retorts in a soft voice, then turns to her gift to pat it with a questioning air. Caitlyn and Ava understand what the brunette is silently asking, and the three women all begin to open their gifts. Summer watches them do so with a tender smile, even if a small part of her is at the same time very, very impatient for it to end as planned. The pink-haired woman then ponders what her darling might have mumbled, but she has no idea. Perhaps it had something to do with her rescue by Phaelyn? Maybe she was too embarrassed to show her appreciation. Summer thought inwardly, smiling lovingly at Tea, whom she watched silently. The pink-haired woman's gaze then becomes a little more focused on the scene as she sees the three women's boxes open at the same time, revealing a white metal disc in each.

"What's that…?" Ava murmurs curiously, taking the disc in her hand to inspect it. Caitlyn also looks at the cheerleader's disk to check that it's identical to her own, before looking up at Summer.

"Do you know what it is?" asks the policewoman in a once again suspicious voice, looking the pink-haired woman up and down.

"No, I have no idea. Phaelyn didn't tell me about that part in her message." Summer replies, raising her shoulders in amusement as Ava frowns and looks at Summer too.

"That part?" Repeats the cheerleader sarcastically, really beginning to suspect her pink-haired friend knows more than she's saying. "Summer… What did Phaelyn talk to you about?" the brunette then asks in an insistent voice, resting the object she's holding on the small table in front of her. A short second later, the three metal discs emit a small beep, capturing the attention of the three women seated there.

"Here we go…" Summer murmurs with a devilish grin that Ava notices, but too late. At that precise moment, the three metal hoops open and pounce on the necks of the three women, like lions pouncing on prey. Caitlyn, being the only one to remain totally focused on her gift, dodges the attack of hers in a not very graceful but effective manner. But Ava and Tea are not so lucky. Too late, they feel the metal discs hurtling towards them, and the objects stick to their necks before closing. The sensation of cold metal sends a wave of surprise down the backs of the two brunettes, who start to wince.

"Summer! Can you explain to me what this means?!" Tea suddenly asks in an imperious but annoyed voice, putting her hands around the hoop to see if she can remove it with her bare hands. That's when Tea and Ava both feel ropes coming out of their discs and starting to crawl along their bodies.

"I'm sorry Mistress! Phaelyn asked me to do her a favor, which is to make sure I deliver you to her! And I couldn't resist the temptation of seeing the three of you tied up like that!" Summer explains with a chuckle, watching the policewoman struggle with her metal hoop. After a while, the disc finally abandons the idea of clinging to the dark-haired woman's neck, so it clings to her forearm. Caitlyn is totally surprised and has no time to react.

"Sumsum… I thought this kind of thing would never happen again…" Ava suddenly says in a tone full of panic and sadness… The cheerleader's betrayed voice brings a much sadder look to Summer's face. The latter then smiles gently and looks at Ava with eyes full of sincerity.

"You have nothing to fear, Ava. I promised you the gym story wouldn't happen again, and that's the truth. I swear Phaelyn told me we'd have a lot of fun if we do this!" the pink-haired woman swears, placing her hand on the cheerleader's shoulder. Ava then takes a long look at Summer before smiling back, accepting her friend's promise.

"Okay. I believe you." Answers the brunette with a small smile despite her very red cheeks, feeling the ropes holding her arms tied behind her back, one against the other. "But you know… We'd have followed you nicely back to Phaelyn's if you'd explained this to us earlier…" she adds with a voice full of embarrassment, gradually losing her freedom.

"Haha yeah I know. But what fun would it be if I didn't give you a ride in my van and tied you up first?" Summer asks sarcastically as she places her hands on her hips, also watching Tea get her arms tied under her chest. The latter looks at her pink-haired girlfriend too, but with much more frustrated eyes.

"Oh no… Not the van…" Caitlyn then sighs desperately, not at all willing to do what Summer has just said.

"My little slave… I hope you know you'll get the biggest punishment possible when we get home, eh?" Tea asks menacingly, tired of having to leave the house on her only day off of the week.

"I know it Mistress!" Summer replied playfully, while Caitlyn raised her head with furrowed brows. The policewoman had no idea that Tea was the dominant in her relationship with Summer. "But if it makes you a little happy, you should know that Phaelyn said I'd be tied up too as soon as we get to the forest!" Adds the pink-haired woman as she watches Tea and Ava then being totally imprisoned in their rope prisons. The two brunettes look at their bonds with embarrassed eyes while Caitlyn is still trying to struggle with her own ropes, having been caught by her metal hoop after the other two women. The dark-haired woman feels several long ropes emerge from the robotic disk and begin to crawl up her arm. The policewoman tries again and again to extricate herself from her near fate, but to no avail. The ropes run up her arm and separate at her shoulder, each rope going to a different part of Caitlyn's body. One rope wraps around her torso to bind her arms along her body. A second continues down to her hips, then down again to tie her legs together in a series of knots, creating beautiful symbols down her legs to her ankles. At this point, the dark-haired woman is already totally restrained and no longer even tries to struggle, apart from a few light wriggles that increase her own excitement. A final rope is then finally wrapped around the policewoman's neck, resembling a collar that seals Caitlyn's future. Caitlyn is now just a slave to Summer and to the ropes around her, as are Tea and Ava. The three bound women now look at the pink-haired woman with eyes full of different emotions. But amidst all the frustration, excitement and desire, the biggest emotion in their eyes is embarrassment. Summer stares at her friends' faces one after the other, a devilish grin hanging on her lips.

"W-Well… W-What do we do now Summer?" Ava asks in a small, shy voice, not daring to look her pink-haired friend in the eye for more than two seconds at a time. Summer's gaze becomes even more sadistic than it was before this, and she reaches over to a specific piece of furniture to pick up her car keys.

"Now… We're off to join our new mistress's harem!" Summer announces with a big smile, amusing herself by throwing her keys into the air to retrieve them in her hand.

"Aaaand we are finally arrived at the cursed forest! Thanks for choosing Summer Airlines and I hope you liked this trip!" Summer says as she opens the back door of her van before looking down. The only answers she gets are groans filled with curiosity or annoyance. Caitlyn and Ava are slightly dazzled by the opening of the door and stare outside for a few seconds. At last, they arrived at the parking lot of the cursed forest. The pink-haired woman snickers as she leans her shoulder against the open door of her vehicle, seeing Tea's frustrated eyes staring back at her. Her girlfriend, Caitlyn and Ava are all tied up next to each other on the floor of her van and gagged. "Hey don't look at me like that honey! The bad guy in this story is Phaelyn! And smile a little, you've already spent the whole trip grumbling!" Summer announces in self-defense, trying to keep her cool and not laugh in Tea's face, but to no avail. The annoyance on the artist's face makes her girlfriend unable to control herself and she puts her hand over her mouth to silence giggles. "I'm so sorry Tea!" then adds the pink-haired woman after she's finally calmed down. She flashes her usual smile again and looks at her friends. "So! Who wants to be released first?" Summer asks, looking at her friends one after the other. But as she does so, the pink-haired woman realizes one thing: her friends aren't looking back at her, they're looking behind her. A shiver runs through Summer as she realizes she hasn't even heard the person coming up behind her. "I thought I still had a little time before you arrived," says Summer with a smile in her voice, putting both hands behind her back in submission.

"Sorry Summer! I couldn't wait another second!" Phaelyn announces, passing a rope quickly around the pink-haired woman's hands to tie them up. The latter begins to smile teasingly as she tries to look behind her.

"No worries haha. I see you're good with ropes. I can't wait to see what else you can do! Oh! And I'm delighted to finally meet you for real!" Summer replies playfully, testing the ties around her wrists. The knot seems absolutely perfect. Summer feels no pressure anywhere on her wrists, and for all she knows she couldn't free herself on her own. This is the work of a rope expert. The pink-haired woman says to herself as she turns to look at the mistress who will be looking after her and her friends today.

"Thank you so much! I train a lot so it makes me happy that you notice my efforts hehe! And I'm delighted too! Can I call you Sumsum? I heard Ava call you that once and I think it would be a great nickname for you!" Declares Phaelyn, thanking Summer, while the latter takes the time to discover the half-blonde's face in a few seconds. She had only seen Phae twice before today. The first was at the full-scale Dungeon and Dragons event organized by C&T director Celine. The second time was in a flash, when she spotted her sitting in a seat at the event where Tea… Summer quickly removed this memory from her thoughts, not wanting to be sad today.

"Of course! You can call me Sumsum if you like!"

"Great! And you can call me Phae! That's what my friends call me!" Phaelyn explains with a voice full of joy, smiling so much she unconsciously closes her eyes.

"Oh? So I'm already your friend?" Summer asks teasingly, wanting to joke with the half-blonde.

"Of course you are! I can see you're a nice person and nice persons are all my friends!" Phae replies sincerely, jumping up and down on the spot before hugging the pink-haired woman. Summer is surprised by so much sincerity on a first meeting, but something makes her want to trust Phaelyn. Summer rests her chin on the half-blonde's shoulder in response to her hug.

"I see you love cosplay! You were already in costume the other two times I saw you!" the pink-haired woman announces in awe as Phae steps back to give her some air. Summer points with her head to the horn and halo on Phaelyn's head. The half-blonde smiles slightly and runs a hand hesitantly through her hair.

"Y-Yes! I love cosplaying as angels and demons!" Explains the half-blonde in a slightly embarrassed voice, turning on herself to show how her halo flies in the wind. But the attention of the other four women is focused solely on the white catsuit barely hidden beneath Phaelyn's long coat, who fails to notice the flushed cheeks of Summer and the others. "Okay! Maybe you'd like to get into the house quickly? You must be cold hehe," asks the half-blonde with a chuckle, jumping at the idea that after bringing the four women to Celine's house, all that's left is to bring Ifry so that she's made up her perfect harem. Phae sees her new friends nodding and approaches the van to help Tea, Caitlyn and Ava out. "Let's go then! I hope you will enjoy today as much as I will do!" Announced the half-blonde with a voice full of sincerity, still unintentionally troubling Summer.

"There…" Vanessa mutters, holding out the glass of water towards Rilliana's mouth with an awkward smile. The redhead spent a lot of time trying to understand what the elf wanted. And she had an even harder time removing the layer of pink rubber from the blonde's lower face after that. Rilliana closes her eyes and drinks the water entering her mouth, at the speed at which Vanessa raises the glass. This is the first time the two women have met, and they never expected to see each other in this kind of situation. The demoness has already heard a lot about the blonde thanks to Ifry, and the reverse is just as true for the elf. "D-Do you want some more?" asks the redhead, seeing that Rilliana has just finished the glass of water. The latter begins to smile sincerely before nodding as much as she can, still being almost entirely trapped by the substance holding her to the wall.

"No thanks, it's perfect," replies the elf by way of thanks, laughing a little as she sees why Vanessa is so embarrassed. The demoness senses that all eyes in the room are on her, and it's really making her quite embarrassed. The redhead nods slightly before leaving the blonde alone and returning to the living room sofa, now totally pink. The silence in the room is absolutely terrible for Vanessa as the only sound in the room is her footsteps, causing long *skriiich*. After a few steps, the demoness finally reaches the sofa and sits down, creating one last rubber-stretching noise. The redhead's cheeks are as red as Celine's hair at this point, but Vanessa snaps out of her embarrassment when she feels Chloe's head rest on her shoulder. The demoness's gaze becomes a little less embarrassed and she smiles at her friend before resting her head against the blonde's. Meanwhile, on the opposite side of the room, a frustrated look also hidden by a couple of strands of pink hair stares at Vanessa almost unblinkingly. Summer stares at the redhead, regularly letting out long sighs. The pink-haired woman isn't annoyed or angry with Vanessa in particular, but she is extremely frustrated, or perhaps jealous, that Phaelyn has decided to gag her while Vanessa's hands aren't even tied. The half-blonde had explained that she didn't think it was fair for Cait, Ava and Tea to be gagged but not Summer. But then why doesn't Chloe's new friend even have a pair of handcuffs or ropes on her wrists? Wondered the pink-haired woman inwardly, wishing she could put her face in her hands but unable to since they were tied behind her back.

"Well? I hope Phae didn't fall asleep on the way home…" Trisha announces suddenly, starting to yawn as she imagines her friend throwing herself into bed to sleep. The shifter raises an eyebrow as she hears her sister Celine laughing sarcastically a few feet away from her.

"Phae worked so hard on this surprise that I didn't even realize it. So don't even think that clever girl could forget us all for a second." the sorceress explained with a mischievous little smile, keeping her eyes closed as she waited for the angel to return. "Besides… I think she'll be back with Ifry in three… Two… One…" Suddenly, all the women hear the front door of the house open, followed by a happy sigh from Phaelyn. Trisha turns her gaze to Celine for a second just to see the latter's satisfied smile. It seems that Phaelyn comes here so often that the Celine is able to know to the second when Phaelyn will enter the house. Quite impressive. The cat-eared woman thinks to herself inwardly, before looking to the living room entrance to see the angel returning. All eyes then become a little more filled with curiosity, embarrassment or desire, or all three at once for some pairs of eyes. Phae enters the living room, pushing the large cube in which Ifry is still trapped, and the angel smiles as she sees everyone's faces looking at the demoness held in the latex cube.

"Well, well, well! Don't stare at Ifry this much! She'd die of embarrassment if she could see your faces!" the half-blonde explains with a chuckle, pushing the demoness's trapped body to the center of the room. The most experienced ears can hear Ifry utter faint moans of desire and embarrassment. The demoness has now been trapped between the latex walls for around an hour, and her arousal hasn't dropped an inch since. On the contrary, the embarrassment she feels knowing everyone is watching makes her even more aroused. And then the horned woman gasps when she feels Phae's gentle hand caressing her head. The angel's fingers glide over the smooth black material and it makes the half-blonde smile playfully, guessing that the demoness must be enjoying the situation as much as she is. "Good! Now that everyone's here, it's time to get you all ready for our harem activity!" the angel announces with a big smile, placing her hands on her hips to show how much she's been looking forward to this. The half-blonde then approaches Summer, Tea, Caitlyn and Ava, who are sitting in chairs next to each other. Phaelyn leans over to the policewoman and brings her hand to the latter's forearm, a big friendly smile on her face. The jet-black-haired woman hesitates for a few seconds to let the half-blonde approach her hand, but the latter's smile immediately makes it clear that she means her no harm. Caitlyn then feels Phae press a button on the metal disc around her arm. With a click, the policewoman instantly feels the ropes come to life again with a single movement. Her body is free to move again in a matter of seconds, and the dark-haired woman feels the metal collar unhook from her arm as the ropes are sucked inside. The disc falls gently onto Cait's lap, and she looks down at her hands. The policewoman clenches and unclenches her hands a few times to feel that she's no longer restricted at all, and lifts her head towards Phaelyn with a small smile. The dark-haired woman had only seen the half-blonde three times before this day: at the C&T dnd event, last Halloween night and during the theater incident. With so little time with Phae, Caitlyn has already managed to get to know many of her facets. Her impressive acting, her passion for cosplay, her constant joy when she's with her friends and also her fear of crowds. The policewoman had actually enjoyed reassuring the half-blonde that she was safe.

"Mmhang gyouhh." the dark-haired woman mumbles behind her gag with a happy smile, before searching how to remove the ball in her mouth.

"You're welcome! Can I let you free Tea, Ava and Sumsum? I need to go get something!" the angel asks before rising to her feet.

"Owff gouffs!" Caitlyn mumbles again before finally removing her gag from her mouth, leaving a small trickle of drool connecting her lower lip and the red ball. This little detail disturbs the half-blonde's attention for just a second before she refocuses on the dark-haired woman's words. "I mean, of course haha. I'll do my job with pleasure!" the policewoman adds with a chuckle, making Phaelyn laugh too.

"That's my super knight!" the angel proudly announces before heading for the salon exit. "I'll be back in a minute!" the half-blonde adds before disappearing quickly but leaving her humming echoing behind her. Cait grins as she sees Phae almost jump out of the room and then turns to Ava and Tea and presses the respective buttons on their metal collars. The two brunettes are then quickly released too and Tea immediately uses her hands to remove the gag from her mouth before turning her gaze to Summer. The pink-haired woman then begins to open her eyes a little wider, understanding that she can very quickly be punished if her girlfriend wishes.

"I really hope for your sake that Phaelyn has prepared something really fun for us, otherwise you might get a really big punishment when we get home." the brunette simply said in an inquisitive voice, looking away. Summer then blushes hard at Tea's words, while Ava stares at her hands in fascination, seeing the faint marks the ropes have left along her wrists. The cheerleader is so concentrated that she doesn't even think of removing her gag directly. Meanwhile, Caitlyn leans over to her friend Summer to untie the knot on her wrists. Within moments, the pink-haired woman finds herself free like the other three women, and she removes her gag too.

"Unfortunately for you, I don't think you'll have any reason to punish me when I get home." Summer retorts with a mischievous smile, opening her mouth a few times to remove the slight sensation in her jaw. "I guess Phaelyn never does things by halves when she's really passionate about something!" She adds before turning to Celine when the latter starts to speak.

"Indeed she does! And Ifry can even confirm it perfectly too! Right, my dear Ifry?" the sorceress asks with a smile in her voice, turning her gaze to the demoness, still being totally surrounded by latex.

"M-Mhmmh…" Answers the horned woman with a little moan, trying not to show too much excitement with her answer, even though she guesses that Rilliana must be smiling hugely at this moment. It's then that all eyes in the room, except Ifry's of course, turn to the door of the room. A new noise is heard coming in the direction of the living room, sounding like something rolling across the floor. The women realize what it is when Phaelyn reappears with a garment rack behind her.

"I'm back! Great job Cait!" the angel announces with a grateful smile towards the policewoman, pleased to see that the latter has freed Summer, Tea and Ava as she had asked. "So! Who wants to go first?" the half-blonde then asks, sitting down at the end of the sofa with the rack right beside her. Summer has had her eye on what's on the rack since Phae returned and smirks as she recognizes the latex material, even if she can't see what type of garment it is. The pink-haired woman then turns to her girlfriend Tea to grab her hand and put it in the air.

"Tea wants to be first!" Summer replies with a teasing smile as Tea looks at her with eyes full of incomprehension.

"Okayyy! Come on Tea!" the angel asks gently as she pats beside her, offering Tea a seat next to her on the couch. The brunette looks at Phae and her girlfriend several times before just grunting in understanding that she can't refuse. She lets out just one last frustrated sigh before approaching the half-blonde and taking a seat, while Summer starts giggling about something else. Tea looks at Phaelyn in a closed manner, just waiting for this outing out of her house to be over. But the brunette wasn't expecting the half-blonde to suddenly give her a hug for no reason at all.

"Uh… Why-"

"I'm super happy to make your acquaintance, Tea! I hope we'll be great friends! Can I call you TeaTea? That would be super cute since I call Summer 'Sumsum'! Oh? How fun! You smell just like Ifry! Anyway! I really hope you enjoy today because I put a lot of effort into it and then-" Tea stares at the rambling angel with a lost look, as if her frustration has been drowned out by her interlocutor's joy. The brunette's annoyance has completely disappeared and she places her hand quickly on Phae's back to pat her a little.

"U-Um all right all right! It's nice to meet you too, Phaelyn… I think? And yes, you can call me TeaTea if you like." Tea replies to interrupt the half-blonde who stops talking. Phae then lets go of the brunette and she looks at her with a smile full of joy.

"Great! All my friends call me Phae, so you can call me that if you like!" the angel adds before picking up one of the things hanging on the clothes rack. "Oh. I hope you're not too claustrophobic?" the half-blonde then asks as she places the latex object on her legs, allowing Tea to take a closer look at it. The brunette then understands that it's a latex sleeping bag and that there's one for each of Phae's friends here.

"Wow. That looks like a lot of fun." Tea murmurs as she looks at the bag, while Phae begins to smile proudly.

"Hehe! It was my idea, but to be honest, it's a good thing Celine created them a while back because I'd never have been able to-"

"MMMNGH! MMMMMMMMMPH~!" the angel is cut off by Ifry's muffled voice and the high-pitched sounds of slapping on latex. Everyone turns to the cube the demoness is in, and the women understand that Summer has just slammed Ifry's bottom pretty hard. The pink-haired woman giggles with a guilty smile as she sees everyone staring at her and she strokes Ifry's bottom intensely.

"I couldn't resist it, sorry!" Summer explains, bringing her hand up to apologize, while Cait examines the demoness's body a little more closely. It's a good thing Ifry had the idea of activating her magic, otherwise everyone would have been able to see her horn and tail through the latex.

"Hehe don't apologize! Ifry loves to be taken care of, so go on as long as you like!" Phae explains in a friendly tone, knowing that her sentence might make Ifry jump to the ceiling if she were able to do it now. But the horned woman isn't able to, and just moans in shock as Summer, with a devilish grin, starts titillating the demoness again.

After a small laugh full of amusement, the angel refocuses on Tea, as the moans fill the room. "So! You can get in the bag with or without clothes! It's up to you!" Phae explains with a smile, starting to open the sleeping bag so the brunette can get inside.

"I'll keep my clothes on then." Tea replies frankly before standing up, guessing that to get into the bag, it'll be easier to stand. The half-blonde then nods happily and places the bag so that it's easier for Tea to get into it. The brunette felt her first leg catch on the latex as she pushed it in. All around her, Tea could feel many eyes watching her attentively, such as those of Chloe, Vanessa and Trisha. A little red appears on the brunette's cheeks and she then pushes her second leg into the bag, before the angel pulls the bag's entrance up to Tea's shoulders.

"Can I close the bag? Or maybe you want to get used to it first?" Phaelyn asks in a friendly tone, resting her hand on Tea's shoulder so she knows she has the right to choose.

"No, thanks. You can close it. Phae." the brunette replies with a small smile, forcing herself to pronounce the angel's nickname to please her. The latter obviously smiles enormously and she bends down to grab the zipper at Tea's knees. The sleeping bag then starts hugging the brunette harder and harder until she's totally encased inside, up to her neck.

"Are you okay?" the half-blonde asks with a small smile, seeing how fascinated Tea seems to be by the embrace of her new prison. The brunette looks at her body with eyes full of curiosity and she nods slightly as she raises them to Phae. "Great hehe. I'm glad you like it!" the angel says in a cheerful voice. "I'll let you go and sit by Nessa while I take care of Sumsum?" Phae then adds before walking over to Summer to lead her in turn to the sofa.

"No problem. Oh and take a very tight bag for Summer. She deserves to be punished a little." Tea then announces with a friendly little giggle, hopping over to Vanessa and sitting down next to her. The redhead remains motionless but her face is currently totally flushed as she stands between Tea, and Chloe who has her head resting on her shoulder. As Phae sits back down on the sofa and Summer obviously agrees to undress before getting into her own sleeping bag, Ava is in the midst of a moment of doubt. The brunette doesn't know whether to tell Celine, C&T's boss, about her suit. The red-haired woman often turns her attention to the cheerleader, obviously feeling the latter's gaze on her. But every time the sorceress offers her a way to talk by looking at her, Ava looks away in embarrassment. Admittedly, Celine seems to know a lot about a lot of things, but is that enough to know who to talk to about my suit? Yes, everything that happens here sometimes seems like something out of a movie about magic, but I can't just use that as my only way of thinking… Ava thought to herself as she rubbed the bottom of her t-shirt between her hands, feeling a little twinge of guilt at the knowledge that Greedy was alone at Summer's house. Damn, if Sumsum knew I'd given it a nickname, she'd be laughing for at least two whole days… Says the cheerleader again, shaking her head, having totally abandoned the idea of talking to Celine. The latter nevertheless takes one last look at the brunette with a raised eyebrow before shrugging her shoulders, telling herself that Ava's request must not be as important as she imagined. The brunette then grinned as she saw her friend Summer jumping up and down with both feet, being already naked and encased in her sleeping bag. Phaelyn took care of her friend very quickly. At the same time, Sumsum couldn't have put up much resistance. Ava thought to herself as she saw the half-blonde smiling broadly, watching the pink-haired woman hop around the room like a rabbit. The angel then turns to the cheerleader before telling her to approach with her finger. It seems to be her turn.

At the same time, Caitlyn silently approaches one of the women stuck to the wall, also checking to see if her friends can't see her doing it.

"Can I help you?" Rilliana then asks with a friendly smile, seeing the policewoman approaching her while looking at her. The dark-haired woman then starts to jump, being so focused on her friends that she's forgotten all about the elf.

"U-Um! Y-Yes, I'm fine… And… And… And you?" Cait then asks in a slightly embarrassed way, still not knowing how to act with the blonde, even though she knows they were apparently good friends before.

"It's going pretty well. I'm waiting my turn haha." Rilliana replies with a small laugh, trying to relax the policewoman with a little joke. "I suppose you wanted to ask me something more important than that, didn't you?" the elf adds, seeing the expression on Cait's face.

"Well… Yes… I wanted to know if you'd heard from Jade? I haven't received anything from her since the message she sent to tell me she wouldn't be coming for Christmas Eve…" Questions the dark-haired woman, running an embarrassed hand through her hair, showing Rilliana her concern without meaning to.

"Oh. Well Jade is… OH! Jade!" the elf then said in a surprised manner, as if she'd just remembered something important. The policewoman then gave Rilliana a moment to continue her sentence, but after several blinks, Cait couldn't hold back any longer.

"Um… Yes? Jade?" the dark-haired woman asks sarcastically.

"Well… I-I got a message from her last night to tell me she was okay. But she still didn't know if she would be able to return soon…" Rilliana explained after a second's thought.

"Oh. Okay." Caitlyn replies in a monotone voice, disappointed not to have received a message as well. "Thanks for your answer Rilliana…" the policewoman adds before walking away again, under the reassured gaze of the elf.

"No problem." Whispers the blonde with a smirk, pleased that her lie had worked.

"Vava? Ava repeats in a voice full of incomprehension.

"Yep! Vava! Phae replies with a big smile, grabbing a sleeping bag for the cheerleader.

"You mean… Like… Vava?"

"Yes! I mean like Vava!" Answered the angel again with a chuckle as she saw the brunette's puzzled face.

"But… What does that even mean?" Ava asks again and again, very circumspect by the nickname idea the half-blonde has just come up with.

"There's no meaning! It's just a cute nickname!" Phae explains, bouncing unconsciously on the sofa.

"Um, I'm sorry Phae but it does have a meaning." Summer retorts, listening to what Ava and Phaelyn are saying.

"Really?" asks the angel quizzically, tilting her head to the side as she looks at Summer.

"I knew it! So? What does that mean?" Ava asks, waiting for her friend's response.

"It means Flower!" the pink-haired woman answers with a smile, happy to teach her friends something, but the cheerleader sees that Summer's lips have a cheeky shape.

"Flower?" Ava and Phaelyn repeat as if from the same mouth, each raising an eyebrow.

"Yes! You know? Beaver? Private parts? Foof? Down there? Penis flytrap?" Adds the pink-haired woman with an even more teasing smile. As Ava understands what her friend means, her mouth droops as if it might touch the floor and Summer starts laughing out loud. For her part, the angel looks at Ava and Summer with the same questioning gaze as before, not understanding Summer's expressions. But the three women snap out of their discussion when they hear Tea's loud sigh beside them. They all look at the brunette, who stares desperately at the floor.

"Summer… What you mean is vulva… Vava means beautiful or wonderful…" says the ballet dancer before staring at Summer, showing that she's exhausted by all her jokes, even if she still has a little smile at the corner of her lips. The pink-haired woman then starts giggling with guilt because her girlfriend has discovered her secret, and for her part, Phae returns to a radiant smile.

"See? It's a cute nickname AND it tells the truth about you!" the angel announces with a chuckle, suddenly making Ava blush.

"I'm not that beauti-" the brunette stops her sentence as she immediately feels Phaelyn and Summer's gaze pierce right through her. The pink-haired woman has a fake angry look on her face, while the angel looks at Ava as if she's lost her mind. The latter sighs briefly, accepting her defeat. "Okay okay, I'm pretty… And… I must admit it's a very cute nickname haha." Admits the brunette with a guilty laugh, standing up to begin entering the sleeping bag. "Okay, you can call me Vava if you like," she adds as she slips her first leg into the bag.

"Yaaaaaaay!" Phae exclaims in a very happy voice, helping her friend into the bag. "If getting my revenge allows me to make lots of new friends then I'll do it more often hehe!" the half-blonde then says with an amused laugh as Caitlyn tilts her head.

"But… What did we ever do to you to make you want to take revenge on all of us at once?" the policewoman then asks in an interested manner. Having not seen the half-blonde in two months, she wonders what the reason for this revenge is. So Phaelyn breaks into a big smile, while Chloe and Rilliana start giggling.

"Well… It's because of what happened on Christmas Eve!" Explains the angel.

"Christmas? But I wasn't even there!" Cait replies in a voice full of incomprehension.

"Neither was I," Ava adds.

"I didn't even know Phae yet." Also adds Tea with a slight laugh, causing most eyes in the room to turn to the half-blond.

"Phae had no reason to involve you in this." Trisha finally announces with a smile in her voice. "She just wanted to have her harem for Christmas and she used the first possible excuse to make her wish come true," she adds as Phae begins to smile guiltily.

"And… What happened on Christmas's Eve?" Ava then asks, raising an eyebrow as she turns to the angel.

Christmas Eve evening, a few days ago.

"Does it make you happy?" Chloe asks in a voice full of interest, grabbing her little sister Kim's shoulder for a hug.


"Yes. I wasn't expecting this kind of gift, but I can't say I am not happy haha," replies the little blonde, resting her head against her sister's shoulder.


"I admit I'm a little jealous of Kim right now." Trisha announces with a little giggle as she looks at what's hanging on the Christmas tree. The shifter then places a little kiss on her darling Rilliana's cheek before placing her hand on the elf's hip.

"Me too hehe. But at least we can still enjoy the view!" Rilliana retorts before laughing some more.


"Awww stop being so shy, my dear Phae. We all know you love it!" Celine then announces after a soft laugh, bringing her glass of wine to her mouth to revel in her drink and the angel's body at the same time. The half-blonde is wrapped in a fur garland and hung in the middle of the large tree in the sorceress' living room. A long pair of shiny black boots, panties and a bra are the only clothes she wears, and her hands are tied together in front of her chest with the same garland. Phae only lets out a moan of embarrassment because of the red ballgag in her mouth. She looks away, as if this will make the amused, eager glances of her friends disappear. "Anyway, thank you so much for bringing Phaelyn so quickly, dear Ifry." Celine then thanks, turning to the demoness, who looks at her girlfriend with crossed arms while biting her lip.

"No problem at all! I'm always happy to perform a small miracle. Especially when it's for someone as kind as Kimmy hehe." the horned woman answers honestly before laughing a little harder when she notices Phae widening her eyes as Chloe takes some pictures of her with her phone.


Back to the present.

"Oh my gosh! You absolutely have to show us the pictures you took Chloe!" Summer then suddenly asks, turning to the blonde who's looking at herself and shrugging, not knowing how she could show the pictures when she still is tied up. "Oh. Too bad," she then adds the pink-haired woman, remembering that her friend is in no state at all to fetch her phone from her house.

"And so that's why you decided to get your revenge Phae?" Ava asks as she turns to the angel, watching as the latter finishes locking Cait in the sleeping bag. The half-blonde, now red-faced as she recalls this memory, nods shyly.

"Ifry even created a little rhyme to go with Chloe's photos!" Celine then announces with a friendly smile, turning her gaze to the demoness imprisoned in the latex cube. "Can you tell us what that rhyme was, dear?" the sorceress asks with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Hmhmhm…" Pronounces Ifry with difficulty through the tube that allows her to breathe, trying to laugh falsely to tell Celine it's not funny.

"You could articulate a little better Ifry. It really sounds like you're not making any effort." Rilliana then declares with a laugh, shifting her gaze to Trisha. "Do you remember the rhyme?" the elf asks the shifter, the latter starting to think.

"Hmm… It seems to me it was something like… Inside a forest full of magic and dreams,

Five women were celebrating the best of all feasts.

Decorating a Christmas tree like a team,

Was something perfect to make them all beam.

But sadly, one of them still didn't feel well,

So the eldest knew that she needed to help.

And the best thing to do was not casting a spell,

But offer to the sad lady a little angel." the cat-eared woman then announced in one breath, all the other women hanging on her lips.

"Your memory will always impress me." Rilliana murmurs in awe.

"That was such a cool rhyme! I'd love to have a rhyme on me too!" Summer declares in a voice full of fascination. "Will Ifry make a rhyme for me too if I ask her? I might even slap her ass again in return if she wants to!" the pink-haired woman offers in a playful voice, making Rilliana laugh enormously.

"I'm sure she'd love to give you a rhyme for a few spankings haha." the elf adds as Phae finally finishes putting Caitlyn in her sleeping bag.

"Perfect! Shall I let you sit on the sofa? I've got to look after Nessa now!" Announces the angel as she stands up and Cait sympathetically nods. The policewoman jumps up to sit next to Ava as the half-blonde approaches and kneels down in front of Vanessa. The redhead, who hadn't expected this even after hearing her name, winces in a strange way. "I guessed it might still be a bit too early for you to dare use a sleeping bag too, so… Here!" Says Phae with a friendly smile, taking out of her pocket a pair of handcuffs made from sweets. "With these, you'll be restricted but you'll be able to free yourself as soon as you feel too stressed!" the angel explains with a beautiful smile before adding, with a chuckle. "And what's more, these sweets are delicious hehe!"

"…" What? Asks Vanessa inwardly as she stares at her new friend, not knowing what expression is on her face. And the half-blonde wonders the same thing. Is it judgment on her face? Contempt? Annoyance? Phaelyn wonders before starting to lower her gaze in a sad way.

"I-I'm sorry Nessa… This was a bad idea, I should have realized…" Phaelyn apologizes in a small voice as the redhead regains her composure.

"What? No, no! It's great!" Replies the demoness in a voice full of new energy. The angel raises her eyes, full of incomprehension, and they fall on Vanessa's grateful smile. "I was just enormously surprised that you knew I was frightened by all this…" she adds with a guilty smile, running one of her hands through her hair at the back of her head.

"Oh. Well, you know I wasn't totally focused on my music when you were at home chatting with Ifry… I've still got one ear listening to what's going on around me hehe!" the half-blonde replies with a big smile, which Vanessa also imitates. The redhead is surprised to hear this, as Phae really seemed to be pretending that the demoness hadn't existed the last time she'd visited Ifry. "Do you… So you want to put the handcuffs on? It's just a suggestion!" So asked the angel with a smile full of kindness.

"Hm… I'd like to try, please!" Vanessa agrees, nodding, smiling before lowering her gaze to the angel's hand holding the handcuffs.

"Great! Let me put them on you then!" Says the half-blonde as she moves forward a little, still on her knees. The redhead holds out her hands to Phaelyn to make the latter's job easier. The angel slips the handcuffs around her new friend's wrists and the object stretches to pass Vanessa's hands. The handcuffs return to their normal shape as they reach the redhead's wrists, and she begins to test the object's resistance. The demoness realizes that her bonds are very flimsy and that, as Phaelyn said earlier, she could break them very easily if she felt she needed to. Meanwhile, Summer watches this with eyes full of curiosity. She really wonders how Chloe and Vanessa met. "Thank you so much Phaelyn. It was really nice of you to think of me when I wasn't supposed to be there." Vanessa announces with a grateful smile, happy to be so highly regarded.

"It's only fair! I wasn't going to leave you in a corner while you watched us!" Phae replies playfully, placing her hand on the redhead's shoulder. The angel then stands up and puts her hands on her hips, looking at Chloe and Kim. "Right! Who wants to get in a bag first?" asks the half-blonde in a friendly manner, while Chloe immediately starts pointing at Kim with her head, the latter seeing none of this as she has bondage tape over her eyes. "Okay! You go first Kimmy!" the angel then announced as the little sister tilted her head in incomprehension. Maybe my silence made Phae choose me? Kim says to herself, shrugging her shoulders and waiting for the half-blonde to release her. With the help of a cutter, Phae easily removes Kim from her prison and the latter immediately starts stretching, regaining control of her body.

"Wooooow! That feels good!" the little blonde announces with a smile in her voice as the angel looks at her with a big grin, freeing Chloe too.

"Don't get used to it too fast, Kimmy! You'll be in a sleeping bag in a minute!" the half-blonde replies with a teasing laugh as Kim starts to roll her eyes.

"You're a demon Phae!" the little sister says tiredly, sighing in frustration.

"Ummmm no! I think you have me confused with someone else!" Phaelyn retorts, laughing as Chloe suddenly stands up, raising her hands to the sky to show she's glad to be free too. The angel then returns to the edge of the sofa and taps beside her to tell Kim to join her, which she does.

"I suppose you want to keep your clothes on?" Phae asks benevolently, not wanting Kim to think she's judging her or anything.

"I'll keep my clothes please," replies Kim standing up so the angel has an easier time putting her in the bag.

"Just to warn you, your bag is different from the others! If at any time you feel you need to get out then your bag will open automatically!" Phaelyn explains in a protective voice, picking up one of the sleeping bags to show her friend. Phae's explanation suddenly makes Kim wince, shaking her head.

"That's nice of you Phae, but I won't need it. I'm strong now!" the little sister replies in a proud manner, giving her friend a frank, confident smile, which she returns with an equally frank smile.

"Ohhhhh okay! I'm proud of you Kimmy! You're becoming the strongest of us all!" Announces the half-blonde as she picks up another sleeping bag, which, this one, is normal.

"I already am!" Kim replies in a confident way again, which makes Phaelyn smile a lot. The latter then opens the bag to allow the little blonde to get inside when suddenly a new muffled scream appears after a loud snap. Everyone turns again to Ifry, who this time is being tortured by Chloe. The blonde lets out a guilty smile before resuming her slapping of the demoness's bottom.

"Sorry, but I can't pass up the opportunity haha!" Chloe explains with a sadistic laugh, as Ifry cries out even more frustrated than earlier.

"Hehe, have fun Loe!" Phae announces before the latter and Chloe raise their heads at the same time.

"Loe?" the blonde asks with a teasing smile as the angel starts to blush.


"So that's my nickname?"


"Like a baby could call me?" the big sister asks in a judgmental way as Phae starts to panic.

"N-No, but I can change if you want…" Suddenly Chloe's gaze changes to a huge smile and she starts laughing when she sees the angel's face.

"I was just kidding Phae! It's so cute I love it!" Says the blonde with a frank voice, slapping Ifry's buttocks even harder to get rid of her new emotions.

"O-Oh. I-I knew it of course!" Phaelyn replies, trying to put on an assured voice to lie. Chloe then starts to smile even more and the angel then sees that Kim is looking at her with a raised eyebrow, waiting for her friend to finish taking care of her. "O-Oh sorry Kimmy!" the half-blonde adds apologetically before lifting the bag up to her little sister's shoulders and closing it. Kim then lets out a slight sigh of pleasure that only Phaelyn can hear. Phaelyn smiles and says nothing about what the little blonde has just done. Kim simply looks away to hide her slightly red cheeks. "Good! You can sit back down! Loe it's your turn!" Phae yells at her friend to get the big sister to drop Ifry and come over. The blonde lets out a disappointed sigh and rests one of her cheeks against Ifry's bottom in a sad way.

"I'll be back soon, my dears…" Chloe sighs dramatically.

"LOEEEE!" Phaelyn shouts again, but louder to explain that she can't wait.

"Sorry sorry haha!" Apologizes the big sister before running over to Phaelyn and sitting down next to her with an innocent smile, as if she'd done nothing. The angel then shakes her head with a smile and she grabs another sleeping bag for Chloe. A small silence begins to settle in the room before Summer decides to break it by asking a question.

"By the way, Chloe… Wouldn't you like to introduce us to your girlfriend?" the pink-haired woman asks amiably as Chloe suddenly starts blushing hugely, as does Vanessa.

"G-Girlfriend??? B-But Vanessa's just a friend!" the blonde retorts with embarrassment as she begins to undress.

"Really? Sorry, I thought you were together when I saw you so close haha!" Summer explains with a slight laugh, turning to the redhead, who's sitting right next to her. "Let me introduce myself then! I'm Summer! Nice to meet you!"

"Um… And I'm Vanessa! Nice to meet you too!" the demoness replies sympathetically despite her rather substantial embarrassment.

"Let me try to pick up the pieces… Are you the person Chloe met like… Three years ago or something? When she got a job at a bar?" asks the curious pink-haired woman with a smile, wanting to learn more about Chloe's new friend.

"That's right indeed… But we really started chatting about two months ago when we bumped into each other at Ifry and Phaelyn's." Vanessa explains with an innocent smile as Chloe looks genuinely embarrassed to be talking about all this.

"Oh yes, I remember. You used to squeal so cute together!" Celine suddenly says with a teasing smile to make both friends very embarrassed.

"A-Anyway!" the blonde retorted before letting Phaelyn lock her in the sleeping bag. "We can talk about something else too!" She adds in an almost desperate voice as Summer begins to understand the situation.

"Ho? And what do you want to talk about, Chloe?" Summer asks with a smile in her voice, seeing the older sister starting to blush even more as she realizes she doesn't know what to say. Phaelyn, who is witnessing all this like everyone else, starts to stand up to get the attention back on her and she strokes Chloe's hair.

"Good! It's time to take you to the dungeon!" Declares the angel with a smile before picking up Chloe in her arms to carry her. As they pass the girls sitting on the sofa, Phae and Chloe provoke a torrent of humorous whistles.

"Woaaaaah, look at those two beautiful ladies walking past!" Summer announces with a playful laugh as Caitlyn starts to play along too.

"Yeah! I think I could eat them alive if I had the chance!" the policewoman also adds, looking at the angel and the blonde as she pretends to faint at the sight of their beauty, putting her head on Ava's shoulder and closing her eyes with her tongue out of her mouth.

"H-Hey! I understand you say Chloe's gorgeous, but me? No, no, no! Don't be silly!" Phae said before walking out of the room and leaving everyone speechless.

"Did she really just tell us she wasn't beautiful?" Ava asks in a surprised voice, not sure if the angel meant to make a joke or really meant what she said.

"I think we all heard her right…" Caitlyn murmurs in a voice full of incomprehension. Meanwhile, Vanessa hears a slight sigh coming from Ifry but doesn't understand its meaning. The horned woman feels helpless now that she's heard Phaelyn say she doesn't feel beautiful. The demoness has spent over six hundred years trying to change her girlfriend's mind, but to no avail. After meeting all the people here, she had hoped they might have succeeded what Ifry couldn't. But it looked like it would be hard, even if it came from someone other than the demoness. A short minute later, Phae returned without Chloe and she approached Kim to hug her in turn.


"Yes, my super knight?" Answers the angel with a smile full of joy.

"Uh… You didn't really mean what you said before you left, right?" asks the policewoman again, while the half-blonde keeps the same smile.

"Of course I did! I'm awful! Why should I believe I'm beautiful?" Phae asks in turn, shrugging her shoulders before starting to leave with Kim in her arms.


"We'll talk about the things we can't change another time, okay? I'd rather stay happy today." Wishes the angel in a slightly more serious voice before flashing a kind smile at the policewoman, who nods after a little reflection.

"Very well…" Caitlyn replies simply, while the others also stare at the half-blonde, who is leaving the room, with worried and saddened eyes. What could have happened to Phaelyn to make her hate herself like this? Almost everyone in the room wonders, except Ifry and Trisha.

"So Vanessa's a demon just like Ifry?" Rilliana asks in a thoughtful voice, wanting to pass the time until Phaelyn returns.

"Indeed." Celine replies, staring at Ifry's restricted body, which is still trapped in the latex cube.

"Wow… I'd never have been able to feel her magic if she hadn't come over and given me a drink." the elf adds, closing her eyes.

"It was the same with me the first time I met her. She's mastered her magic almost perfectly, it's quite impressive." the sorceress murmurs as she begins to smile slightly as she watches the demoness try to extricate herself from the cube for the umpteenth time, without success.

"Be glad you can detect magic, I'd have no way of knowing if you hadn't mentioned it." Trisha suddenly lets go, staring at her sister and then at her girlfriend with a teasing smile. Just then, the three women turn their gazes towards the living room door when they hear Phae return, having taken all the other women into the dungeon of the house. The angel approaches her friends with a big smile and almost leaps instead of walking.

"Your turn now!" the half-blonde declares with a slight laugh before snapping her fingers. By this time, Celine, Rilliana and Trisha are all finally out of their shiny pink prisons. The sorceress lands gracefully on the ground as does the elf, while the shifter falls helplessly to the ground and lands on her stomach. The red-haired woman blows her nose at the sight of her sister on the ground.

"Weird. I thought cats always landed on their feet." Celine mutters sarcastically before walking over to Phaelyn.

"Shut up Celine…" Trisha replies with a sigh, irritated by her sister's joke. The sorceress positions herself in front of the angel and crosses her arms, staring down at her. The half-blonde then lifts her head so she can meet the gaze of her friend, who looks at her with eyes full of emotion.

"You know you deserve to be punished for using the trap with me too, don't you?" the red-haired woman asks in a somber voice while tapping one of her feet on the floor repeatedly to show she's trying to control herself. Celine obviously pretends to be annoyed, but Phaelyn doesn't understand it at all. She looks at the sorceress while swallowing, having a nervous little laugh.

"H-Hehe… I-I understand you're upset but don't punish me now! I swear you won't regret it!" the angel begs Celine, raising her hands in the air, not knowing how to physically show that she really means what she's saying.

"Phae… I was just kidding!" the sorceress then reveals, changing her dark gaze into a happy smile. The half-blonde stares again and again at her friend while blinking, before also flashing a big smile.

"O-Of course! I-It was obvious you were joking!" Phaelyn replies, trying to act normal even though Celine can easily see that her friend hadn't actually understood anything. The sorceress raises an eyebrow and is about to speak, when suddenly…

"MMMMMMRRRMMMMH! RMMMMMNMMMMH! TMMMMMMMMMM!" Ifry screams at the top of her lungs as she feels attacked by two people at once. Phae and Celine turn towards the demoness at the same time, sensing that her screams are now a cry of despair, showing that she can't stand this torture any longer. Rilliana enjoys slapping the horned woman's buttocks, as Summer and Chloe have already done. For her part, Trisha presses her fingers against Ifry's breasts, like a cat happily playing with a ball of yarn. The two lovers don't realize that the demoness is actually begging them to stop, overwhelmed by the accumulation of torture she's endured since arriving here.

"Girls? I'd love to torture Ifry too, but I really feel she want to rest now!" the angel announces in an embarrassed voice, not quite sure how to stop her two friends who continue their incessant torture. The demoness utters new plaintive cries, and the sorceress has the impression that they are intended for her. Ifry knows that Trisha and Rilliana won't stop on their own and that Phaelyn won't be able to stop them. For the horned woman, Celine is her only hope.

"Okay, that's enough now!" the red-haired woman announces using her magic, levitating the elf and shifter to set them down on the sofa, away from Ifry.

"Oh noooo! I've been waiting to have fun with Ifry since Phae brought her here!" Rilliana then says in a disappointed voice while Trisha starts sulking too.

"Me too! Please Celine let us tickle her a little more!" the shifter adds before making cute kitten eyes at her sister.

"Nah, you've had enough fun. And you don't want to keep that sweet, sweet Phaelyn waiting, do you?" Celine asks before placing her hand on the angel's shoulder as she looks at her friends with a big smile. The two lovers think for a few seconds before accepting resignedly.

"All right then… But Trish goes first!" Rilliana replies before pushing the shifter towards Phae. Celine, meanwhile, heads to where the book she was reading is before being captured by the half-blonde's trap.

"Huh? Why me first?" asks the cat-eared woman, looking successively at the elf and the angel before the latter grabs a sleeping bag and pats the couch right next to her.

"Come on Trish Trish! Your bag's waiting for you!" Phaelyn says in a happy voice Trisha can't resist. She just closes her eyes with a sigh before coming to sit next to her friend, who is bouncing with joy on the sofa. For her part, Rilliana shifts slowly but surely over to Ifry, with a devilish smile on her lips. The elf is about to get up from the sofa when suddenly she feels herself being pulled back and returned to her seat. The pointy-eared blonde doesn't understand until she meets Celine's gaze, which looks at her with dark eyes. Rilliana then smiles nervously and gently stays in her place, not wanting to be punished by the sorceress.

"Do I have the right to free Ifry from her prison? I think she deserves a chance to stretch her legs after what she's just been through." the red-haired woman asks respectfully, turning to Phaelyn who begins to smile.

"No problem!" the angel replies immediately, before turning her attention back to Trisha. Celine then starts smiling wryly at Rilliana, who begins to sulk. The sorceress approaches Ifry and kneels in front of the latter's shiny black form. Placing her hand on the latex imprisoning the demoness's face and with a little help from her magic, the red-haired woman activates the mechanism that allows the horned woman to escape. Ifry's nose is the first thing to pass through the cube's black membrane, before her face and head. The demoness emerges from the vacuum cube as easily as she was captured by it, and in no time she's on the ground, facing Celine, who looks at her with a friendly smile.

"I see my new prototype seems to be working quite well." the sorceress announces with a slight laugh, reaching out her hand to the horned woman to help her up. The latter slowly raises her gaze to the red-haired woman's face. Celine immediately notices that Ifry's cheeks are almost as red as her hair, which makes her smile even more.

"Y-Yes… It… It works perfectly…" the demoness replies, taking the sorceress' hand to stand up. A slight, rapid dizziness takes the horned woman as she finds herself on both legs, and Celine easily catches her to prevent her from falling.

"Well well well… We seem to have forgotten how to walk?" the sorceress says teasingly, offering her arm so Ifry can stretch her legs without risk of falling again.

"Hmm… Yes…" the demoness sighs shyly, holding the red-haired woman's arm with both hands before quickly returning to her normal routine. After a few seconds, Ifry lets go of Celine's arm and quickly looks away, hiding her still-red cheeks. "Thank you…" the demoness announces in a small voice before looking around. "Wow… You really had no chance of escaping that haha," she adds, seeing the whole room covered in the thick pink layer of the trap Phae stole from Celine.

"Indeed… And now that cheeky little angel is going to have to work for me to pay that back…" the sorceress said tiredly, crossing her arms.

"Ohhh that's okay! I'll just have to work for an hour and I'll have already paid my debt!" Phaelyn then replies suddenly with a frank smile as she finishes putting the shifter in her sleeping bag. The red-haired woman then sighs in mild frustration at the angel's response.

"That's what's bothering me, my dear… You work so fast that I can't even scold you when you steal something from me…" Celine retorts and starts tapping her foot on the floor, creating lots of little noises because of the pink latex. The sorceress becomes even more frustrated when she hears this noise and ruminates, unable even to show her frustration without making a funny noise.

"Steal? You mean borrow, don't you hehe?" says the half-blonde, who pats the sofa beside her to tell Rilliana to come closer. The elf then gets up from the sofa and meets Ifry's gaze, who stares at her with eyes full of desire for revenge for what the blonde did some time ago. Rilliana immediately sticks her tongue out at the demoness, who smiles before shaking her head.

"Is there anything I can do?" Ifry asks, looking at her girlfriend, who begins to think.

"Ummmmm maybe you can… Put Celine in a bag while I take care of Rilli?" Phaelyn offers with a smile before helping Rilliana remove her shirt. The demoness nods and turns to Celine with a teasing smile before noticing something. The sorceress' face isn't her usual self. It looks like… Like what? Wonders Ifry inwardly, unable to describe the emotion since she's never seen it on Celine.

"Well… I'd rather have Phaelyn help me into a bag if you don't mind…" the red-haired woman suddenly announced in a small voice, giving the demoness a slight smile. The latter wasn't expecting this response and immediately begins to smile awkwardly.

"Oh. Um… Okay, no problem." the horned woman says sympathetically, then letting Celine approach the sofa when they see that Phae has finished her work with Rilliana. The sorceress sits down next to the angel and, while she's doing so, Ifry begins to scan the room, trying to forget what's just happened. It's nothing. Celine probably just wanted to- The demoness's thoughts come to a halt when she comes across a book lying on the table opposite the sofa. It's the only object not covered in pink latex. The horned woman knows this book all too well. It's an encyclopedia about demons, listing everything known about her species, from how they live to how to capture them as easily as possible. Why is Celine reading this book? Wonders Ifry, who in reality already has an answer in mind that drowns out all other plausible answers. Celine doesn't trust me and wants to know how to make sure I'm not a danger. The demoness says to herself, closing her eyes with a sad expression, feeling almost betrayed. She'd thought Celine was her friend, but she wasn't.

"IFRY!" Phaelyn shouts, snapping Ifry out of her deep thoughts. The demoness flinches slightly and turns to her darling with a confused look.


"It's your turn!" the angel replies with a loving smile, showing that she has just finished her work with Celine. The sorceress, Trisha and the elf all look at the horned woman with eyes full of curiosity.

"Oh. Sorry, I was lost in my thoughts." the latter explains before forcing herself to smile benevolently, sitting down next to Phaelyn.

"There you go!" Phae murmurs softly into her girlfriend's ear, having placed her on the giant mattress in the dungeon of the big house. The dungeon having been renovated some time ago, it no longer consists of two rooms as it once did, but of a multitude of rooms, each more kinky than the last. For example, a room resembling an asylum, a room entirely covered in latex. Some of these rooms have not yet been fitted out, to leave room for the imagination of Celine and the people who will come here. The room in which all the women are now is just one of these, and the angel has simply laid a giant mattress in the middle of the room with raised edges so that none of the worms can fall out. Ifry turns her head towards the angel, being the only thing she can move now that she's in a sleeping bag, and rubs her cheek affectionately against her darling's, who starts laughing lovingly.

"Thanks, love." the demoness replies before placing a kiss on the cheek of the half-blonde, who offers her a gorgeous smile in return. But as Phae looks lovingly at her beloved, the horned woman sees the angel suddenly lose her smile.

"Are you all right?" Phaelyn asks before Ifry has time to ask her the same thing. The demoness immediately understands why her girlfriend is asking this, and she does her best not to look at Celine and not giving her and the angel a clue. Celine is probably looking at Phae and me. She's probably faking a smile when she sees us… Damn… And I thought she was my friend… She played with my feelings so much! Thinks the horned woman before frowning, which the half-blonde obviously noticed. "Um… Ifry?" Phaelyn adds in a worried tone, tilting her head to the side to show her incomprehension.

"Don't worry, I'm fine!" Ifry replies, flashing a smile again.

"Are you sure?" Retorts the angel, who runs a hand through her darling's hair, as if she can read her more easily by being in contact with her.

"Of course I'm sure! I can only be happy when I see all the things you've prepared for us," says the demoness in a loving voice, kissing the half-blonde on the mouth. The latter then begins to smile again, after a few seconds of reflection.

"Cool! I was afraid something had bothered you!" Phaelyn explains before hugging her beloved again, to show how reassured she is. The horned woman rests her head against the angel's chest before closing her eyes, enjoying the hug and forgetting her worries for a few seconds. "Do you want to go and play with the others?" asks the half-blonde, stepping back to give Ifry some air. The latter turns her head towards and gazes at all the other women, having fun on the mattress too. She concentrates mainly on Vanessa and Chloe, the blonde being tickled by the redhead. But in a move a little too brusque, Vanessa breaks her candy handcuffs, which fly onto the mattress, freeing the waitress's hands. The two women stare at each other for a moment before bursting into laughter. But their joy is quickly cut short by the arrival of Kim and Caitlyn, who pounce on the candy like hungry beasts. Chloe and Vanessa start laughing even harder, before throwing themselves on the candies too, not wanting to lose a crumb. Ifry then snaps out of her thoughts and turns back to Phaelyn, shaking her head and smiling in a satisfied manner.

"No, thanks. I'll watch you play together instead. I'm still a little tired from my time in the cube." the demoness explains before flashing a slightly more teasing smile, reminding the angel that it was she who locked her in the latex cube.

"Hehe. Alright! If you need anything then ask me!" Reminds the half-blonde in a happy voice, circling around to reach the other side of the mattress, where the girls are. The horned woman watches her girlfriend move until she passes behind Celine for a moment. In that second, Ifry's eyes fall on those of the red-haired woman, who is already staring at her with curious and worried eyes. All her worries about Celine return to the demoness, and she quickly looks down at the mattress. The horned woman remembers everything and more. A torrent of questions and assertions that come down to a single conclusion. Celine doesn't trust me. Ifry says to herself, unconsciously biting her lip. Fuck… I thought that after a few months of knowing each other, Celine would trust me! Doesn't she trust Rilliana enough? She told her she was my friend and that we were harmless! Why did she accept Phaelyn so easily and not me? What have I done wrong? Is it because of stupid human thinking about demons? I just wanted to have other friends… Why does it always end like this… Am I cursed? Can no one stay by my side forever? Would I end up losing Rilliana too? And Trisha? And… And Ph-

"Ifry?" asks a soft voice that snaps the demoness out of her gnawing inner thoughts. With a jolt, the horned woman is brought back to reality, thinking only of the truth dictated by her traumatized brain. Ifry raises her head and comes face to face with Celine, who has crawled to her with difficulty. "Ifry, you're bleeding…" the red-haired woman adds in a worried voice, wishing she could have put her hand on the demoness's shoulder to comfort her. The latter then understands what the sorceress is saying by smelling the taste of blood on her teeth and lower lip. The horned woman has just bitten her lip open.

"I-I… Yes. Everything's fine." Ifry replies dryly, looking away from Celine to watch the other women, who are having fun with Phaelyn.

"But… Ifry you need to-" Celine doesn't have time to retort as the demoness's bruised lip heals in just a few seconds. A silence descends between the two women, despite the din of laughter from the other women in the dungeon. The silence is broken a few seconds later by Celine, even though the time seemed almost like hours. "Do you need to talk?" Proposes the red-haired woman in a sympathetic voice, as the demoness's gaze returns to Celine.

"Stop pretending and leave me alone." Orders Ifry suddenly in a voice filled with anger. The sudden animosity in the demoness's voice and eyes disturbs the sorceress to the point where she can't think of anything to say. Faced with this new silence, the horned woman begins to move her hand with difficulty inside the sleeping bag and finally finds herself freed from it. The bag disappears to make way for the clothes she was wearing when she arrived home. Ifry then gets up from the mattress and quickly makes her way out of the dungeon, under Celine's sole gaze since Phaelyn and the others are having far too much fun to notice her. Celine then remains seated on the mattress watching Ifry leave, not understanding at all what caused what just happened.

"Breathe… Breathe…" Ifry utters in a whisper, walking to the front door of Celine's house. The demoness's thoughts are caught up in a tornado and her heart aches to the point where it could almost stop. Her breathing is worse than bad and she forces herself not to burst into tears here. There's no way I'm going to cry in her house… She doesn't deserve to see me hurt by all this… The horned woman says to herself as she opens the front door before slamming it behind her on her way out. Ifry stops on the doorstep, seeing snow everywhere in front of her. Her body jolts into lucidity and she remembers she's not wearing shoes. With a snap of her trembling hands, the demoness makes her shoes appear to her feet and her coat to protect herself from the falling snow. The horned woman thinks for a few long seconds before leaving the doorstep and heading for home. After a dozen steps, Ifry hears the front door reopen behind her before receiving a snowball in the back. "H-HEY!" Screams the demoness in surprise, having almost jumped out of her skin. Turning around, the horned woman meets the gaze of Celine, who has just freed herself to follow her.

"Can you tell me where you're going?" the sorceress asks as she finishes putting on her coat, before walking in Ifry's direction. The latter frowns before starting to walk again.

"Have you come to see how much you're hurting me?" the demoness asks, putting her hands in her coat pockets. But the horned woman stops again after she receives a second snowball in her back. "HEY STOP!"

"I'll stop when you tell me what I did to you." Replied the red-haired woman, continuing to walk up to her friend.

"You know very well what you've done…" Retorts Ifry in a slightly smaller voice, restraining her urge to shed a tear. Celine's arrival makes all this even harder for the demoness, who does everything she can to hide her potential panic attack.

"My dear, that's the problem… I don't know what I've done to you." Celine admits, shrugging her shoulders as she finally comes face to face with Ifry. The sorceress sees that the demoness is staring at the ground and puts her hand on her shoulder in a friendly manner. "Tell me what's wrong. I'll do what I can to help," she adds with a very gentle smile. That's when the horned woman looks up, and seeing the red-haired woman's smile makes her blood run cold. She removes Celine's hand from her shoulder before taking a step back.

"Stop fucking with me!" Ifry spits in a voice full of rage, looking at Celine with glowing eyes because of how strong her emotions are. "I know you don't trust me!" She then announces, causing Celine to widen her eyes.

"What..? Ifr-"

"Maybe you want me to go back into the cube, uh? I'd be a lot easier to watch that way, right?" Adds Ifry again in a voice that's starting to shake without her wanting it to. "I thought we were friends! I even invited you into my house and treated you like a friend! I should have seen through the deception earlier, seeing as you're the only one hiding your emotions from me so my magic can't hear them…" says the demoness, then starting to cry under her emotions. "If you trusted me then you would have asked me for that book on demons! You wouldn't have had to go through Phaelyn!" She adds before placing a hand on her heart, almost feeling it pierce her chest. At this point, Celine finally understands what the starting point of this story is, and she frowns.

"The book in the living room…" she murmurs, watching Ifry suffer without knowing how to help her.

"Y-You didn't expect me to understand all that, did you? In any case, you should know that I wouldn't trust you either from now on!" the demoness finally declares before turning her back on the sorceress and leaving. Her legs seem to bear the weight of two buildings and walking is terribly painful for her. Her hands immediately come to grip a tree to prevent the horned woman from falling to the ground. Ifry's escape is then halted by Celine, who grabs the demoness' left hand and slams her against the tree with her other hand. The horned woman bites her lip as she senses the sorceress's sudden power. "L-Let go of me!" Ifry then says almost pleadingly, no longer in a state to resist the red-haired woman.

"Do you really think I don't trust you?" Celine suddenly announces, staring at Ifry with conviction.

"O-Of course… Why else would you…" Ifry stops in her tracks when she sees Celine pointing at the demoness's left hand, precisely the bite mark on her ring finger. "So what? You got a problem with that too?" asks the demoness insolently, trying to remove her hand from the sorceress's. But the latter continues to hold the horned woman's hand, who doesn't understand what Celine means.

"Ifry… Do you think I know what you think this bite means?" asks the sorceress in a sympathetic voice, not knowing how to reason with her friend. Is she trying to mess with my head again? Wonders Ifry, troubled by the fact that Celine calls her by her name. Then a remark pierces the veil of hatred clouding the demoness' judgment. The bite mark… Celine really doesn't know what it means… So… Ifry suddenly realizes what's happening and stops trying to remove her hand from the sorceress's grip. The revelation finally dawns on the demoness, who loses more and more of her animosity. A silence then takes control of the discussion between the two women, Celine knowing that Ifry must now take the time to understand. The demoness's face loses its anger, realizing that everything she believed was wrong. The sorceress then lets go of her friend's hand before shrugging.

"I was just curious about the significance of that bite. You didn't have that mark when we met and… Lately you keep touching your ring finger when you look at or talk about Phaelyn…" Explains the red-haired woman as she sees her friend calm down. "But I still haven't figured out what it means," she adds, watching the snow fall to the ground. A sigh of shock then leaves Ifry's mouth, who can't believe she's missed so much perception. Am I really touching my ring finger when I look at Phae? Ifry asks herself inwardly and lets out another sigh, wishing she could vent all the frustration and anger she feels over nothing.

"Celine, I am… Oh fuck…" Ifry is not yet able to formulate a sentence, her shock still too much to allow her to speak normally. A smile then appears on Celine's face, and she places her hand gently on the horned woman's shoulder.

"Take your time, my dear." the sorceress announces in a sympathetic voice, showing that she understands how her friend feels.

"But… I thought that you…"

"It's nothing… Just breathe and take time to come to your senses." Retorts the red-haired woman, cutting Ifry off in her useless apology. The latter leans with all her weight against the tree she was clinging to just before. She looks up at Celine before shaking her head slowly, as if she still can't figure out how she could have made this error in judgment. "I'm not mad at you." the sorceress then reveals, sensing that her friend needs to hear this to start feeling better. The demoness then starts looking at the red-haired woman in an even more surprised way. How can she not be angry with me? I insulted her and imagined a totally implausible scenario… Says the horned woman to herself, biting her lip in frustration.

"This mark is… It's the way we demons get engaged." Reveals Ifry, having regained her composure. Hearing this news, Celine's eyes widen as she looks at Ifry. The latter begins to look at Celine too with a still rather sad air. "I'm sorry for what I've done… I've been so stupid…" she apologizes, lowering her eyes again.

"My dear… Does this happen to you often?" Celine asks, changing the subject while the demoness obviously understands what the sorceress wants to talk about.

"I… It happens to me almost all the time… It's like my brain forgets all the obvious reasons for something and only gives me the ones that will freak me out the most… I should have realized I was wrong, I'm so sorry Celine… It's just that… I'm afraid of losing everyone I love…" Ifry apologizes again as the red-haired woman begins to think. Celine suddenly feels a strange sensation in her heart as she hears the demoness' hidden fear. After a few seconds of reflection, Celine began to speak again.

"And… Do you know what might help you not to listen to your brain?" the sorceress asks as the demoness responds by shaking her head. "Would… Would a hug help?" asks the red-haired woman again, opening her arms in a friendly manner. The horned woman immediately nods and quickly hugs Celine. The two women each let themselves be lulled by the other's embrace and the calm of the snow falling to the ground.

"I'm still so sorry, Celine… Does what just happened change anything between us..?"

"You don't have to apologize, Ifry… You can't stop your dark thoughts so don't apologize for them. And you don't need to ask that either. Nothing has changed between us." Celine replies in a benevolent manner while Ifry smiles unconsciously at hearing her friend call her by her first name. Celine then smiles teasingly. "You're still my favorite slave," she adds, before laughing softly. The demoness, who hadn't expected such a change in her discussion with her friend, raises her head in incomprehension. The mixture of joy and mischief in Celine's eyes gives the horned woman a slightly more relaxed smile.

"Hey, that's not cool! Didn't I even go up a bit in hierarchy after what we did to Phae, Chloe and Vanessa together?" Ifry replies with a laugh too, raising an eyebrow to show her fake displeasure.

"You're going to have to show me a lot more if you want me to approve of your dominant side, my dear!" the sorceress retorts in a confident voice, wanting to tease the demoness even more.

"All right, all right. I'll show you what I can do!" Ifry announces in a voice that's finally totally calm, having put aside what's just happened. Celine then runs her hand gently through the demoness's hair before speaking again.



"I trust you completely. I swear." Celine murmurs in a soothing voice, making the horned woman smile. But that's when Ifry feels something cross her magic. It's the sorceress's happiness. The demoness looks up at her friend, who smiles benevolently. Ifry understands that Celine has just allowed her to feel her emotions. A sensation that was the opposite of pain crossed the demoness's heart and she began to smile even more, feeling listened to and reassured by the red-haired woman. The two women each give the other a slightly more powerful hug, really showing for the first time that they accept each other.

"Um… Is everything okay?" asks a voice both women immediately recognize. The demoness and the sorceress then break off their cuddle to turn to Phaelyn, who stares at them from the entrance of the house in a manner full of incomprehension.

"We're fine, Phae! We just needed to clear our heads with fresh air!" Ifry replies before looking at Celine for a second. The red-haired woman nods her head in agreement with what the demoness has just said, and the angel immediately breaks into a loving smile.

"Cool! Come back when you're feeling better! We'll be moving on to the next activity soon!" Phae announces happily before heading back inside, unaware that she hasn't given Ifry and Celine time to respond. The two women then start laughing gently, before Celine raises her hand to see the snowflakes falling and melting on it.

"I haven't known both of you for a long time but I couldn't imagine anything else than a wedding for your future." Celine admits, while Ifry starts smiling with sadness in her eyes.

"Even if it means a certain someone will never see this…" Ifry replies in a slightly less cheerful voice, before heading back towards the house. The sorceress frowns at her friend's words. I thought Ifry had forgotten her old life for good, so… Who could be missing at her wedding? Wonders the red-haired woman, staring at the floor. "Are you coming?" Ifry asks, looking at Celine, who then snaps out of her thoughts.

"Coming," replies the sorceress, grabbing Ifry's arm to walk with her. "Are you okay? You seemed… Exhausted a few minutes ago," she adds before the demoness starts nodding slowly.

"Yeah it's okay I think. It was only because of my long work day. And my brain made me really tired too." Explains the horned woman as Celine sees that her friend seems to need her help to walk, grabbing the sorceress' arm with her hands.

"You sure? I can take you in my arms if you need." the red-haired woman retorts with a smile in the corner of her eyes.

"Na. Never. I don't want you to call me princess," says Ifry as she looks at Celine with a teasing smile, knowing what her friend would do if she takes her in her arms.

"Aww. Shame. You would be a perfect princess, you know? I even want to give you the princess role for the next event instead of Phae!" the sorceress announces with an excited voice as the demoness starts shaking her head.

"If you do this I tell Phae to never help you again with your work!" the horned woman answers with a laugh as she starts entering the house with the red-haired woman.

"You really think Phae would agree with this? Don't say dumb things my dear." Celine retorts with a fake royal voice like if Ifry's menace was impossible to do.

"Well… Maybe. But I could still tie her to my bed." the demoness adds while shrugging, before the sorceress starts giggling.

"You really are impossible, Ifry." Celine then announced in a friendly way with a smile up to her ears.

"Hehe. I know." Ifry replies simply, just listening to the sorceress' emotions since the latter has allowed her to do so. Surely she couldn't have done better to reassure me of her intentions… Thought the demoness as she began to descend the stairs to the dungeon with her friend. "I can't wait to try out all these new rooms with you!" Ifry then announces, looking at all the rooms to her left and right. Her eyes stay a little longer on the rooms named "Asylum" and "Latex" than on the other rooms.

"It's the same for me." Celine replies with an adorable smile towards the demoness before entering the room where all the other women are.

"You want us all to try catching you?" Trisha asks in an interested voice as she begins to get dressed in a corner of the room.

"Yep!" Phae replies simply, shaking her head. The angel is in the process of freeing Kim from her sleeping bag, the latter being the only one still inside one of them.

"Mmmmh it's tempting…" Chloe mutters in another corner of the room, also getting dressed. "And why do you want us to do this?" asks the blonde in turn as Phae bites her lip for a second.

"Because I have to admit, it's pretty fun to imagine having to run away from all of you at once!" the angel confesses as she finishes freeing Chloe's little sister. "And the one of you who gets to me first will even win a prize!" Adds the half-blonde as she helps Kim to her feet.

"Oh? And what's the prize?" Questions Summer in a voice filled with interest, her legs almost ready to immediately jump on Phaelyn now.

"Hmm well… I don't know if I should save the surprise for later or not…" replies the angel, scratching the back of her head with her hand.

"Say it now!" Vanessa retorts with a big smile, the demoness being as impatient as the others.

"All right, hehe. Whoever manages to catch me will have the right to tie me up however she likes and with whatever she likes!" Announces the half-blonde in a voice full of joy, happy to see that all her friends are hanging on her every word. And when the surprise is announced, her friends' eyes all become even more eager.

"I've always dreamed of a totally restricted blonde in latex…" Summer sighs as if her entire mind is in a dream.

"Okay so I guess I never existed," replies Chloe to her pink-haired friend's whisper, reminding the latter that she's already made this dream come true almost a thousand times back when they lived together.

"I've always dreamed of a half-blonde totally restrained in latex…" Summer sighs again to make amends with her blonde friend. Chloe then starts rolling her eyes with an amused smile.

"She always has the word to make up for it hehe." Vanessa whispers in Chloe's ear.

"Yep. If you listen to her, Summer's a real angel." the blonde replies with a smile, grabbing the redhead's hip as she looks at Summer. This gesture obviously makes Vanessa blush enormously and Kim sees it perfectly, even if she doesn't say anything about it.

"I don't think Trisha and I are going to participate." Rilliana then announces as she finishes getting dressed, the shifter nodding next to her lover to show her approval.

"Oh? Why?" Phaelyn asks in a slightly disappointed voice, looking at her two friends with sad eyes.

"To be honest, Phae, we don't need a reward to be able to tie you up. We can already do it when we feel like it." Trisha explains while shrugging her shoulders with a friendly smile.

"So we might as well leave the reward to someone who can't tie you up every day!" Adds the elf with a teasing smile, rolling her eyebrows to amuse Phae.

"Hehe, that makes sense!" the angel replies simply, as she notices Celine and Ifry entering the room.

"Did someone say something about tying Phae up?" Ifry asks in an amused way, having heard everything from outside the room.

"Wow, very good ears," compliments Caitlyn with a smile towards the demoness.

"Thanks hehe," replies the horned woman while looking at the policewoman. Caitlyn recently learned, or relearned, about magic from Rilliana and Jade. The elf also explained that Phaelyn and Ifry were also magical beings. Cait had been rather surprised to learn that the famous angel cosplay was actually a real angel. The dark-haired woman also found it hard to imagine that the demoness was the person who could give her and Jade back their lost memories. Ifry looks so… Human! How could she be a demon? And how could she restore my memories and Jade's? Caitlyn wonders inwardly, unaware that she is still staring at Ifry. Snapping out of her thoughts, the policewoman then starts to blush slightly as she sees Ifry smile at her in a slightly more teasing way.

"Very well, then. Let's leave the reward to the others then." Celine also announces, having just heard Trisha's explanation of Phae's game. Ifry also nods her head to show approval and gives a happy look to the angel, who had been staring at her since she entered. This simple exchange of glances reassures the half-blonde that all is well between Ifry and Celine. Phaelyn then regains her big smile and puts her hands on her hips, looking at everyone in the room.

"Good! Are you all ready?" asks the angel in an impatient voice, no longer able to wait to start her game.

"Come on! Start!" Kim shouts, raising her fists in the air as most of the other women prepare to chase after the half-blonde. The latter smiles broadly, especially when she sees Summer staring at her with full motivation as her body trembles with impatience.

"All right! Three… Two… one… GOOD LUCK TO YOU!" Phaelyn shouts as she runs out of the room at full speed, already making her way up the stairs to the first floor of the house. All the women start running after the angel in the hope of being the one to win the prize. The room falls silent, leaving Celine, Trisha, Rilliana and Ifry alone with their laughter. Except for Celine, who winces as she hears footsteps echoing from the floor above her.

"Ouch… I hope they don't go into my workshop or bedroom…" the sorceress mutters in a demoralized voice before the demoness lays a sympathetic hand on her shoulder.

"All I know is that Phae will sleep very well tonight." Ifry announced with a chuckle before shoving her hands into her pockets.

"And so will the others." Rilliana adds with a mischievous grin, knowing that Phaelyn will be giving the ladies a run for their money for a very long time.

"Do we watch a movie while we wait for them to finish?" Trisha asks in a curious voice as she starts to exit the room with her friends following.

"Good idea. What are we watching?" asks the elf in turn, who keeps the door open to let the demoness and sorceress out too.

"Anything but a dinosaur movie, please…" the shifter replies in a demotivated voice to show that she's tired of hearing about dinosaurs.

"Hey, dinosaurs are great!" Retorts Ifry in a voice full of sadness while Celine begins to smile.

"Phaelyn already made us see three movies with dinosaurs this week, Ifry." Explains the sorceress in a sympathetic voice, making it clear to the horned woman that this is too much for them.

"I don't see what the problem is." Ifry replies in a sad voice while sulking. "Do you really know anything better than dino movies?" asks the demoness in a serious voice, waiting for a real answer from her friends.

"Come on, Ifry! Don't be so disappointed!" Says Rilliana with a big smile, giving Ifry an affectionate pat on the shoulder to comfort her. Still, the demoness keeps the same deep disappointment on her face and just turns her gaze to the shifter while continuing to sulk.

"I'll stay disappointed if I want to!" Retorts the horned woman as she crosses her arms and lets herself slide further into the living room sofa, almost lying down now. "How can anyone be afraid of an alien with a dickhead?" She adds, pointing to the movie on TV, where a man gets killed by a black alien in the duct of a spaceship.

"Ifry stop whining. It was Celine's turn to choose so let her enjoy her movie!" Rilliana orders before laughing, putting her hand on Ifry's head to tousle her hair. Ifry grunts as she feels her hair being tossed back and forth, and turns her head towards Celine, who is contemplating the movie. Watching the sorceress instinctively reminds the demoness of her power, and a smile appears on her face as she senses her friend's joy.

"Mmh… Okay, I'll shut up." the horned woman murmurs before refocusing on the movie, keeping her smile as she suddenly feels the frustration of everyone around her. A horribly unpleasant noise snaps everyone out of their viewing of the film, and the women then turn to Chloe eating her popcorn with her mouth open.

"Chloeeeee! Can't you be more discreet?!" Kim asks in a sarcastic, frustrated voice, signifying to her sister that she needs to eat more quietly.

"Kim's right. Shut up Chloe." Ava adds a little more directly, looking at her friend as if she'd made the biggest mistake of her life.

"Wha'? You mea' ha hon't habe ghe wight ho eat?" Chloe replies, continuing to chew her popcorn in a truly disgusting way, with a smile up to her ears. After swallowing what's in her mouth, the big sister then starts watching the movie and smiling even more provocatively. "Oh I know what's going to happen then! The woman's going to get all alone and-" Chloe flinches as she feels something fall on her legs and immediately falls silent. She picks up the object and brings it up to her eye level to see what it is. A ballgag? Why did a ballgag just land on me? Wonders the blonde, looking around before finally meeting Celine's gaze, which is full of anger. A shiver runs down Chloe's spine as she realizes she's not allowed to eat or speak from now on. A guilty smile appears on her face and she agrees to put the ballgag in her mouth before locking it to the back of her head. The sorceress then nods to show that she is now satisfied, and turns her attention back to the movie. Everyone then breathes a sigh of relief at the silence in the room before the living room door opens, prompting all the women to grumble again. Vanessa is surprised by this welcome and raises her hands in the air as if to apologize.

"Sorry!" Says the redhead as she closes the door behind her and silently approaches the sofa, taking a seat next to Chloe. Her cheeks turn slightly red when she notices that her friend has a ballgag in her mouth, and the latter smiles in an amused way.

"I see you've given up too." Tea remarks, looking at Vanessa with a smile. The demoness then winces before nodding defeatistly.

"Yes… But it's not my fault! Phaelyn really is inexhaustible! Summer will never catch her on her own!" the redhead whispers in response to the brunette, shrugging her shoulders in a despondent manner. All the women taking part in the angel game took turns giving up, except for Summer.

"What about Caitlyn?" Ava then asks, having listened to Tea and Vanessa's conversation with interest.

"What Caitlyn?" asks the redhead in turn, who doesn't understand the question.

"Wasn't Cait chasing Phae when you gave up?" asks the brunette again in a curious voice while Vanessa tilts her head to the side.

"Um… No? I haven't seen her in a while, so I thought she was here." Explains the demoness in a thoughtful voice, wondering how long it's been since she's seen the policewoman.

"But then… Where is she?" Ava asks again, starting to frown.

"Wow…" Caitlyn murmured in amazement as she stared at one of Celine's inventions. The policewoman, having abandoned the idea of pursuing Phaelyn a few minutes ago, ended up getting lost in the house and landing in the sorceress' workshop. Cait's well of curiosity is definitely quenched by everything she sees in the room. Control collars, barrels filled with liquid latex, Sybians with built-in robotic arms, various objects or garments created from latex and a hundred of other ideas. Any object is a dream come true for the policewoman's freshly kinky heart. Even if she wonders if she didn't like it before she lost her memory. All these things she's been discovering since she started her selfbondage sessions seem like forgotten memories, as if she'd already adored these things in a former life.

"Can't wait for Jade to come back and we can get our memories back…" Cait mumbles after an impatient sigh, continuing her little discovery of the inventions in the room. Her eyes then fall on a sign reading 《To test》, taped to a painting. A painting? Asks the policewoman, who approaches the object hanging on the wall with curiosity. The painting depicts a very pretty clearing in the middle of which stands a very large tree. In the distance, there seems to be some sort of small village near a lake. "Hm… It looks like a normal painting, so what's it doing there? Is Celine a painter too?" asks the black-haired woman in a voice full of interest before seeing some sort of buttons on the painting's frame. The first button is an arrow pointing to the left, the second is a long rectangle that's named 《Landscape》 and the third button is an arrow pointing to the right.

Seeing this, Caitlyn's instinct tells her that this is surely an interactive painting. The policewoman then brings her index finger close to the painting and presses the left arrow. A small click is heard and a mechanism in the frame moves the rectangle on itself, changing the original inscription. "Distress Land…" Whispers the black-haired woman as she sees what is now written in the rectangle. "Distress Land? Is this a different kind of landscape from this one?" Cait then asks in a voice full of incomprehension, frowning unconsciously. But the policewoman's incomprehension doesn't dissuade her from pressing the rectangle, it makes her want to press it even more.

The dark-haired woman doesn't hesitate a second longer, so she presses the rectangle with her finger and waits impatiently. Caitlyn hears the mechanism start to work again inside the frame and, suddenly, she seems to notice something. Is it me, or is the landscape… Disappearing? The policewoman says to herself as she moves even closer to the painting to see what's going on. In about ten seconds, the landscape quickly disappears as if from within the frame, leaving only a completely black painting in its place. The black-haired woman then lets out a slight sigh of frustration, not understanding what's happening. The black paint seems to glow in the light like water in a puddle might. "Wait a minute… Is it moving…?" Caitlyn murmurs again as she sees the black paint actually moving like the surface of a lake would, reflecting the light inhomogeneously.

A wave of curiosity grows in the policewoman's body and she can't help but approach her hand again. But this time she doesn't bring her hand close to one of the buttons, but close to the black surface. It's so strange… It looks like water, but not quite at the same time… It feels like… Suddenly, Caitlyn is brought out of her thoughts by the realization that she may have just made a mistake. As her hand came into contact with the black paint, the dark-haired woman's gaze shifted to the barrel of liquid latex. Cait then notices that the reflections of the latex and the paint are exactly the same, and she understands what this paint is made of. Shit! It's lat…

The policewoman is then pulled towards the paint by the latex itself, which has just swallowed her hand whole. It's worse than latex… It's magic latex! Caitlyn screams inwardly, quickly regaining her balance before her body comes into full contact with the paint, which doesn't seem to want to let go of her hand. But even if she isn't swallowed whole, the policewoman feels her forearm slowly being devoured by the latex. The sensation is absolutely unique and very pleasant, but Cait doesn't give in. I'm not going to let him eat me without doing anything! The policewoman says to herself as she tries to pull her arm out of the paint, but to no avail. Despite her muscular body, the black-haired woman seemed to have no way of escaping the latex's atypical grip.

In a new effort, Caitlyn grabs her arm with her other hand and really starts to pull on it as hard as she can. But the policewoman notices that her efforts are totally useless and she also notices that the latex suddenly conquers her whole arm, grabbing the second one in the process. With both arms now useless, the dark-haired woman realizes that she's not going to free herself and takes a deep breath. But before she can call for help, the latex then pulls once more on Caitlyn's hands, causing her to really lose her balance this time. The policewoman's body is swallowed by the latex up to her hips, and she hesitates to let out a loud cry of distress, thinking she might suffocate. But a deep breath proves that she can still breathe normally despite the latex, and her panic largely disappears. The dark-haired woman feels the rest of her body being pulled inside the paint without her being able to do anything about it, so she lets herself go. Well… I guess I'll just have to hope someone can get me out of here. Cait said to herself before closing her eyes, feeling the latex around her begin to caress every inch of her skin.

"YOU CAN'T ESCAPE ME, PHAE!" shouts Summer, who has been chasing her fugitive for a long time now. The pink-haired woman tries another quick approach with her cheerleader agility and pounces on the half-blonde with a forward dive. But the angel dodges this umpteenth touch attempt by her new pink-haired friend just as gracefully as on all previous occasions. Summer finds herself thrown against a piece of furniture by her momentum and stunned once again. Phaelyn almost seems to see little birds flying around her friend's face, even though she knows it won't be for long.

"Hehe! You just have to be faster, Sumsum!" the angel replies, hopping with joy as she watches her friend get up as she has done since the beginning of the chase. The half-blonde laughs to see that Summer doesn't seem to have lost even an ounce of motivation since earlier.

"I'm not done with you yet! You'll be exhausted before me!" the pink-haired woman announces in a voice full of energy, before running back towards the half-blonde. The latter then starts running again to escape her pursuer, laughing all the while. This activity seems to be a real outlet for the two women, who are having the time of their lives. I was right to suggest this game! Says Phae, who then suddenly starts thinking about something specific.

"Heh? But why are you the only one chasing me?" asks the angel, who speeds up as she senses Summer getting closer.

"The others have given up! It's just you and me now!" the pink-haired woman announces as she tries to keep up with the half-blonde even though she's running too fast for her.

"Oh really? But it was supposed to be a competition!" Phaelyn replies, suddenly stopping her run to look at her pink-haired friend. The latter wasn't expecting this at all and tries to stop her running too, but her body continues to slide along the ground. The angel shifts just before Summer collides with her and she grabs her arm to prevent her from crashing into the wall. The two women then both look at each other for a second with the same look filled with incomprehension, not knowing what to do now.

"Does this mean the reward's off?" Summer asks in a curious but disappointed voice.

"Well… I guess you technically won since you're the only contestant left hehe?" Answers the angel with an embarrassed chuckle, not daring to admit that she really doesn't want to cancel the prize. At this announcement, Summer's eyes light up again and she starts pumping her fists in the air in joy.

"I BLOODY WON!" the pink-haired woman shouts with enthusiasm, then laughs evilly. The half-blonde smiles happily before quickly losing her smile as Summer grabs her wrists and pins her against a wall. The two women then stare at each other for a few seconds, Summer looking at Phaelyn with a sneer as the latter's cheeks fill with embarrassment. "Ready to become my little latex blonde?" asks the pink-haired woman as she strokes the angel's wrists with her thumbs. The half-blonde is then seized by a great wave of anticipation that runs through her body and she then begins to look away.

"I-I guess I don't really have a choice hehe…" Phae replies in a small voice as her impatient smile betrays her growing excitement. Summer obviously notices this detail but doesn't mention it, being simply happy to see that she won't be the only one enjoying the moment.

"Where can I find everything I need to take care of you?" the pink-haired woman asks in a deliberately teasing voice, bringing one of her hands up to the angel's cheek to tease her. The half-blonde then starts blushing even more as she feels her friend's gentle hand.

"U-Um… I-In the dungeon…" Phaelyn whispers as she stares at Summer's hand, too entranced to think about anything other than what's about to happen.

"And here's my new masterpiece!" Summer screams as she enters Celine's living room, where all the other women are. Everyone's gaze then falls on Summer and Phaelyn, causing a torrent of amazement.

"Really?!" Chloe exclaims in a voice full of shock as Kim stands speechless beside her.

"How can that be?" Ava asks in turn in a dumbfounded way. As for Celine, Trisha, Rilliana and Ifry, they too are quite shocked, but not as much as Chloe, Kim, Ava, Vanessa and Tea. Summer holds Phaelyn, who is restricted in latex from head to toe. Only the angel's eyes and nose are visible. At first glance, Phae appears to be restricted by a ballgag, a latex hood and a sleepsack that fits her generous curves perfectly. But there also seems to be the detail of some ropes underneath the latex.

"Wow that's impressive Summer! Bravo!" Applauds the demoness with a frank smile, seeing the pink-haired woman smiling proudly.

"Thank you, thank you! I don't need this many congratulations!" Summer retorts in a voice full of false humility, happy to see everyone impressed by what she's managed to do on her own.

"How did you..? She was so… Fast! And inexhaustible!" Asks Vanessa, still in awe of her friend's performance. Ifry then starts to smile a little more sarcastically as she keeps looking at Summer. She is lying, I feel it hehe. Says the demoness inwardly before shaking her head, still keeping her amused smile. Summer approaches the demoness carrying the angel in her arms and places her on Ifry's lap. But before the pink-haired woman moves too far away, Phaelyn rubs her head against Summer's cheek one last time to thank her for this moment spent with her.

"You're welcome, Phae. We'll do this again whenever you like…" the pink-haired woman then whispers softly close to the angel's ear before offering her a pretty smile.

"Did you have fun?" Ifry asks in a voice full of kindness to her darling, who responds with a nod. "Great!" the demoness replies, then lets out a little laugh when Phae starts rubbing her head against hers. Summer then straightens up and watches the two women exchange a little love and it immediately makes her think of her own love. The pink-haired woman moves closer to Tea and gives her a hug. The brunette smiles happily as she places her hands on Summer's hips.

"So? Am I going to be punished when I get home?" Summer asks with a sigh, placing a kiss on her darling's cheek.

"The day was really great, but you'll still be punished!" Replies Tea in a teasing voice before adding. "You're just too cute with your belt!"

"I should have known hehe. Can we go home now? I'm really starting to get exhausted." Summer confesses in a rather tired voice, leaning more and more on her girlfriend to show how much the day has stolen her energy.

"No problem, love." Tea whispers in a gentle voice. Summer smiles slightly as she feels that softness, as if it's been a while since she's heard it. "Well, it's been a wonderful day, but it's time for us to go home!" the brunette announces in a happy voice while helping Summer not to fall asleep in her arms.

"Awww shame. I wish the day would never end." Chloe admits in a disappointed voice, understanding that it'll soon be time to go home for Kim and her too.

"That means I have to go, too." Ava adds in turn as she rises from the couch, stretching as she gives Phaelyn a smile. "Thanks for today, Phaely… Phae! It's really lifted my spirits!" She adds in a frank voice as the angel begins to stare at the brunette with a look full of emotion. Ava can see a huge smile forming behind the half-blonde's hood, and the latter nods in thanks.

"Shouldn't we take Cait back too…?" Summer asks in a tired voice before Rilliana begins to think.

"No, don't worry! We'll take her home ourselves." the elf then announces with a smile. "Do you need some help to find the parking lot?"

"Na, don't worry! Good evening to you all! See ya!" Summer then wishes everyone well, waving to everyone before she leaves with Tea and Ava. Phaelyn watches the three women leave before she's snapped out of her thoughts by Chloe, who starts stroking the angel's head with her hand.

"We'll be going too! Thanks a lot Phae!" says the blonde, in a friendly way, before getting up from the couch.

"See you next time!" Kim and Vanessa also announce as if from the same voice full of joy before the two sisters and the demoness leave.

"Have a good evening!" Trisha announces playfully, while Celine smiles to see the happiness on Phaelyn's face. The five women then stand alone with their big smiles, each thinking back on this incredible day. When suddenly, a moan emerges from the angel's throat, feeling a new wave of pleasure from the vibrator in her crotch. Trisha and Rilliana burst out laughing as they hear the faint vibration coming from the half-blonde, while Celine and Ifry just smile and shake their heads.

"I can see Summer's had a lot of fun with you, right?" the demoness asks in a teasing voice as Phaelyn closes her eyes to hide her embarrassment.

"Right! Time to take care of Cait now!" Rilliana announces, getting up from the sofa too to fetch her.

"Well… I'm sorry to leave you now but I'm feeling really exhausted so I'm going to go home." Ifry explains in turn while stroking her girlfriend's shoulders. But then the elf begins to raise her eyebrows at hearing this.

"What? But what about Cait?" asks the blonde in a questioning voice.

"What Cait?" Ifry asks in turn, not understanding what her friend means. The two women stare at each other for several seconds before the demoness finally remembers what Rilliana means. "Oh shit! I completely forgot it was today! Is she coming soon?" the horned woman asks, realizing that she'll have to stay awake for some time yet.

"Damn! I hate Distress Land!" Caitlyn simply shrieks, starting to struggle as she feels her bonds reappear around her wrists. "I should never have touched that painting!" She adds with a growl, seeing that she finds herself once again in the large metal cage that serves as her reappearance point. This is now the fourth time she has tried to escape from her cage, which is surrounded by a lava-filled moat. After entering the latex paint, the policewoman found herself in the landscape painted on the canvas. She was dressed in a large princess gown and very tall pumps, all in a bluish color. She was sitting under the magnificent tree in the middle of the clearing when she was suddenly captured in a flash by half a dozen living, talking skeletons. When she awoke, she was in the exact same cage as this one.

"How many times do I have to say it, princess? You can't jump over the lava river!" exclaims the skeleton guarding Cait's cage after a long sigh. This is now the fourth time that the black-haired princess has found herself placed in her cage, which frustrates her greatly as she knows she should be able to escape easily. But something seems to be blocking her true physical abilities.

"I'm telling you, I can do it!" Cait replies, freeing herself again from her bonds as she did earlier. A simple rope with a very basic knot held her wrists together.

"And I'm telling you it's impossible!" retorted the bag of bones, looking away for a few seconds. As on previous occasions, the policewoman took the opportunity to approach him and steal the golden key he was holding around his waist.

"Oh yeah? And why should that be impossible?" asks the black-haired princess, who then puts the key in the lock of the cage to unlock it discreetly. The first time she opened the door, Caitlyn had made too much noise, so the skeleton put her back in her cage. On the second attempt, the policewoman had managed to get out discreetly but had sprained her wrist trying to hit the skeleton, causing another game over. The third time, Cait had tried to jump directly over the lava but had failed to make a good jump.

"You're a princess, princess! If you jump then you might break your high heels!" Explains the skeleton while shrugging his shoulders, or what is left of them. At the agreement of these two sentences, the policewoman then starts to lose her concentration and she starts to look at the skeleton with a dark look.

"WHAT?! DO YOU REALIZE HOW MISOGYNISTIC THIS IS?" Howls the black-haired princess, who forgets that she wanted to try jumping over the lava river again.

"Huh? But I don't make the rules of the game!" Yells the skeleton in a voice full of frustration before crossing her arms, continuing to watch the inside of the cave. "I don't want to stay here and watching you, but I'm not allowed to leave! I have to respect my job if I want to feed my skeleton family! The youngest one has a stomach as big as a whale's!" He adds in a tired voice. Caitlyn is about to reply with more insults, but a noise behind her snaps her out of it. She turns around and sees an arm protruding from some kind of latex mass floating in the air. The policewoman's eyes become as big as plates at the sight, but she soon realizes what it's all about.

"My way out!" the princess exclaims, grabbing the floating hand before turning to the skeleton. "See ya next time, loser!" howls Caitlyn, before sticking out her tongue and showing her middle finger to the bag of bones.

"Huh? What are you-WHAAAAAAT?!" the skeleton then screams back as he sees the policewoman disappear into a floating puddle of latex, pulled inside by a human arm. The black-haired woman is out of the painting in seconds, landing butt-first on Celine's workshop floor. Cait now lies here and sees Celine and Ifry above her, staring at her with a look of frustration for the sorceress and amusement for the demoness.

"I see someone here can't read." Celine announces while tapping her foot on the floor before crossing her arms. The policewoman obviously understands that the sorceress is talking about her, as she stares at her with an angry look on her face.

"What…? Why are you saying that?" Caitlyn asks, rising to sit up and look down at her clothes. Her princess dress has fortunately disappeared, giving way to her normal clothes. Caitlyn then hears a noise behind her and, turning around, sees Trisha tapping on the workshop door. The policewoman sees a piece of paper on the door saying that no one is allowed in without Celine's permission. All the same, Cait gives Phaelyn a slight look of incomprehension, as she finds herself covered head to toe in latex and in the shifter's arms. "Oh. So sorry Celine hehe," she apologizes with a guilty look, running a hand through her hair with an embarrassed laugh. "But I was so curious I couldn't resist!" Adds the dark-haired woman before rising fully to her feet. But as she stands, Caitlyn comes face to face with Celine, who continues to stare at her with the same look. The policewoman is forced to raise her head to look the sorceress straight in the eye.

"Hmmhm. Okay, that'll do for this time. But next time I won't be so merciful!" Announces the red-haired woman before breaking into a teasing smile. "Still, I hope you enjoyed your stay in Distress Land?" asks the sorceress, who starts looking at the painting behind Cait. The latter winces as she thinks about what she's just been through. The policewoman turns around and smiles all the same when she sees the skeleton who held her prisoner being yelled at by her superior skeleton, probably because she escaped.

"It was really horrible! I couldn't even jump or hit people! It was like I didn't have any strength at all!" the black-haired woman explains in a frustrated voice before Celine breaks into an amused smile.

"Horrible? Is that so? I guess you didn't even pass the first level!" Announced the sorceress in a voice full of joy when she saw that her creation had caused the policewoman problems.

"The first level?" Caitlyn asks in a voice full of incomprehension.

"Indeed! I'm trying to create a… Um, how do you say it again?" Celine asks, turning to Ifry.

"A video game, Celine… A video game…" Marms the demoness in a tired voice as if she'd had this discussion dozens of times with the sorceress.

"A video game! That's what it is! I've heard a lot about this… Virtual reality! So I tried to create something even better!" Explains the red-haired woman before crossing her arms proudly.

"Wow… Well congratulations because that was really super realistic." Cait mutters, staring back at the painting with interest. Did I really fail to get past the first level? Wonders the policewoman who feels her competitive soul flaring up.

"HMMMMHMMM HMM HMMMMMMMMMM!" Suddenly shouts Phaelyn under her gag and hood in a way full of sadness and frustration, making Celine then sigh.

"Phae… I know you were supposed to be the first to test it! But I couldn't have known that Caitlyn would dive into the paint herself when she saw it!" the sorceress apologizes, pointing at the policewoman, causing the angel to stare at her with eyes full of vengeful longing.

"Um… I didn't dive into the paint myself…" Cait murmurs in an embarrassed voice, admitting she couldn't get herself out of the situation.

"Never mind never mind… Phae I promise you'll be the first to test all the other levels, okay?" Celine assures her with a friendly smile, bringing another smile to Phaelyn's face as she dances happily in Trisha's arms. The sorceress then starts to look at her sister. "Has Rilliana come back?" She asks as Trisha shakes her head.

"She should be back soon I suppose. The parking lot's a bit far so…" the shifter then stops talking as she hears the front door open. "Oh. Well, I guess they're here!" Adds the cat-eared woman with a smile before leaving with Phae towards the entrance. Caitlyn watches the two women leave before turning to Ifry and Celine.

"Has everyone left already?" the policewoman then asks, remembering that she had arrived here with Summer.

"Yes. They all left about fifteen minutes ago," replies the demoness before starting to approach the door of the room to exit.

"Really?" Cait asks again in a slightly disappointed voice before the horned woman turns around again.

"Don't worry. We told them we'd take you home ourselves." Ifry explains before breaking into an amused smile. "But not now!" She adds as the policewoman begins to frown.

"Why not now? Are you going to keep me here to torture me with your inventions?" asks the black-haired woman while blushing slightly, making Celine and Ifry laugh.

"Of course not haha," replies Ifry with a chuckle.

"We just have a little surprise for you." Celine then explains, gently pushing Cait out of the workshop.

"A surprise? Why do I deserve a surprise? I mean… Why not the others?" the policewoman asks again as she continues to move forward with the sorceress and demoness.

"I see you're still asking so many questions!" exclaims a voice from the entrance of the house, cutting Cait off from her series of questions. The latter then turns her gaze and sees Rilliana enter with another woman. The policewoman can't see who it is because Trisha and Phaelyn are standing in front of her but the woman quickly moves in her direction. Caitlyn's eyes widen as she recognizes Jade, approaching her while removing her snow-covered coat. The policewoman's eyes then fix on the red-haired woman, who offers her a magnificent smile. "Phew! There's so much snow in this forest haha. How are you?" Jade asks, hanging her coat on the hall closet as she looks at Cait.

"U-Um… I'm fine…" Caitlyn murmurs in a monotone voice, unsure how to react in the presence of her former girlfriend. Seeing this, Jade begins to smile in an amused way before looking at Celine and Ifry.

"I see she didn't know I was coming?" asks the redhead while laughing softly, seeing the surprise in the policewoman's eyes.

"Indeed she wasn't. We saved the surprise for her!" Replies Ifry with a big smile before Rilliana arrives to tickle her ribs.

"Liar! You forgot Jade was coming!" Retorts the elf as the demoness winces before throwing a provocative smile at her friend.

"You didn't have to say that!" Replies the horned woman, before tickling Rilliana in return. The two women then engage in a mini tickle fight while Cait finally begins to utter a real sentence.

"I'm… I'm glad to see you Jade." Whispers the policewoman before giving the red-haired woman an embarrassed smile. Cait seems to have missed Jade's blue eyes enormously and stares into them for a long moment. The redhead then begins to smile in a different way as she hears what the policewoman has just said.

"I'm glad to see you too!" Jade replies in a soft voice before Caitlyn starts playing nervously with her hands.

"So… Does that mean it's for today?" asks the policewoman to Jade, who begins to smile in a slightly more serious manner.

"Yes. We're finally going to get our memories back," replies the redhead before resting her gaze on Caitlyn's lips for a second. The two women both look at each other a little more awkwardly and begin to cast their gazes elsewhere.

"Yeah, well… I think it's better to say you're going to try. Right, Ifry?" Trisha asks in a serious voice, turning to the demoness. The latter then stops her little fight with Rilliana and starts nodding.

"Yes… Unfortunately I've never done this before so… I have no guarantee that my guesses will work." Ifry announces, shoving her hands into her pockets. Cait and Jade both stare worriedly at the demoness.

"Hm hmmmhmm hm hmm!" Phae then gurgles behind her gag and mask, wishing to encourage her darling as best she can. Everyone then turns to the angel and gives her an amused smile.

"Thanks Phae!" Ifry replies with a chuckle before looking at Jade and Caitlyn. "Come with me."

"Well… Your amnesia was unfortunately caused by a potion for which we know no cure." Explained Ifry while motioning for Jade and Cait to sit on the living room floor. "We've been thinking for a long time with Rilliana about the best way we have to try and give you back your memory and the only way we've found is my power," she added, also sitting down next to the two women. "My power consists of being able to sense the emotions of the people around me and amplify or diminish them. My idea is that if I amplify enough the love you feel for each other then maybe your old memories of love will resurface from your unconscious. But this is just a theory, so I can't promise it will work… I'm sorry to only give you guesses, but that's all I can do for now…" Apologizes the horned woman in a small voice before grabbing one of Cait's hands and one of Jade's.

"Don't worry, Ifry. It's already amazing that you're helping us," replies the policewoman with an encouraging smile, making the demoness smile slightly.

"What do we have to do on our side?" Jade asks in her turn in a curious voice, looking at the demoness's hand as she thinks.

"You must try to concentrate solely on yourselves and how you feel about each other." Answers the horned woman while already trying to focus on what she needs to do. "So… Are you ready?" She asks before both women nod silently. Ifry then nods in turn before closing her eyes, squeezing Jade and Cait's hands a little tighter. The two women stare at each other for a long time, waiting to feel the slightest change, even if they don't know what to expect. Long seconds pass without either of them feeling anything. Jade tries to concentrate on what Ifry has asked her to do, but it seems very difficult for her. I wish I could just think about my feelings for her, but… I'm so scared… Says the redhead, trying to remain impassive so as not to transmit her fear to Caitlyn. But the latter suddenly glanced briefly at Ifry, showing her growing concern. Jade's thoughts then begin to wander completely from her objective, causing the demoness to frown.

"Please, girls… Stay focused…" Ifry asks with a sigh, keeping her eyes closed so as not to lose concentration. The two women start to look at each other in frustration, each unsure of what to do to refocus. Jade knows that her fear and Caitlyn's worry must not be there for this to work. But how do you make them go away? She asks herself before an idea crosses her mind. What could I say to Cait to show her my love? Jade asks herself again, focusing on everything she likes about Cait. Her deep blue eyes… Her black hair that could almost absorb the dark night… Her lips that sometimes seem to scream at me to kiss her… Her sense of justice that can never be put to the test… The way she always has a beautiful, innocent smile when she sleeps… What? How do I know that? Jade says to herself inwardly after enumerating so many things. The redhead then glanced at Ifry, realizing that her power was working. Jade feels a wave of warmth grow in her heart, gradually reinforcing the emotions she feels for the policewoman. Then she caught Cait's hand with her own and began to stare at her intensely.

"Cait… Look at me." the redhead whispers before giving Cait a big smile. The latter's eyes open a little more as she looks at her before Jade squeezes her friend's hand a little tighter. "Caitlyn… I love you more than anything in the world…" Jade then announces in a voice full of confidence before Caitlyn's eyes open even wider. The policewoman also begins to feel the same warmth in her heart. Well done, Jade. Ifry thinks to herself and unconsciously begin to smile. Suddenly, the heat wave starts to spread rapidly through Jade and Caitlyn's bodies, causing them to widen their eyes. The two women then realize what this enormous heat wave means, and both heave a sigh of amazement. Is it… Is it my love for her? Jade and Cait understand at the same time, while the power and heat inside them is such that their hair begins to float in the air. The two women are about to say something when suddenly, the wave of heat disappears instantly. Both women feel their eyes close against their will, and they sink into unconsciousness. Their hands come away and they fall to the floor, leaving Ifry alone and panicking.

"O-Oh no! Caitlyn! Jade!" Screams the demoness before she hears her friends come into the room to help her.

"What happened?!" Rilliana asks in a serious voice, kneeling to take Cait in her arms while Ifry approaches Jade to osculate her.

"I-I don't know! Everything was going great until the bond broke and they lost consciousness!" Explains the demoness in a panicked manner, looking to see if the redhead has any symptoms that might explain what's happening to her. "What's going on…?" Whispers the horned woman. For her part, Celine starts stroking Phaelyn's arm to reassure her. The sorceress sees that the angel is monstrously worried about Jade and Cait.

"It's all right, Phae…" Trisha murmurs, still carrying the half-blonde in her arms, even though the shifter is no more reassured than Phae.

"Ifry! What do we do?" asks the elf, who continues to hold Caitlyn close and try to wake her up. The demoness is about to speak when, suddenly, the two fainting women take a deep breath, as if they've just woken up from a nightmare. Their eyes widen and they straighten up, each clutching Ifry's or Rilliana's clothes. The latter two hadn't expected this and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Oh thank god!" Ifry announces before reassuring Jade by stroking her arms.

"Are you all right, Cait?" asks the elf while hugging the dark-haired woman in an attempt to calm her. Caitlyn and Jade breathe in a very jerky way and feel themselves slowly regaining their composure thanks to their friends' words and gestures. Their gazes both seem to be searching for something specific, and their panic stops immediately as they look each other straight in the eye. The dark-haired woman and the redhead stare at each other for a long time, as if their eyes were transmitting a million messages to each other. Everyone in the room holds their breath as Jade and Caitlyn remain silent. But then the women hang on the policewoman's lips as she begins to open her mouth.

"…J-Jade…? I-Is… Is that you..?" Caitlyn asked in a small voice, keeping her gaze fixed on the redhead's face. After several seconds, the policewoman's voice draws a smile on Jade's lips, and she bursts into tears. The latter nods her head in a way that shows how reassured she feels at this moment, and Cait also starts to cry. The two women free themselves from Ifry and Rilliana's embrace to hug each other and start to almost spill gallons of tears. All the other women breathe a sigh of relief as Ifry's spell seems to have worked. And the demoness is the first to be impressed by her success.

"I-I love you too, Jade…!" Caitlyn announces, sobbing against her beloved's shoulder, clinging as tightly as she can to the latter's clothes for fear of her disappearing again. Jade smiles even wider despite her tears, and the two lovers remain in each other's arms for what seems like the most incredible moment of their lives. After a while that seems to have lasted only a tiny second, the redhead turns her attention to Ifry and gives her a joy-filled smile.

"Thank you…" Jade whispers before snuggling a little closer into her darling's arms. The demoness seems disturbed by this sudden thanks and feels a warmth growing inside her. It's the same warmth she felt years ago when she first helped a human being, even if the situation was totally different. The horned woman began to smile in a satisfied way but without answering anything in return, wishing to leave this moment entirely to Jade and Caitlyn.

"Are you ready?" Rilliana asks with a smile, turning to Caitlyn and Jade. The two lovers answer with a nod, before turning to Trisha, Celine, Ifry and Phaelyn.

"Thanks again for everything." Cait announces in a grateful voice before turning her gaze to her hand holding Jade's. The demoness smiles as she sees that the two women still haven't let go of each other since earlier. They've even managed to put on a coat while holding hands. Impressive. Thinks the horned woman before Trisha begins to speak.

"Get home safe!" Says the shifter with a frank smile before Jade and Cait raise their hands to say goodbye to everyone. Phaelyn chuckles softly as she hears Rilliana ask the two lovers which car they want to take to go back home. Ifry then lowers her eyes to the ground before heaving a sigh, wishing to evacuate the fatigue currently weighing on her shoulders after his long day. It's incredible that my magic managed to give them back their memories… The demoness says to herself, then gives a small smile of joy. But then her expression changes completely when she feels the sensation of a pair of handcuffs appear around her wrists.

"What the?!" exclaims the horned woman in a surprised voice, before suddenly losing her sight as she feels a scarf settle before her eyes and wrap around her head. Ifry's cheeks immediately turn as red as a tomato and she begins to fidget helplessly as she feels there's nothing more she can do.

"Well done haha!" Trisha declares before clapping Celine's hand to congratulate her. The demoness then realized that the two sisters had acted together to set a trap for her.

"Oh no please girls! I-I'm too exhausted so let me go to sleep!" Begs Ifry in a voice full of embarrassment, feeling truly at the mercy of her two friends.

"Sorry Ifry but I don't think so! Rilliana is going to love my present when she gets back home!" Explains the shifter in a devilish voice, starting to approach the demoness. "We'll take Ifry and you take Phae?" the cat-eared woman asks her sister, even though she already knows the latter will answer yes. Celine loves to steal Phaelyn to sleep with her in her arms as if she were a giant stuffed plush.

"Well. Actually, this time I'd like to sleep with Ifry." Announces the sorceress in a voice full of joy, causing her sister to stop dead in her tracks before turning to her.

"Really?" Trisha asks in a rather stunned voice. "I wasn't expecting it, but okay! Well then we're going to have fun with you tonight, Phae!" She adds before taking the angel in her arms and leaving with her. The half-blonde starts smiling behind her hood and rubs her face to the shifter's to show her joy. "Good night girls!" Trisha wishes Celine and Ifry, leaving for her room with a look of amusement on her face. For her part, Ifry feels like the world's greatest prey, knowing that Celine is staring at her. Her cheeks turn even redder than before as she realizes she's never been in a situation like this before, alone with the sorceress.

"W-Well um… I-I guess it's time for bed, isn't it?" asks the demoness in a desperate voice, just hoping to coax the sorceress into agreeing to let her sleep.

"Of course," replies the red-haired woman with a cheerful smile in her voice. The horned woman flinches as she feels her friend's arm wrap around hers and is forced to follow Celine back to her room. Ifry presses her lips together as she hears her friend's reply. Of course I wasn't going to win her over that easily! The demoness says to herself as she feels her frustration grow, although it's not the only emotion growing. Her excitement is becoming as big as the universe, as is her impatience, wanting absolutely to know what the red-haired woman is going to do to her. As she reaches the bedroom, Ifry feels Celine let go of her arm to close the door behind them. This little moment seems like an eternity to the demoness, who suddenly feels herself pushed into bed, falling onto her stomach with her face buried in the blanket. Her hearing picks up the friction of Celine's clothes on her body and she understands that she is changing. The sorceress climbs onto her bed and lies down next to the horned woman, but without touching her once for the moment. A hand then comes to rest on Ifry's shoulder, before Celine's whole body nestles against the demoness'. The horned woman's whole face turns red and an involuntary moan escapes from her mouth. Her heart is now beating really fast, sensing that Celine is about to start having fun with her.

"Good night, Ifry…" the sorceress then wishes in a soft voice before squeezing the demoness a little tighter. The latter then unconsciously raises her eyebrows, not expecting this at all. Ifry was about to retort something, but this change of emotion made her concentrate on her friend's again. The horned woman then senses Celine's calm and joy, which then makes her widen her eyes greatly behind her scarf.

"Really?" Ifry asks in a voice full of incomprehension after pulling her face away from her friend's chest.

"What? You said you wanted to sleep, didn't you?" Celine asks, opening her eyes to look at the demoness.

"Well… Yes, but… I thought you'd want to torture me a bit before we went to sleep…" replies the demoness in an embarrassed voice, suddenly feeling a little silly.

"And do you want me to torture you or do you want to sleep?" asks the sorceress again in a sympathetic voice.

"Well… Sleep…"

"Then let's sleep." Celine announces before hugging the horned woman again. Feeling the softness of her friend's embrace, Ifry lets out a soothing sigh which then makes the sorceress smile. "You really need more cuddles. Don't forget I'm here to give you as many as you want." Celine whispers softly before nestling her head against the demoness's shoulder. The latter feels her whole body caught up in a wave of positive emotions thanks to her friend's words. Ifry simply nods, no longer daring to speak because she knows that the slightest thank-you could make her cry with joy. The sorceress then smiles benevolently, running her hand gently up and down her friend's back. I'll be there for you too, Ifry. Celine thinks before slowly falling asleep, just as Ifry does.


Continues in

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